Where are the Swiss citizens’ depositors fund disappearing to?

For decades Switzerland was known for its highest credibility, known for its transparency.

And how it has always placed the interest of its own citizens above all.

But gradually, everything has changed.

But who are responsible for those changes that impacted the lives of millions of Swiss citizens and the entire European communities?

Who deprived all these citizens from their lives savings, who destroyed their future and pilfered their children’s future.

Citizens of Switzerland and all European countries should open their eyes and see the hidden truth.

    • How their financial systems have been exploited

    • How their political systems have been enticed

    • How theireconomical opportunities have been raided

In this article, we will only outline the facts of the recent events. Unveil the hidden truth that is kept away from the people of Switzerland. Exposing the individuals who are responsible for the changes that will destroy the lives of millions. To enable the truth to be uncovered, everyone should ask themselves the following questions and when you have obtained the answers for each of these questions, that moment you shall all have clarity.

Why did Credit Suisse crashed so fast and unexpectedly?

How come UBS is ready to swing in and take over?  Is it a coincidence that UBS opened their first branch in Qatar and are ready to take over one of the largest bank in the world like Credit Suisse?  Who are the true shareholders of UBS bank, hiding behind alias and companies names, who truly owns these shares?

Switzerland has been set up for failure, through a systematic process of infusing the stability of each platform of the country,  that made up the founding strength of Switzerland for decades.

Swiss banks have been compromised and the recent events are evident for that Swiss Political system and its parliamentary members have been compromised just as much.


Qatargate is just one piece of the puzzle that makes out the bigger picture behind that conspiracy 

How European Parliamentary members have been enticed and paid to turn a blind eye. 



FIFAgate is the other piece of the puzzle that adds to the picture 



BeINgate conspiracy has also extracted the benefits from Europe, into the pockets of conspirators 


All the above events have been systematically imposed in Switzerland and Europe; all these are just the beginning for an end.

Further intrusion into the Swiss communities was manifested through the other platforms.
By introducing the so-called anti-corruption organizations, like ROLACC and ACEWARD, which were organizations used to entice more of Swiss lawmakers, by financially tempting them into submission.        Allowing them to spread their financial control over Swiss economical platforms and by controlling Swiss financially, they can control Switzerland in its entirety.

For the honourable citizens of Switzerland and European Countries. The individuals who are responsible for your losses are the same individuals who had the audacity to carry out all the above facts, and who had no shame or regards to the citizens of Switzerland, the same individuals who stands to gain the most from the changes that are being imposed in Switzerland.    They have spied on your authorities, they have enticed your parliamentary members, they have infused themselves into your economical platforms and they are preparing to entrench their control even further.

How many more changes are the citizens of Switzerland able to absorb…. until they realize that these changes will destroy their country.


Hidden cameras and recording devices in hotel rooms and offices in UK

In recent unveiled news, it has been discovered that individuals involved in corruptive acts within Qatar have exploited the State’s wealth and resources by using its investments around the world and specifically in the United Kingdom, whereby these lavish investments are being misused for other purposes than their return on investments.

These investments have been used to gather intel and carry out espionage against many individuals in the United Kingdom, whereby Parliamentary members and high-level authorities have been invited to these hotels and offices, most of which have been presented with free stay in many occasions.

Similarly, others were offered long stay at no cost and offices at very low or no charge.

But what many do not know is that these hotel rooms, apartments and offices are all bugged with micro recording devices that are used to gather intel on many individuals, even foreign officials who have been enticed to use these facilities.

According to recent information made available to the public, these establishments have been retrofitted by individuals who have imposed their control over the State of Qatar for decades, the same individuals who have overthrown the past Emir and same group who have been secretly financing and supporting terror groups around the world and also radicalizing other extremists within Europe.

The following establishment are an example of many hotels, apartments and office properties that are believed to be fitted with such intrusive devices that is violating privacy laws and as well carrying out espionage in foreign land:
·     Claridge’s Hotel
·     Ritz London
·     Connaught Hotel
·     The Berkeley Hotel
·     The Savoy Hotel.
·     600-room Chancery Building on Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair
·     One Hyde Park Apartments
·     448 homes that were built at Chelsea Barracks
·     The Canary Wharf financial district
UK’s authorities, influential individuals, members of the public and even foreign officials who are using these establishments are all under the risk of being exposed or extorted.
Bribing, spying, financing terror, violating human rights, supporting enemies of the free world and exploiting national resources to undermine international Leadership is some of the few traits that these individuals are currently being exposed for, and more is yet to be discovered soon…….


Not long ago, Qatargate was exposed to the world, and with-it demeaning process of undermining European authorities, by enticing and bribing high level authorities at the European Parliament, to imposing a political change within its borders.

European were led to start a conflict with Russia, which was their sole source of energy supply, to enforce them to succumb to certain conditions and changes but many European Leaders have tried to defy such changes and are still trying to break free from the entanglement that has been imposed upon them by selected individuals who have been exploiting the wealth and resources of State of Qatar to achieve such agenda.

But such intrusive agenda seems to never end, with new “gates” springing open upon the world’s attention, until these gates would cause irreparable damages.

‘FIFAgate’ has just opened up right after “Qatargate”, that is the newly exposed treachery that uncovered how selective corrupted individuals who have imposed their control over Qatar have been suspected of spying on Gianni Infantino and former Swiss attorney general Michael Lauber.

The process of spying within Switzerland is being financed through their organizations and personal assets, specifically Rolacc which is supposedly known as an anticorruption organization that is owned by the former attorney general of Qatar Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri


who alternatively owns the building that houses that organization and owns many other assets, whereby their return on investments is known to be used to finance these illicit activities in Switzerland.
ACEAWARD is also another fictitious organization and event that was held in Switzerland during the same period of the imposed spying on the Swiss Prosecutor, such events that facilitates the transition of funds from abroad to Switzerland and as well as payments made to fictitious contracting companies that are receiving funds under made-up contracts drafted to enable unlimited funds to legally transit through Europe.
European authorities and Leadership should take immediate action in seizing all assets belonging to the following individuals as soon as possible, as to assure that no further gates are affecting their very existence.
All assets owned or managed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Yousef Kamal, Nasser Al Khulaifi, Abdulhadi Mana Al-Hajri, Ramez AlKhayyat, Moutaz Al-Khayyat, and many other aliases that are working towards strengthening their presence in Europe.
By freezing their assets, these gates will be shutdown, by crippling their financial capabilities their intrusion will seize, by holding them accountable the European Nations may restore whatever peace and prosperity their can save.
How many more gates will you be waiting to be opened before you take your step towards the right path!!!