In recent unveiled news, it has been discovered that individuals involved in corruptive acts within Qatar have exploited the State’s wealth and resources by using its investments around the world and specifically in the United Kingdom, whereby these lavish investments are being misused for other purposes than their return on investments.

These investments have been used to gather intel and carry out espionage against many individuals in the United Kingdom, whereby Parliamentary members and high-level authorities have been invited to these hotels and offices, most of which have been presented with free stay in many occasions.

Similarly, others were offered long stay at no cost and offices at very low or no charge.

But what many do not know is that these hotel rooms, apartments and offices are all bugged with micro recording devices that are used to gather intel on many individuals, even foreign officials who have been enticed to use these facilities.

According to recent information made available to the public, these establishments have been retrofitted by individuals who have imposed their control over the State of Qatar for decades, the same individuals who have overthrown the past Emir and same group who have been secretly financing and supporting terror groups around the world and also radicalizing other extremists within Europe.

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