In the past few years, every single detail Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family have outlined in their past correspondences has been gradually realized and until this day it is still progressing at a higher pace and will inflict negatively on European countries very soon.

They, represented by Qatari Citizens, are striving to expose the corrupted authorities that have imposed their unjust ruling on the State of Qatar.

These corrupted authorities have exploited the wealth and resources of Qatar to advance their personal agendas and have expensed billions towards inflicting chaos around the world.

Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Youssef Kamal, Al Khayyat Bros, and many more of these individuals who have exploited the State of Qatar for decades, have made an arrangement with foreign forces to enforce their power in return for favors to be carried out by these individuals across the globe, whether it be financial support to selective groups that have been allocated worldwide to create chaos or to entice governmental and parliamentary officials to redirect certain laws to suit their benefits.

For decades now, these corrupted individuals were able to create a large fracture in European Political Structure and with the immense wealth they have exploited from Qatar, they have been able to infiltrate all these ranks and systems.

From controlling businesses and assets of strategical interests to Europe, to enticing and corrupting high positioned political members of European countries, from Presidents onwards, to infiltrating their defense system, which for any country is their last possible way to defend itself.

Hence, if European Leadership can briefly revisit their current situations in their own countries, they shall realize that they are practically surrounded and they may not be able to defend themselves in the near future. All their internal strengths are being undermined and all their external defensive strength are being exposed to their worst enemies.

What does European countries truly hold as strength when their citizen’s livelihood depends on Qatar’s gas supplies, when their societies’ safety depends on the terror attacks that are being manifested in their own countries, when their economical platformis controlled by their shares in their businesses and when their own defense system is being exposed to all.

Recently, the Russian state-run news agency, Tass, reported that Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev said Russian military forces will destroy the German-made Leopard 2 tanks that will soon be sent to Ukraine.

But the arrogance of Russian’s authorities does not stem from empty threats, rather it is an extension of several intel they have been provided with, whereby according to reliable sources,

the corrupted authorities in Qatar have provided Russian military experts with unlimited access to all the available artilleries in Qatar, which the majority of such weapons have been purchased from all European manufacturers.

Such access is known to have been granted to Turkey, China and Iran as well.

According to sources, these foreign forces were provided with a direct contact with all weapons, artilleries, and military equipment purchased by Qatar, whereby allowing these parties to inspect them closely and test them whenever required.

It is informed that during this inspection, they were only seeking to determine the flaws of these equipment and how to destroy them with the least effort possible.

In the past, European defense artilleries were more of a secret than a common knowledge to all, with time such secrets have lost its effect due to financial influence, whereby countries like Qatar who are being exploited by terror organizers were able to purchase the best defensive artilleries for a price, but at the same time, determining the weaknesses of such defensive systems. That is apart from the biggest mistake ever committed by the European countries, whereby granting Qatar presence amongst the NATO countries, and with the assistance of enticed American politicians, they have landed themselves on the platform as non-NATO allies.

Whereby obtaining access to strategical defensive system and as well enabling them to connect with NATO’s largest network of military professionals, who just as the politicians who have been enticed, they will also fall, but their fall is very hard to regain from.

Whereby, The Al Thani Council advise the European countries’ Leadership to reconsider the meeting that will be held in Qatar, through the invite that was sent by NATO to all its members and partner nations to the military strategic partnership conference which will be held in Doha between 13 to 17th of March 2023. As mentioned herein above, for the past few years the Althani Council have alerted every Leader of what has been realized today, and the Althani Council have warned of the consequences of such acts imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities. Hence, the choice still remains with every Leader, either to act upon what the Althani council are stating or wait and realize the after effect of these intrusion and its impact on their political structure.

European Authorities should note that Qatar’s corrupted authorities not only gains from enticing their members of parliaments, ministries or even political parties, they gain much more by creating doubt in their systems and inflict chaos in their systems and inflict chaos in their organizations, which inevitably weakness their political systems from within, rendering the honorable chancellor Olaf Scholz vulnerable to further intrusions.

"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.”

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