For years now, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has manifested a program that is designed to bring chaos to the world, such program that is infused with extremism, terrorism, and trepidation.

To control the world through creation of fear in the hearts of citizens around the world, such terror that is designed to entangle every citizen of the world to submit to their ways.

For that, Althani council ask of all conscious citizens of European Nations to take a moment of your time to read this letter, which shall outline to you what is to unveil in the next few months.   

Important information included in this letter may be detrimental to many countries if prompt actions are not taken to mitigate the negative factors that may derive from it. 

What will be realized from the facts that are outlined herein, is that Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has deceived all Leaders, authorities and citizens in Europe and the world, and such deception will DOUBLE its effects in the next few months alone.

Recently, the European Nations were dragged into a predesign conflict between Russia and Ukraine, such attempt that was manifested by Sheikha Mozah, who eventually is acting on behalf of a dual consortium, the first being fulfilling the United States/Israeli directives in the region and the second being the fulfilment of the Russia/China/Iran & Turkey directives, all of which would be in their best interests to visualize the European Union disintegrate completely and to render them as feeble nation, similarly as she has done against other countries throughout the world.

The European Citizens should never forget history and how many attempts have been made to undermine the effort of the European Nations, and when the European Union was being exemplified as a successful union between many countries, it was envied by many around the world, and specifically when the European Nations combined their forces to ally under one force known as the NATO, which was considered as a threat to many, the United States, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China have all one common interest, which is to break down the European Nations, paving way to their rising, which in the past centuries has been attempted with extreme failure.

But today, every European citizens stands at a crossroad that will define their future permanently, and if they do not collectively take the right decision to act now, they will be disintegrated from within.

The European Nations were enticed to use Russia as their source of energy, such path was facilitated to make these countries reach to this position, whereby the European Leaders will be unable to break from such entanglement and they would be portrayed as failed authorities and render all European Nations to question their alliance as to one another as one European Union.

By imposing such thoughts in the minds of the European Citizens, it directs each European country to think for itself, which will eventually cause the collapse of the European Union as we know it.

Europe is being pushed to the edge by a conspiracy that was manifested by these consortiums that are being acted through their representative in the region, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has taken control over the State of Qatar and to maintain such control, she has dedicated the State’s wealth and resources to be expended towards her allies who are protecting her presence till date.

European citizens are directed to believe that their enemy is Russia, and that they have to find an alternative to their energy demands, whereby these sought of obtaining gas supply from Qatar, who who conveniently enough for Russia, Qatar is their largest shareholder in the Russian National Gas company, and also Qatar has unlimited interests and alliance with Russia, hence it is naïve of the European Leaders to think that Qatar would eventually stand by the European citizens to provide them with an alternative supply.

The past few months should have been evidence enough for all European authorities and citizens on how Sheikha Mozah has purposely been stalling the discussions and none of the European countries were able to reach a conclusive agreement with these corrupted authorities, rather time was purposely wasted, promising the European a solution, until winter would have been nearer, rendering the European Leadership to succumb to the inevitable.

Today, European citizens are paying the high price of energy supply, witnessing excessive heating bills that rendered many people unable to pay and many businesses in the verge of bankruptcy.

That is when the process of enticing European Politician was being manifested for years before the after fact and how they have tempted your politicians not to direct their attention at Qatar and instead support its agenda through the European Parliament.

Although their conspiracy has been exposed, no one is taking actual measures against Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of individuals who were spread out across Europe to buy off parliamentary members and many other authorities. They were never placed in the blacklist, rather they were shifted to a so-called Grey List that is established to negotiate further with Sheikha Mozah and how much will she be willing to pay to have such matter disappear.

That is why the world referred to the “Qatargate” as the next exposure of corruption, but they all failed to provide the situation with its true identity, which should have been the “Mozahgate”, as everything that reflects out of Qatar is not from its own people, but from this individual alone with her conspiring group.

During that time, Europe was still considering providing Qatar with exempted visas all throughout Europe, which is indeed a privilege and the citizens of Qatar would have been grateful for such consideration, but nevertheless, such privilege would surely have been exploited by Sheikha Mozah, whereby she would have expedite a flow of extremists and terrorists to land in every European country, such extremists holding Qatari citizenships that will be implanted within Europe, and would be tasked with the directive of radicalizing a larger platform of extremists within Europe.

Al Khayyat brothers are one of the many recently nationalized individuals who are not originally Qataris, nor were they born in Qatar, nor have they had any ties in the State of Qatar ever, but were simply nationalized as per Sheikha Mozah’s instructions and these specific individuals have been the highlight of many terror financing claims.

As noted, these individuals are just a simple example of what Sheikha Mozah plans to infiltrate into Europe, whereas her ongoing diplomatic and political relation with the United States for decades has never yielded her that privilege of obtaining unlimited pass into the United States, although the USA has one of the world’s largest army base situated in Qatar and they had presence in Qatar for the past three decades at least, they have never been able to extend Sheikha Mozah with the privilege of obtaining exempted entry to the United States. Therefore, the main question poses itself, did Europe consider such exemption because of its merits or because of the millions that were expensed towards parliamentary members in Europe.

Similarly, as in Qatar, citizens of the State have been exploited from their own wealth and resources for decades, and now the European citizens are being exploited as well by their own country’s politicians, who some have been exposed for taking bribes and that is only what has been unveiled to the public, whilst the truth is much more, that the corruption has infused into many European Political streams.

It is every European citizen that are paying for the high energy fees!

  • You are being burdened with the inflation rate of your countries!
  • Your homes and businesses are being taken away from you because of high mortgages!
  • Your children’s future is being destroyed before they even get a chance to have it!
  • Your economies are being controlled by their investments!
  • Your resources are being exploited!
  • Your relations with other countries are being jeopardized!
  • Your countries national security is being placed at risk!
  • Your countries are being burdened with refugees!
  • Your opportunities are being taken by force!
  • Your cultures are being altered!

In the past decades, terror attacks have also amplified in every European country, many Islamic communities that once lived in harmony in Europe are being enticed to divert and turn against their own governments.

Exploiting religion to manifest hatred amongst communities, which would create a gap in the country, rendering the citizens divided and that is when they can conquer these countries easily.

European citizens should realize these malicious plans that are being imposed and take necessary precautions to eliminate them, and to eradicate the source of the problem, right from the venomous head that controls all these operations, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has portrayed herself as the advocate of children’s rights, which was a façade exploited to carry out all her plans.

But the ultimate plan that has been placed in motion is much more malicious than what the European Leaders can imagine. The plan is not only to impose on Europe to surrender to Russia’s demands but to also create an uprise within the European countries.

It’s not about energy supply, it is not about Gas, it is not about Russia nor was all this about the Ukraine-Russia war, the main target is the European Union, to dismantle it from within every European country, using the citizens of these countries to break the world’s largest alliance ever known in history. The decision is in your hand, you have to decide what is best for your country and citizens.

In the end, every moment spent wasted to take the right decision is only pushing every European citizen to the limit of breaking point, once that limit is exceeded, all will be lost.

Before questioning whether what has been mentioned herein is truly occurring in your countries, it is advised that all European citizens to open a communication channel between each European country’s leadership, and openly discuss these points, and the Althani council assure you, that you will all find common anomalies indicating that you all, have been targeted by these corrupted authorities.

The strength of your democratic societies is built upon your citizen’s trust and allegiance to their own authorities, once this trust and allegiance is broken, the entire democratic societies will crumble, which will alternatively allow foreign forces to interfere, changing Europe to the worst.

”- the Althani Council addressed all German citizens.

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