In reference to the honourable, nancy faeser’s (German Federal Minister of the Interior and Community) recent statement that was made in regard to Human Rights in Qatar, whereby the Althani Council congratulate her on her honesty and bravery in facing such adversity and for standing against individuals who have served injustice against millions of migrant workers who have been enslaved for decades in Qatar.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have for the past decades undermined the human rights of their own citizens and residents, exiled thousands of their own citizens with their families for decades for their loyalty for their former Emir of the State, detained and arbitrarily arrested hundreds of them for voicing their constitutional rights, propagating into further human rights violations and enslaving millions of migrant workers who have left their homes and families, seeking jobs in Qatar, where most of them have sold their lands and homes to be able to travel, believing that they will be able to afford a better living for themselves and their families.

It was about time that someone from the international platform of leaderships around the world to stand up and speak out the truth, to help these unfortunate individuals who are unable to fight the corrupted authorities in Qatar that have violated their rights for so long.

Her Excellency’s statement is all true, and many citizens and leaders around the world would support her position, Althani Council support as well her position and acknowledge that every word she has said is a true reflection of what is occurring behind the scene in Qatar, whereby Qatar’s authorities have been hiding behind a façade they have portrayed to the world and believed that they will be able to deceive everyone, at all times, little did they know, that truth can be delayed, but can never be hidden forever.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities retaliated immediately by issuing a memo and calling upon Germany’s ambassador to convey their disappointment.

Their memo highlighted that the remarks made by her Excellency ahead of her official visit to Doha next week was against diplomatic norms and conventions, especially in light of the distinguished ties between Qatar and Germany in all fields.

Such initial statement made as they thought that German authorities would yield to anything for the sake of securing their energy supplies, whereby they always believe that they can entice everyone for a price or specific needs, they truly are under the illusive imagination that they control the world and control everyone’s action as they have resources that enables them to extend to such level of control.

Their infamous memo goes on stating that the most prominent human rights groups and UN agencies praised the reforms implemented by the State of Qatar in the labour field, given they were effective and long-term, as well as being a result of years of planning and studies.

Such baseless statement is not true and there are ample evidence and reports issued by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and United Nations, all of which indicates the level of Qatar’s corruption and human rights violations, the following reports are one the hundreds of reports issued just recently:

Amnesty International just issued a report few days ago stating,

“Turning a blind eye to the abuses suffered by thousands of migrant workers over the years flies in the face of their respective international obligations and responsibilities. They must come together to ensure that those who suffered so much to make this tournament possible are not left behind.”#1

Other prominent Human Rights groups also noted further human rights violations in the following links that have been published less than a week ago:

    The United States Department of State issued their recent report indicating that significant human rights issues included: restrictions on free expression, including criminalization of libel; restrictions on peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including prohibitions on political parties and labor unions; restrictions on migrant workers’ freedom of movement; limits on the ability of citizens to choose their government in free and fair elections; lack of investigation of and accountability for violence against women; and reports of forced labour. #2

    Hence, one wonders which reports are Qatar’s corrupted authorities referring to, and which most prominent human rights groups and UN agencies are they referring to, which according to their statement, have praised Qatar for the reforms implemented in the labor field, such baseless and unsupported statement. Qatar’s corrupted authorities were delusional in believing that the US$ 500 Million paid towards numerous UN programs would enable them to erase all UN reports and impose the world to change their perception of what these corrupted authorities have been practicing for years, and they have also employed their fictitious organizations to play a large role in changing the world’s perception, organizations such as ROLACC, ACEAWARD, Education Above All, GOPAC and many other programs they have invested heavily towards them, to twist the facts and make the world believe see a fictitious version of Qatar.

    The Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Majed bin Mohamed al-Ansari described the remarks made by the German interior minister as unacceptable and provocative for the Qatari people, stressing that it was unacceptable for politicians to try and score political points locally at the expense of their relations with other countries, such statement that is a total hypocrisy made by authorities that lack credibility. Several Gulf and Arab countries cut ties with Qatar for years just because of that specific cause, that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have made several provocative comments through their national media agency Al Jazeera, whereby they have employed such agency to undermine and make several political statements that has driven many countries to the verge of chaos, that is apart from Qatar’s unlimited support towards several terror groups that have been harbored in Qatar for decades, which manifested a role of destruction against many countries over the decades.

    It seems that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are more used to attacking others, interfere and intrude in everyone else’s affairs, but when they are exposed, they are defensive and cannot handle the truth.

    Given to all the above facts, proving that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are indeed accountable for every human rights violation that has been committed against many throughout the past years, and their continuous denial will not yield to anything but further destruction, but unfortunately such destruction would strike the migrant workers and Qatar citizens before it even reaches these corrupted authorities. It is always the people who pay the high price of their leadership’s corruption, and it is the people who are burden with the aftermath and resulting effect of any situation.

    And the only reason the world has all its attention in Qatar at the moment is because Qatar will be hosting the FIFA 2022 games in the country, a nomination that was given through influence of Qatar’s corrupted authorities, their enticement to the FIFA nomination committee, who are the first party who have committed the first mistake by appointing Qatar before assuring that the country has the proper laws and reform to serve such hosting and preserve human rights.

    Hence, the only possible way for the world to face these corrupted individuals is get them swear an oath by the Quran that they have not paid briberies, that they have not enticed FIFA’s authorities to present them with such hosting privilege. By exposing their involvement in such act of bribery would expose the entire operations that have followed after that unfounded nomination day. 

    These individuals have been complicit in so many illegal acts which led to their award of hosting FIFA.

    “In Islam, taking an oath on the Quran is sacred and if the individual being sworn in does not preserve the truth, then he/she will have to answer to the Al Mighty creator, similarly as the oath taken before a Bible, that is the limit for any human being to discover the truth, in every court around the world, Islam, Christianity, or any other religion, we are all bounded by the limit of our religions, whereby when we want to find the truth, we opt for an oath to be taken before our holy book, after that the matter is left to our God.” The council said.

    If she was to ask Sheikha Mozah, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani and Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, these trio are the core reason for all corruption our State has witnessed till date, whereby these specific individuals should be bought forward to take an oath that they have not engaged in bribery acts to attain the FIFA hosting, by uncovering that act of deception, the world might just as well be able to visualize every violation that followed after that.

      Further additional matter relates to how Qatar’s portraying themselves as a country that has also applied reform in establishing a democratic Shura council, supposedly for all its citizens, which prevented the citizens to participate and most were arrested by Turkish forces that entered their homes as Qatar forces would not accept to imprison one of their own.

      A fictitious shura council that has 45 members who were designated as 15 members directly chosen by the imposed Emir and 30 members who are former employees of the Emir, that is how they perceive a perfect process of democracy, a showcase to please the world, but nothing has changed, as similar as the labour reforms that they have always claimed to have changed.

      Although they are unlimited issues that are unresolved in Qatar, and it would take an entire book to be made whereby outlining all the violations that have been committed by these corrupted authorities, nevertheless, one of the last matters that the Althani Council wish to highlight to her Excellency is related to the level of Qatar’s government exploitation of States funds and how they have expensed over US$220B of state funds and when these acts of corruption were exposed to the world by Qatari citizens, they promptly responded by fabricating fraudulent claims against that citizens and imposed on him several judicial harassment, especially after he official submitted complaints against Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her family members. One of these Qatari citizen is a citizen known as Sheikh Ahmed Bin Khaled Bin Mohammad Al Thani, who has been judicially harassed for years because he dared to expose the attorney general and Sheikha Mozah for their conspiring acts and exploitation of the State, whereby the former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri is also under investigation in Switzerland and France for his money laundering acts, and the State promptly placed Al Marri in the shura council to protect him and provide him with immunity in the event he is charged with any judgements.  

      Based on all the relevant facts and evidence, Althani Council advise her to cancel her visit to Qatar as any direct contact with these corrupted individuals will only yield further intrusion against Germany, its authorities and its citizens.

      German authorities have witnessed over the past decades how these corrupted authorities have manifested a process to control many countries, how they have enticed many authorities around the world to sell off their strategic

      companies and projects, to enable them to impose control over Europe, how they have manifested the relation with Iran, Russia, China and Turkey to further control the European’s economical system and direct them into the energy supply surge that they are facing now.


      These individuals have no respect for others, and they do not fulfil their commitment, we assure you that they will manifest a way to besmirch your reputation and accordingly prepare yourself for a media war that they will unleash against you very soon through the hundreds of social media platforms that work for them.



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