“In our past correspondences, the Althani Council has alerted your esteemed Excellency on several matters that are being manifested by Qatar’s corrupted authorities in your country, if you verify all our past statements to you, you shall discover that the council has warned you that Germany will witness a new wave of disruption and chaos that would threatened the stability and national security of your country.” said the Althani Council.

If The Honorable Chancellor believe that everything that is currently unveiling in Germany is just a mere coincidence, then pardon our next statement to you when the council tells you that such naïve mindset is exactly what your opponents are counting on and that will be the cause of further disruption in Germany.

One of the most notable issues that unveiled in Germany recently is the recent arrest of former member of a German royal family, Heinrich XIII PR who was portrayed as the leader in a future state and Ruediger VP, as the head of the military arm, with their aim of building a new German army, which was foiled by your government, but have you asked yourselves who has been supporting these parties to overthrow the German Government?

According to information that the council has received from our sources at the Qatar’s national security, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani (father of the current Emir) has visited Heinrich XIII several times in the past, whereby he made personal visits to his residence with others who were with him during that visit.

According to our source, these visits took place late at night and as an unofficial visit, whereby Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani personally drove the car during that trip and had special gifts with him to be presented to Heinrich XIII.

Our sources confirms that there has been an ongoing discussion between both parties, but they were unable to give details as most of these discussions took place between Hamad Bin Khalifa and Heinrich when they were left alone.

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani is well known for his deceitful approaches, Bashar Al Assad, Muammar Gaddafi and many others have had their shares of deceptions with Hamad Bin Khalifa, and at every moment Hamad was close to these leaders, he was even closer with their opponents.

Whereby at the time that Hamad was in good relations with Bashar Al Assad, at the same moment he was in good terms with Moataz Al Khayyat, who is well known to be the face of terror financing, the same individual that Hamad exploited to inflict terror attacks in Syria and financially supported several terror groups that were unleashed on Syria.

The same agenda was repeated in Libya, when Hamad deceived Muammar Gaddafi and had him believe that he was on his side, and even was planning for the assassination of Saudi’s King at the time, which was exposed to the media after Gaddafi’s death, who was also killed by the same terror groups that were financially supported by Hamad Bin Khalifa.

The same scenario Hamad Bin Khalifa repeated in Egypt, Sudan, Chad, and even expended to UAE, Saudi and Bahrain and that is when he was exposed for his acts back in 2013 and 2017, after the blockade, where the billions that Hamad expended in those countries went to waste.

Hamad himself overthrew his own father through the enticement of his wife Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who is the main control point of all of Hamad’s actions, and she basically governs all of his doings.

Their involvement in several act of terror, support of extremism and radicalization of Islamic communities, especially in Europe is not a newly founded fact, although it is proven that their involvement is so deep with these terror groups, yet many authorities across Europe are not able to directly expose them, many may wonder why is that the situation?

Well basically they have imposed their influence on many European authorities through their several investments that have been made towards many European strategical projects, commercial entities, hotel and tourism, energy companies, car manufacturing companies, banks, financial institutes and even the ports that supply gas to these countries.

The most important question in that is how have they been able to expand such circle of influence in such short time and what is the ultimate target?

To our understanding the ultimate target is to disintegrate the European authorities from within, create conflicts between your communities, specially between Islamic communities and others.

Europe has allowed millions of refugees from war torn countries to settle in their countries in a very short time and these refugees were exploited by individuals like Qatar’s corrupted authorities, whereby they have used their investments within every European country to be used as financing towards Islamic communities, radicalizing them to stand against their governments, whereby most of Europe is already witnessing the wave of indifference being imposed and how such communities are being torn away from their governments and how they are being easily influenced by foreign policies.

Hence, attempts to overthrow governments like the recent uncovered plot in Germany or the 2016 Islamist bombings of Brussels airport and the city’s metro that killed 32 people and injured more than 300, or the sudden act of stabbing and killing people by radicalized Islamists who claim they are carrying out a religious act, all of these are a manifestation of Qatar’s corrupted authorities and in specific to anyone who has close ties and relations with Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, both of  which collaborated for decades to impose chaos in many countries, but also maintained their loyalty to the US/Iran/Russia/China and Turkey, whereby any negative implication to the world has been a positive addition and advancement to these corrupted groups.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have maintained for decades their best strategical relations with the US/Iran/Russia/China and Turkey, exchanged on many aspects, supported them financially and coordinate military supports to each other, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities have rendered Qatar has a launching ground for the US/Iran/Turkey, allowing their forces to be present in the country.

The conflicted thought that comes into mind after understanding these facts, is how are European leaders still foiled by Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intention, how do they still believe that these corrupted authorities could ever hold any positive intentions for European countries, specifically when Qatar’s corrupted authorities most prominent Islamic leader, the late Qaradawi publicly stated that their future plan is to invade Europe and that Rome is their gateway, that is why Qatar corrupted authorities have invested and controlled over 50 Islamic Mosques and centres in Italy alone and that is apart the other hundreds that are scattered all around Europe.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have established several investments and organizations in Europe and across the globe, whereby these hundreds of establishments are the vehicles that finances these malicious programs, the following lists is just the tip of a larger number of entities that are currently working their way through in Europe:

      • EAA (Education Above All)
      • ROLACC
      • ACEAWARD
      • GOPAC
      • Qatar Charity
      • Nectar Trust
      • And over 500 others (a lists of all these entities are available upon demand)

    The Althani Council urges the German Authorities to take these statements into consideration and to initiate an investigation to validate these facts, the authorities will not lose anything by verifying by may lose much more if they do not take the necessary action in due course.

    Beware of these “Individuals of Misfortune,” as they will strike at a moment you least expect, they will entrench their venomous deceits within your societies and they will impose injustice upon humankind as they have done in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Tunisia, Palestine, and even their own neighbouring countries whereby they severed ties with Qatar for years due to their support for terror. Whereby they have rendered Qatar as haven for terrorists and extremists and rendered Afghanistan as their new training grounds to expand their groups of terror militants, that will serve as hired criminals that will terrorize the world.   

    Visualizing what they are capable to do to European countries and others throughout the world. Their impact would not be less than what they have already done to their own neighbours’ citizens.

    The question remains to be directed to German’s authorities, if you all are aware of the collusion of these corrupted authorities in Qatar with their allies, and their defragmenting agenda, whilst evidence of their acts is openly available to you all, through their infused investments, their collaboration with your enemies, and their financing of terrorism, then why are you still prolonging their path and allowing them to extend further with their acts?

    Do not trust corrupted authorities who have deceived, detained, exiled, and abused many of their own citizens and migrants for over two decades and till this day. Hence it should not be an astonishment what they can do to others.

    The purpose of our letter is to assure the authorities of Germany and all their beloved citizens, of all race and religion, that the Althani Council, citizens of Qatar are not in accord with any act that is being imposed on Germany and that they do not acknowledge the actions of Qatar’s corrupted authorities which are leaded by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

    The council stands in solidarity with all of Germany’ citizens and assure the honorable Chancellor that they will strive to break that intrusive influence that has been imposed by these corrupted Qatar authorities, of which held the council captive to Qatar’s actions and infused their injustice on everyone. 


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