In reference to the recent news that Qatar has launched a review of its investments in London after the city’s transport authority this week banned the Gulf state’s tourism advertisements on the capital’s buses, taxis and Underground train system.

Such ban that was placed by Transport for London (TfL) which was triggered by concerns over the soccer World Cup host’s stance on LGBT+ rights and its treatment of migrant workers.

The Althani Council wishes to applaud the authorities in the United Kingdom for their stand against human right violators, no matter how much these violators like Qatar’s corrupted authorities have control over UK’s economical sector and its manifested control over several strategical investments in the UK.

In the past, the council has alerted the UK’s authorities in this regard, and they have warned of this process that will be unveiled very soon, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ diversified portfolio in the UK is not for the financial benefit of it but to manifest a process of controlling the UK’s decisions by influencing economical pressure. Committees delivered presentations at the UK Houses of Parliament, Harvard University in the US, at McGill University in Canada and addressed events sponsored by the US State Department, the European Parliament, and the Belgian Parliament.

His report can be found on the official link of the UK parliament. #1

He concluded in his report by requesting how the FCO should assess whether a potentially hostile party is seeking to secure significant influence or control over a UK company and what safeguards are required in the National Security and Investment Bill.  If the purpose of the NSI Bill is to strengthen the Government’s powers to scrutinise and intervene in business transactions to protect national security, then it must reflect on the investment portfolios of hostile parties, not just individual transactions or takeovers.

The information presented in his report strongly suggests that in considering its position with respect to Qatari investment and trade, the UK has failed to challenge its growing role as a financier of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK. Thanks to the ongoing support of Qatar, the UK has become the “Command and Control Centre” for the MB in Europe which is alarming for both the future of the Muslim communities in the country and for national security.

Protecting national security while ensuring the UK remains a global champion of free trade and investment is no easy task. However, the Foreign Office must view Qatar’s UK activity for what it is: a strategic attempt to use financial muscle to mask and then inhibit the UK’s ability

to challenge measures that threaten its national security. The UK must exert maximum pressure on the Qatari government to cease its continued support to the Brotherhood, and ensure provisions are included in the NSI Bill to counter any attempts to accrue financial influence, as well as outright ownership of, UK assets from hostile nations.

Such prediction which is being visualized in the past few years, whereby Qatar’s authorities have taken control over many of UK’s strategical investments, other than owning most of the iconic commercial outlets and branded hotels, they have targeted UK’s most vulnerable investments such as airports, airlines, water company, energy companies and many others.

That is why, the council urge the UK’s authorities to take immediate precautions against the upcoming events that will soon be unveiled in the United Kingdom, whereby the UK and its citizens, of all race and religion, will be affected by this process.

The anticipated response of Qatar’s corrupted authorities is to create internal chaos within the United Kingdom, whereby terror activities will be initiated, similarly like the past attack on UK’s MP who was stabbed and other attacks that were manifested against the Islamic communities in UK to trigger their response against other communities.

Such process that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested in the past in other countries, whereby they financially support terror groups to initiate chaos against governments to get them engaged into their internal issues, whereby facilitating their intrusion even further.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, through their lavish investments in the UK, have been able to establish dormant disciples that are awaiting instructions from these corrupted authorities, and according to information made available to the council, most of these radicalized individuals are already based in the UK and others from other parts of Europe, specifically Italy, Spain and France, whereby the UK’s authorities should closely monitor individuals that are travelling into the UK from these countries and what their affair entails in the UK.

Further process that will be manifested by these corrupted individuals, is through their charitable organizations, such as NECTAR TRUST (known previously as Qatar Charity which changed its name after being exposed of their terror financing), local Islamic centres and other religious gatherings, were most of the individuals attending these places are individuals who are financially influenced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities enticement and they are made to believe that the UK’s government is targeting the Islamic community and misleading these unfortunate individuals in believing that they are carrying out a religious duty by opposing the UK’s government.

The council urges once again the UK’s authorities to take all necessary precautions from this day forward, against the possible reflection of Qatar’s corrupted authorities against the UK and the implications of such reflection on the UK’s national security.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported terror groups against their own neighbouring countries, against Islamic nations, all in the process of advancing their own benefits, hence they will not think twice to take same or more intensive approach against the UK.

If the UK’s authorities wish to take a more proactive approach in assuring that Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not impose chaos that may affect the UK, then the most expedite way to enforce Qatar’s corrupted authorities to back down is to place Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her relatives under immediate investigation and to monitor their financial tracks and to whom these funds are being directed, specially to place Al Khayyat brothers who are Syrian Nationals who have been provided with Qatar Nationalities and currently have a UK based company known as Urbacon carrying out construction works in the UK but according to the information available to the council, these individuals have employed members of terror groups who are placed in fictitious positions in the UK, awaiting any instructions from Sheikha Mozah.

Sheikha Mozah’ insistence in purchasing the property next to the Iranian Embassy was not for the financial benefit of it, it was for a much greater plan that is yet to be unveiled and many other locations have been purchased under aliases similar to this, as they will be the starting point that will inflict negatively against the UK’s national security.

It is the UK’s authority’s choice to either defeat these corrupted authorities at their malicious attempts or wait and realize the inevitable.

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