Qatar’s former Prime Minister Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr said the armed confrontations taking place in Sudan between the country’s military and a powerful paramilitary force are “consequences of malicious advice and foreign interference”.

A statement that was made out of his own impulse as he knows exactly who is the forces that are inflicting these malicious advice and foreign interference into Sudan and other countries that have been similarly affected.

Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Tchad, Yemen, and many other countries who had their citizens flee their own country in refuge of a more peaceful country, destroying their homes and killing millions of these unfortunate civilians, whose only fault is that they are citizens of countries that have been targeted by greedy corrupted individuals who wanted to take by force their country’s riches and resources.

Bin Jassim failed to disclose in his last impulsive interview that the individuals behind all the chaos that have unveiled into Sudan and all these countries are none other than the inflicted terror financing initiated by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited the following organizations to expedite the process of destruction.

Through Qatar Charity, Qatar Development Fund, Education Above All and many other organizations, who are masked behind charitable organizations, are actually organizations that are pouring terror financing into these countries, supporting any opposition to propagate the conflict in these regions.

Bin Jassim failed to mention that every country that was represented by individuals claiming to be from Qatar in mediating the conflict between oppositions in those countries, are actually parties who spilled flammables into a raging fire, their so-called mediation was nothing other than a ruse to increase the conflict, a reason to get closer to both parties, to entice them against each other.

But what is the main directives from supporting terror in those countries and what do they stand to gain from all these destructions?

Simply, they are war profiteers and they inflict these wars in those regions to promote weapons trade, and everyone knows who stands to gain more from selling arms in the region, it is none other than the US, whereby Mozah and her corrupted individuals are agent that are facilitating these wars.

The other gain from these destructive acts is the disturbance that these wars and conflicts is causing to the western world, the greater the pressure in these countries, the faster the migration of refugees into Europe, the greater the pressure on their governments, which will lead to the inevitable failure of these governments, similarly like United Kingdom and France, whereby they are currently battling the difficulties of surviving the impact of illegal refugees into their countries, costing their governments billions of dollars a month and whereby eventually these refugees will turn to terror as they have not been provided with many alternatives.

Their manifested process is like diverting flow of a river downstream to a village of people, to cause their village to drown, and by diverting refugees to Europe, their governments and cities will soon be drowned with the millions of refugees that are awaiting the basic needs of life.

With every pressure made against Bin Jassim, Mozah and all their accomplices, they will turn to creating a pressure point that will enforce the Western world to yield to their ways, if you expose them for corruption, they will inflict war in countries where you interests lies, if you prevent them from acquiring national assets in your countries, they manifest a way to divert the world’s attention away from them, at all times, their manifestation is a reflection of the pressure they are experiencing.

So the only solution for the western world is to promptly seize the funding source of these kleptocrats and by restricting their fundings, you shall succeed in controlling them, but without that, you shall always be the victims of a conspiracy that will target your countries.

The choice is with the citizens of all western world, not your politicians, as they and the entire UN organizations are on their payroll.


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