In recent years, the Emir of the State has issued several laws, and with each law it seems that the citizens of the State of Qatar are the least to benefit from such laws and at all issued law others stand to gain much more.

Laws that have been published and enforced have constrained the citizens of the state and reduced their actual benefits, by alternatively creating such laws that has taken from the citizens what is rightfully theirs from the beginning.

Similarly with the recent law that the Emir issued, Law No. (4) of 2023 regarding procedures for the division of estate.

The Law is supposedly aimed to:

  1. Facilitate the litigation procedures for heirs and speed up the division of inheritances
  2. Strengthen bonds of family relations among heirs
  3. Avoid the legal, social, and economic issues arising from delaying its distribution to heirs
  4. Maintain minors’ legal rights in inheritance

For many citizens they have seen such law as a possible benefit for them, but what they do not know, is that law has been generated to assure that the hundreds of estates that were taken from the government and registered in Sheikha Mozah’s family members names, will be transferred to the following generation without further delay.

This law came up to expedite the process of transferring these assets to the next generation of Sheikha Mozah’s family and relatives and to assure that they are covered by law to enforce the process swiftly.

But the real intentions are also more surprising, as many citizens of the State do not know that Sheikha Mozah has taken by force most of the lands and assets that belongs to the true heirs of the Founder Sheikh Jassim Bin Mohammed Al Thani, whereby most of his true heirs have either being detained to succumb to their demand, others have been exiled, whilst many others have been silenced, but the fact remains that all property and assets currently owned by Sheikha Mozah and her family are actually inheritances taken by force from the Al Thani family.

That is also apart from many other inheritances that were taken from other families in Qatar, who as well did not stand much of a chance to fight for their own rights.

So, such laws that are springing up to serve Sheikha Mozah’s agenda are truly detrimental to the citizens of Qatar and they will not realize the effect of such until they have actually lost everything and with that a very important question is posed, is the Emir of the State actually fair in his ruling and does he justify the means for serving his own mother’s greed?

The late Emir Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani was forcibly removed from his position as the Emir of the State by his own son, the current’s Emir Grandfather, and the reason of his removal was to protect the benefit of the State and its citizens.

At that time, Sheikh Khalifa was claimed to have taken almost US$ 1 Billion from State funds, and legal cases were issued against him globally and as well international arrest warrants through Interpol were also issued to intimidate Sheikh Khalifa in returning these funds to the State. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa at the time justified his position as defending the State and preserving its interests.

But today, Sheikha Mozah alone is worth over US$ 15 Billion, that is 1500% more funds than late Sheikh Khalifa himself, that is also apart from the other billions expanded in assets, properties and companies owned by Sheikha Mozah and her family throughout the globe.

Mozah did not have a penny when she married Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa, but now she owns more than the State entire budget, and she has not been exposed by her husband the Father Emir who turned against his own father for supposedly protecting the rights of the State and its citizens, neither is the current Emir of the State, who is providing his mother with all the appropriate laws and legislations to enable her to get away with everything she has been manifesting till date.

So the question itself poses again, is the Emir protecting the rights of the citizens and who truly stands to benefit from all the laws that he has been issuing since?

We believe that the citizens of the State are not provided with the laws that protects their rights and that Mozah and her family should be held accountable for their actions.

Citizens of the State should never be in debt, neither should they pay for health care, nor should they get coupons for their children’s education and surely, they should not be imposed with any pressure to succumb to Mozah’s ways.

Everything that Mozah has taken from the State of Qatar should be returned and what is rightfully the inheritance of the Al Thani family and any other family in Qatar should also be returned to the true heirs of those families.

A Leader, Emir or ruler of any State is placed to protect the benefit of the citizens and not to enrich his mother or family members, if Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned was able to accumulate over US$ 15 Billion for herself, every single Qatari citizen should have had at least the same or more, as she and her son are supposedly placed in their positions to serve the public not take from them.

Citizens of the State of Qatar should think thoroughly how their future and their children’s future are being wasted by the greed of selective individuals and each one of us can choose either to allow them to continue with their manifestation or bring an end to their selfishness.

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