In reference to recent events that have been unveiled in the United Kingdom, it seems that the authorities in the Kingdom are either voluntarily choosing not to determine the root cause of all these strikes that are crippling the Kingdom, or they truly are unaware of the real causes that have contributed to these events.

Nonetheless, The Althani council wish to bring UK’s attention to the facts that are in front of everyone, but it only requires one’s to read the facts to be able to comprehend them, whereby the recent strikes of up to half a million British teachers, civil servants, train drivers and university lecturers who have walked off their jobs to demand better pay and working conditions in the largest coordinated strike action in a generation.

To some, these strikes may seem normal course of action due to the wages failing to keep pace with soaring inflation and that everyone has the right to claim for a rise to enable them to live a more feasible life, but the truth is more deviant than many can expect. 

Although the citizens who have joined these strikes have only innocent intent, to enhance their living conditions, they are unaware that they are being manipulated to impose a greater disturbance to the order of affairs in the Kingdom, whereby they are being exploited as tools to advance other foreign parties’ agenda.

There is ample evidence that such manifested process is undergoing in the Kingdom and it is the responsibility of all authorities to assure that such processes are bought to an end immediately as they will infuse chaos and destruction in the UK.

One of the many simplified facts that provides evidence to the UK authorities is the involvement of selective individuals in the last strikes that crippled the nation entirely for a day.

Whereby former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined the striking workers in London, and portraying himself as an individual that is calling for a “fairer taxation system”.

Whereas he made the following statement to Al Jazeera, who conveniently happens to be the government-affiliated news agency of Qatar, who also happens to be the country whose selective authorities are under the investigation of presenting bribes and gifting to many of UK’s Parliamentary members and also throughout the European Parliament.

“This country cannot afford the levels of inequality we have,” Corbyn told Al Jazeera.

“There are more billionaires in Britain than ever before,” he said. “Many people, billionaires and millionaires, made a lot of money during COVID-19. They haven’t been taxed for it.”

Such statements that are made to infuse hatred within the communities, to drive citizens to hold each other accountable, opening a gateway that will cripple the economy even further.

Whereas citizens of the public will start to divert their attention towards investors and individuals who are financing a larger part of the economy, by driving out these investors out of the Kingdom, rendering the situation even more difficult for citizens to bear.

But no long ago, the same individual, British leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, was under fire after a meeting with Qatari Emir, which came just weeks after taking high profile stands in refusing to meeting President Donald Trump and Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in July 2018. #1

And he is the same individual who has been mentioned through several media outlets, indicating that Jeremy Corbyn Has a Soft Spot for Extremists.

The British Labour leader misses no opportunity to condemn the West, but he is full of praise for violent revolutionaries, yet he is the front runner in UK largest ever coordinate strike.

As per several media references, they have stated that Corbyn has accepted money from Iran to present on the government-affiliated channel Press TV and who invited Linda Quigley and Gerry MacLochlainn, both convicted of activity connected to the Irish Republican Army, to Parliament just two weeks after the IRA had killed five people and almost assassinated the British. prime minister in the 1984 Brighton bombing and now he is being posted publicly through Al Jazeera, a government-affiliated channel of Qatar, which also conveniently happens to be the prime ally of the Iranian regime. #2

It does not require further elaboration for anyone to comprehend that there is a set agenda against the United Kingdom and it is clearly visible who stands to gain the most from UK being financial destroyed.

The confounding part in this matter is why is it taking so long for UK authorities to take the necessary actions?

Why have these foreign forces been permitted to persist with their agenda for so long and who is conspiring against the United Kingdom?

The answer to all these is visibly in front of the people, only if they choose to observe them with the right mindset that benefits the United Kingdom and its people only and no one else.        

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