The citizens of the State of Qatar, appeal to all Leaders of the world, to uncover the treachery that is being manifested against Qatar, its people and alternatively the world.

For years now, Turkish authorities led by President Erdogan have conspired with Qatar’s corrupted authorities to implant a Turkish military base in Qatar, such base that was imposed on the citizens of Qatar to enforce them to succumb to the authorities that have been exploiting the State’s wealth and resources.

The Turkish military forces, who for many believes to be a supporting force to the State of Qatar, have been actually nothing short than a militia forces that installed itself on the State to detain and torture its own citizens. Whereby the Turkish Military forces have been used as private terror groups that have invaded homes of Qataris who have a stand against these corrupted authorities, and these citizens are taken from their own homes, dragged to locations that no one’s is able to allocate them, where they are detained, tortured and enforced to yield to the corrupted authorities.

The gain for the Turkish authorities in all these terror acts, is obviously the financial gain and support they have been exploiting from Qatar for years, that is apart from the private plane that was gifted to President Erdogan by Qatar, as a token of appreciation for installing his military troops swiftly.

Several financial transactions have taken place through Turkish contracting companies that have been awarded with small projects in Qatar at prices that exceeds 50 times its original value, such process to justify the

financial transactions between these parties and similarly, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have made substantial financial investments in Turkey in purchasing lands for obscene amounts, as well to justify the huge number of financial contributions that are being exchanged between Qatar and Turkey, whereby such contribution made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities is for militia for hire, and unfortunately, President Erdogan is believed to be involved in leading such agenda.

And whereas the whole world has come to realize that the selective authorities in Qatar are dictatorial in nature, and whereas the presence of Turkish forces in the States of Qatar supports those dictatorial authorities to stay by force against the will of their citizens, and therefore the presence of Turkish forces, in accordance with the international covenant, is considered a military occupation or to the least a terror invasion.

And whereas Article one of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states:

  1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
  2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence. #1

In conclusion, we affirm that the authoritarianism protected by Turkish military presence in the State of Qatar, if not removed as soon as possible, will reflect negatively on the image of Turkiye to the world as human rights defenders.

Besides, no country in the world that claims to defend human rights can possibly support the power of a dictatorship that continues to rule its people by force and injustice.

No country that claims to be a member of the NATO or United Nations can ever have the right to carry out such atrocities.

That is why the world Leaders should take a stand to rid the world from authorities who exploit the credentials that is bestowed upon them to serve their personal agenda, whereas, internationally respected and renowned organizations and country leaders should seek to immediately suspend Turkish’s membership in respectable organizations such as the NATO, UN, G20, OECD, OSCE, WTO & BSEC.

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