Given to the recent events that have been unveiled in the world and how the energy crisis that has been imposed on the United Kingdom, Europe and the world, impacted and challenged every country’s economic position.

Such challenges that made lives of many across the globe difficult and possibly many may die due to the severity of the upcoming cold season.

Unnecessary situations that were manifested by Qatar’s corrupted authorities, who are colliding with several foreign forces, to undermine the world’s security and economies.

It is of no surprise to many, that Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ involvement in many of UK’s strategical companies and organizations was to eventually manifest this current situation, whereby the United Kingdom and the European countries will be rendered vulnerable due to their desperate need of energy supply.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ expenditures of billions in buying off shares from UK’s national electrical grids, owning privatized LNG/ GTL ports in the UK, impose control in UK’s most influential, Iconic and Strategical projects, all of which were initiated to impose control over the UK’s position towards energy supply and demand.

In the past, many of UK’s prime minister have been able to uncover these corrupted authorities’ intentions, some of which succeeded, and others just surrendered to their influence within the United Kingdom.

During the course of their intrusive invasion of the UK, they have engaged many high caliber individuals that enabled them to reach the level they have attained to this day, whereby they have enticed many British citizens who have served in the UK’s military, secret services, ministries, parliamentary, and other relative areas, all of which served their purpose of entrenching their control in the United Kingdom.

Such control that enabled them to escape their liabilities towards the UK Government whereby not paying off their debts which is approximated in Billions of overdue payments by the State of Qatar in favor of the UK government, as well as manipulating all their financials for all UK prospectus owned by them, resulting in a positive situation for them in not paying the UK government one penny in taxes. Fictitious financials that are in place to mislead the government’s authorities and defrauding the UK by not paying their dues.

Nevertheless, they have also engaged into many illicit activities, whereby they have always been able to escape accountability, from the fraudulent transactions that involved institutions such as Barclays, to the scandal of paying cash transactions to the Prince’s charity, to the ongoing underground financing towards terror groups in the UK and Europe, such financing that has rendered them to turn the United Kingdom as their “command center”, a realization that was exposed to the UK’s parliament recently by Steven Merley.  #1

Some of the UK’s authorities have rolled up red carpets for these corrupted authorities, providing them with diplomatic immunity, by allowing specific family members and close friends to the current imposed Emir to the State of Qatar to be recorded as Diplomatic attaché to the UK, providing them with immunity against anything they commit in the Kingdom.

Similar acts were also attempted in France and other parts of Europe, but the French authorities were proactive in exposing these corrupted individuals who are currently being investigated for their several acts of money laundering, terror financing, evading taxes and for financially influencing Islamic communities in France and attempting to radicalize them against their own government.

Germany was also another country that limited the expansion of Qatar’s investments within their country as they were aware of the negative impact that will be imposed on their country and how such would have enabled Qatar to take control over their country.

The United Kingdom is yet to take the right actions towards these corrupted authorities, whereby the council advise the UK’s authorities to take the necessary actions as soon as possible:

  • To promptly initiate an investigative panel to verify all the investments made by these corrupted authorities under the State investment authority and also several other investments that have been made under their personal names and companies registered in Malta, Luxembourg, Bermuda, and others (a comprehensive lists of all these details are available upon request), before these corrupted authorities turn the United Kingdom’ roles as the “Command and Control Centre” for the Brotherhood in Europe.
  • Investigation towards terror financing
  • Investigation towards Tax fraud

By initiating such investigative panel, the UK authorities will discover that these corrupted authorities are potentially hostile party that have been seeking for years to secure significant influence or control over a UK company and the Foreign Office must view Qatar’s UK activity for what it is: a strategic attempt to use financial muscle to mask and then inhibit the UK’s ability to challenge measures that threaten its national security. The UK must exert maximum pressure on the Qatari government to cease its continued support to the Brotherhood, and ensure provisions are included in the NSI Bill to counter any attempts to accrue financial influence, as well as outright ownership of, UK assets from hostile nations.

“In the event her Excellency neglect to take our advice into considerations and allow these corrupted authorities to persist their ways of intrusion into the Kingdom, we thereby advise you to take the following into consideration which will eventually prove to your Excellency if our statements are true or to the least if Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intentions towards the UK are not malicious.”

The Althani council said to honourable Liz Truss.

  • Request from Qatar’s corrupted authorities written confirmation and acknowledgement that they will be supporting the UK during these hard times and that they will be extending all possible resources to support the UK’s energy demand.
  • Obtain confirmation that Qatar’s investments in the UK towards energy sector will not be exploited against the UK citizens.
  • Confirmation that Qatar’s financial influence has not been extended into the UK’s Islamic communities.

The Council assures her that they will not commit towards the Kingdom, they will not fulfil any of their promises, they will purposely place the UK in a difficult position this winter to enforce on them decision that will define the UK’s political position in the world.

It is the UK’s authority’s choice to either defeat these corrupted authorities at their malicious attempts or wait and realize the inevitable.

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