It necessitate to remind the UN’s Secretary General that the duties and responsibilities that is bestowed upon World leaders that will be gathering at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City is to ensure accountability is enforced on countries and individuals who have committed atrocities over the years and to hold the leaders of these countries accountable for the grave human rights violations they have committed over the years.

Unfortunately, the General Assembly has not yet initiated its sessions and the council can all witness how such accountability is imposed only on specifically chosen parties and others are not mentioned.

For the past few days, many advocate of human rights have challenge the General Assembly to shed light on the main issues that has impacted the world, but only few of the countries or individuals responsible for the world’s atrocities have been placed under the spotlight, like China, Russia and Iran, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities have not been mentioned at all.


There is no denial that China, Russia and Iran have all committed some level of human rights violations and they have all caused disruption to the world’s order as we all know it, but why has Qatar’s corrupted authorities not been placed in the same line up of corrupted authorities around the world?

What truly differentiates Qatar from China, Russia and Iran?

Well, it’s simple, the reason has also been publicly made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities over the past few days, ahead of the UN’s General Assembly, whereby Qatar’s boldly made the following statements:

Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has spent about $1bn in 64 countries through several UN Program.

They have publicly admitted to the fact that they have contributed lavishly towards several UN programs:

  • + US$ 25M to IMF
  • + US$ 180M to UNICEF
  • + US$ 128M to UNHCR
  • + US$ 40M to UNESCO
  • + US$ 90M to OCHA
  • + US$ 130M to UNRWA
  • + US$ 53M to WFP
  • + US$ 13M to WHO 

Billions of Dollars expended towards the United Nations basically guaranteed that Qatar’s corrupted authorities will not be held accountable for their actions as it turns out that accountability has a price, even at the United Nations.

The trio effect of Qatar’s corrupted authorities?

Qatar’s authorities have for decades deceived the world with their approach in financially supporting terrorism and extremism throughout the globe, but such terror financing cannot be completed unless a trio effect of control in imposed, which will guarantee terror to take control.

First part of the trio effect is the unlimited terror financing that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been carrying out, which inevitably created millions of refugees around the world.

The second part of the trio effect is controlled by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, whereby she cultivates on the refugees’ losses and provide them with “sponsored programs” which to the world is supposedly providing education to children, but the true agenda is that these unfortunate human beings are radicalized to guarantee that the new recruits to several terrorist’s groups are available upon demand.

The third part of that malicious trio effect is controlled by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who is known as the former attorney general of Qatar, who is tasked to change the world’s perception on Qatar, and to engage in several organizations that are designed to promote anti-corruption practices, such as ROLACC, ACEAWARD, GOPAC, UNITAR, IAACA and many others, all these organizations that have been purposely initiated to derail the world’s attention away from Qatar and to make the world believe that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are promoting anti-corruption practices, whereby the truth is they are infusing corruption in every country they access.  

One part is financially responsible for the terror that is being unleashed to the world, other parts are responsible to radicalize further recruits whilst the last is tasked in deceiving the world’s attention.

Is Qatar the tail or the head of that malicious snake that is terrorizing the world?

To our opinion, Qatar’s corrupted authorities make the head of that malicious snake and they had for years been spreading their poisonous venom around the globe, causing chaos and disruption in every nation.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are currently supporting the Chinese with unlimited gas supplies and rejected to help the European Nations as they claim they have a binding agreement with the Chinese.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are currently supporting the Russians by preventing the Europeans to find an alternative to their energy crisis. Whereby Qatar owns a large share of Russian’s national gas company, making them strategic partners with Russia.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are always in direct coordination with the Iranians, they pay Iran their share in the gas revenue that is extracted from Qatar, they support Iran with Billions of US Dollars every year and they always pose themselves as the mediators to any Iranian talks with the US and the world.

Although these corrupted individuals have been reported through several publications worldwide, and many of which are report issued by the United Nations itself, and yet they are able to maintain their deceitful façade even further.

Here in are some of the links that exposes these corrupted individuals

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare (
  4. Harboring of terrorists (
  5. Financing of terrorists (
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants (
  7. Slavery and human trafficking (
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives (
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world (
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination (
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities (
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State (
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (

It is most probable and disturbing to know that even if China, Russia or Iran would have made similar contributions towards the UN, they too would have had the privileged of obtaining that façade that would have shielded the accountability away from them.

The Althani Council urge the United Nations authorities and world leaders to condemn Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ presence at the UN Assembly and all Qatari corrupted officials must be fully and appropriately punished for their crimes against the world. Qatar’s U.N. ‘delegation’ should be barred from the United States and held to account for their brutality.”

“The biggest disease the world yet to fight is CORRUPTION, and the only vaccine is TRANSPARENCY

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