Al Thani Council of The Ruling Family bring forth an advice that they hope Algeria may take into consideration, as it shall serve the benefit of Algeria and their citizens.

Their sincere approach in bringing forth such advice serves a prime purpose of assuring that the corrupted authorities that have been in control over the State of Qatar, will not persist with their acts that they have been imposing on Algeria to advance their personal agenda.

Al Thani Council, the citizens of the State of Qatar, and in specific, family members of the Al Thani ruling, assure them that they have never been in accord or acknowledged any of these actions that have and are still being carried out by these corrupted authorities.

As history as inscribed, Qatar’s ruling was overthrown by the same impaired partial root of the Al Thani, part that is not a true heir of the Al Thani Ruling, whereby they have overthrown and betrayed each other’s over the past three decades, whereby late Emir Khalifa bin Hamad overthrew his cousin late Emir Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ali Al Thani, to take control over the State.

After few years, his son, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, overthrew his own father, but the true driving force of this malevolent coup was Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned, who at the time was his second wife, upon which she overthrew him and enforced him to denounce to his son, born to her, neglecting the rights of his eldest heirs born to his first wife.

Upon which her son, the current Emir was given the rule on a golden platter, with no recognition to the entire ruling family’s rights.

From that day onwards, Sheikha Mozah has been the hand that pulled the strings and manipulated the country’s ruling, whereby she imposed all her close relatives in strategic posts in the government, rendering her a tight grasp over the rule of the State.

With her control over the State, she exploited the wealth and resources of the State to alternatively enforce a more devious agenda, which was to impose further control over several other countries in the region.

For the past two decades, she has been known to have propagated her influence and interfered in many affairs of many countries. Such influenced interference that was processed through different tactical channels:

  • Investing in assets or commercial properties
  • Investing in airlines, airports, electrical companies, or any other servicing industry
  • Investing in Education, health, and other relevant sectors
  • Introducing her charity organizations as a helping hand to the communities of the countries she infiltrated. And many, many, more.

In every process she undertook, it was to impose control over the country she exploited, such control that enabled her to entice the local communities to stand against their governments, to oppose them and to create disturbances in those countries.

Although she has expensed more than she ever gained over the past decades, but for her, it was a winning to have caused chaos in those countries, even if she was unable to maintain a grip over these countries, she sufficed upon witnessing the destruction of these countries, rendering them weak and even more vulnerable.

Many countries fell into such deceitful approach, when they opened their countries to her, believing that she intends to serve them right, whereas she served them to their enemies, and if there were no enemies, she created them from radicalized extremists and terrorists that she has been breeding over the years.

That is the main reason they are approaching Algeria, as to alert them, that Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals, have been refining and reproducing these radicalized extremists and terrorists in Algeria.

Unfortunately, they have been carrying out such process for many years now, whereby they have purchased several lands in Algeria, lands that have been presumably used for hunting seasons, purchased as investments and for leisure.

But these lands were purchased for a more scheming intentions, whereby these vast areas of lands are currently being exploited for the following activities:

  • Used as points of supply for their extremists and terrorists around the region
  • Training camps for their radicalization program
  • Strategic Stocking of resources for their groups
  • Weapons supplies
  • Funding and financing facilitation

Several other activities are being exploited through these lands that have been purchased, providing them with a direct access point in every country, allowing them to promptly supply and finance these groups.

Such logistical facilitation that is also complemented with their private planes that have been landing in Algeria for the past two decades. Private planes carrying large sums of money and supplies, readily transported to these lands, and distributed freely to their groups.

These radicalized groups of extremists and terrorists that are being readily supported and used as groups that are being deployed into different directions in the region and of course, a dedicated group that is tasked with creating an opposition in Algeria.

Similar tasked groups that were raised and launched in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Somalia, and many other countries in the region.

Hence, the decision remains with Algeria whether they are convinced to execute an immediate seizure of such acts in lands within Algeria or maintain an idle position, although remaining in an idle position did not yield positive outcomes for other leaders in the region, who did not execute promptly.

The evidence is in their actions, the number of visits in those lands and properties that they have purchased in Algeria, the number of private planes that have landed in Algeria’s airports and what merchandise they offloaded without direct verification from the local customs.

It also necessitates an immediate investigation towards all investments that they have carried out Algeria, in the name of the State, their personal names, their relatives’ names and even shell companies owned by them from the Bahamas, BVI, Luxembourg, Malta, and other countries.

It is not a mere coincidence that since Al Khayyat investments started in Algeria, the disturbance in Algeria’s communities has commenced.

Even the recent threat against the Saudi Embassy is a manifested process to distant Algeria from the Gulf countries.

Al Khayyat, who poses as a Qatari citizen is nothing more than a former Syrian spy, who worked for the benefit of Sheikha Mozah at the time of her relation with the Syrian regime, when her plan went array, she recruited Al Khayyat on permanent base to perform her plans around the world, that is when she nationalized Al Khayyat brothers as Qatari citizens.

Since then, Al Khayyat have been very popular amongst the world as the top terror financiers, who not only betrayed their own kind in Syria for exchange of money but as well employed their terror acts to impose further destruction in many Islamic nations.

Their presence in Algeria and the commencement of disturbance is not a happenstance and should not be taken lightly.

The main directives of their presence in Algeria are to destroy the relations of other Gulf countries with Algeria.

To threaten the investors of these countries to keep away from Algeria. The more investors retrieve and prevent to invest in Algeria, the weaker the country’s positioning, which will create more opportunities for Sheikha Mozah and her conspired group of individuals to exploit within Algeria.

This process has been replicated in many countries, and they have always applied 2 selective ways to control, either by enticing politicians in the country or by creating chaos and destruction in the country they intend to control, as through chaos they can have stronger control.

Similar agendas were imposed in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, and other unfortunate countries.

“By obtaining all these information, and interlinking them all together, you shall discover that all these acts form a giant web being imposed in your country to entrap your government and rendering your country and citizens under their control.

It is your choice to standby or to act upon the facts that are being unveil before you.”

the Althani council advised the Honourable president of Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

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