Everyone around the world is protesting against the use of drones to attack Ukraine, and how Iran has been supporting Russia in its invasion against Ukraine. Such drones that are built on the conceptual idea of causing human casualties and the cost of manufacturing these drones is far less than the cost of the ammunition needed to shoot them down. A process to drain out Ukraine’s capabilities and at the same moment undermine the European forces that are backing the Ukrainian government.

Although Russia’s extended assistance from Iran might change the outcome of such war, yet no one is actually taking the right steps to cut these support channels to Russia.

By stopping Iran from manufacturing such deadly weapons that are directed in killing innocent lives, whereby Iran can be directly sanctioned for assisting Russia.

Iran has recently killed thousands of its innocent citizens, imposed death penalties on citizens that have objected against the regime, and that is apart from Iran’s involvement in many other wars that have exploded in the region in the past decades and now their devious support to Russia.

But what is openly occurring is the complete opposite, whereby the Iranian’s have been obtaining unlimited financial support from Qatar, which has been directed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who ultimate target is to undermine the European forces and to render them absolute in this war.

Sheikha Mozah has extended the Iranian regime with unlimited finance, that has been pouring on Iranian regime in the past decades and intensified in the past year alone.

Everyone around the world have witnessed how billions made their way to Iran under many camouflaged instances, from payments against kidnapping of Qatari citizens, to payments made by Qatar’s Emir for the Ukrainian plane that was gunned down killing hundreds of passengers, to the daily 50 flights that have been landing in Iranian’s multiple airports, flights packed with resources from money to any requirements that will support the current regime.

 #1, #2


And now, the world is being deceived yet once more, with Qatar’s corrupted authorities, as leaded by Sheikha Mozah, have signed numerous cooperative agreements  with Iranian authorities over the past few months and the recent one is the most hypocritical agreement ever signed so far.


The recent agreement relates to an arrangement to pay the Iranian authorities millions in financial supports under the illusion of educating approximately 25,000 Iranian children, whereby ten times this number of children in Ukraine, Sudan, Mali, Tchad, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and many other countries that have been stricken by war have not received the same compassion as did the Iranians. #3


The truth behind such cooperative agreements is that there will not be any educational scheme that will take place, rather these funds will be used to manufacture yet more drones, under the pretense of educating 25,000 children, in actuality 25,000 drones will be manufactured by Iranian authorities, paid by Sheikha Mozah, given to Russia, to kill more Ukrainian citizens, and surely destroy more children’s future.


These cooperative agreements that were recently signed by Qatar’s authorities, as enticed by Sheikha Mozah, have undermined the European countries and is threatening their national security, as weaker the European Nations unity gets, the more Mozah is able to get control, such agenda that was aired by Al Jazeera decades ago, a plan stated by Qaradawi who openly pointed out that their plan is to regain control over Europe. #4

Hence, the directive is to build 25,000 more drones that will be used to attack the European countries and Qatar fund development is being exploited as a vehicle to transfer funds to such extremist’s plan.

The hypocrisy in these processes is the world is aiming at sanctioning Iran for their crimes without due effort, when they should sanction the source of all these atrocities, Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted authorities, who have exploited the State of Qatar’s wealth to advance their own interests and the interests of their prime allies, known to all to be Russia, Turkey, Iran and China. 

Sheikha Mozah should be the forefront of any sanction and the organizations that she exploits and employs to carry out the finances of these extremists program should be promptly exposed for their corruptive practices, organizations such as Qatar Development Fund, PSG in France, Silatech, Education Above All, Qatar Foundation, Rolacc, Aceaward, Gopac, and Qatar Charity, Urbacon, Al Khayyat group, Baladna, and many other organizations that have been implanted around the world to facilitate the financing in advancing their extremist plans. 


It is a shame to visualize how democratic societies are being exploited by individuals like Sheikha Mozah and how their national securities are being undermined to such extent, and European politicians are being blinded with bribes to allow such agenda to pass through undetected.

Will every European citizen also standby, allowing such atrocities to persist without changing this malevolent course?

  1. https://middle-east-online.com/en/qatar-offer-iran-3-billion-ukrainian-plane-victims
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-44660369
  3. https://dohanews.co/qatar-fund-to-provide-education-for-nearly-25000-refugee-children-in-iran/
  4. https://eeradicalization.com/the-qatar-papers-how-qatar-charity-inserts-itself-in-european-muslim-affairs/

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