It is imperative that Althani Council alert Faury’s of the upcoming manifestation that will be unveiled upon his ongoing case with Qatar Airways.

As per the recent events, Qatar Airways has been given a deadline of 13 weeks to produce correspondence between itself and the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) relating to the grounding of the Airbus A350.

Whereas, Qatar Airways has always claimed that the QCAA has forced its hand on the A350 issue, revoking Airworthiness Review Certificates on 22 aircraft and effectively grounding them from operations. Such claim that is baseless and not supported with any evidence whatsoever.

That of which was proven on how Qatar Airways’ ongoing omission of any evidence of communication between themselves and the QCAA.

Whereas the Althani Council assure that any documents that will be presented to the court within the given deadline are documents that will be fabricated with backdated references to prove that QCAA has forced Qatar Airways to ground its Airbus A350.

It has come to our attention that there has been direct request to employees at QCAA to fabricate such evidence and to prepare correspondences between itself and Qatar Airways proving the initial statement given by Qatar Airways to the court. 

Many of these individuals are reluctant to produce such fabricated evidence, but some may just succumb to the pressure from their authorities, whereby Qatar Airways CEO is well known to have greater influence even on the authorities of QCAA.

Bearing in mind that Qatar Airways and Qatar Aviation Authority belongs to the same authority, and any internal correspondences can be easily produced with limited evidence of when they were issued.

“In the even such documents were provided to the court by Qatar Airways, we are able to extend our assistance to you in verifying the documents and we can provide you with points that would prove that the documents presented to the court are forged documents with backdated references.” the Althani Council said to Mr. Guillaume Faury (the CEO of AIRBUS).

Qatar Airways authorities have caused extensive losses to the national airline and they are seeking to burden other parties with their losses, whereas they should be held accountable for their mistakes and mismanagement. Airbus’ case is nothing but a diversion to direct the attention away from the true causes that resulted in billions of losses to the national carrier.

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