With the recent occurrence of Qatar Charity (QC) opening an office in Jordan, it serves the purpose of reminding the world and in specific the very few individuals who still are willing to stand for human rights and defend the weak against the wrath of injustice that is being imposed on them by corrupted individuals such as these besmirched authorities that are in control of the State of Qatar.

What is Qatar Charity?

Qatar Charity was founded in 1992 under the name Qatar Charitable Society and quickly became a preferred funding source for terrorists.

Based on evidence and testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Qatar Charity “served a critical role in the Arab-Afghan terrorist infrastructure by laundering money originating from bank accounts belonging to bin Laden and his sympathetic patrons in the Arabian Gulf” and by “helping to move funds to areas where Al-Qaeda was carrying out operations”.

The main office for Qatar Charity in Europe was Qatar Charity UK (“QCUK”), now known as the Nectar Trust, which was changed to purposely divert the attention away from their organization that was placed under heavy scrutiny over the years and for further cementing the UK’s role as the “Command and Control Centre” for the Brotherhood in Europe.

Through its financial support, Qatar is helping the Brotherhood further entrench its influence within Europe, hindering the integration of the Muslim minorities, fostering hatred among religious communities, and helping to incubate home grown extremism. Such “Command and Control Centre” that realized one of its recent actions in the death of the Parliamentary Member that lost his life to a radicalized individuals that was taken advantage of. All in the intentions of sending a message to their political rivals, that they can carry out their extremities anywhere in the world, even in the United Kingdom.

In the past 28 years, Qatar Charity has established a notorious reputation of being not only a financer of terrorism and extremism, but also a contributor to the radicalization of minorities and young generations, such process that has been infused within the Mosques and Islamic Educational Centres that have been built and financed all over the world and specifically in Europe.

Such notorious reputation that led to a historical log of corruptive actions that are being witnessed by the entire world communities, but with minimal actions to prevent them from continuing in such devastating agenda, the constrained pace of such actions was limited due to their continuous outflow of bribes to several policy makers and enforcers to counteract their actions.

Qatar Charity is also an entity of concern to the USG due to some of its suspect activities abroad and reported links with extremists. In March 2008, Qatar Charity was listed as a priority III terrorism support entity (TSE) by the Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism (IICT), after having demonstrated intent and willingness to provide financial support to terrorist organizations willing to attack US persons or interests or provide witting operational support to Priority I-II terrorist groups. Qatar Charity has camouflaged itself behind their fictitious humanitarian and development activities that has been established in over 40 countries till date, and offices in 12 countries, ranging from 5 to 20 people in each location. The organization has 17 personnel in Khartoum with a branch in Darfur, and now they have initiated a branch in Jordan to expedite their plan in financing and radicalizing several extremists group in the region which will propagate to all neighbouring state, in the spite of causing further instability and chaos beyond control. Similar factors that were carried out in their plans with Taliban’s in Afghanistan.

Qatar Charity will exploit all possible means to assure that all the available funds and resources made available to them will be used to expedite the plan of fuelling further extremism and radicalization in Europe, Middle East, and the African continent. All in the purpose of serving their ultimate masters, Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals who are also in turn nothing but servants of “terror capitalism” that are controlling their actions in directives of controlling terror as a marketing tool to generate wealth and control over the world.

“Act Today, and Act Now, Tomorrow may be too Late, you Might not get Another Chance”

On the authority of the Messenger of God, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace:

“Whoever among you sees an evil, then let him change it by his hand. If he is not able, then with his tongue. If he is not able, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.”

And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions as a whole.

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God

Some of the unscrupulous’ acts carried out by Qatar Charity over the years are:


  1. Qatar Charity funded Jamatul-ul-Mujahedeen Bangladesh, an Islamist terror organization
  2. Qatar Charity also supported Al-Qaeda affiliates in northern Mali in 2012 and 2013, when that part of the country was overrun by Islamist terrorists.
  3. Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl, Osama bin Laden’s former business agent, defected to the United States in 1996, and testified to the 9/11 Commission and Congress, that Bin Laden told him in 1993 that the Qatar Charitable Society (QCS), (later renamed Qatar Charity) was one of Bin Laden’s several sources of funding.
  4. Qatar Charity actively supported Nusra Front ally Ahrar al-Sham, the group that held Mr. Schrier “in trust” for the Nusra Front from May 5 to June 20, 2013.
  5. December 2012, the Syrian Islamic Front, a coalition of militant Islamist groups of which Ahrar al-Sham was the dominant member, made a video announcing its formation that demonstrates the links between Ahrar al-Sham and Qatar Charity.
  6. Qatar Charity’s collaboration with IHH is troubling because of IHH’s influence in Syria and its ties to Ahrar al-Sham. As a spokesman for the human rights group Violations Documentation Centre explained in 2016, “IHH controls everything in Syria and is really close to Ahrar al Sham.”
  7. January 2011, press reports stated that the Israel Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority blacklisted both Qatar Charity and IHH as entities contaminated with funds related to terrorism. Although Israel authorities have facilitated the transitions of funds from Qatar Charity to Hamas groups, a collaborative agreement between Qatar Charity and Israel, that the charity will be able to allocate the leading points within Hamas surroundings if they are infiltrated within their ranks under the pretense of providing charitable assistance to the Palestinians.
  8. Former Qatar Charity employee and al-Qaeda defector al-Fadl confirmed the affiliation between al-Qaeda and the Qatari Charity.
  9. The Consortium Against Terrorist Finance reported that Qatar Charity also channeled funds to Chechnya-based al-Qaeda operatives in 1999.
  10.   2011 revolution that ousted Libyan colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Qatar provided financial and material support amounting to “millions of dollars in aid, military training and more than 20,000 tons of weapons” to anti-Gaddafi rebels, which was channeled through few key figures, some of which tied to al-Qaeda.
  11. Sadam claimed that Qatar Charity, which has purportedly signed a cooperation agreement with the Sudanese troops, was “building housing complexes in remote and isolated areas to harbor and train extremist groups”.
  12. An official of the Minni Minnawi Sudanese liberation movement who accused Qatar of endorsing the genocide perpetrated by Sudanese militiamen in Darfur by funneling money though the Sudanese branch of Qatar Charity, active in Darfur since 2010.
  13. And many more malignant activities were carried out by Qatar Charity as instructed and articulated by these corrupted officials in control of the State of Qatar and led by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

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