Before any serious consideration is made towards such matter, please review the following post recently published by Qatar’s corrupted authorities and how they are directly defaming the United Kingdom and in specific targeting the Royal family.

“British colonizers established a system of legal plunder, known to contemporaries as the “drain of wealth.” Britain taxed the Indian population and then used the revenues to buy Indian products – indigo, grain, cotton, and opium – thus obtaining these goods for free. These goods were then either consumed within Britain or re-exported abroad, with the revenues pocketed by the British state and used to finance the industrial development of Britain and its settler colonies – the United States, Canada and Australia.”

 “This system drained India of goods worth trillions of dollars in today’s money. The British were merciless in imposing the drain, forcing India to export food even when drought or floods threatened local food security. Historians have established that tens of millions of Indians died of starvation during several considerable policy-induced famines in the late 19th century, as their resources were syphoned off to Britain and its settler colonies.”

“Our research finds that Britain’s exploitative policies were associated with approximately 100 million excess deaths during the 1881-1920 period. This is a straightforward case

for reparations, with strong precedent in international law. 

Following World War II, Germany signed reparations agreements to compensate the victims of the Holocaust and more recently agreed to pay reparations to Namibia for colonial crimes perpetrated there in the early 1900s. In the wake of apartheid, South Africa paid reparations to people who had been terrorized by the white-minority government.


“History cannot be changed, and the crimes of the British empire cannot be erased. But reparations can help address the legacy of deprivation and inequity that colonialism produced. It is a critical step towards justice and healing.”


After reading all these defaming statement, one can only wonders how the United Kingdom’s authorities are still considering any future prospects with Qatar’s corrupted authorities and why are they given so much leeway to the extent that they can publicly defame the UK’s Royal Family.


Future consideration of sending UK migrants to Qatar is an act of destruction, as Qatar’s corrupted authorities, lead by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, will directly recruit and radicalize many of these channel migrants once they are in Qatar, whereby they will be redirected to the UK in the future to act as their dormant army of radicalized disciples, awaiting their orders.

defaming the United Kingdom
The UK’s authorities have a lot of consideration to make before taking any future steps towards such matters, as the exposure is much higher and will reflect negatively on the UK’s national security and stability.

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