Who should be held accountable, IRAN or its financier?

For years now, Qatar’s corrupted officials have manifested a program that is designed to bring chaos to the world, such program that is infused with extremism, terrorism, and trepidation.

Everyone who advocates Human Rights and stands high against the oppression of the Iranian government, should know that they are only as strong as the support they are getting from Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

Although many countries around the world have sanctioned Iran for decades, they have not been affected at all, as they are being supplied and financed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

An agreement that was established between Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Iranian counterparts, whereby she made a deal with the world’s greatest enemy in return for protection and maintaining her imposed position on the State of Qatar.

Sheikha Mozah has also supported financially most of the terror and extremists’ groups known to the world, providing them with a haven in Qatar and supplying them with all their needs to impose fear in the hearts of citizens around the world, such terror that is designed to entangle every citizen of the world to submit to their ways.


How are Qatar’s corrupted authorities financing Iran?

The financial support to Iran is implemented through several processes.

According to the Financial Times Qatar paid: 

  • $700 million to Iranian-backed Shi’a militias in Iraq
  • $120–140 million to Tahrir al-Sham
  • $80 million to Ahrar al-Sham.

New York Times, reported that Qatar paid:

  1. 500 million euros to Kataibb Hezbollah.
  2. $2 million to a firm called the Global Strategies Council
  3. $50 million paid to Jabhat al-Nusra. #1

Qatar paid up to $1bn to release members of its royal family who were kidnapped in Iraq. #2

Financial Times, reported that Qatar paid:

Other forms of payments are made through direct “financial supports” that are extended to Iran’s authorities, one of the most notable supports recorded is when the impose Emir of Qatar visited Iran promptly after the Ukrainian plane with over 176 passengers has been bombarded in mid-air, killing all its passengers. #3

$3 billion were presented by Qatar’s corrupted authorities to Iran as compensation for the 176 passengers who lost their lives following Iran’s admission that it shot down the Ukraine-bound aircraft after mistaking it for a ‘hostile target’.

These forms of payments are just a sample of other Billions of USD that are being transferred to Iran every day, through Qatar Airways which has over 50 daily flights to Iran’s multiple airports.

The daily flights are known to be packed with everything that Iran requires, from food, branded clothing, jewellery, cars, medicines, and many other special items.

Only few of these flights are designated to carry cash funds placed on pallets, fresh dollar bills, packed and air transported to Iran’s authorities, some other funds are being delivered to Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, or other parts of the worlds where Iran’s interests is.

How much damage is Qatar’s financial support causing the world?

The unlimited financial support that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have designated towards terrorists and extremists’ groups has imposed on the world several chaotic situations, whereby disturbing the balance of every country they have infused their terror in, which alternatively caused a ripple effect that is affecting other countries in the region.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities have financially backed rebels, extremists, terrorists and oppositions in every country, undermining the legitimacy of these countries’ governments, infusing terror to disturb the balance in these countries, and creating a surge of refugees that have been imposed on other countries.

In Africa, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deep involvement in the unrest that unfolded in the following countries:

  • Chad
  • Burkina Faso
  • Egypt
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Tunisia
  • Morocco
  • Algeria

 In the Gulf & Middle East, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have extended their infused terror to:

  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Lebanon
  • Bahrain
  • Iraq

In South Asia:

  • Afghanistan
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Nepal

 In every one of these countries, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have employed the State of Qatar’s funds, wealth and resources to fuel internal conflicts within each of these countries, causing unrest and infusing terror in the heart of these countries’ citizens, enforcing them to flee their own countries, seeking refuge from the conflicts, and burdening the world with these refugees.

The world leaders and all citizens of every country should stand against the oppression of Qatar’s corrupted authorities, who are the root cause of all the unrest that have unfolded in our world.

Focus should be directed against the perpetrators that are financing terror and not others.

Focus on who has been financing Iran, AL Nusra, Taliban, Daesh, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and many others, without such finance these forces are nothing but feeble authorities that are unable to impose terror.

“If all advocate of human rights truly wants to stop these human rights violations, then do not waste your efforts on striking at Iran’s embassies worldwide, when you should focus your efforts on striking down on Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

If you all want to stop these human rights violations, if you want to end the massacre that is being imposed on many countries, if you truly want to rid the world from terrorists and extremists, then you have to cut the root cause behind all of that.” said the Althani council to the world leaders.

Stopping Qatar’s corrupted authorities in financing these forces, will surely bring an end to the terror the Althani Council are all witnessing every day of their lives.

In some sayings in the world, it refers to “MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL,” well today the council are exposing the truth to the world, “MOZAH IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL”

It necessitates that the Althani Council remind the world that Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not represent Islamic beliefs, they do not abide by them and they surely do not act by them, as ALLAH Almighty stated that “Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity…Quran- 5:32

 May ALLAH Almighty bestow his mercy upon all and may the guidance of ALLAH be with all.

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/14/magazine/how-a-ransom-for-royal-falconers-reshaped-the-middle-east.html
  2. https://www.ft.com/content/dd033082-49e9-11e7-a3f4-c742b9791d43
  3. https://middle-east-online.com/en/qatar-offer-iran-3-billion-ukrainian-plane-victims

Why is UN granting access to Terror Financier?

It necessitate to remind the UN’s Secretary General that the duties and responsibilities that is bestowed upon World leaders that will be gathering at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City is to ensure accountability is enforced on countries and individuals who have committed atrocities over the years and to hold the leaders of these countries accountable for the grave human rights violations they have committed over the years.

Unfortunately, the General Assembly has not yet initiated its sessions and the council can all witness how such accountability is imposed only on specifically chosen parties and others are not mentioned.

For the past few days, many advocate of human rights have challenge the General Assembly to shed light on the main issues that has impacted the world, but only few of the countries or individuals responsible for the world’s atrocities have been placed under the spotlight, like China, Russia and Iran, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities have not been mentioned at all.


There is no denial that China, Russia and Iran have all committed some level of human rights violations and they have all caused disruption to the world’s order as we all know it, but why has Qatar’s corrupted authorities not been placed in the same line up of corrupted authorities around the world?

What truly differentiates Qatar from China, Russia and Iran?

Well, it’s simple, the reason has also been publicly made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities over the past few days, ahead of the UN’s General Assembly, whereby Qatar’s boldly made the following statements:

Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has spent about $1bn in 64 countries through several UN Program.

They have publicly admitted to the fact that they have contributed lavishly towards several UN programs:

  • + US$ 25M to IMF
  • + US$ 180M to UNICEF
  • + US$ 128M to UNHCR
  • + US$ 40M to UNESCO
  • + US$ 90M to OCHA
  • + US$ 130M to UNRWA
  • + US$ 53M to WFP
  • + US$ 13M to WHO 

Billions of Dollars expended towards the United Nations basically guaranteed that Qatar’s corrupted authorities will not be held accountable for their actions as it turns out that accountability has a price, even at the United Nations.

The trio effect of Qatar’s corrupted authorities?

Qatar’s authorities have for decades deceived the world with their approach in financially supporting terrorism and extremism throughout the globe, but such terror financing cannot be completed unless a trio effect of control in imposed, which will guarantee terror to take control.

First part of the trio effect is the unlimited terror financing that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been carrying out, which inevitably created millions of refugees around the world.

The second part of the trio effect is controlled by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, whereby she cultivates on the refugees’ losses and provide them with “sponsored programs” which to the world is supposedly providing education to children, but the true agenda is that these unfortunate human beings are radicalized to guarantee that the new recruits to several terrorist’s groups are available upon demand.

The third part of that malicious trio effect is controlled by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who is known as the former attorney general of Qatar, who is tasked to change the world’s perception on Qatar, and to engage in several organizations that are designed to promote anti-corruption practices, such as ROLACC, ACEAWARD, GOPAC, UNITAR, IAACA and many others, all these organizations that have been purposely initiated to derail the world’s attention away from Qatar and to make the world believe that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are promoting anti-corruption practices, whereby the truth is they are infusing corruption in every country they access.  

One part is financially responsible for the terror that is being unleashed to the world, other parts are responsible to radicalize further recruits whilst the last is tasked in deceiving the world’s attention.

Is Qatar the tail or the head of that malicious snake that is terrorizing the world?

To our opinion, Qatar’s corrupted authorities make the head of that malicious snake and they had for years been spreading their poisonous venom around the globe, causing chaos and disruption in every nation.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are currently supporting the Chinese with unlimited gas supplies and rejected to help the European Nations as they claim they have a binding agreement with the Chinese.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are currently supporting the Russians by preventing the Europeans to find an alternative to their energy crisis. Whereby Qatar owns a large share of Russian’s national gas company, making them strategic partners with Russia.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have and are always in direct coordination with the Iranians, they pay Iran their share in the gas revenue that is extracted from Qatar, they support Iran with Billions of US Dollars every year and they always pose themselves as the mediators to any Iranian talks with the US and the world.

Although these corrupted individuals have been reported through several publications worldwide, and many of which are report issued by the United Nations itself, and yet they are able to maintain their deceitful façade even further.

Here in are some of the links that exposes these corrupted individuals

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (https://undocs.org/pdf?symbol=en/A/HRC/44/39/Add.1)
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/apr/13/qatar-families-only-zones-entrench-segregation-of-migrant-workers)
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare (https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/08/24/human-rights-watch-submission-committee-economic-social-and-cultural-rights-qatar)
  4. Harboring of terrorists (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40246734)
  5. Financing of terrorists (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-115hhrg26427/html/CHRG-115hhrg26427.htm)
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/06/qatar-migrant-workers-unpaid-for-months-fifa-world-cup-stadium/)
  7. Slavery and human trafficking (https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-trafficking-in-persons-report/qatar/)
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25296&LangID=E)
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world (https://icsr.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ICSR-Report-The-Islamic-Movement-in-Britain.pdf)
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25374&LangID=E)
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/emir-of-qatar-deposed-by-his-son-1588698.html)
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State (https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/797647?ln=en)
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25296&LangID=E)

It is most probable and disturbing to know that even if China, Russia or Iran would have made similar contributions towards the UN, they too would have had the privileged of obtaining that façade that would have shielded the accountability away from them.

The Althani Council urge the United Nations authorities and world leaders to condemn Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ presence at the UN Assembly and all Qatari corrupted officials must be fully and appropriately punished for their crimes against the world. Qatar’s U.N. ‘delegation’ should be barred from the United States and held to account for their brutality.”

“The biggest disease the world yet to fight is CORRUPTION, and the only vaccine is TRANSPARENCY

For who’s benefit are the laws issued by Qatar’s Emir?

In recent years, the Emir of the State has issued several laws, and with each law it seems that the citizens of the State of Qatar are the least to benefit from such laws and at all issued law others stand to gain much more.

Laws that have been published and enforced have constrained the citizens of the state and reduced their actual benefits, by alternatively creating such laws that has taken from the citizens what is rightfully theirs from the beginning.

Similarly with the recent law that the Emir issued, Law No. (4) of 2023 regarding procedures for the division of estate.

The Law is supposedly aimed to:

  1. Facilitate the litigation procedures for heirs and speed up the division of inheritances
  2. Strengthen bonds of family relations among heirs
  3. Avoid the legal, social, and economic issues arising from delaying its distribution to heirs
  4. Maintain minors’ legal rights in inheritance

For many citizens they have seen such law as a possible benefit for them, but what they do not know, is that law has been generated to assure that the hundreds of estates that were taken from the government and registered in Sheikha Mozah’s family members names, will be transferred to the following generation without further delay.

This law came up to expedite the process of transferring these assets to the next generation of Sheikha Mozah’s family and relatives and to assure that they are covered by law to enforce the process swiftly.

But the real intentions are also more surprising, as many citizens of the State do not know that Sheikha Mozah has taken by force most of the lands and assets that belongs to the true heirs of the Founder Sheikh Jassim Bin Mohammed Al Thani, whereby most of his true heirs have either being detained to succumb to their demand, others have been exiled, whilst many others have been silenced, but the fact remains that all property and assets currently owned by Sheikha Mozah and her family are actually inheritances taken by force from the Al Thani family.

That is also apart from many other inheritances that were taken from other families in Qatar, who as well did not stand much of a chance to fight for their own rights.

So, such laws that are springing up to serve Sheikha Mozah’s agenda are truly detrimental to the citizens of Qatar and they will not realize the effect of such until they have actually lost everything and with that a very important question is posed, is the Emir of the State actually fair in his ruling and does he justify the means for serving his own mother’s greed?

The late Emir Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani was forcibly removed from his position as the Emir of the State by his own son, the current’s Emir Grandfather, and the reason of his removal was to protect the benefit of the State and its citizens.

At that time, Sheikh Khalifa was claimed to have taken almost US$ 1 Billion from State funds, and legal cases were issued against him globally and as well international arrest warrants through Interpol were also issued to intimidate Sheikh Khalifa in returning these funds to the State. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa at the time justified his position as defending the State and preserving its interests.

But today, Sheikha Mozah alone is worth over US$ 15 Billion, that is 1500% more funds than late Sheikh Khalifa himself, that is also apart from the other billions expanded in assets, properties and companies owned by Sheikha Mozah and her family throughout the globe.


Mozah did not have a penny when she married Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa, but now she owns more than the State entire budget, and she has not been exposed by her husband the Father Emir who turned against his own father for supposedly protecting the rights of the State and its citizens, neither is the current Emir of the State, who is providing his mother with all the appropriate laws and legislations to enable her to get away with everything she has been manifesting till date.

So the question itself poses again, is the Emir protecting the rights of the citizens and who truly stands to benefit from all the laws that he has been issuing since?

We believe that the citizens of the State are not provided with the laws that protects their rights and that Mozah and her family should be held accountable for their actions.

Citizens of the State should never be in debt, neither should they pay for health care, nor should they get coupons for their children’s education and surely, they should not be imposed with any pressure to succumb to Mozah’s ways.

Everything that Mozah has taken from the State of Qatar should be returned and what is rightfully the inheritance of the Al Thani family and any other family in Qatar should also be returned to the true heirs of those families.

A Leader, Emir or ruler of any State is placed to protect the benefit of the citizens and not to enrich his mother or family members, if Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned was able to accumulate over US$ 15 Billion for herself, every single Qatari citizen should have had at least the same or more, as she and her son are supposedly placed in their positions to serve the public not take from them.

Citizens of the State of Qatar should think thoroughly how their future and their children’s future are being wasted by the greed of selective individuals and each one of us can choose either to allow them to continue with their manifestation or bring an end to their selfishness.

He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him

Qatar’s former Prime Minister Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr said the armed confrontations taking place in Sudan between the country’s military and a powerful paramilitary force are “consequences of malicious advice and foreign interference”.

A statement that was made out of his own impulse as he knows exactly who is the forces that are inflicting these malicious advice and foreign interference into Sudan and other countries that have been similarly affected.

Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Tchad, Yemen, and many other countries who had their citizens flee their own country in refuge of a more peaceful country, destroying their homes and killing millions of these unfortunate civilians, whose only fault is that they are citizens of countries that have been targeted by greedy corrupted individuals who wanted to take by force their country’s riches and resources.

Bin Jassim failed to disclose in his last impulsive interview that the individuals behind all the chaos that have unveiled into Sudan and all these countries are none other than the inflicted terror financing initiated by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited the following organizations to expedite the process of destruction.

Through Qatar Charity, Qatar Development Fund, Education Above All and many other organizations, who are masked behind charitable organizations, are actually organizations that are pouring terror financing into these countries, supporting any opposition to propagate the conflict in these regions.

Bin Jassim failed to mention that every country that was represented by individuals claiming to be from Qatar in mediating the conflict between oppositions in those countries, are actually parties who spilled flammables into a raging fire, their so-called mediation was nothing other than a ruse to increase the conflict, a reason to get closer to both parties, to entice them against each other.

But what is the main directives from supporting terror in those countries and what do they stand to gain from all these destructions?

Simply, they are war profiteers and they inflict these wars in those regions to promote weapons trade, and everyone knows who stands to gain more from selling arms in the region, it is none other than the US, whereby Mozah and her corrupted individuals are agent that are facilitating these wars.

The other gain from these destructive acts is the disturbance that these wars and conflicts is causing to the western world, the greater the pressure in these countries, the faster the migration of refugees into Europe, the greater the pressure on their governments, which will lead to the inevitable failure of these governments, similarly like United Kingdom and France, whereby they are currently battling the difficulties of surviving the impact of illegal refugees into their countries, costing their governments billions of dollars a month and whereby eventually these refugees will turn to terror as they have not been provided with many alternatives.

Their manifested process is like diverting flow of a river downstream to a village of people, to cause their village to drown, and by diverting refugees to Europe, their governments and cities will soon be drowned with the millions of refugees that are awaiting the basic needs of life.

With every pressure made against Bin Jassim, Mozah and all their accomplices, they will turn to creating a pressure point that will enforce the Western world to yield to their ways, if you expose them for corruption, they will inflict war in countries where you interests lies, if you prevent them from acquiring national assets in your countries, they manifest a way to divert the world’s attention away from them, at all times, their manifestation is a reflection of the pressure they are experiencing.

So the only solution for the western world is to promptly seize the funding source of these kleptocrats and by restricting their fundings, you shall succeed in controlling them, but without that, you shall always be the victims of a conspiracy that will target your countries.

The choice is with the citizens of all western world, not your politicians, as they and the entire UN organizations are on their payroll.



Many citizens in Qatar have witnessed a wave of increased living costs. From house rent increasing over 200% over the past decade alone. School fees increase exponentially when education is supposed to be provided for free to Qatari citizens. Health care is increasing detrimentally when health care support was once provided at no cost to citizens.

Food and other commodities have also increased drastically, imposing high rates on the citizens. Most products are also controlled by Sheikha Mozah and her group of 40 corrupt individuals. Robbing the citizens of their own rights. Taken away their basic needs by imposing the highest prices. Mozah has attained a level at this moment where she controls everything in Qatar. From education, health, transportation, hospitality, and even the production of milk and other commodities. All are under her control through enforcement and by taking advantage of the citizen’s rights. Exploiting the state’s wealth and resources to advance her personal agenda.

And citizens of the state are not realizing the high price they are paying until it is too late. This manifested cost increase starts with the supply of fuel in Qatar. Through the only governmental organization that provides fuel to the public, Woqod. Whereby Mozah has imposed the control of being the only supply chain in Qatar.


After purposely closing down all other petrol stations that used to be operating in Qatar, compacted them all under one control, her control, to assure she could easily monopolize the process. The citizens of the state should only look back at what they used to pay for fuel decades ago. And what they are paying today. And see the relative reasons why your cost of living is increasing. And why your country’s inflation rate is rising. And most of all, why your country’s external debt has risen to QAR 230 billion.

Qatar’s Prime Minister eluding Qatar Citizens

The recent televised interview of Qatar’s Prime Minister is a definite sign that the State of Qatar is entering a phase of self-destruction manifested by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

Although the last day of Ramadan is nearing, we wish to convey our best wishes to all Qatari citizens for the upcoming Eid and may Allah bestow on all his mercy.

Many Qatari citizens have had different thoughts and conclusions of what the interview of the Prime Minister actually entails and what did he try to convey through his eluded messages, and many of you may be asking yourselves the following questions:

  • If Education is Free, then why are every Qatari citizen paying from their own money
  • If Health care is Free, then why are every Qatari citizen paying hefty bills to obtain the care their need
  • If Qatar Sovereign Funds are successful, then why have we lost our ranking in the past decades
  • If Qatar’s financial position is great and better than others, than why do we have external debt that is more than our entire budgeted income for years
  • If the FIFA hosting was so successful, then why have we as citizens not gained from that
  • If the Gas revenue is for our future generations, then why is Sheikha Mozah provided with a dedicated Gas well for herself alone, and how many gas wells are dedicated for her children and relatives
  • If the Private sector is stable in the State, then why does Sheikha Mozah and all her relatives and corrupted partners own everything in the State, from Education, Health, Transportation, Leisure, commercial and everything in between, what do the citizens actually have left
  • If the country is doing so great, then why are the authorities thinking of imposing value added tax and income tax.
  • If the economy is so strong and better than others, why do we have such inflation that caused many families to flee the country
  • If the State’s investments abroad are successful, then why are they officially recording losses in Billions
  • If our national investments are stable, then why investments like Qatar Airways are losing billions over the past 8 years alone
  • If the Emir and all State authorities are actually employees of the Public, and they should answer to the public, then why have they not, and how did they all amass such wealth beyond their possibilities.

Well Qatar News has reviewed thoroughly the so-called “rare live televised interview on national television this past Thursday”

First all, before we provide all honourable citizens of the State with the relevant facts depicting that every statement made during that interview is nothing short than a ruse to derail the citizens from what is actually happening behind the scenes, and that the citizens of the States should understand that the Prime Minister is actually as per the law and constitution an employee of the State, who is also an employee of the citizens, and he legally answered to the people, and his presence on live television should not be considered as a favour from his part, rather a duty that he is not maintaining as they have admitted that his presence live to the people is rare.

Now, if we dissect every statement that was made by the Prime Minister, we shall realize that he has been obligated to pass on to the people a camouflaged message that soon will be realized, which is that the citizens of the State will be burdened with all the losses that has been imposed on the State of Qatar and that such interview is nothing less than a way to justify the reasoning behind their malicious plans

One of the major points he spoke of is the cost of the FIFA 2022 projects inclusive of its infrastructures, that these projects were inevitable and that they would have been made regardless of whether there was a hosting or not, and that the hosting only expedited the process, and foremost that the State made more revenue from the FIFA 2022 hosting than they had anticipated.

For this statement, we ask the citizens of the State to validate the facts behind such deluded point, if the FIFA hosting was so successful, then why did most citizens not gain from such success, why did the majority of properties that were intended to be rented out, ended being vacant during the entire hosting?

Why did the State authorities fill the stadiums with blue collar employees, hauled in buses to all stadiums to fill the empty seats that were not purchased?

The success of the FIFA hosting can only be measured on how much the State’s economy has benefited from that, and during the interview the Prime Minister admitted of the inflation rate, which is not a representative correlation to a successful period

As to the expenses of the projects for the FIFA hosting, the Prime Minister failed to admit that the $230 Billion expended towards these projects were all managed by Sheikha Mozah, her family and close relatives, and that the actual cost of these projects is less than half of what has been expended and the other half made its way into their personal accounts abroad, which enabled Sheikha Mozah to purchase Ritz London and other entities under aliases, billions of Dollars have been exploited into foreign account.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister also failed to disclose the expected maintenance costs associated with all these projects and how much will be burdened on our future generation

Which brings us to the next point that was made, whereby the Prime Minister stated that the Gas revenue that is being supplied is funds kept for future generations, but such statement is in conflict with the truth, as most of the Gas revenues are being expended by Sheikha Mozah, which was exposed years ago that she has dedicated to herself gas wells #1 , and if such statement has any sense of the truth, then why is the State currently burdened with over US$65 Billion of external debt, which again is a fact published at Qatar’s Central Bank. #2

Further into the interview, the Prime Minister went on eluding the citizens even further, by elaborating on the so-called economic diversification and growth and how the State has invested into many investments’ opportunities across the globe, and claimed that the State Sovereign Funds is listed on the top list, but yet again failed to reveal the truth that the State’s Sovereign Fund has lost its ranking for the past 20 years, and every investment made abroad is currently at loss.

Every single investment made in Qatar or abroad has proven that is has failed, and that these investments are losing Billions every day, and that can be proven if Qatar Citizens would verify the financial Statements of the following investments and you shall realize how these investments are losing State funds and are actually a burden that will be imposed on the citizens of the State.

The following list will provide the direct official links of these companies and their financial statements, and the citizens of the State should be the judge whether such investments are a success or not as per the statement made by the Prime Minister:

·       BeIN IH Limited, lost over US$ 3 Billion till date


·       Valentino England Limited, Lost over US$ 30 Million


·       Harrods Limited, Lost over US$ 60 Million


·       Qatar Airways, Lost over US$ 30 Billion


·       Qatar Investment Authority, Credit Suisse Shares, Lost over US$ 3 Billion in share value


And many more investments that have failed and is currently losing billions of USD in State’s funds, but the Prime Minister failed to disclose these facts and number, and also failed to disclose the facts that all expenditures made by Sheikha Mozah towards herself and her organizations have no record to the public and no one actually knows how much Sheikha Mozah is actually exploiting from the State, but the lavish acquisition of palaces, hotels, properties and fashion companies abroad is a small representation of where the money is going, that is apart from the billions that are being kept into their personal accounts.

Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, the former Emir of the State was overthrown by his own son who was enticed by Sheikha Mozah, and he was pursued through Interpol and international courts to force him to return the funds that he had in his personal accounts abroad, to the extent that arrests warrants were issued against him, but all he had in his accounts abroad was less than a Billion Dollar,

whilst Sheikha Mozah alone has over US$ 15 Billion in her personal account and that is not all the exploited funds, as the other funds have been kept in accounts of her children, close relatives and business associates like Yousef Kamal, Nasser Khulaifi, Abdelhadi Al Hajri, Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and many more.

All these facts are available for the public to verify, and in the past years many have tried to expose it to the world, some of which have been detained and tortured in Qatar, others have been exiled, whilst others have been issued with fabricated legal cases to impose pressure on them. Recently many of the legal cases have been manifested against Qatari citizens who have exposed them for what they are and what they have been doing

Sheikha Mozah has not limited herself only to exploiting the State funds, but also imposed her control on all other sectors of the country, from Education, Health, Public and Private sectors, all have been constrained under her control.

In his interview, the Prime Minister referred to the education and health level in the State and boldly made his statement that he is proud of the level the State has reached, such statement alone is evidence enough to the citizens of the state who have been the direct witness of the situation in Qatar.

Whereby Education has not been what it used to be, Qatari citizens obtain coupons on limited government coverage for their children’s tuition, which is eventually not sufficient for them, and they end up paying more to assure their children obtain the right education. The State authorities failed to comprehend that the State’s constitution depicts that Qatari citizens have to be provided with Education and Health for free, not through limited coupons, not through sponsorships or scholarships, it should be free, but unfortunately it has not been the case, and such has been proven by the UN’s special Rapporteur, whom in its report disclosed the following:

……The lack of free education in Qatar results in a number of children not attending school, whose families cannot afford even modest school fees.  I have received information from children whose parents, or even grandparents, or even great grandparents, who have therefore resided in Qatar for generations, had not been in school…… #3     

Conclusively, we urge the citizens of the State of Qatar to deeply reflect on everything that has been said or done in the State over the past decades, and ask yourselves, are you truly confident that we are all going on the right track, or will we all crash if we do not take actions now.

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-qatar-sidra-donations-idUSTRE72L29I20110322
  2. http://www.qcb.gov.qa/English/Publications/Statistics/GovernmentExternalDebt/Pages/GovernmentExternalDebt.aspx
  3. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/12/statement-special-rapporteur-right-education-ms-koumba-boly-barry-following.

NINE TWO Foundation……will be the cause of the next NINE/ELEVEN

Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani, QIB, NINE TWO Foundation, or even BeIN IH Limited, they are all part of the same pot that has been steering in the United Kingdom.

For decades, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has employed specific individuals to exploit the wealth of the State of Qatar.

Such wealth and resources that has been laundered in the United Kingdom through several purchases of residential and commercial properties, as well as the acquisition of fashion houses, shares in organizations that hold national interest in the Kingdom.

But why would Sheikha Mozah manifest a process to buy off several prestigious projects and assets, such as Harrods which was purchased by the State’s fund and whereby Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani has benefited from a commission amounting to almost half a billion pounds, and his involvement as well in the financial scam that was carried out at Barclays Bank, and not forgetting the Ritz London which was presumably purchased by the current Emir’s brother-in-law, who conveniently enough happens to have the funds to afford over £800 Million to buy off the Ritz, the same process that was used to validate his source of funds are being replicated in the scenario of NINE TWO Foundation.

So, what is NINE TWO Foundation, it is merely another vehicle used to exploit State’s funds, initiating funds to be transferred to specific accounts in Qatar and thereby transferred to United Kingdom and other parts of the world.

The same foundation was also collaborating with QIB, which is well known for its strong financial support towards extremism and have funded terror attacks for decades, that is also apart from the various financial conflict these organizations have as they are completely entangled in State’s affairs and at the same time exploited as their personal checking accounts.

When Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani was revealed as the man behind the £4.5 billion Qatari bid for Manchester United, it was widely assumed that the banker was chosen because of his supposed independence from the ruling regime, writes Robert Dineen.

With UEFA banning any individual or entity from owning more than one club in the same competition, a state-backed Qatari offer for United would have risked conflict with the Gulf state’s involvement in Paris Saint-Germain.

However, it does not take much digging to find links between the French club’s ownership and Al Thani, the chair of the Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB).

PSG is owned by the Qatar Sports Authority (QSA), with its chair Nasser Al-Khelaifi the club’s president.

QSA is owned by the Qatari Investment Authority (QIA), the country’s £374billion sovereign wealth fund. QIA is also QIB’s largest shareholder, with 17.7 percent of the stock.

As it happens, Al Thani’s father Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, Qatar’s former prime minister, is also the former chair of QIA.

Ultimately, it seems, though United’s suitors might argue otherwise, all threads lead to the country’s seat of power.

So, the real question remains in this situation, as to why is it so difficult for the UK’s authorities to realize that the recent approach to acquire Manchester United is just another step to validate stolen funds, and authorities are still not taking decisive actions towards these individuals.

It is clear as light can be, Hamad Bin Jassim was involved in several shady deals in the past and still is, We urge the UK authorities to consider such important elements before permitting these individuals to take any further steps, whereas amongst themselves Hamad Bin Jassim is referred to as a thief, whereby in an audio recording attributed to late Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak can be heard saying that Sheikh Tamim’s father Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa nicknamed Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim “the thief of Doha”, and now the UK authorities are about to permit such individuals to own such national team, which will probably yield a negative outcome for all.

Hamad Bin Jassim has shielded himself for decades as a diplomat and till this date is recorded as an official of the State of Qatar,exploiting such position to escape accountability at all timesand the UKauthorities are standing by watch, allowing such mockery to take place.

The UK authorities are currently concerned about the source of funds attributed to NINE TWO Foundation, but the trail of evidence are enough to prove that these funds are all exploited from the State of Qatar, and these corrupted individuals are being protected and allowed to get away with their Kleptocratic acts.

NINE TWO Foundation, BeIN IH Limited, Valentino House, Harrods, Ritz London, Urbacon, and many more companies and aliases have been established in the United Kingdom to exploit state funds, to finance terror agenda that is being unfolded in the Kingdom, to radicalize Islamic communities, to exploit the UK by imposing their agenda through their lavish investments.

The UK’s authorities have been presented with all the evidence and details years back, and it necessitates to remind the authorities on this specific report that was submitted to the UK’s parliament in June 2020, which elaborates in details how this maleficent agenda is being imposed in the UK, and how it will eventually affect the lives of all UK citizens in the very near future.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ malicious intentions against China

The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of the State of Qatar, would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the relations that has been in place between the People’s Republic of China and its honourable citizens with our Qatar.

In light of this relations, the council finds it as an obligation on them as the citizens of Qatar to alert Xi Jinping of the possible endangerment that may be imposed on his country and citizens.

Whereby the council appeal to the President to verify the facts that they are outlining in this correspondence and take the necessary actions to mitigate the negative factors that may derive from the malicious program that is launched by Qatar’s corrupted authorities against China

The Honourable President may already be aware that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are individuals who have imposed their presence on our country through their unlawful coup and deception and that they have maintained their imposed position for so long due to the foreign forces that have provided them with the military support that enforced their presence.

The US and Turkish military bases are mainly paid for by the State to protect the corrupted authorities from being removed from their post as they are serving an agenda that is currently favouring mostly the American’s agenda in the region followed up by serving the interests of Iranian authorities and complimented with their entangled involvement with the Turkish authorities.

Without these forces, Qatar corrupted authorities would have been promptly removed, whilst these forces are supporting them, they will probably will not last as long as they are anticipating.

Although knowing these corrupted authorities’ limitations, there are other factors that they exploit that is causing disruption to other countries, by carrying out smearing campaigns against countries, whereby engaging the world against certain countries to serve their agenda.

During The President’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia to inscribe a new relation with the Gulf countries and to bring this relation to a new Era that will serve the interest of all nations involved, during such visit, Qatar’s corrupted authorities were engaged in a different agenda, led by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who unfortunate enough is the mother of the current Emir, she has instructed her corrupted crew to initiate a campaign against China and its people, and foremost to engage the Islamic communities in China to manifest an uprise within their own surroundings.#1, #2, #3, #4

Although Qatar’s corrupted authorities are attempting to steer Islamic communities in China and specially through exploiting Qatar’s corrupted Islamic organization known as the “International Union of Muslim Scholars”, such organization that was initiated by individuals who are opposing the true beliefs of Islam and are manipulating the religion to serve their purpose.

Such manifestation and exploitation of Islam is forbidden and the world should comprehend that Islam does not teach nor engage Muslims to oppose their governments, it teaches the complete opposite.

As per the Islamic beliefs, Muslims who live in a non-Muslim country as citizens are obligated to fulfill this covenant of security which necessitates obeying the law of the country, they live in.

It is a religious obligation for a Muslim to keep his promises, behave truthfully, and respect people’s natural rights.

Allah all mighty said:

O you who believe, fulfill all contracts.

Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:1

And Allah Subhanahu wa’ta’ala said:

Fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it, and do not break oaths after their confirmation while you have made Allah a witness over you. Verily, Allah knows what you do.

Surah An-Nahl 16:91

It is forbidden for a Muslim to betray anyone to whom he has given a pledge of security or a promise. Treachery is an enormous sin which results in severe punishment and humiliation in the Hereafter.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

When Allah gathers the earlier and later generations on the Day of Resurrection, he will raise a banner for every treacherous person and it will be announced that this is the treachery of this person, the son of this person.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 5823, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

The general rule is that a Muslim should obey those in authority as long as they do not command the Althani Council to commit sins.

Prior to such attack, Qatar’s media agency has broadcasted live to the world the ongoing agreements between China and Taliban, on how Taliban will benefit from the ongoing collaboration between China and Afghanistan, whereby such broadcast are actually serving as a tactical communication method with the terror groups, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities exploit Al Jazeera to send messages to these terror groups they support, hence giving them signals to initiate attacks as per their agreed coding process.

For decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have used their media agency as a communication tool to signal their extremists groups and every program or statement made by Al Jazeera has its relative impact, as these terror groups are provided with instructions through these programs. A malicious coding practice that has terrorized the world for years.

The Honourable President may already be aware that these corrupted individuals are the main financiers of all these terrorists and extremists’ groups, they provide support to all their leadership and these forces are hired to impose terror on countries, governments and even citizens, making them flee their own countries to other destination to provide them with the freedom to do what they want in the country they invade.

Muslims have lived for centuries amongst all religions, race and cultures, they have not meant any harm to anyone for over a millennium and centuries, but individuals like Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has exploited the weaknesses and desperation in some by radicalizing them to carry out her agenda to terrorize the world, and China and its people have been recently placed on her agenda, which serves her interests and her closest allies, who unfortunately are the enemies of People’s Republic of China and its honorable citizens.

Qatar’s Corrupted Authorities next move in London after Ban

In reference to the recent news that Qatar has launched a review of its investments in London after the city’s transport authority this week banned the Gulf state’s tourism advertisements on the capital’s buses, taxis and Underground train system.

Such ban that was placed by Transport for London (TfL) which was triggered by concerns over the soccer World Cup host’s stance on LGBT+ rights and its treatment of migrant workers.

The Althani Council wishes to applaud the authorities in the United Kingdom for their stand against human right violators, no matter how much these violators like Qatar’s corrupted authorities have control over UK’s economical sector and its manifested control over several strategical investments in the UK.

In the past, the council has alerted the UK’s authorities in this regard, and they have warned of this process that will be unveiled very soon, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ diversified portfolio in the UK is not for the financial benefit of it but to manifest a process of controlling the UK’s decisions by influencing economical pressure. Committees delivered presentations at the UK Houses of Parliament, Harvard University in the US, at McGill University in Canada and addressed events sponsored by the US State Department, the European Parliament, and the Belgian Parliament.

His report can be found on the official link of the UK parliament. #1

He concluded in his report by requesting how the FCO should assess whether a potentially hostile party is seeking to secure significant influence or control over a UK company and what safeguards are required in the National Security and Investment Bill.  If the purpose of the NSI Bill is to strengthen the Government’s powers to scrutinise and intervene in business transactions to protect national security, then it must reflect on the investment portfolios of hostile parties, not just individual transactions or takeovers.

The information presented in his report strongly suggests that in considering its position with respect to Qatari investment and trade, the UK has failed to challenge its growing role as a financier of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK. Thanks to the ongoing support of Qatar, the UK has become the “Command and Control Centre” for the MB in Europe which is alarming for both the future of the Muslim communities in the country and for national security.

Protecting national security while ensuring the UK remains a global champion of free trade and investment is no easy task. However, the Foreign Office must view Qatar’s UK activity for what it is: a strategic attempt to use financial muscle to mask and then inhibit the UK’s ability

to challenge measures that threaten its national security. The UK must exert maximum pressure on the Qatari government to cease its continued support to the Brotherhood, and ensure provisions are included in the NSI Bill to counter any attempts to accrue financial influence, as well as outright ownership of, UK assets from hostile nations.

Such prediction which is being visualized in the past few years, whereby Qatar’s authorities have taken control over many of UK’s strategical investments, other than owning most of the iconic commercial outlets and branded hotels, they have targeted UK’s most vulnerable investments such as airports, airlines, water company, energy companies and many others.

That is why, the council urge the UK’s authorities to take immediate precautions against the upcoming events that will soon be unveiled in the United Kingdom, whereby the UK and its citizens, of all race and religion, will be affected by this process.

The anticipated response of Qatar’s corrupted authorities is to create internal chaos within the United Kingdom, whereby terror activities will be initiated, similarly like the past attack on UK’s MP who was stabbed and other attacks that were manifested against the Islamic communities in UK to trigger their response against other communities.

Such process that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested in the past in other countries, whereby they financially support terror groups to initiate chaos against governments to get them engaged into their internal issues, whereby facilitating their intrusion even further.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, through their lavish investments in the UK, have been able to establish dormant disciples that are awaiting instructions from these corrupted authorities, and according to information made available to the council, most of these radicalized individuals are already based in the UK and others from other parts of Europe, specifically Italy, Spain and France, whereby the UK’s authorities should closely monitor individuals that are travelling into the UK from these countries and what their affair entails in the UK.

Further process that will be manifested by these corrupted individuals, is through their charitable organizations, such as NECTAR TRUST (known previously as Qatar Charity which changed its name after being exposed of their terror financing), local Islamic centres and other religious gatherings, were most of the individuals attending these places are individuals who are financially influenced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities enticement and they are made to believe that the UK’s government is targeting the Islamic community and misleading these unfortunate individuals in believing that they are carrying out a religious duty by opposing the UK’s government.

The council urges once again the UK’s authorities to take all necessary precautions from this day forward, against the possible reflection of Qatar’s corrupted authorities against the UK and the implications of such reflection on the UK’s national security.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported terror groups against their own neighbouring countries, against Islamic nations, all in the process of advancing their own benefits, hence they will not think twice to take same or more intensive approach against the UK.

If the UK’s authorities wish to take a more proactive approach in assuring that Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not impose chaos that may affect the UK, then the most expedite way to enforce Qatar’s corrupted authorities to back down is to place Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her relatives under immediate investigation and to monitor their financial tracks and to whom these funds are being directed, specially to place Al Khayyat brothers who are Syrian Nationals who have been provided with Qatar Nationalities and currently have a UK based company known as Urbacon carrying out construction works in the UK but according to the information available to the council, these individuals have employed members of terror groups who are placed in fictitious positions in the UK, awaiting any instructions from Sheikha Mozah.

Sheikha Mozah’ insistence in purchasing the property next to the Iranian Embassy was not for the financial benefit of it, it was for a much greater plan that is yet to be unveiled and many other locations have been purchased under aliases similar to this, as they will be the starting point that will inflict negatively against the UK’s national security.

It is the UK’s authority’s choice to either defeat these corrupted authorities at their malicious attempts or wait and realize the inevitable.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities next move against Europe

But everyone needs to know that these corrupted individuals do not represent the voice of the Qatari citizens, rather they are individuals who have exploited the State’s wealth and resources to advance their personal gains and to serve the gain of their allies.

These corrupted authorities are limited to the surrounding of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, a malignant and narcissistic individual who has enticed the current leadership, from the father Emir to overthrow his own father back in 1995 to the son who was handed down the control of the state without consultation, vote or even consideration of the ruling family and citizens of the state, such control that remained under the manipulative hands of Sheikha Mozah, who is also unexperienced in every political aspect of governing a country, but is extremely experienced on how to entice and run organizations that serve as terror and extremists groups around the world.

Sheikha Mozah imposed her malicious processes by expensing billions of our state wealth and resources to US and Turkey military bases, who are privatized militia paid to protect Mozah and her corrupted surrounding, even that has it limits.

Meaning that her control is limited to how much she can influence everyone around her with money and when such influence is not effective anymore, that is when her façade drops down and unveiling the corruptions she has induced around the world.

But the most astonishing part of this week is how Qatar’s corrupted authorities boldly make statement not only that denies the bribery claims but also make statements that serves as threats to the European Union.

The issue of the bribery should not have been a surprise to anyone, as this is not the first cycle that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have undergone in claims of bribery, in the US congress there has been numerous claims in the past, similarly the FIFA corruption scandal that has Qatar’s corrupted authorities right in the centre of all that controversies and of course the claims of bribery towards the United Nations, UK Parliaments, Bribery of former French President Sarkozy, Paris Saint-Germain and many more, a larger comprehensive list can be made outlining the number of briberies that have been made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities over the past decades.

But claims of briberies is something that any country can handle and take the necessary actions to mitigate such acts, but THREATS are something that requires another level of understanding and response, as the way these threats will develop and unveil throughout the European nations is something that requires extreme attention and the immediate action by every European country’s national security to prevent the inevitable to take place.

In the recent statement made by Qatari diplomat saying. “The decision to impose such a discriminatory restriction that limits dialogue and cooperation on Qatar before the legal process has ended will negatively affect regional and global security cooperation, as well as ongoing discussions around global energy, poverty and security,”

Which conclusively summarize to the fact that such statements is a direct threat made to all European Leadership and notifying them that if they persist in their act of exposing them even further, they shall retaliate by imposing negatively on regional and global security, which means that their shall not be held responsible for the act of terror that will be unfolded in Europe, through the thousands of radicalized dormant army that have been deployed in Europe over the past decades, awaiting their instructions to strike against each European country, hence every European Leaders should be prepared to witness a wave of terror attacks in their cities very soon.

Further on their threats, they have made reference to negative impact on energy and its supply, which as well is a threat to minimize or cancel supply of Gas to European countries, although such may truly affect European nations, but it is wise for every leadership to prepare themselves for the worst conditions, as Qatar’s gas supply will inevitably be stopped, if not by the corrupted authorities, it is anticipated that there shall be an attack by Iran’s regime or even its current opposition on Qatar’s Gas reserves and extraction zones, as such is expected to impose pressure by crippling Qatar’s gas supply to the world.

Whereas, such gas supply is already at higher level of risks to be stopped or eliminated, whereby it would be prudent for all European Leaders to start working on alternative plans to mitigate their shortages.

Another realization that will be unveiled in parallel to such situation is the removal and replacement of the current Emir, as such days are numbered and sooner than expected such change will take place, hence any decisions or agreements that will be made with the current imposed government, it will be voided very soon and overturned by the new ruling.

It is widely known that anyone who visited Qatar, or invited or connected with Qatar’s corrupted authorities have in some way or the other been financially enticed, whereas the council has for the past years alerted all European Leadership that such act will be unveiled and that they should carry out their internal investigations to uncover these corrupted links before they cause damage to the European Union.

Such discovery by Belgium’s authorities has saved the European Union the gravest mistake of providing Qatar’s corrupted authorities with privileges of obtaining free visa pass to Europe and by providing them with preferential aviation privileges, whereby by exposing their corruption, Europe has been temporarily saved from the malicious plans that were directed at them.

But by exposing these corrupted authorities and how they have enticed members of the Parliament does not solve the problem entirely, rather it expedited the process of imposing their malicious plan, as Europe should prepare itself for the upcoming wave of terror that will be unfolded in their countries very soon.

Such terror that will spread chaos in countries and the only gain they may salvage from such acts is their last chance of regaining power to control.

As they presume that by spreading chaos and re-enacting themselves as saviours might guarantee them back the support of European countries, whereby European Leaders will call upon Qatar to help control the acts of terror in Europe.

Similarly like the act that was unveiled to the world through the Afghanistan crisis.

Whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities financially supported the Taliban’s for decades, and then played the role of the peaceful mediator that rescued everyone to vacate Afghanistan during the takeover of Taliban, where since then Qatar’s corrupted authorities have played the role of the sole partners to the Taliban’s.

Not for long until the Taliban tried to cut them out, Qatar’s corrupted authorities reinstated their other terror groups to expel Taliban from their position.

Such scenery that is repeating itself over and over, the same process manifested in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and many other countries, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities invested heavily towards oppositions, terrorist and extremist’s groups to undermine governments of these countries and then alternatively showing up as the savior of the day, eliminating the threat for a price.

Are all European Leadership that naïve as not to realize these manifested acts being repeated against them?

And are all European Leadership prepared to face the wave of terror that is to be unveiled by Qatar’s corrupted authorities?

Our advice to all is to cut the roots of the problem, by targeting Sheikha Mozah and all her closest relatives, her companies, organizations, institutes that are spread out in Europe, by crippling her source of financing in Europe, you shall be able to cut the lifeline that she has extended to these dormant groups of radicalized individuals in Europe, without such financial lifeline they are useless and unable to carry out their terror attacks.

“Furthermore, we assure all European Leadership, that all and every single Qatari citizen supports your acts of holding these individuals accountable and we shall in due course assist the world in eliminating the threats that undermines our own national security and the security of all other nations.” the Althani Council expresses its support for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.