Doha News causing conflict amongst Gulf Citizens

Qatar citizens are undoubtedly bonded to its neighboring countries, our brotherly Gulf Cooperation Council country’s members, from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman, the Althani Council are committed to their bonded relations and they will not allow any forces to undermine such relation.

Whereby they urge all Gulf Cooperation Council’s citizens, not to be enticed by the fake and fraudulent news that has been circling around in the Qatar Media, where many of these news outlets are exploiting their profession in advancing a malignant agenda of besmirching the reputations of our neighboring countries, purposely imposing a process of conflict amongst citizens of each country.

Qatar citizens have in the past been deceived, whereby they were led to believe that some countries were manifesting a negative agenda against them, which led to complete losses to many families and investors of these countries.

Unfortunately, although it was late when it was discovered that none of these nations had any agenda against Qatar or its citizens, rather it was a manifested agenda imposed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who through her group of corrupted individuals like Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, have driven our brotherly nations to the breaking point of cutting ties with us, which led to a crack in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Such purposely induced conflict, to break the bond and relations of Gulf Nations, as they were a threat to Mozah’s allies, she strived to break that bond to cultivate her personal interests and advancing the interests of her allies.

Citizens of all Gulf Cooperation Council countries, should distinguish the difference from such malignant agenda, and believe that no one from any of our brotherly Gulf Nations has any intentions to cause any harm to each other’s, and that Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals, along with their enticed media agencies, are all manifesting a process to break us all apart, whereby, it is the decision that can be made by each one of us, and The Althani Council can all together stand against such malignant agenda and assure that our bond is everlasting.

As Muslims, it remains an important duty on all our parts to ensure that they are vigilant, compassionate, and loving neighbors.

Taking both verses from the Holy Quran as well as hadith from the Holy Prophet, Islamic traditions teach us the beauty in living a life caring for those around us and through these many verses in the Quran and Hadith the following have been said

  • Doing good to neighbors who may even be strangers
  • Treating one’s neighbor with respect and duty
  • Loving a neighbor like family
  • Those who fulfil the rights of neighbors are blessed
  • Respecting neighbors is a duty upon Muslims
  • Helping a neighbor in need may end up helping you as well
  • Not fearing your neighbors
  • One must not trouble their neighbors
  • Believing in the Prophet means believing in helping your community and neighbors
  •  Believing in the Prophet means believing in helping

It is your choice; do you want to uphold the Islamic virtues or follow the malignant agendas.

Australian Women’s Rights violated and Denied

The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, representing the citizens of the State of Qatar express their deepest apologies to the individuals who were mistreated by individuals employed at Qatar’s international airport.

Although any sort of apology will not erase the heinous experience these women experienced at the airport and how they were treated, which violates all internationally recognized human rights norms and articles, nevertheless, the council extend their deepest apologies once again and wish to contribute by assisting these victims of an oppressing act to obtain justice.

In recent news, Qatar is reportedly attempting to claim sovereign immunity in the $10 million lawsuit brought forth by a group of Australian women who were forcibly strip searched and examined at a Doha airport.

The Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) gave notice it would be requesting to have the claim set aside under sovereign immunity at a pre-trial hearing in the Federal Court according to The Australian Financial Review.


Sophie* was one of 13 women hauled off a Qatar Airways flight and examined after an abandoned baby was found at the 

airport. She is one of several women who are speaking out over the incident.


It is thought to be the first instance in which the Qatari government, which owns both the QCAA and Qatar Airways, has employed the defense in a commercial dispute in Australia.

‘Sovereign immunity,’ a principle of international law, states that a national government cannot be sued or subject to criminal prosecution without its permission.

Such which is baseless, as the crime that was committed by these individuals at Qatar’s International Airport, not only violates international laws, but as well violated the laws of the State of Qatar, its constitutional law which is solely based on the Sharia Law, which prohibits any similar acts that was carried out at the airport against these women.

Such acts were given as a direct instruction by the State’s Attorney General, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who was promptly removed from his post right after the incident to shield him from any further liability. This specific individual is known to have personally instructed the airport authorities to carry out the strip search and he was not held accountable for his actions, although this individual is also known to have links with the UN, whereby he acts as an advocate at UNITAR, and also chairs international anti-corruption organizations knows as ROLACC and ACEAWARD, which are a front of exploiting the funds form the State of Qatar.

Hence, the council advise the Australian authorities to launch a case against Ali Bin Fetais Al Marry at the United Nations as being a member and advocate, to hold him accountable for his actions, and to launch a case against him in France and Switzerland, which will be beneficial for the claimant as he owns several assets in these countries.

Furthermore, the council advise the authorities to assist these women in filing a claim through the Arab League and Gulf Cooperation Council, whereby Qatar is a permanent member, to bring forth claims against them for violating the Sharia Law of invasively searching women without their consent or to the least without the consent of their male counterpart, whether be their father or husbands. As per the Sharia law, the act that was carried out against these women is forbidden and the individuals responsible for these acts should be held accountable.

Lastly, the criminal act that was imposed on these unfortunate women demands that the Australian authorities to take a strong stand against the corrupted officials in the State of Qatar, even if it calls for Australia to launch a direct criminal claim against these official through the International Criminal Court in Netherland.


The Australian authorities have a duty towards their citizens, to protect their wellbeing, to stand up for their rights and to defend their interests at all cost and against any foreign forces.

If the Australian authorities are not ready and willing to do so for the Australian women, who are considered as mothers of future generation, who’s sanctity should never be undermined at any cost whatsoever, who else deserves to be protected.