Qatar’s Public Prosecution has recently been awarded the “H H Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award” in its 22nd session for its excellence in the digital transformation sector in the area of its operation.

Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait H H Sheikh Mishaal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah personally handed over the award to Attorney General H E Dr. Issa bin Saad Al Jafali Al Nuaimi in the ceremony at Bayan Palace in the State of Kuwait.

The Public Prosecution received this award in recognition of its excellence in digital transformation in the judiciary field, providing modern electronic service, which enhances the efficiency of the Public Prosecution in carrying out its competencies and speeding up judicial procedures, and achieving criminal justice in the country, in accordance with Qatar National Vision 2030. prosecution-wins-h-h-sheikh-salem-al-ali-al-sabah-informatics- award

But this award was handed to the wrong individuals, as Qatar’s Public Prosecution is far from being a system that adopts excellence in its digital process as Qatar’s Public Prosecution main website does not even function at all and is not accessible to the public.

The award also reflected on additional criteria’s that supposedly were achieved by Qatar’s Public Prosecution in carrying out its competencies and speeding up judicial procedures, and achieving criminal justice in the country.

Such criteria were never accomplished by Qatar’s Public Prosecutions, as the UNITED NATIONS have issued a report outlining how the justice system in Qatar has been compromised, how judges and lawyers are being pressured and enticed to change the judgments and how the justice  system is monopolized and controlled by high-net worth individuals in Qatar.

The United Nations of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers in Qatar by Gabriela Knaul is readily accessible to everyone and the report is available in multiple languages.

Some of the comments made by the Special Rapporteur were shocking but not surprising as the Public Prosecution in Qatar is known to be a privatized organization led by Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited such governmental organization to advance her personal benefit and to hide under the structure of the law by imposing pressure on nationals and residents.

76. The Special Rapporteur was concerned to receive information according to which the prosecution services were influenced by high-level persons or powerful For this reason, a clear distinction must be drawn between public and State interests. Acting on behalf of the public interest should not be confused with protecting the interests of the Government or any other State institution.

77.The Special Rapporteur was also particularly concerned to hear allegations about the complicity of prosecution services in the fabrication of facts or tempering of evidence in certain cases. The prosecution office also seems to have complete discretion when it comes to the cases it takes up or not. This has led to irrational instances where the prosecution was pursued even when the evidence pointed to the fact that no crime had been committed. The Special Rapporteur is further troubled by the reported lack of judicial oversight of the work of Judicial oversight is important to ensure the legality of the actions of the prosecution, whether during the investigative or trial phases. Finally, the Special Rapporteur must underline the absence of clear guidelines of procedure and of a written code of conduct or ethics as a serious deficit, which may jeopardize the impartiality and independence of prosecutors, as well as the quality and consistency of their work.


Transparency International report has also exposed their corruption.

An overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Qatar (report by “Transparency International – Germany report attached)

It is believed to be fairly common for high-ranking Qatari officials to have private financial interests related to various commercial activities (BTI 2018). The Al Thani family, for instance, have extensive business ties and is engaged in a range of ventures (Khatib 2014).

Recent years have seen a number of scandals in the small country, illustrating the close intersection between political and economic interests. In 2018, for instance, a French magazine exposed a significant amount of unexplained wealth held by Qatar’s attorney general, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who also serves as the chair of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center. Al Marri owns a series of luxury estates in Paris, Geneva and other places in Europe that cannot be explained by his official salary (Gulf News 2018).

Therefore, the main question that remains to be asked is by Kuwait’s citizens, on how can their officials award a corrupted system of being worthy enough to even obtain “H H Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award”, when such individuals are proven to be corrupt and exploiters of justice system.

The negative effect in this approach is that the Kuwaiti government is being infiltrated when they recognize a system like Qatar’s Public Prosecution, as such system failed the Qatari citizens, it will surely not provide any benefit to the Kuwaiti citizens, rather it will destroy their justice system, which for decades is known to have superseded Qatar’s Justice System.


But what the Kuwaiti government may not know yet, is that Qatar’s Public Prosecution approach towards the Kuwaiti Justice system is not for exchanging knowledge and experiences, rather it is to entice the Kuwaiti Judges to pass on judgements that favours Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned’s interests in Kuwait. They perceive that whatever they have been able to enforce on judges in Qatar can just as well work in Kuwait.

Although such approach may not be practical and many may believe that it is a bit of a stretch of reality, they should ask themselves first why there has recently been many changes within the Kuwaiti Justice system and who caused this wave of changes and how these changes are directly imposing challenges even in the Kuwaiti Political environment.

Kuwait should be very cautious on how Qatar’s Public Prosecution are manifesting their approach towards the Kuwait Justice system, it’s like a virus, when it penetrates the system, it corrupts everything in its way.

How To Create Fake Harmless Virus Using Notepad (2022).

The only logical advice to the Kuwaitis is to get rid of the virus as soon as possible before it causes more irreparable damages.

Recruitment 2020 Movement – The Why – To Kill the Proverbial Millennial Virus.

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