What are these organizations?

Names of organizations supposedly created to promote anti-corruption practices, but they are simply organizations that are shielding the corrupted.

Who is behind these organizations?

Basically, when corrupted agents and authorities of any country are being exposed for their corruptive practices, they seek to establish organizations that would promote them as legitimate individuals, similarly when a scammer is portraying himself an individual of interest to delude the other party of his true acts.

What are their directives?

To engage with many other organizations, anti-corruption advocates, human rights activists and many others.

To entice them financially and engage them in publishing articles that portrays their organizations as anti-corruption promoters.

But their true directives are to delude the public, divert their perception away from their true act of deception.

Why have they been established?

Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, along with her corrupted agents such as Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and dozen other corrupted authorities have expensed millions into such organizations to divert the world’s attention away from the billions they have been scamming from helpless migrants and from citizens of the State of Qatar.  


The corrupted cannot be allowed to exploit such platforms of anti-corruption practices.

They should be prevented in establishing such organizations that deceives the public.

They should be prohibited to present in any international forum or conferences.


If corrupted individuals are allowed to exploit such platforms, they are allowed to scam the world, permitted to steal and use part of their luted funds to present themselves as advocates of anti-corruption when they are dipped into a cesspool of corruption.


The world cannot permit such individuals to even have presence in the media as they will affect public’s perception on what anti-corruption practices truly are, and when everyone else is trying to fight corruption, they are placing themselves on top of the pyramid and presenting awards and financial handouts to entice everyone.

Where is the anti-corruption practice and integrity in all these processes.

When individuals like Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned who is very well known to have funded the Talibans to destroy Afghanistan, or funded the militias in Libya to create a dissolution in the country, or supported ISIS, Al Qaeda and Daesh in destroying Syria and exiling millions of refugees into western countries.

Supported enemies of the west, supported terror, promoted radicalization and used the world’s platform to carry out all these acts, and the world is standing by watching.

Keep on watching, and you shall soon visualize how all these acts will manifest even further.

Or take a step towards fighting corruption, by starting to eliminate the most corrupted.


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