UK Defence Ministry Sanctioning the weakest link

UK’s defence ministry recently imposed the Largest ever UK action targeting Putin’s access to foreign military supplies.

Foreign Secretary announced 25 new sanctions targeting Putin’s access to foreign military equipment, this includes individuals and businesses in Turkey, Dubai, Slovakia and Switzerland who are supporting the illegal war in Ukraine and the UK is also tackling Iranian and Belarusian support for Russia’s war machine.

This initiative would have been very effective if the UK’s defence ministry would have truly targeted also the financial source that is fuelling Russia and Iran, the only pipeline that is facilitating the funds to these countries and enabling them to continue with their imposed wars on Ukraine and also other proxy wars that have been launched against European’s interests in other countries, specifically in Africa, whereby undermining European’s chance of an alternative gas supply.

Such undermining process will enforce European nations to yield to the outcome of these wars.

So why is UK or any other European country not targeting the source of funding to Russia and Iran, and they already know who it is!

Mozah Bint Nasser who is enforcing her ruling on Qatar has a longstanding relation with Iran, Russia and even China, that is apart from their close relation with Turkey, all these allies to Mozah happen to also be the countries that are undermining Europe’s progress in the region and even in Europe.

Mozah’s interests in Iran, Russia, China and Turkey is far more than her financial interests in Europe, whereby most of her investments in Europe are actually vehicles of investments exploited to finance the internal radicalization process that is being unveiled in Europe, increasing the tension internally within European communities and undermining the European’s political and financial interests externally.

So basically, Europe is being targeted from both sides, internally and externally, and the lavish investments that is being poured into Europe is also targeting European Politician to entice them not to take action against Qatar and to pave the way and facilitate further investments for Mozah and her corrupted crew who have exploited the wealth and resources of the State of Qatar.

If Europe wants to stop the war in Ukraine.

If Europe wants to regain its interests across the globe and specifically in Africa and Middle East.

If Europe wants to stop the radicalization agenda that is being induced in their communities.

If Europe wants to restrict money laundering into their countries.

If you are all sincere in achieving these, then you should target the source of financing to Iran and Russia, whereby Mozah’s investments have tripled towards these countries in the past decades alone, Qatar national airline

carrier has dozens of flights scheduled daily into these countries’ multiple airports. Flights cargo packed with resources, funds and means to support these countries to continue with their atrocities.

You can all take the right actions now or standby watch and visualize how Europe will be undermined completely.

But when that is realizes, we will remind the world that we did warn Europe’s politicians, but they chose not to take the right step, rather be implicated in similar situations like Qatargate.

Why Qatar paid Argentina millions?

The world was placed under the impression that Qatar paid Argentine a loan amounting to $775 million to make a payment to the International Monetary Fund.

The credit operation would allow Qatar to lend Argentina Special Drawing Rights (SDRs, or money that countries reserve in the IMF) for the equivalent of $775 million, said a source at the economy ministry.

“It is the first time in history that Qatar has carried out a credit operation with Argentina,” said the source, on condition of anonymity, adding that this will allow the South American country to pay the maturity “without using reserves.”

But why did Qatar decide to pay Argentina now?

And why is Qatar willing to pay millions to bail out Argentina?

The truth lies between the lines that not many people around the world know about it, that Mozah Bint Nasser who is currently controlling Qatar’s government through her children, has strong relations with Iran that goes back decades and she is obligated to assist Iran financially, not only because Iran and Qatar share the same gas reserve and whereby Qatar pays Iran its shares of that gas reserve through pay-offs made every now and then.


In the past few years, Qatar has paid Iran through several fabricated instances, such as the kidnapping of Al Thani family members that were held in Iraq for months before they were released and Qatar paid over US$ 1.5 Billion to free them, which everyone around the world knew that this process of kidnapping was just a way to justify the means to make payment to Iran, who supposedly are sanctioned by the world.



And then Qatar made another payment in Billions of US Dollars again to Iran, when the Iranians blew up the Ukrainian plane with hundreds of passengers on board, whereby Mozah’s son went rushing to Iran to support them financially and offer billions to them, a total contradiction of what a sanction entails.



The hypocrisy in the process is that the US largest military base is in Qatar, and yet Qatar’s authorities who are influenced by Mozah are supporting all regimes that are opposing US and the entire western hemisphere.

Iran blows up a plane and gets paid billions.

Iranian backed terror groups kidnap Qataris and get paid billions.

and now for Argentina, the payoff is for the terror act that Iranian carried out in Argentine decades ago, and this was yet another payment made by Qatar to wipe out Iran’s wrong doing.


The recent relations of Argentina and Iran are not exemplary and this generous payment by Qatar will restore the ties between these countries, and if the western world would closely monitor these relations in the next few months, you shall discover a huge shift in that relation and how Argentina will standby Iran and support its cause.

What is happening at the moment is that Europe and the western world are being undermined, step by step, trenches are being dug underneath the western world interest around the world. The Middle East has already distance itself from the western world through their recent alliance with Russian, Iran and China, and African countries are already shifting away from the western world, South American countries are up next.

The Western World is standing by watching trenches dug underneath them in every country around the world, their interests around the world undermined, turning these countries against them, but no action is taking by the western world to stop these acts that will be the end of the western world, because millions are being poured into the western worlds as investments and western politicians are being enticed to retrieve. Qatargate was just the layer that was peeled off and exposed the corruption that lies within the western communities.


Europe, US, Canada & Australia, countries that believe for centuries that they have reached the pinnacles of their achievements, they are now all under threat of the malicious events that are being carried out by Mozah and her family, it is not the intelligence level that Mozah pertains, it is only the liquidity that she controls which entices the world to stand still as she carries out the most devious plan that the world will witness soon.

It is your choice, standby and watch the western world crumble, piece after piece, or take action now and eliminate the source of the liquidity that is powering those engines of destruction, by placing Mozah and her family under the microscope, you will rid your countries from the virus completely.

Who is truly responsible for the acts carried against the Australian Passengers?

Qatar’s corrupted authorities admitted to have illegally searched Australian women at Qatar airport, but they have argued that the incident at Doha airport in which women were forcibly removed from planes by armed guards and some intimately examined. without consent was a result of the actions of police and not airline or airport staff.

So basically, they admitted to the wrong doing, but they are shifting the blame.

Everyone already knows who owns the entire process in Qatar, Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her children are the only party that controls all the governmental entities and they all receive their direct instruction from Mozah and her family.

But if they are insisting that this grave mistake that happened at the airport and left dozens of Australian women devastated is an act carried out by the police, that as well is another direct link to Mozah, whereby she instructs Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who at the time was the Attorney General of the State, and till this date he is manipulating the entire process behind the scenes.


If Qatar as a government is not responsible for the action of their airline, airport staff or even police, they cannot just simply point the finger to another party that also acts on behalf of orders given to them directly by Mozah or her closest encounter.

Qatar Airways is currently owned by the State and manage by Mozah’s business partner, the airport is owned by the State and manage by Mozah’s children, the police are controlled by the State who is alternatively controlled by Mozah’s children again.

But there remains the argument that individuals cannot hold a state liable for its actions within its own territories, that is why the claimant opted for the process of holding Qatar Airways accountable for the malicious acts, whereby Qatar Airways and trying endlessly to free itself from the undeniable facts that they are just as involved as the perpetuators “The Police” that carried out these acts.

There is still another pathway to assure that the women who were unlawful searched and who were impacted with irrevocable mental health impacts, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The pathway of holding Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her entire family members and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri accountable for their heinous acts of human rights violations.

They have their assets spread out in Australia, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Malta, Italy, Spain and every corner of the western world.

Mozah and her accomplices should be held accountable for these acts, not the policemen who act upon orders given to them, do not allow them to escape accountability by shifting the blame to the weaker link within their corrupted structure.

Do you want to know who is behind all these planned malicious events?

Do you want to know why every European country are facing so many adversities in the past few months?


Do you want to know who is behind all these planned malicious events?


Who is responsible for the terror attacks in Europe and also in countries around the world where European interests is?


What is happening, who is behind it, how they are able to undermine the western world to such extent?


Well, if you are interested, just read through these few lines and you will discover the snake that has been roaming in your own communities, controlling your interests from within your own countries and destroying your interests in foreign land.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities, leaded by Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, have presented themselves has mediators in every single conflict that has been exposed in the entire region, and at every moment they are the frontrunners in communicating with the oppositions of these countries, in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Tchad, Yemen, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Somalia and now even Niger, at every corner of the outburst of terror, they are lurking around these confrontations that have been taking place in those country.

These countries that are inflicted with war and chaos are affecting the European communities in multiple facets, first by imposing citizens of these war torn countries to flee their own country in refuge of a more peaceful country, whereby they are all directed to Europe, and for the past decades, the amount of refugees that have been imposed on Europe is an increasingly high number, whereby at the very same moment, Qatar who claims to be the mediators of these wars, have not taken in one single refugee, rather they have taken in only leaders of the oppositions, who are the individuals who caused these wars in the first instance.

Hypocrisy in the process indeed, whereby Mozah’s gangs are financing the opposition, causing conflict in these countries, protecting the oppositions and burdening Europe with millions of refugees.

Unfortunately, that is not the only impact that Mozah has achieved by supporting these terror groups, she has been able to undermine the interest of every single European country in Africa and Middle East. Enforcing European allies to flee these countries and making room for Chinese and Russian investors, who are sweeping the interests of European countries in those regions.

Not forgetting that Qatar has also great financial interests in all major companies in Russia and China and the number one contributor to Iran’s regime.

If European would recall the past and remember how African nations were looking up to them and how they were extremely depended on European and how the Middle East was just as in compliance to European norms, and look now how your presence in these countries are being diminished day after day, and how you are being swept away from these countries and your interests are being snatched out of your hands willingly .

It is extremely obvious that the only individuals behind all the chaos that have unveiled in all these countries are none other than the inflicted terror financing initiated by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited the following organizations to expedite the process of destruction.

Through Qatar Charity, Qatar Development Fund, Education Above All and many other organizations, who are masked behind charitable organizations, are actually organizations that are pouring terror financing into these countries, supporting any opposition to propagate the conflict in these regions.

Mozah has imposed on every country its mediating process, which only intensified the conflict between oppositions in those countries, her role was to actually spill flammables into a raging fire, her so-called mediation was nothing other than a ruse to increase the conflict, a reason to get closer to both parties, to entice them against each other. Mozah two faced approach is similarly like the devil enticement .

But what is the main directives from supporting terror in those countries and what do they stand to gain from all these destructions?

Simply, they are war profiteers and they inflict these wars in those regions to promote weapons trade, and everyone knows who stands to gain more from selling arms in the region, it is none other than the US, Russia, China and Iran, whereby Mozah and her corrupted individuals are agent that are facilitating these wars.

The other gain from these destructive acts is the disturbance that these wars and conflicts is causing to the western world, the greater the pressure in these countries, the faster the migration of refugees into Europe, the greater the pressure on their governments, which will lead to the inevitable failure of these governments, similarly like United Kingdom and France, whereby they are currently battling the difficulties of surviving the impact of illegal refugees into their countries, costing their governments billions of dollars a month and whereby eventually these refugees will turn to terror as they have not been provided with many alternatives.

Their manifested process is like diverting flow of a river downstream to a village of people, to cause their village to drown, and by diverting refugees to Europe, their governments and cities will soon be drowned with the millions of refugees that are awaiting the basic needs of life.

So the only solution for the western world is to promptly seize the funding source of these kleptocrats and by restricting their fundings, you shall succeed in controlling them, but without that, you shall always be the victims of a conspiracy that will target your countries.

With every pressure made against Mozah and all her accomplices, and if you expose them for their corruption, you will be able to restrict the flow of funding that is being poured towards these oppositions, which in turn will reduce the intensity of wars and restore peace in those nations, alternatively reducing refugee’s outburst and the impact these oppositions have on Europeans interests.

The choice is with the citizens of all western world, not your politicians, as they and the entire UN organizations are on the payroll of the highest bidders, and as every one may already know Mozah, she is willing to expense unlimited funds to reach her plan, but this time by allowing her to do so is going to be the end of many European Nations.