Qatar’s corrupted authorities admitted to have illegally searched Australian women at Qatar airport, but they have argued that the incident at Doha airport in which women were forcibly removed from planes by armed guards and some intimately examined. without consent was a result of the actions of police and not airline or airport staff.

So basically, they admitted to the wrong doing, but they are shifting the blame.

Everyone already knows who owns the entire process in Qatar, Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her children are the only party that controls all the governmental entities and they all receive their direct instruction from Mozah and her family.

But if they are insisting that this grave mistake that happened at the airport and left dozens of Australian women devastated is an act carried out by the police, that as well is another direct link to Mozah, whereby she instructs Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who at the time was the Attorney General of the State, and till this date he is manipulating the entire process behind the scenes.


If Qatar as a government is not responsible for the action of their airline, airport staff or even police, they cannot just simply point the finger to another party that also acts on behalf of orders given to them directly by Mozah or her closest encounter.

Qatar Airways is currently owned by the State and manage by Mozah’s business partner, the airport is owned by the State and manage by Mozah’s children, the police are controlled by the State who is alternatively controlled by Mozah’s children again.

But there remains the argument that individuals cannot hold a state liable for its actions within its own territories, that is why the claimant opted for the process of holding Qatar Airways accountable for the malicious acts, whereby Qatar Airways and trying endlessly to free itself from the undeniable facts that they are just as involved as the perpetuators “The Police” that carried out these acts.

There is still another pathway to assure that the women who were unlawful searched and who were impacted with irrevocable mental health impacts, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The pathway of holding Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her entire family members and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri accountable for their heinous acts of human rights violations.

They have their assets spread out in Australia, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Malta, Italy, Spain and every corner of the western world.

Mozah and her accomplices should be held accountable for these acts, not the policemen who act upon orders given to them, do not allow them to escape accountability by shifting the blame to the weaker link within their corrupted structure.

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