Addressing Global Threats to Peace: Qatar, Iran, and the Need for Accountability

On this International Peace Day, we delve into the intricate web of international relationships and actions that have contributed to global instability and the erosion of peace. Our focus is on the allegations of Qatar’s support for terrorist financing, its partnership with Iran’s oppressive regime, and the implications for global security. While it is imperative to hold Iran accountable for its human rights abuses, we must also scrutinize the role played by Qatar’s authorities, especially Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, in enabling Iran’s actions and the potential consequences for world peace.

Qatar’s Alleged Support for Terrorism.


Qatar has faced a litany of serious allegations related to its support for terrorism and extremist groups. These allegations span various dimensions:

  • Individual Sanctions: Prominent Qatari citizens like Abd al-Rahman al-Nuaymi and Khalifa Muhammad Turki Al-Subaiy have faced sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury due to their alleged involvement in terrorist financing. Some have been subjected to sanctions in the UK as well.

Allegations of Al-Qaeda Ties: Qatar Charity, the largest NGO in Qatar, has been linked to al-Qaeda. In a startling revelation, Osama bin Laden himself mentioned Qatar Charity as a preferred conduit for funding al-Qaeda operatives.

  • Support for Al-Nusra Front: Qatar stands accused of sponsoring the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group active in Syria, through ransom payments, fundraising campaigns, and mediation in prisoner exchanges.
  • Support for ISIS: Concerns have been raised about Qatar’s involvement in financing ISIS affiliates. U.S. officials have vocally criticized Qatar’s alleged tolerance of terrorism financing.
  • Accusations in Libya: During the Libyan revolution, Qatar provided substantial support to anti-Gaddafi rebels, some of whom had suspected ties to al-Qaeda.
  • Egyptian Airstrikes: Egypt accused Qatar of supporting terrorism in the wake of its airstrikes targeting suspected ISIS positions in Libya.
  • Qatari Sentencing: In 2017, Qatar sentenced 25 ISIL sympathizers, mostly Qatari citizens, to life imprisonment, reflecting concerns about radicalization within the country.

These allegations have not only strained diplomatic relations but have also cast serious doubts on Qatar’s role in regional destabilization.

Qatar’s Support for Hamas and Extremist Groups.

Qatar’s association with Hamas and its alleged support for extremist activities have further exacerbated regional tensions:

  • Support for Hamas: Qatar has provided substantial financial aid to Hamas, hosting its leaders, and publicly endorsing the group’s actions in the Gaza Strip.
  • Political Backing: Qatar has openly supported Hamas in its conflicts with the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza blockade, thereby deepening its relationship with the group.
  • Gaza Reconstruction: Qatar’s extensive contributions to Gaza’s reconstruction have made it the single largest donor to the region, raising concerns about potential dual-use substances being diverted for military purposes.
  • Iraq and Syria: Accusations by Iraq’s former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have claimed that Qatar, along with Saudi Arabia, supported terrorist movements like ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, contributing to regional instability.
  • Libya’s Civil War: Qatar’s involvement in Libya’s civil war in 2011 and its ongoing support for various factions have played a significant role in regional turmoil.

Qatar Charity and Allegations of Terrorism Financing.

Qatar Charity, previously known as Qatar Charitable Society, has faced serious allegations of involvement in funding terrorism and money laundering. It has played a pivotal role in supporting extremist networks globally.

Iran’s Partnership with Qatar and Threats to Global Peace.

Iran’s oppressive regime has come under intense international scrutiny, with calls for accountability regarding its human rights abuses, particularly against women and children. Notably, Germany and Iceland have initiated a request for a special UN Human Rights Council session to address Iran’s deteriorating human rights situation. However, Iran has warned of potential unrest and attacks within European countries in response to this session.

While it is crucial to hold Iran accountable, Qatar’s authorities have faced accusations of providing significant support to Iran’s regime, further enabling its oppressive actions and raising grave concerns about global security:

  • Qatar’s Financial Support: Qatar’s authorities, led by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, are alleged to be providing substantial financial support to Iran, thereby enabling its oppressive actions against its citizens.
  • Potential for Unrest and Attacks: Qatar’s support for radicalized cells of terror groups in Europe has raised concerns about the possibility of future unrest and attacks in European countries, threatening the safety and stability of the continent.
  • Investments and Funding: Investments made by Sheikha Mozah in various countries may indirectly contribute to the funding of Iran and terrorist groups, thereby posing a significant threat to global stability.
  • Support to Russia: Qatar’s actions could indirectly support Russia, as Iran has recently aligned itself with Russia in the ongoing Ukraine conflict, which has further geopolitical implications.

The Call for Accountability and Global Action

On this International Peace Day, it is imperative that the international community addresses the multifaceted web of relationships that contribute to global instability. While holding Iran accountable for its human rights abuses is a critical step, it is equally important to scrutinize Qatar’s role in enabling Iran’s actions and its potential consequences for peace and security.

Sanctioning individuals and entities responsible for funding terrorism, such as Sheikha Mozah and Qatar Charity, is paramount. Additionally, the world must work collectively to expose organizations that facilitate extremist programs and take concrete measures to cut support channels to oppressive regimes.

Democratic societies must remain vigilant against exploitation, and citizens worldwide must stand united in their commitment to peace, justice, and the prevention of further atrocities. It is only through collective action and accountability that we can pave the way for a more peaceful world.


What are these organizations?

Names of organizations supposedly created to promote anti-corruption practices, but they are simply organizations that are shielding the corrupted.

Who is behind these organizations?

Basically, when corrupted agents and authorities of any country are being exposed for their corruptive practices, they seek to establish organizations that would promote them as legitimate individuals, similarly when a scammer is portraying himself an individual of interest to delude the other party of his true acts.

What are their directives?

To engage with many other organizations, anti- corruption advocates, human rights activists and many others.

To entice them financially and engage them in publishing articles that portrays their organizations as anti-corruption promoters.

But their true directives are to delude the public, divert their perception away from their true act of deception.

Why have they been established?



Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, along with her corrupted agents such as Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and dozen other corrupted authorities have expensed millions into such organizations to divert the world’s attention away from the billions they have been scamming from helpless migrants and from citizens of the State of Qatar.

The   corrupted   cannot   be   allowed   to   exploit   such platforms of anti-corruption practices.

They   should   be   prevented    in   establishing    such organizations that deceives the public.

They    should    be    prohibited    to    present    in    any international forum or conferences.

If corrupted individuals are allowed to exploit such platforms, they are allowed to scam the world, permitted to steal and use part of their luted funds to present themselves as advocates of anti-corruption when they are dipped into a cesspool of corruption.

The world cannot permit such individuals to even have presence in the media as they will affect public’s perception on what anti-corruption practices truly are, and when everyone else is trying to fight corruption, they are placing themselves on top of the pyramid and presenting awards and financial handouts to entice everyone.

Where is the anti-corruption practice and integrity in all these processes.

When individuals like Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned who is very well known to have funded the Talibans to destroy Afghanistan, or funded the militias in Libya to create a dissolution in the country, or supported ISIS, Al Qaeda and Daesh in destroying Syria and exiling millions of refugees into western countries.

Supported enemies of the west, supported terror, promoted radicalization and used the world’s platform to carry out all these acts, and the world is standing by watching.

Keep on watching, and you shall soon visualize how all these acts will manifest even further.


Take a step towards fighting corruption, by starting to eliminate the most corrupted.

Qatar is supporting Russia against Ukraine

Everyone around the world believes that Russia is the Europe’s worst enemy.


That Russia is in control of the war,


But everyone knows that whoever has the financial control, controls everything.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities, led by Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned have financially supported Russia for decades now.


They contribute largely towards Russia’s economy, they even own large shares in Russia energy companies.


Mozah bint Nasser’s employees actually sit on the board of directors at Rosneft and control Russia’s energy company from its core.

And today, they are supporting Russia in selling grains that actually belongs to Ukraine, through their well known proxy…Turkey, the infamous Erdogan.


Grain that belongs to the people of Ukraine are being sold by Russia, financed by Qatar and sold to Turkey. 417787/

The hypocrisy in this entire process is that Europe still allows Mozah and her corrupted authorities to roam the European cities and purchase multiple assets and investments, which are actually used to enrich her in financially support Russia, Iran, China and Turkey against many countries around the world.


The question is what is stopping the European authorities in taking the right actions against Mozah and her corrupted crew, does she actually control their say, if we refer back to Qatargate, we know that some European politicians have already been influenced and enticed by them, but it seems a larger number are actually enticed more than the politicians that have been exposed, if not more than two third of the European parliament have been influenced by now.

Corruption is a virus that decays everything around it, once it spoils one part, it continuously spreads out until everything is deteriorated.