Unveiling a Corruption Scandal: Qatar’s Alleged Bid for Influence in the Heart of Europe

A profound and unsettling corruption scandal has recently come to light, sending shockwaves through the European Parliament and casting doubts on the integrity of its members and the institution itself. This scandal revolves around damning allegations of corruption and illicit lobbying by Qatar, a Gulf state, to gain a stranglehold on key EU policy decisions. Let us delve into the intricacies of this scandal, backed by concrete figures and data, and critically examine Qatar’s moves to exert control over Europe.



Eva Kylie: A Central Figure


Eva Kylie, a prominent Greek socialist and one of the vice presidents of the European Parliament, emerges as a central figure in this sordid affair. Her pivotal role within the institution has drawn intense scrutiny in the wake of these revelations.


Qatar’s Quest for Influence


Qatar stands accused of orchestrating an audacious and calculated campaign to purchase influence within the EU. The allegations paint a grim picture of Qatari officials resorting to bribery and illicit lobbying to manipulate EU politicians and decisions to serve their interests.


Arrests and Charges


The scandal has already resulted in the arrest of several individuals, including Eva Kylie herself. These individuals face severe charges, including participation in a criminal organization, money laundering, and corruption. The scope of the investigation becomes apparent when we examine the concrete evidence seized during Belgian police operations:

  • Over $1.6 million in cash confiscated during these raids, indicating the vast financial resources deployed in this alleged influence-peddling scheme.
  • Computers and mobile phones were seized for further investigation, revealing a sophisticated and coordinated effort.
  • Approximately $165,000 in banknotes shockingly discovered in Eva Kylie’s apartment, suggesting her direct involvemen.

    Acorruption scandal has rocked the European Parliament (EP) since December 9, 2022, with alleged links to Qatar. The scandal involves four prominent individuals, including former Vice-President Eva Kaili, who initially denied involvement but later confessed on December 20, 2022, admitting to seeking her father’s assistance with the money.

    EP President Roberta Metsola has pointed fingers at Qatar, accusing it of undermining European democracy, despite ongoing EU-Qatar negotiations. This scandal has raised transparency and credibility concerns, with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declining to answer questions about the Qatargate scandal.

Moreover, connections to Morocco have emerged, related to the EU-Morocco fisheries trade agreement. There are speculations that the corruption network might extend beyond Qatar and Morocco, posing potential threats to EU stability. Impartial investigations are essential to maintain the integrity and prestige of the European Union.


High-Profile Politicians Implicated


Prominent European politicians have been implicated in this scandal, accused of accepting bribes and turning a blind eye to Qatar’s reported mistreatment of workers in the run-up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The scale of their involvement raises questions about the extent of Qatar’s influence.



Eva Kylie’s Role and Abuse of Power


Eva Kylie’s substantial influence within the European Parliament is brought into sharp focus. Her membership in the Parliament’s bureau, which holds sway over administrative and staffing decisions, and her involvement in shaping the EU Parliament’s budget have raised concerns of an abuse of power. It is alleged that Kylie exploited her position to broker deals with Qatar and advocate for their interests, undermining the principles of democratic governance.


EU’s Credibility Hangs in the Balance


The scandal has cast a dark cloud over the credibility of the European Parliament and its members, who are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards. An institution that often champions democracy and open societies now finds itself under the harsh glare of skepticism and doubt, and rightly so.


Calls for Ethical Reform


The scandal has triggered fervent calls for a comprehensive overhaul of the EU’s ethics system. The extent of corruption within the institution and the uncomfortable questions surrounding the immunity offered to members of the European Parliament are becoming increasingly apparent. A thorough examination of these issues is essential to restore public trust in EU institutions.


Qatar’s Denials


In the face of these damning allegations, Qatar has fervently denied any wrongdoing. The Qatar mission to the EU maintains its compliance with international law and vehemently rejects all allegations of corruption and illicit lobbying. However, concrete evidence suggests otherwise.


Impact on EU Decision Making


The scandal raises pertinent questions about how countries like Qatar may have gained access to EU decision-makers and the potential ramifications for future policy decisions. The influence-buying efforts of external entities loom large, raising concerns about the autonomy and sovereignty of the European Union

Ongoing Investigation and the Gravity of the Scandal

The investigation into this corruption scandal is far from over, and additional individuals may yet be implicated. It ranks as one of the most substantial corruption scandals to hit the European Union in almost a quarter of a century, and its repercussions are still unfolding.


Qatar’s Bid for European Dominance


This corruption scandal is more than a mere exposé; it’s a critical examination of Qatar’s audacious quest to conquer Europe and exert control over its policies and decisions. The concrete figures and data laid bare in this scandal serve as a testament to the gravity of the situation. As the investigation marches forward, the European Parliament faces the monumental task of restoring public trust and addressing the alarming ethical lapses that have come to the fore.

It is essential to critically scrutinize Qatar’s movements and objectives on the European stage, as they have the potential to reshape the power dynamics and sovereignty of the European Union. Europe must remain vigilant, uphold its democratic values, and protect its institutions from undue external influence.

Strip search of Australian women at airport

In    2020    group   of women subjected  to   invasive  gynecological  searches  at  Doha  airport  will  sue    Qatari        authorities,  seeking   redress     for    an   ordeal     that  sparked  global condemnation.


Women on 10 Qatar Airways flights  from Doha,   including   13   Australians,   were subjected   to    the  examinations  late   at 2020  as   authorities    searched    for   the mother of  a  newborn   found  abandoned  in  an   airport bathroom.  Outrage    over  the  incident  increased along with worries about how women are treated in Qatar.


Seven  affected  passengers  are   planning legal  action,     according     to      Damian Sturzaker    of     Sydney-based    Marque Lawyers,    to   “send    a     message     to     Qatari  authorities  that  you  can’t  treat women… in this manner.”


The   group   of   women   experienced severe   distress    on    the   evening   in question, which   was    just   over a year ago, and   they   are still dealing with the effects and trauma of what happened.


Sturzaker    said    the     women    were  seeking         a       formal        apology,   compensation,    and     protection    for future   passengers    transiting  through  the     airport.    Ahead   of      the World    Cup,   the    country    has  struggled   to reassure  critics   that   its   promises  on  women’s  rights,  labour   relations   and  democracy    are    credible.   After   the incident, Qatar vowed to   ensure future   passengers  “safety  and  security”   to   avoid  suffering   irreparable   financial and reputational   damage.


The    nation’s    prime    minister    also  expressed regret,  and  a  police  officer  who   oversaw    the   searches   at     the   airport        reportedly    received    a conviction.

But   Sturzaker  said  the women  had  not  been made aware  of  any  improvements  to    airport     procedures      and     their attempts   to   seek   mediation   had  been unsuccessful.


Qatar    now   wanted  to  highlight their case ahead  of  the  2022  football  World Cup, to ensure   other   travellers  were  well-informed  before  visiting  Qatar,  he  added.  The Gulf state  is  preparing  to  receive  thousands of foreign  visitors  for  the  Fifa  tournament.

Sturzaker  said   the  lawsuit   would  be  filed   in  Australia   against    the  Qatar   Civil  Aviation  Authority,  Hamad International Airport, Qatar Airways and the country’s government.


Five Australian women have filed a lawsuit against Qatar Airways over a 2020 incident in which they without explanation or consent, reports The Guardian were subjected to invasive medi.he women were forcibly removed from a plane at gunpoint and allegedly strip searched.


On October 2, 2020, more than a dozen women were  escorted  off  a  QatarAirways  plane on ground  by  armed security guards. They were subjected  to  invasive  examinations  as authorities  searched  for a woman who had abandoned a newborn baby in a plastic bag at Hamad international airport in Doha, the capital of Qatar.


According to the New York Times, some women were forced to remove their underwear, while others had their stomachs pressed.

Qatar’s Prime Minister, Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani, tweeted an apology saying: “We regret the unacceptable treatment of the female passengers at HIA … What took place does not reflect Qatar’s laws or values.” Qatar will host the FIFA World Cup in 2022.


The women said they had had no communication from the Australian government about changes in Qatar and no details of the confidential report had been shared with them. A letter they sent to Qatar’s embassy in August seeking dialogue had received no response.


Sophie* was one of 13 women hauled off a Qatar Airways flight and examined after an abandoned baby was found at the airport. She is one of a number of women who are speaking out over the incident.


Sophie*, who was travelling alone, says she was ordered to carry her passport and leave the plane, then marched into a lift by armed guards. Fearing for her life, she demanded another of the women enter the ambulance with her so the two could at least be each other’s witnesses.


“I felt full of rage leaving the ambulance that I didn’t have a stronger voice, that I allowed that to take place, that maybe I didn’t protest enough. I felt pretty powerless against what had happened.”



Among the women marched off QA 908 bound for Sydney was Anna* who was flying back home with her five-month-old son. Despite clutching her own baby, she was not spared the ordeal. Speaking publicly for the first time, she said: “It was the scariest moment of my life.”


Anna*. one of the Australian women taken from a Qatar flight in Doha

“This is an airline that wins all the awards for customer experience and service and you know all these accolades. I thought they would know better”. “We haven’t heard from them, not a single word. Not a letter, not an email, not a message, not a phone call. Not a single apology Nothing.” says Anna


Victorian nurse Jane*, was the first to speak out  in that year, detailing the harrowing internal inspection she endured against her will.



‘I need you to lay down on the bed’ … and she grabbed my pants and my underwear and she stripped them. And for a second I just think my head was about to explode’ she said


“I remember thinking, ‘This is bizarre. Why am I having to remove my pants?’ So I pulled them down and she goes, ‘We need to remove your underwear.’ And I said, ‘I don’t feel comfortable with removing my underwear,’ and I was physically holding them up … I was in shock at that stage … I remember laying there thinking, ‘This isn’t right. This is not how this should be happening. This isn’t how this should be done.’ ” she said


“It is absolutely disgraceful that the Qatari authorities were in a position to just randomly take women off a plane and force them to be subject to an invasive gynecological exam without getting informed consent, without any information about what was going on.”

“These women have taken the brave decision to say, ‘we’re not going to stand by and allow this to have happened and let you get away with it. We want to see this end”


Mr Sturzaker will commence proceedings in the NSW Supreme Court this month, seeking compensation for the group on the basis the Qatari parties breached their duty of care, caused deliberate harm and breached the Montreal convention, which recognises air carrier liability.


When quizzed about the federal government’s response at a press conference in Melbourne, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he was “very pleased” with the representations his government had made on the matter.


“That was an awful experience for these women … There was an investigation, there has been a conviction, and there’s been a significant change to airport processes in Qatar,” he said.


Federal government sources, who cannot be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, said the details were contained in a high-level “confidential report” from the Qatari government.


But the women said they had had no communication from the Australian government about changes in Qatar and no details of the confidential report had been shared with them. A letter they sent to Qatar’s embassy in August seeking dialogue had received no response.


If the Australian government is not prepared and willing to protect Australian women, who are seen as the mothers of the next generation and whose sanctity must never be compromised at any cost, then someone else should be protected.

Issuance of arrest warrant against Khalifa

The Controversial Rise of Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani: The Role of Moza bint Nasser, Bin Jaseem, and Bin Fetais

In   the  annals   of Qatari history, the year  1996 marked a   significant     turning      point  when   Sheikh   Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani,   then   44   years old, seized power from his own father, Sheikh Khalifa,  the former Emir of Qatar, who was  63  years old at the time.  This dramatic shift   in   leadership     was     marred      by        intrigue, manipulation,   and    the  covert    influence   of  Sheikh Hamad’s  wife,   Moza  bint  Nasser,     along    with   her associates, Bin Jaseem and Bin Fetais. This article delves into  the  controversial   events surrounding their actions and explores the negative impacts of their involvement.


The Machinations of Moza bint Nasser

Moza  bint  Nasser,  the wife of Sheikh Hamad, emerged as a   central   figure  in the conspiracy to depose Sheikh Khalifa.  Her ambitions and desires for power led her to orchestrate  a  plan  that  would   see   her  husband take control of the nation. Moza’s cunning and determination knew no bounds as she sought to manipulate the political landscape in Qatar.

Moza’s   first   step   in   this   elaborate   scheme   was to persuade   her   husband   to   overthrow his own father, a move  that  would shatter the familial bonds within the royal family.  Her  Influence   over   Sheikh Hamad   was substantial,  and  she  succeeded  in   convincing   him  to betray his own blood.

The Corrupt Collaborators: Bin Jaseem and Bin Fetais

Moza  bint  Nasser’s   aspirations  for  power  were   further facilitated  by her association with corrupt individuals, most notably Bin Jaseem  and  Bin Fetais. These individuals were ready  and  willing  to carry  out  her plan to depose  Sheikh Khalifa. Their  involvement   in   the  coup had far-reaching consequences.

Bin Jaseem and  Bin Fetais   were instrumental in executing the  plan   that   forced  Sheikh Khalifa to leave the country. Their   willingness  to  participate  in such a treacherous act highlights  the  depths of corruption and moral decay within the inner circle of Sheikh Hamad and Moza. The  successful  execution    of    their   plan   resulted    in    several  negative impacts on Qatar and its political landscape:

F amilial Discord: The coup led to a deep and lasting rift within the ruling Al-Thani family. The betrayal of a son against his father not only tarnished the family’s reputation but also cast a shadow over the legitimacy of Sheikh Hamad’s rule.

Destabilization: Sheikh Khalifa’s forced exile and subsequent attempts by his supporters to restore him to power created a period of political instability in Qatar. This instability had economic repercussions and disrupted the lives of ordinary citizens.


International Fallout: The arrest of Sheikh Khalifa in Switzerland and his subsequent exile in France strained Qatar’s international relations. The controversy surrounding his deposition drew unwanted attention and criticism from the international community.


Legacy of Corruption: Moza, Bin Jaseem, and Bin Fetais, by their involvement in the coup, perpetuated a culture of corruption within Qatar’s political circles. Their actions eroded trust and integrity within the country’s leadership.

The rise of Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani to power in 1996, which   was   influenced  by   his wife Moza  bint Nasser and   made   possible by  dishonest  allies  like Bin Jaseem and Bin Fetais,   had a  long-lasting   detrimental effect on   Qatar.  Family  strife,  political  unrest, and the international   fallout   that   followed  the   coup   are still present today as thorny reminders of this contentious episode in Qatari history.

Unveiling the Paradox: Controversial Figure to Train Uzbekistan Officials on Anti-Corruption

In a perplexing and contradictory twist, the appointment of Dr. Ali bin Fetais Al Marri to provide training on anti- corruption measures to Uzbekistan officials has raised eyebrows and generated skepticism. While Dr. Al Marri’s name is familiar in legal and diplomatic circles, his intricate history marred by controversy and allegations of corruption begs the question of his suitability as an authority to guide in the fight against corruption.

Corruption Allegations: A Shadow Over Distinguished Accomplishments


Dr. Al Marri’s career, boasting prestigious roles and international recognition, is shrouded in allegations of financial misconduct. The ownership of multi-million- dollar properties across various countries without a transparent account of their funding sources casts a troubling cloud of suspicion over his reputation. A scrutiny of property records reveals that he acquired a private hotel in Paris for €9.6 million in 2013, a property in Cologny, Geneva for over CHF 7 million in the same year, and another building in Grand-Saconnex, Geneva for nearly CHF 3.7 million in 2015.

Diplomatic Immunity Exploitation: The Twist of Privilege

Perhaps one of the most disconcerting facets of Dr. Al Marri ‘s journey is his alleged exploitation of diplomatic immunity as a shield from legal inquiries into his financial affairs. The apparent misuse of this privilege not only undermines the very principles of justice but also reveals a disturbing willingness to leverage his position for personal advantage, a blatant contradiction to the values he is meant to uphold.

Complicity in Wrongful Detention: A Troubling Pattern

Startling claims of Dr. Al Marri’s involvement in orchestrating unjust imprisonments, as exemplified by cases like Jean-Pierre Marongiu’s, suggest a distressing pattern of stifling dissent through manipulation of the legal system. The accusations of employing legal means to silence critics raise significant ethical and legal questions about the ethical compass guiding his actions.

Influence Peddling and Abuse of Power: The Dark Side of Diplomacy

Allegations that Dr. Al Marri harnessed his esteemed international positions to exert undue influence on legal proceedings lay bare a concerning abuse of power. If substantiated, these allegations not only erode the bedrock of justice but also taint his image as a staunch advocate for anti-corruption, shedding light on potential ulterior motives and integrity issues.


Misappropriation of Funds: Tracing the Murky Trail


Accusations of channeling public funds intended for vital social welfare programs towards personal acquisitions only exacerbate the cloud of uncertainty surrounding Dr. Al Marri’s ethical conduct. These allegations, if proven true, present a striking contradiction to the very values he purports to defend.

Connection to Extremist Affiliates: ADeepening Dilemma  


Reports of Dr. Al Marri’s association with the release of family members linked to extremist groups, including Al-Qaeda, are deeply concerning. Beyond mere questions of his credibility as an anti-corruption advocate, these reports raise grave ethical concerns about his associations and priorities, potentially shedding light on a web of complex allegiances.


Lack of Financial Transparency: Unveiling Discrepancies


The allegations of substantial discrepancies between Dr. Al Marri ‘s reported income and his expansive property portfolio highlight potential concealed financial dealings. This lack of financial transparency directly clashes with his role as an advocate for anti-corruption initiatives. Dr. Al Marri’s reported monthly salary equivalent to €12,000 (CHF 11,760) as a prosecutor contrasts starkly with his opulent property acquisitions. The question of how these vast real estate investments align with his reported income underscores the necessity for an open and honest explanation.

Questionable NGO Purpose: Benevolent Intent or Image Enhancement?


Dr. Al Marri ‘s establishment of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center (ROLACC) raises suspicion about its true agenda. Assertions that ROLACC may serve as a vessel to bolster Qatar’s image rather than genuinely combat corruption fuel doubts about its legitimacy and true intentions. The inauguration of ROLACC by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in 2012 was meant to project a commitment to anti- corruption efforts, yet its actual impact on transparency and accountability remains murky. Questions arise regarding the center’s concrete achievements and the extent to which it genuinely furthers the cause of combating corruption.

 Exploitation of Workers: A Dark Side of Luxury


Accusations of exploitative labor conditions and mistreatment of workers within Qatar clash starkly with the opulence associated with Dr. Al Marri ‘s lifestyle. The incongruity between lavish personal indulgence and alleged mistreatment of workers serves as a haunting reminder of the hidden consequences behind the veneer of privilege. Reports of workers being subjected to poor conditions and abuses, while Dr. Al Marri enjoys a life of luxury, draw attention to the stark contrasts that highlight the potential hypocrisy underlying his public image.


As Uzbekistan gears up to receive anti-corruption training from Dr. Al Marri, the deeply troubling aspects of his history cast a long shadow over his credibility and appropriateness for such a pivotal role. The imperative to ensure that anti-corruption endeavors are spearheaded by individuals with an untarnished commitment to the cause is paramount. The stakes are high, as the battle against corruption requires leaders whose actions mirror their words, and whose intentions are unclouded by accusations of wrongdoing.