This factual report is presented to the world to enlighten everyone’s perceptions on what is actually occurring in Qatar. With every statement Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family will reflect on in this report, they will provide the relevant evidence as documented by several prominent human rights organizations.

Furthermore, they are willingly able to provide everyone with the relevant evidences that these human rights violations are being imposed on millions of migrants. They have several witness statements from individuals who have suffered these ordeals and more from individuals who are still imposed and enforced to live in these sufferings.

They have several documented pictures and recorded videos depicting the ongoing human rights violations, illustrating how these migrants are being treated, tormented and what they are going through. Available evidence on how the WPS and Kafala reform system are nothing but a scam that was created to “legally” enslave millions of unfortunate migrants.

Every document, every evidence and every statement available to us depicts the lives of these migrant workers, on how they have left their countries indebted to Qatar’s corrupted authorities representative offices abroad and how they were entrapped in Qatar for years without pay and how their families are facing greater poverty and starvation because of these deprivation acts of human right, acts imposed by Sheikha Mozah and her accomplices, not only imposed on 2 Million migrant workers, but on far more, each of these migrants have children, wives, brothers, sisters, parents, and other relatives, all of them are affected by these destitutions imposed by Sheikha Mozah on them.

When did this modernized Slavery initiated?

Since 1995, when Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned enticed Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani to overthrow his own father Late Emir Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, whereby he manifested a coup against his father and prevented him from returning to his own country. During that period Sheikha Mozah has also exiled and denied the rights of over 6000 Qatari citizens,

whose only faults were that they supported their own Emir from being overthrown.

At that moment, Sheikha Mozah has been able to control the State and prevented any of its citizens to interfere in the process, some of which were detained, arbitrarily arrested and many of which were purposely induced with chronic illness whilst they were in detention.

Many advocates in Qatar that dared to face the adversity and take a stand against Sheikha Mozah and her corruptive circle of enticed authorities, where detained and at most time prevented to leave the country by placing travel bans on many citizens.

By enforcing their control over the state, Sheikha Mozah and her encounter have been able to manifest a process whereby all State’s projects are directly subcontracted to companies owned by Sheikha Mozah, her direct family, closest relatives and business associates.

These large number of companies have been provided with the privilege of obtaining governmental funded projects at very high prices, at time over 500% more than any comparable project around the world.

These projects are taken to enable these companies to enrich the selective individuals who are in direct control, and allowing them to exploit the state’s funds, wealth, and resources.

How were Migrant Labours in Qatar affected by such control?

That is the most important question that billions of people around the world are trying to understand;

  • How can one government take advantage of millions of migrant workers and why?
  • How can many prominent human rights organizations fail to have their message heard?
  • How can millions of migrant workers still unable to attain their basic rights?
  • How can thousands of foreign leaderships stand idle and turn a blind eye? 
  • How can Qatar’s corrupted authorities get away with the world’s greatest Ponzi Scheme ever?

Well, we will address each of these points and in hopes that everyone around the world will be able to grasp the concepts of what is being imposed in Qatar, and how for decades, Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted circle have been able to deceive the world and prevent them from seeing the truth. Such feeble façade that they have placed to distort the world’s attention away from their attempt to get away with billions of exploited funds, at the expense of their own citizens and at the high expense of unfortunate migrant workers who left their countries seeking opportunities to support their families.

Low-wage migrant workers have been forced to pay billions of dollars in recruitment fees to secure their jobs in World Cup host nation Qatar over the past decade.

Different nationalities have made their way into Qatar, seeking opportunity, and hoping they would be able to support their families back home.

Through an investigation carried out by a prominent news agency, they have found that Bangladeshi men migrating to Qatar are likely to have paid about $1.5bn (£1.14bn) in fees, and possibly as high as $2bn, between 2011 and 2020. Nepali men are estimated to have paid around $320m, and possibly more than $400m, in the four years between mid-2015 to mid-2019.

Migrants from Bangladesh and Nepal, who make up around a third of Qatar’s 2-million strong foreign workforce, typically pay fees of $3,000 to $4,000 and $1,000 to $1,500 respectively. This means that many low-wage workers from Bangladesh – who can earn as little as $275 a month – have to work for at least a year just to pay off their recruitment fees.

And these same recruitment agencies that have been present in all these countries are directly and indirectly owned by Sheikha Mozah and her encounter.

So, migrant workers not only have to work for nearly 1 to 2 years to pay off their recruitment agencies’ debt, but as well endure the agony and stress of not being paid at all during their entire recruited period, leaving these unfortunate migrants with no pay for a long period.

How can one government take advantage of millions of migrant workers and why?

As mentioned herein, the process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested enabled her to impose such control that enforced millions of migrant workers to succumb to her ways.

Sheikha Mozah has not only controlled all companies that are directly subcontracted to government projects, she has also imposed her control over Qatar’s Justice System, preventing judges and lawyers to rule fairly over any case that involves migrant workers, imposing prejudgments on every case before it makes its ways into Qatar courts. The United Nations has undergone several investigations and carried out an inspection to verify just how much Judges and Lawyers are coerced to changed their ruling and how is the justice system in Qatar compromised.

This report published by the United Nations is available in many languages and can be accessed by everyone

through the UN’s direct link pasted here above.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri is not just another name of a corrupted authorities that is involved in Sheikha Mozah’s circle of deception, he plays a larger role in enforcing Sheikha Mozah’s decisions against everyone, he was placed as the State’s attorney General for decades until he was ousted from his position because of so many complaints lodged against him in Switzerland, France, USA and other parts of the world, whereby these international complaints are still under investigation till this date for his acts of corruption, money laundering and terror financing.

So, the process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested to impose her control is clear but requires everyone to visualize it for what it is, but many may ask, why would Sheikha Mozah and her entire corrupted circle go through so much trouble to manifest such control and why impose such injustice on so many migrants.

Well, as always, the why is related to how much money they have made throughout these years by incorporating this process of injustice, and the total estimated value would shock the world as to how much funds were exploited from migrant workers alone, by not paying them their rights, these corrupted individuals stood to gain billions over the past decades.

Why and how does that add up to a large amount?

To exploit a large sum of money from migrant workers, they have placed them in labour camp rooms, low standards of living conditions, costing them only $ 250 per room per month and these rooms are crowded with at least 8 individuals in a single room, with minimum living space, resulting in a very low cost of $31 per individual per month, that is almost $1 per day per person.

Whereas if they are to comply to International Standards of Living Conditions, it would cost them at least $ 684 per room per month, and 4 individuals can only be placed in 1 room, providing enough space for everyone, with proper bathrooms, internet, change of duvet sheets every 6 months, proper house cleaning, pesticide controls, and properly air-conditioned, costing appx. $ 171 per individual per month.

Such process enabled Sheikha Mozah and her partners to save in cost over $140 per migrant worker per month, that is exploiting over 90% of the normal standard cost of human living conditions.

That is not all, Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted circle were still bold enough to exploit more out of these migrants:

  • Labours are given $ 55 per month as food allowance, not enough to purchase proper food and to maintain their health, mostly they are able to purchase rice and some low-quality food on that budget.
  • Whereas to obtain proper food quality and to eat a well-balanced diet such would cost not less than $ 5.5 per day for 3 meals for 1 individual, per month at an average of $ 165 for a healthy balanced diet.
  • Another exploited gain of $ (110.00)
  • And more, and more, whereas they are not providing the labours with gyms, in-house clinics, recreational areas or any other facilities that would allow them to maintain the mental and physical health, currently costing them nothing.
  • And if they had to provide proper gyms, in-house clinics, recreational areas and lounges where migrant workers can engage in enhancing their mental and physical health, it would cost them at least an average of $40 per individual

Another exploited gain of $40 per individual per month,

Let’s add them up, that is $ 140 saving on accommodation, $110 saving on food quality, and $ 40 for mental and physical health.

So that is your $ 290 per individual per month, times that by the size of the workforce of appx 2 million individuals, you get over half a billion of saving per month, that is over US$ 7 billion per year, times that over 12 years, you got your number, a total of 85 billion US Dollars at least, that is not taking into consideration that all these migrant workers have been underpaid and their salaries are the lowest in years, with an average of 87% of migrant workers obtaining less salary value below the minimum wages as publicly announced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities themselves and published by the International Labour Organization.

A non-discriminatory minimum wage came into force in March 2021, and 280,000 workers, or 13% of the workforce, saw their basic wage rise. The law includes minimum thresholds for basic wage, food and accommodation, totalling QR 1,800 or USD 500.

In addition, a Minimum Wage Commission was established to monitor its impact.

Which results in over 87% of migrant workers being underpaid below the minimum wage threshold, with a value of a minimum of $ 120 per migrant workers less of their minimum wage, resulting in over US$ 240 Million of less wages paid per month, well over US$ 2.9 Billion for each year they are underpaid, for over 12 years that equates to over US$ 34 Billion of exploited funds from these unfortunate migrants.

This is how a total profit of 120 billion US Dollars is generated for not complying to international standards of living and working environment and is such amount enough to convince the world as to why Sheikha Mozah and her entire corrupted circle have been manifesting over the years, that is apart from the funds they have been exploiting from the State of Qatar.

How can many prominent human rights organizations fail to have their message heard?

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, and specifically through Sheikha Mozah’s and Ali Bin Fetais engagement with the United Nations, they have been able to infiltrate the ranks of the world’s largest Human Rights Organization, enticing its authorities to turn a blind eye on many human rights violations carried out in Qatar, for a fee that is being paid as contributions towards United Nations programs, which the total amount of contribution paid by Sheikha Mozah to the UN is less than 0.08% of the total US$ 120 Billion that they have extorted from the migrant workers.

Although the UN has published many reports indicating Qatar’s human rights violations, they were all swept under the rug and forgotten about, some of these reports are mentioned in the following links;–en/index.htm#:~:text=A%20non%2Ddiscriminatory%20minimum%20wage,QR%201%2C800%20or%20USD%20500.

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare ( )
  4. Harbouring of terrorists( )
  5. Financing of terrorists( )
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants
    ( )
  7. Slavery and human trafficking( )
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world ( )
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities(
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State( )
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (

How can millions of migrant workers still unable to attain their basic rights?

Migrant workers have not been able to attain their rights because the process that has been manifested has rendered them cornered into a position that prevents them from being able to move, voice or even object to any act that is being imposed on them.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have carried out the following processes to ensure that these migrant workers are not able to raise their voices effectively;

  • By controlling the Justice system in Qatar, prevent Judges and Lawyers to do anything that defies their orders.
  • By owning all companies that employ these migrant workers.
  • By controlling all their respective Embassies representatives that have been enticed with gifts, positions, and financial favours.
  • By preventing organization like the UN to impose restrictions on them.
  • By initiating and contributing towards the International Labour Organization, UN offices and many organizations that have been financially enticed to look the other way.

How can thousands of foreign leaderships stand idle and turn a blind eye? 

Many around the world have tried to uncover this unjust process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested, but some have been financially enticed and others are facing difficulties to prove otherwise.

Many journalists and human rights activists have tried to expose the truth, but at every moment they are prevented to leave the country with the relevant evidences that would prove the manifested human rights violations, as what happened to the Norwegian journalists who were detained for hours and later released after erasing and confiscating all their photographic records.

Whilst others were presented with several reformed laws and regulations that indicates that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have changed their ways and are starting to provide the migrant workers with their rights. But the world has been deceived once more, as all the reforms that they have claimed to have served the purpose of presenting these migrants with further rights, these illusive reforms actually constrained them even more.

Some of these major reforms and laws, like abolishing of the “Kafala” system, was replaced with travel ban, whereby the Kafala system previously prevented the migrant workers from exiting the country unless their sponsor would allow them, it was replaced with travel bans which alternatively also requires their sponsor to submit an online request permitting a migrant worker to exit the country.

As to the other infamous process known as WPS (Wage Protection Scheme), this process was implanted for the reason of assuring that the migrant workers are going to be paid on time without fault and to serve as proof that the migrant workers are being timely paid. Little did everyone know that this system served as a way for Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted authorities to legally exploit millions of migrant workers.

Whereby the WPS requires that bank account be issued for every single migrant worker and that each account is provided with a debit card, upon which each company that employs any migrant workers is required to make timely transfers to the respective accounts. But the issued debit cards were never released to the migrant workers, rather it was released to the company’s accountants, who are required to deposit the salaries into all workers account, and withdraw all the transferred funds back into the company by using the confiscated debit cards.

Hence, this WPS system only served positively towards the corrupted companies and provided them with a legal way not to pay their labours. In such instance when a migrant labour comes forward to complain that they have not received their salaries, the companies provide evidence that there have been monthly transfers made into these migrant workers respective accounts, which were signed and named for each worker, but they do not have access to the debit cards at all.

How can Qatar’s corrupted authorities get away with the world’s greatest Ponzi Scheme ever?

FIFA 2022 Hosting is just moments away, and Qatar’s corrupted authorities admitted that there are many migrant workers who were left with unpaid salaries and they have acknowledged to pay less than a billion USD as compensation, which is nothing relative to the US$ 120 billion they have amassed over the past 12 years, and still these migrant workers have not been paid till date. That is also apart the thousands of migrant workers, who have died during that period, whereby publicly everyone talks about 6500 deaths, but that number is a fraction of the actual number of deaths that have been indicated as natural death due to other chronic diseases, to mask the truth and to prevent a world outburst against them.

Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and their corrupted circleof enticed authorities believe that they are able to pull out one of the world’s greatest Ponzi schemes, by misleading the world with baseless reforms and by financially enticing world’s authorities.

It is up to every one of us to decide, to we allow these corrupted minds to take advantage of so many million unfortunate people, or do we take a stand now before they get away with their heinous crimes.

To all Human Rights advocate, to all human with conscience, protect yourselves, protect others and advocate for the rights of the oppressed, and stand against the oppressors.

The worst of all deceptions is self-deception. Let us not deceive ourselves and expose the whole truth as it is, no matter what the consequences.

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