The Althani Council would like to extend their deepest appreciations for the advocations of Human Rights by Honourable Amelie Oudea-Castera as always. She has placed human rights above any political or financial interests, exhibiting the humanity that is missed in many people around the world. Although such exemplar attributes should have been exhibited by many leaders around the world, and in specific by FIFA’s authorities, but most of them failed to place humanity above their own interests, whereas they have truly failed as leaders of their peers. But she has maintained that true humanity and advocated for the human rights of migrants’ that have been violated by Qatar’s corrupted authorities for over a decade now.

In recent news, the Qatar’s officials have been intimidated by individuals who advocated human rights and whereby they have lashed out in the media calling upon them to meet, as to enable them to convince them that they have complied to international regulations and that the notion of human rights violations in Qatar is not accurate.  But the council reiterate in supporting her opinion, that indeed there was and still are human rights violations being imposed as council speak in the State of Qatar by corrupted officials who have exploited their public roles to enrich themselves and in contrary when the recent documentary that was made about human rights violations against migrants in Qatar was confronted with FFF president Noel Le Graet with footage of the accommodation, he responded that the living quarters only needed “a lick of paint”. A misleading statement that undermines the situation and does not reflect the truth.  

Treatment of migrant workers and poor record of human rights have been the highlight for the world since Qatar was controversially awarded the World Cup finals back in 2010.

But Qatar’s officials have been very constrained towards any human rights organizations or any party that has been concerned with these human rights violations, such constrains that prevented many advocating parties to verify whether these violations have seized or are still being imposed.

Everyone that visited Qatar was never permitted to roam freely in the country as not to discover the ugly truth, they would always show the world a pre-staged location whereby migrants are treated fairly, paid on time, placed in good accommodations, and provide with the best care possible. But that façade is hiding the ugly truth beneath it, whereby thousands and even millions of migrants are placed in inhumane conditions, in slumps, no clean water, dozens of migrants packed in small rooms together, unsanitary conditions, unpaid for months, single showers shared with tenth of migrants, no healthcare, no proper catering, no allowances and enforced to work overtime with no compensation.

Recently, Norwegian Journalist were detained, and their cameras were wiped clean as they have been able to reach these locations, but they were not successful in exiting the country with such evidence, they were enforced to sign off a disclaimer that they have been trespassing private properties, hence they are not allowed to keep the pictures and videos that they were able to attain.

Furthermore, the Qatar’s authorities have also alerted all contracting companies in the State, to send their migrant workers for a 2 months’ vacation prior and during the FIFA 2022, as to assure that there will not be any migrants left in Qatar that might communicate with anyone who is visiting the country during the hosting.   

So, when Qatar’s authorities are directing questions to you, as a true advocate of human rights, and whereby they asked, who from the “England Squad” has visited Qatar and whether you personally have visited and on what basis are your opinions and public statements based on? 

Continuing with an intimidating statement that you should ought to pick your words very carefully as you have a greater influence on a larger audience.

Followed by their statement that you should visit Qatar and verify for yourself prior making any further unsubstantiated statements.

Accordingly, council advise you to do so, but please do assure that you are not alone, and that you are visiting under the protection of the government of France, and during that visit, request that your tour of the country to be independent and not accompanied by anyone from the local authorities, in such to allow you to obtain a true understanding of the situation in Qatar.

The Council are readily available to provide you with several locations that you can easily allocate, along with names and contacts of thousands of migrants that are willing to share and voice their agony that they have been experiencing for decades in Qatar.

As mentioned, The Council are readily willing to provide all necessary details to enable you to obtain a clear vision of what has been occurring in Qatar, and the number of individuals available are in the thousands range and would require couple of days from your team to conclude their investigation, unlike the limited number of less than 15 individuals that FIFA or FA’s authorities were allowed to meet during their visits.” Said the Althani Council.

These human rights violations need to be exposed, these helpless migrants’ rights need to be advocated, and the statement that these failed and corrupted authorities made in their recent televised interview, whereby they indicated that, “No country is perfect, let’s get that right and I do not think anybody can claim that, so if somebody is coming and claiming they are a perfect country, they need to really take a look at themselves.”

Such statement directed to Europe, that they have similar human rights violations, but Qatar’s corrupted officials do not comprehend the difference in this context, as they cannot compare themselves to Europe or any other country, as what they have done against human rights, against humanity, has surpassed all levels of human doings, these corrupted authorities have attained control over the country by overthrowing their own father from the country, rendering an Emir as a fugitive of the law, issuing arrest warrant against him, and imposing human rights violations against millions, detaining and exiling their own nationals, how can they compare themselves to any other country, they have exhibit a dictatorship throughout their control over the state, on nationals, residents and even against visitors to the State.

Going on with their statement, they have also claimed that “First of all, people need to understand Qatar is the safest country in the Middle East, it is the second safest country in the world, people need to understand what that safety means and why it is the safest country in the Middle East and why it is one of the safest countries in the world,”.

Yet again another baseless statement, Qatar has been paying billions towards an American and Turkey military base that have been established in the State for years, why do they need these military base if they are the safest country in the world, why do they need foreign assistance if there are the safest country in the Middle East, and how can they be the safest, when all leadership of terrorists and extremists groups in the world are based in Qatar, as the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Taliban’s, AL Qaeda, and many others, they have all been based in Qatar for years.

How can they be the safest when anyone can be detained easily, and justice is manipulated, such statements that have been indicated in the United Nations report that was issued on Qatar, whereby it mentions that the justice system in Qatar is corrupted.#1

Furthermore, FIFA’s authorities claimed that Qatar’s officials have gone a long way to change and that they have indeed applied these changes in the State, from the change of the “Kafala” system, which is baseless as they have removed the Kafala but replaced it with “Travel Bans”, which is easily applied by the sponsor through a convenient app on their mobile phones, with a touch of a screen, these unfortunate migrants can be prevented to leave the country, and also conveniently enough in the app known as “Metrash2”, there is several other options, such as cancelling their work permit, deporting them, or even request for an arrest whereby the sponsor can claim that the migrant has absconded, which will promptly initiate a search by local police who will immediately detain the migrant and then they are enforced to sign off a testimony acknowledging all claims against them in return of allowing them to leave the country.

Such process is not a change, rather it is a deceitful process of hypocrisy, deceiving the world in believing that they have changed, yet they have manipulated other ways of injustice.

Claiming also that these migrants are being paid on time, as the authorities have initiated a “Workers Payment Scheme”, which is yet another process that has been exploited to their benefits, whereby every company’s accountant retains all the pay cards of these migrants, depositing the salaries in the allocated accounts of these migrants and using the pay cards to collect back the funds to the company, leaving these migrants unpaid for months.

 Further claims by FIFA’s authorities that they are banning Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Kenya from FIFA, as these countries organizations and clubs have been interfered, run and influenced by government officials.

A hypocritical statement as they fail to recognize that all Qatar’s sports clubs, associations, and organizations are all influenced, run and manifested by Qatar’s government officials, they control all these processes and also imposed their control over the media coverage and acquired international football clubs like PSG.

PSG’s chairman is a government employee, who was living on a salary and suddenly is one of the richest individuals with a net worth of US$ 8 Billion, how did he attain such wealth so fast, seems to be not in FIFA’s interests.

How did they control BeIN, and how has this entity recorded losses of over US$ 3 Billion over the past 5 years, is also not in FIFA’s interests?

How they have influenced many authorities around the world by offering bribes, through gifting and real estate, also seems to be a matter that is not in FIFA’s interests!

It is truly a Shame as she said that many may not be able to enjoy the FIFA hosting this year, fearing their lives, fearing the lives of migrants and not being able to expose the truth on time.

In the past few years, Qatar’s officials have committed several atrocities


      • From the imposed human rights violations against migrants

      • To the exiling of their own citizens

      • Detaining of their own family members

      • Preventing citizens from engaging in a democratic vote

      • Detaining journalist for exposing the truth

      • Strip searching women at the airport who are not even residents or visitors of Qatar, who were just the wrong individuals in the wrong place, at the wrong time

      • Preventing dozens of parents to attain justice against individuals who caused their children to be engulfed in a fire at the infamous “Villaggio Mall”, as it is owned by Sheikha Mozah’s son,

      • Engaged in sponsoring terror against their neighbouring countries

      • And many more atrocities that has affected and impacted lives of millions in Qatar and around the world

    “Lastly, we appreciate your time in reading this letter, and hope that you may persist in your search for the truth, and The Council are readily available to share all necessary information that may assist you in unveiling the truth to the world once and for all.” Said the Althani Council.

    Why would anyone in their right mind, visit a country that is under threat of being attacked, a country that has violated human rights, a country that is leaded by kleptocrats who have exploited the State’s wealth and resources, a country that supports and harbours all terrorists and extremists’ groups, whereby their leaders are safely protected in Qatar and they are leading the terror against the world from Qatar.


        • UK announces RAF and Royal Navy support to Qatar World Cup 2022

      To all Human Rights advocate, to all human with conscience, protect yourselves, protect others and advocate for the rights of the oppressed, and stand against the oppressors.

      May Allah bless you with:


          • Strength for every battle,

          • Wisdom for every decision,

          • Peace for every difficult situation,


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