In reference to the recent events that have unfolded between Qatar and Germany, and how Qatar summoned Germany’s Ambassador Dr. Fischbach, whereby they claimed that some statements that were made by German authorities are not valid and do not represent the truth.

In contrary to Qatar’s corrupted authorities claims and misleading statements, they have been playing the role of the victim in this situation, whereby they are the culprits that have besmirched the reputation of many countries and today they are targeting Germany.

Just few moments after their summoning of German’s Ambassador to Doha, they have expedited the publishing of the following statements through the government’s official portal:

This post that was published moments after the issue between Germany and Qatar took its toll to a higher note, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have resorted in publishing false information against Germany and such information does not only mislead the German communities and cause unnecessary conflicts between Islamic communities and others in Germany. Such conflicts that will propagate to another similar incident as the Somalian who stabbed and killed many in Germany this year.

The published post by Qatar’s corrupted authorities reads the following:

With a striking title, they are targeting the emotions of families in Germany, whereby they stated in their post that Germany is keeping children away from their parents.

Going on by stating, “Germany’s policy disperses the families of Arab and Muslim immigrants”, such statement that is clearly directed to radicalize peoples mind into believing that they are being targeted by their own government.

The remaining of the posts reads the following statements:

      • “A child of Turkish origin was deported in Germany from their parents and handed over to German families wishing to adopt the children’s months before”, whereby in this statement they are indicating that German’s authorities have preplanned to forcefully take children away from their parents and to give them to German families who have prearrangements with the authorities, such statement that is clearly a defamation.

      • “The Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services succeeded in returning children to their families again in a case that is considered the most famous during the last period”

      • “Several European countries have enacted a law called the Youth Welfare Act that gives social workers the power to forcibly remove children from their parents”, in this statement that are implanting the notion to all Muslim families across Europe that their governments have the right to take away their children if they decide to

      • “Diaspora Turks accuse the German Authorities of using the pretext of not adapting to German Society to convert their children”

      • “According to the law, social agencies have the right to send their employees, with help of the police, to withdraw children from their homes or from school without the knowledge of their parents”
      • “The series of kidnapping of Muslim and Arab immigrant children from their families continues to cast a shadow over hundreds of thousands of residents in Germany”

    These statements that were recently posted by Qatar’s corrupted authorities are targeting to defame and besmirch Germany’s reputation, to create chaos and confusion among the Muslim communities that reside in Germany, mislead them by inducing the thoughts that they are being targeted and that their children can be taken away from them at any moment without their knowledge.

    Implying in their statements that Germany has manifested a law to legally kidnap children, to carry out a trade involving children being sold to German parents, and insinuate that Germany’s authorities are enforcing their decisions without considerations.

    If Qatar’s corrupted authorities have summoned German’s Ambassador in Doha to object on the statements made by German’s Interior Minister, which was uncalled for as all the statements that was made by Germany is all true reflection of what is being practiced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

    Then to the least, Germany’s authorities should not only summon Qatar’s Ambassador in Germany, but they should also immediately expel the Ambassador and close their embassy and immediately carry out an investigation towards Qatar’s corrupted authorities controls over Germany.

    Such controls that are being manifested through several of Qatar’s investments in Germany, in specific to personal investments of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her closest relatives, whereby these investments returns are being used to finance an internal dormant and radicalized army of disciples that will be launched into Germany’s street very soon.

    These radicalized terror cells that are being incubated in several Islamic centres throughout Germany, whereby several of these centres are adopting the Ideology of an organization that has been establish by Qatar’s corrupted authorities along with their infamous Ideologist Al Qaradawi, who collectively manifested a process of using religion to advance their personal benefits.

    Any Islamic centre, organization, Mosques or establishment that adopts the Ideologies of the “International Union of Muslim Scholars” are compromised and should be placed under investigation and to determine their source of fundings, whereas other institutions that adopt the knowledge of “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” are institutions that are only directed in teaching Islam and not exploiting it for political or personal gain.

    The Althani Council advise the German’s authorities to promptly placed all these establishment and all investments of Qatar Investment authority along, specifically the investments related to Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her closest family members.

    “You shall discover that the revenues from their investments in Germany are used to finance their radicalizing projects in Germany.

    If you do not take prompt action, you will discover similar heinous attacks that will be launched against the public, to create a conflicted situation between the member of communities, whereby hate and chaos will be dispersed, and Muslim communities will be compelled to be hostile against each other’s.” the Althani Council said.

    Such disturbance in the fabric of German’s communities will impose them to feel threatened and alternatively other German communities will be as well, which in turn will engage more Muslims in believing that they are being targeted, hence in such situations, Qatar’s corrupted authorities will assure that many would be misled enough into joining their cause.

    What is being manifested in Germany today is not of a surprise, the council have mentioned in their past letters the details and they have warned Germany’s authorities, just as they have warned others leaders around the world, that each and every one will get their turns of such disruption, just as much as Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested around the Gulf, Middle East and Africa, each of these countries have witnessed their shares of chaos and disruption and now they have directed their attention to Europe.

    In the recent past, an individual known as Steven Merley, an investigator and intelligence analyst who since 1992 has specialized in the investigation of political extremism and is currently the Editor of the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch, he has presented his full report indicating all these statements that they have referred to herein, and his official report is still published officially at the UK’s Parliament website in the following link:

    Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deceived the world for so long, European Leaders have to take a stand and stop their crimes that affected many.

    Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported all terror and extremists group, they have supported Taliban’s and now they act as their agent, they have supported Iran regime for decades and still are supporting them with all means, they have supported Russia and partnered with them in their energy sector that led to the situation that Europe energy supply is entrapped within that vicious cycle, where Qatar’s corrupted authorities investments into most European Gas ports in UK, Italy, Spain, and many other parts of Europe has only provided Qatar with further control, or should the council say the United States as they are the only viable partner of Qatar, as ExxonMobil and Qatar Energy seems to be the only parties who are benefiting from all the chaos that have been unleashed on the world today.

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