But everyone needs to know that these corrupted individuals do not represent the voice of the Qatari citizens, rather they are individuals who have exploited the State’s wealth and resources to advance their personal gains and to serve the gain of their allies.

These corrupted authorities are limited to the surrounding of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, a malignant and narcissistic individual who has enticed the current leadership, from the father Emir to overthrow his own father back in 1995 to the son who was handed down the control of the state without consultation, vote or even consideration of the ruling family and citizens of the state, such control that remained under the manipulative hands of Sheikha Mozah, who is also unexperienced in every political aspect of governing a country, but is extremely experienced on how to entice and run organizations that serve as terror and extremists groups around the world.

Sheikha Mozah imposed her malicious processes by expensing billions of our state wealth and resources to US and Turkey military bases, who are privatized militia paid to protect Mozah and her corrupted surrounding, even that has it limits.

Meaning that her control is limited to how much she can influence everyone around her with money and when such influence is not effective anymore, that is when her façade drops down and unveiling the corruptions she has induced around the world.

But the most astonishing part of this week is how Qatar’s corrupted authorities boldly make statement not only that denies the bribery claims but also make statements that serves as threats to the European Union.

The issue of the bribery should not have been a surprise to anyone, as this is not the first cycle that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have undergone in claims of bribery, in the US congress there has been numerous claims in the past, similarly the FIFA corruption scandal that has Qatar’s corrupted authorities right in the centre of all that controversies and of course the claims of bribery towards the United Nations, UK Parliaments, Bribery of former French President Sarkozy, Paris Saint-Germain and many more, a larger comprehensive list can be made outlining the number of briberies that have been made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities over the past decades.

But claims of briberies is something that any country can handle and take the necessary actions to mitigate such acts, but THREATS are something that requires another level of understanding and response, as the way these threats will develop and unveil throughout the European nations is something that requires extreme attention and the immediate action by every European country’s national security to prevent the inevitable to take place.

In the recent statement made by Qatari diplomat saying. “The decision to impose such a discriminatory restriction that limits dialogue and cooperation on Qatar before the legal process has ended will negatively affect regional and global security cooperation, as well as ongoing discussions around global energy, poverty and security,”

Which conclusively summarize to the fact that such statements is a direct threat made to all European Leadership and notifying them that if they persist in their act of exposing them even further, they shall retaliate by imposing negatively on regional and global security, which means that their shall not be held responsible for the act of terror that will be unfolded in Europe, through the thousands of radicalized dormant army that have been deployed in Europe over the past decades, awaiting their instructions to strike against each European country, hence every European Leaders should be prepared to witness a wave of terror attacks in their cities very soon.

Further on their threats, they have made reference to negative impact on energy and its supply, which as well is a threat to minimize or cancel supply of Gas to European countries, although such may truly affect European nations, but it is wise for every leadership to prepare themselves for the worst conditions, as Qatar’s gas supply will inevitably be stopped, if not by the corrupted authorities, it is anticipated that there shall be an attack by Iran’s regime or even its current opposition on Qatar’s Gas reserves and extraction zones, as such is expected to impose pressure by crippling Qatar’s gas supply to the world.

Whereas, such gas supply is already at higher level of risks to be stopped or eliminated, whereby it would be prudent for all European Leaders to start working on alternative plans to mitigate their shortages.

Another realization that will be unveiled in parallel to such situation is the removal and replacement of the current Emir, as such days are numbered and sooner than expected such change will take place, hence any decisions or agreements that will be made with the current imposed government, it will be voided very soon and overturned by the new ruling.

It is widely known that anyone who visited Qatar, or invited or connected with Qatar’s corrupted authorities have in some way or the other been financially enticed, whereas the council has for the past years alerted all European Leadership that such act will be unveiled and that they should carry out their internal investigations to uncover these corrupted links before they cause damage to the European Union.

Such discovery by Belgium’s authorities has saved the European Union the gravest mistake of providing Qatar’s corrupted authorities with privileges of obtaining free visa pass to Europe and by providing them with preferential aviation privileges, whereby by exposing their corruption, Europe has been temporarily saved from the malicious plans that were directed at them.

But by exposing these corrupted authorities and how they have enticed members of the Parliament does not solve the problem entirely, rather it expedited the process of imposing their malicious plan, as Europe should prepare itself for the upcoming wave of terror that will be unfolded in their countries very soon.

Such terror that will spread chaos in countries and the only gain they may salvage from such acts is their last chance of regaining power to control.

As they presume that by spreading chaos and re-enacting themselves as saviours might guarantee them back the support of European countries, whereby European Leaders will call upon Qatar to help control the acts of terror in Europe.

Similarly like the act that was unveiled to the world through the Afghanistan crisis.

Whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities financially supported the Taliban’s for decades, and then played the role of the peaceful mediator that rescued everyone to vacate Afghanistan during the takeover of Taliban, where since then Qatar’s corrupted authorities have played the role of the sole partners to the Taliban’s.

Not for long until the Taliban tried to cut them out, Qatar’s corrupted authorities reinstated their other terror groups to expel Taliban from their position.

Such scenery that is repeating itself over and over, the same process manifested in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and many other countries, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities invested heavily towards oppositions, terrorist and extremist’s groups to undermine governments of these countries and then alternatively showing up as the savior of the day, eliminating the threat for a price.

Are all European Leadership that naïve as not to realize these manifested acts being repeated against them?

And are all European Leadership prepared to face the wave of terror that is to be unveiled by Qatar’s corrupted authorities?

Our advice to all is to cut the roots of the problem, by targeting Sheikha Mozah and all her closest relatives, her companies, organizations, institutes that are spread out in Europe, by crippling her source of financing in Europe, you shall be able to cut the lifeline that she has extended to these dormant groups of radicalized individuals in Europe, without such financial lifeline they are useless and unable to carry out their terror attacks.

“Furthermore, we assure all European Leadership, that all and every single Qatari citizen supports your acts of holding these individuals accountable and we shall in due course assist the world in eliminating the threats that undermines our own national security and the security of all other nations.” the Althani Council expresses its support for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

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