The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of the State of Qatar, would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the relations that has been in place between the People’s Republic of China and its honourable citizens with our Qatar.

In light of this relations, the council finds it as an obligation on them as the citizens of Qatar to alert Xi Jinping of the possible endangerment that may be imposed on his country and citizens.

Whereby the council appeal to the President to verify the facts that they are outlining in this correspondence and take the necessary actions to mitigate the negative factors that may derive from the malicious program that is launched by Qatar’s corrupted authorities against China

The Honourable President may already be aware that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are individuals who have imposed their presence on our country through their unlawful coup and deception and that they have maintained their imposed position for so long due to the foreign forces that have provided them with the military support that enforced their presence.

The US and Turkish military bases are mainly paid for by the State to protect the corrupted authorities from being removed from their post as they are serving an agenda that is currently favouring mostly the American’s agenda in the region followed up by serving the interests of Iranian authorities and complimented with their entangled involvement with the Turkish authorities.

Without these forces, Qatar corrupted authorities would have been promptly removed, whilst these forces are supporting them, they will probably will not last as long as they are anticipating.

Although knowing these corrupted authorities’ limitations, there are other factors that they exploit that is causing disruption to other countries, by carrying out smearing campaigns against countries, whereby engaging the world against certain countries to serve their agenda.

During The President’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia to inscribe a new relation with the Gulf countries and to bring this relation to a new Era that will serve the interest of all nations involved, during such visit, Qatar’s corrupted authorities were engaged in a different agenda, led by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who unfortunate enough is the mother of the current Emir, she has instructed her corrupted crew to initiate a campaign against China and its people, and foremost to engage the Islamic communities in China to manifest an uprise within their own surroundings.#1, #2, #3, #4

Although Qatar’s corrupted authorities are attempting to steer Islamic communities in China and specially through exploiting Qatar’s corrupted Islamic organization known as the “International Union of Muslim Scholars”, such organization that was initiated by individuals who are opposing the true beliefs of Islam and are manipulating the religion to serve their purpose.

Such manifestation and exploitation of Islam is forbidden and the world should comprehend that Islam does not teach nor engage Muslims to oppose their governments, it teaches the complete opposite.

As per the Islamic beliefs, Muslims who live in a non-Muslim country as citizens are obligated to fulfill this covenant of security which necessitates obeying the law of the country, they live in.

It is a religious obligation for a Muslim to keep his promises, behave truthfully, and respect people’s natural rights.

Allah all mighty said:

O you who believe, fulfill all contracts.

Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:1

And Allah Subhanahu wa’ta’ala said:

Fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it, and do not break oaths after their confirmation while you have made Allah a witness over you. Verily, Allah knows what you do.

Surah An-Nahl 16:91

It is forbidden for a Muslim to betray anyone to whom he has given a pledge of security or a promise. Treachery is an enormous sin which results in severe punishment and humiliation in the Hereafter.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

When Allah gathers the earlier and later generations on the Day of Resurrection, he will raise a banner for every treacherous person and it will be announced that this is the treachery of this person, the son of this person.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 5823, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

The general rule is that a Muslim should obey those in authority as long as they do not command the Althani Council to commit sins.

Prior to such attack, Qatar’s media agency has broadcasted live to the world the ongoing agreements between China and Taliban, on how Taliban will benefit from the ongoing collaboration between China and Afghanistan, whereby such broadcast are actually serving as a tactical communication method with the terror groups, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities exploit Al Jazeera to send messages to these terror groups they support, hence giving them signals to initiate attacks as per their agreed coding process.

For decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have used their media agency as a communication tool to signal their extremists groups and every program or statement made by Al Jazeera has its relative impact, as these terror groups are provided with instructions through these programs. A malicious coding practice that has terrorized the world for years.

The Honourable President may already be aware that these corrupted individuals are the main financiers of all these terrorists and extremists’ groups, they provide support to all their leadership and these forces are hired to impose terror on countries, governments and even citizens, making them flee their own countries to other destination to provide them with the freedom to do what they want in the country they invade.

Muslims have lived for centuries amongst all religions, race and cultures, they have not meant any harm to anyone for over a millennium and centuries, but individuals like Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has exploited the weaknesses and desperation in some by radicalizing them to carry out her agenda to terrorize the world, and China and its people have been recently placed on her agenda, which serves her interests and her closest allies, who unfortunately are the enemies of People’s Republic of China and its honorable citizens.

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