The recent televised interview of Qatar’s Prime Minister is a definite sign that the State of Qatar is entering a phase of self-destruction manifested by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

Although the last day of Ramadan is nearing, we wish to convey our best wishes to all Qatari citizens for the upcoming Eid and may Allah bestow on all his mercy.

Many Qatari citizens have had different thoughts and conclusions of what the interview of the Prime Minister actually entails and what did he try to convey through his eluded messages, and many of you may be asking yourselves the following questions:

  • If Education is Free, then why are every Qatari citizen paying from their own money
  • If Health care is Free, then why are every Qatari citizen paying hefty bills to obtain the care their need
  • If Qatar Sovereign Funds are successful, then why have we lost our ranking in the past decades
  • If Qatar’s financial position is great and better than others, than why do we have external debt that is more than our entire budgeted income for years
  • If the FIFA hosting was so successful, then why have we as citizens not gained from that
  • If the Gas revenue is for our future generations, then why is Sheikha Mozah provided with a dedicated Gas well for herself alone, and how many gas wells are dedicated for her children and relatives
  • If the Private sector is stable in the State, then why does Sheikha Mozah and all her relatives and corrupted partners own everything in the State, from Education, Health, Transportation, Leisure, commercial and everything in between, what do the citizens actually have left
  • If the country is doing so great, then why are the authorities thinking of imposing value added tax and income tax.
  • If the economy is so strong and better than others, why do we have such inflation that caused many families to flee the country
  • If the State’s investments abroad are successful, then why are they officially recording losses in Billions
  • If our national investments are stable, then why investments like Qatar Airways are losing billions over the past 8 years alone
  • If the Emir and all State authorities are actually employees of the Public, and they should answer to the public, then why have they not, and how did they all amass such wealth beyond their possibilities.

Well Qatar News has reviewed thoroughly the so-called “rare live televised interview on national television this past Thursday”

First all, before we provide all honourable citizens of the State with the relevant facts depicting that every statement made during that interview is nothing short than a ruse to derail the citizens from what is actually happening behind the scenes, and that the citizens of the States should understand that the Prime Minister is actually as per the law and constitution an employee of the State, who is also an employee of the citizens, and he legally answered to the people, and his presence on live television should not be considered as a favour from his part, rather a duty that he is not maintaining as they have admitted that his presence live to the people is rare.

Now, if we dissect every statement that was made by the Prime Minister, we shall realize that he has been obligated to pass on to the people a camouflaged message that soon will be realized, which is that the citizens of the State will be burdened with all the losses that has been imposed on the State of Qatar and that such interview is nothing less than a way to justify the reasoning behind their malicious plans

One of the major points he spoke of is the cost of the FIFA 2022 projects inclusive of its infrastructures, that these projects were inevitable and that they would have been made regardless of whether there was a hosting or not, and that the hosting only expedited the process, and foremost that the State made more revenue from the FIFA 2022 hosting than they had anticipated.

For this statement, we ask the citizens of the State to validate the facts behind such deluded point, if the FIFA hosting was so successful, then why did most citizens not gain from such success, why did the majority of properties that were intended to be rented out, ended being vacant during the entire hosting?

Why did the State authorities fill the stadiums with blue collar employees, hauled in buses to all stadiums to fill the empty seats that were not purchased?

The success of the FIFA hosting can only be measured on how much the State’s economy has benefited from that, and during the interview the Prime Minister admitted of the inflation rate, which is not a representative correlation to a successful period

As to the expenses of the projects for the FIFA hosting, the Prime Minister failed to admit that the $230 Billion expended towards these projects were all managed by Sheikha Mozah, her family and close relatives, and that the actual cost of these projects is less than half of what has been expended and the other half made its way into their personal accounts abroad, which enabled Sheikha Mozah to purchase Ritz London and other entities under aliases, billions of Dollars have been exploited into foreign account.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister also failed to disclose the expected maintenance costs associated with all these projects and how much will be burdened on our future generation

Which brings us to the next point that was made, whereby the Prime Minister stated that the Gas revenue that is being supplied is funds kept for future generations, but such statement is in conflict with the truth, as most of the Gas revenues are being expended by Sheikha Mozah, which was exposed years ago that she has dedicated to herself gas wells #1 , and if such statement has any sense of the truth, then why is the State currently burdened with over US$65 Billion of external debt, which again is a fact published at Qatar’s Central Bank. #2

Further into the interview, the Prime Minister went on eluding the citizens even further, by elaborating on the so-called economic diversification and growth and how the State has invested into many investments’ opportunities across the globe, and claimed that the State Sovereign Funds is listed on the top list, but yet again failed to reveal the truth that the State’s Sovereign Fund has lost its ranking for the past 20 years, and every investment made abroad is currently at loss.

Every single investment made in Qatar or abroad has proven that is has failed, and that these investments are losing Billions every day, and that can be proven if Qatar Citizens would verify the financial Statements of the following investments and you shall realize how these investments are losing State funds and are actually a burden that will be imposed on the citizens of the State.

The following list will provide the direct official links of these companies and their financial statements, and the citizens of the State should be the judge whether such investments are a success or not as per the statement made by the Prime Minister:

·       BeIN IH Limited, lost over US$ 3 Billion till date


·       Valentino England Limited, Lost over US$ 30 Million


·       Harrods Limited, Lost over US$ 60 Million


·       Qatar Airways, Lost over US$ 30 Billion


·       Qatar Investment Authority, Credit Suisse Shares, Lost over US$ 3 Billion in share value


And many more investments that have failed and is currently losing billions of USD in State’s funds, but the Prime Minister failed to disclose these facts and number, and also failed to disclose the facts that all expenditures made by Sheikha Mozah towards herself and her organizations have no record to the public and no one actually knows how much Sheikha Mozah is actually exploiting from the State, but the lavish acquisition of palaces, hotels, properties and fashion companies abroad is a small representation of where the money is going, that is apart from the billions that are being kept into their personal accounts.

Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, the former Emir of the State was overthrown by his own son who was enticed by Sheikha Mozah, and he was pursued through Interpol and international courts to force him to return the funds that he had in his personal accounts abroad, to the extent that arrests warrants were issued against him, but all he had in his accounts abroad was less than a Billion Dollar,

whilst Sheikha Mozah alone has over US$ 15 Billion in her personal account and that is not all the exploited funds, as the other funds have been kept in accounts of her children, close relatives and business associates like Yousef Kamal, Nasser Khulaifi, Abdelhadi Al Hajri, Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and many more.

All these facts are available for the public to verify, and in the past years many have tried to expose it to the world, some of which have been detained and tortured in Qatar, others have been exiled, whilst others have been issued with fabricated legal cases to impose pressure on them. Recently many of the legal cases have been manifested against Qatari citizens who have exposed them for what they are and what they have been doing

Sheikha Mozah has not limited herself only to exploiting the State funds, but also imposed her control on all other sectors of the country, from Education, Health, Public and Private sectors, all have been constrained under her control.

In his interview, the Prime Minister referred to the education and health level in the State and boldly made his statement that he is proud of the level the State has reached, such statement alone is evidence enough to the citizens of the state who have been the direct witness of the situation in Qatar.

Whereby Education has not been what it used to be, Qatari citizens obtain coupons on limited government coverage for their children’s tuition, which is eventually not sufficient for them, and they end up paying more to assure their children obtain the right education. The State authorities failed to comprehend that the State’s constitution depicts that Qatari citizens have to be provided with Education and Health for free, not through limited coupons, not through sponsorships or scholarships, it should be free, but unfortunately it has not been the case, and such has been proven by the UN’s special Rapporteur, whom in its report disclosed the following:

……The lack of free education in Qatar results in a number of children not attending school, whose families cannot afford even modest school fees.  I have received information from children whose parents, or even grandparents, or even great grandparents, who have therefore resided in Qatar for generations, had not been in school…… #3     

Conclusively, we urge the citizens of the State of Qatar to deeply reflect on everything that has been said or done in the State over the past decades, and ask yourselves, are you truly confident that we are all going on the right track, or will we all crash if we do not take actions now.


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