For years now, Qatar’s corrupted officials have manifested a program that is designed to bring chaos to the world, such program that is infused with extremism, terrorism, and trepidation.

Everyone who advocates Human Rights and stands high against the oppression of the Iranian government, should know that they are only as strong as the support they are getting from Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

Although many countries around the world have sanctioned Iran for decades, they have not been affected at all, as they are being supplied and financed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

An agreement that was established between Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Iranian counterparts, whereby she made a deal with the world’s greatest enemy in return for protection and maintaining her imposed position on the State of Qatar.

Sheikha Mozah has also supported financially most of the terror and extremists’ groups known to the world, providing them with a haven in Qatar and supplying them with all their needs to impose fear in the hearts of citizens around the world, such terror that is designed to entangle every citizen of the world to submit to their ways.


How are Qatar’s corrupted authorities financing Iran?

The financial support to Iran is implemented through several processes.

According to the Financial Times Qatar paid: 

  • $700 million to Iranian-backed Shi’a militias in Iraq
  • $120–140 million to Tahrir al-Sham
  • $80 million to Ahrar al-Sham.

New York Times, reported that Qatar paid:

  1. 500 million euros to Kataibb Hezbollah.
  2. $2 million to a firm called the Global Strategies Council
  3. $50 million paid to Jabhat al-Nusra. #1

Qatar paid up to $1bn to release members of its royal family who were kidnapped in Iraq. #2

Financial Times, reported that Qatar paid:

Other forms of payments are made through direct “financial supports” that are extended to Iran’s authorities, one of the most notable supports recorded is when the impose Emir of Qatar visited Iran promptly after the Ukrainian plane with over 176 passengers has been bombarded in mid-air, killing all its passengers. #3

$3 billion were presented by Qatar’s corrupted authorities to Iran as compensation for the 176 passengers who lost their lives following Iran’s admission that it shot down the Ukraine-bound aircraft after mistaking it for a ‘hostile target’.

These forms of payments are just a sample of other Billions of USD that are being transferred to Iran every day, through Qatar Airways which has over 50 daily flights to Iran’s multiple airports.

The daily flights are known to be packed with everything that Iran requires, from food, branded clothing, jewellery, cars, medicines, and many other special items.

Only few of these flights are designated to carry cash funds placed on pallets, fresh dollar bills, packed and air transported to Iran’s authorities, some other funds are being delivered to Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, or other parts of the worlds where Iran’s interests is.

How much damage is Qatar’s financial support causing the world?

The unlimited financial support that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have designated towards terrorists and extremists’ groups has imposed on the world several chaotic situations, whereby disturbing the balance of every country they have infused their terror in, which alternatively caused a ripple effect that is affecting other countries in the region.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities have financially backed rebels, extremists, terrorists and oppositions in every country, undermining the legitimacy of these countries’ governments, infusing terror to disturb the balance in these countries, and creating a surge of refugees that have been imposed on other countries.

In Africa, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deep involvement in the unrest that unfolded in the following countries:

  • Chad
  • Burkina Faso
  • Egypt
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Tunisia
  • Morocco
  • Algeria

 In the Gulf & Middle East, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have extended their infused terror to:

  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Lebanon
  • Bahrain
  • Iraq

In South Asia:

  • Afghanistan
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Nepal

 In every one of these countries, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have employed the State of Qatar’s funds, wealth and resources to fuel internal conflicts within each of these countries, causing unrest and infusing terror in the heart of these countries’ citizens, enforcing them to flee their own countries, seeking refuge from the conflicts, and burdening the world with these refugees.

The world leaders and all citizens of every country should stand against the oppression of Qatar’s corrupted authorities, who are the root cause of all the unrest that have unfolded in our world.

Focus should be directed against the perpetrators that are financing terror and not others.

Focus on who has been financing Iran, AL Nusra, Taliban, Daesh, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and many others, without such finance these forces are nothing but feeble authorities that are unable to impose terror.

“If all advocate of human rights truly wants to stop these human rights violations, then do not waste your efforts on striking at Iran’s embassies worldwide, when you should focus your efforts on striking down on Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

If you all want to stop these human rights violations, if you want to end the massacre that is being imposed on many countries, if you truly want to rid the world from terrorists and extremists, then you have to cut the root cause behind all of that.” said the Althani council to the world leaders.

Stopping Qatar’s corrupted authorities in financing these forces, will surely bring an end to the terror the Althani Council are all witnessing every day of their lives.

In some sayings in the world, it refers to “MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL,” well today the council are exposing the truth to the world, “MOZAH IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL”

It necessitates that the Althani Council remind the world that Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not represent Islamic beliefs, they do not abide by them and they surely do not act by them, as ALLAH Almighty stated that “Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity…Quran- 5:32

 May ALLAH Almighty bestow his mercy upon all and may the guidance of ALLAH be with all.


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