In reference to the recent act by the Taliban’s against women’s rights in Afghanistan, it necessitates that leaders around the world be aware of why such imposed act of injustice has been imposed upon these women’s and who stands to gain from all this.

It is of no mere coincidence that when Qatar’s corrupted authorities were cornered due to their recent corruption scandal, the infamous “Qatar gate”, such scandal that needed a crisis of much bigger scale to attract the world’s attention away from Qatar gate, that is where Taliban’s acknowledge the request from their sole financier, Qatar’s corrupted authorities leaded by  Sheikha  Mozah  Bint  Nasser Al Missned, to create a crisis in Afghanistan to a level that will distort the world’s attention away from their scandal.

By exploiting such crisis, Sheikha Mozah and of course represented by her son the Emir, will portray themselves as the world’s advocate of women’s rights and that their involvement was the main reason the Afghan women regained their inherent right to learn.


That is where Sheik Mozah improvised a way to regain their image back as the savior and mediators of crisis, appearing to the world

as the individuals who stepped in convince the Taliban authorities to change their course of action and back the access for education to the Afghan women.

In the next few days, Qatar’s imposed Emir and his mother will appear to the world, after the world’s leaders have not been able to find a solution to this crisis and failed to uphold the rights of the Afghan women and depicting that the world’s greatest nations leaders were not able to change the course of injustice that was imposed by the Taliban, only through the involvement of Qatar’s corrupted authorities in the process, that overturned the decisions made by the Taliban’s and enforced them to allow Afghan women the freedom they all await.

Yet again deceiving the world into believing that they are the savior of the moment as they have been publicizing for months after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan and how Qatar’s authorities were the main reason that saved many countries from disastrous situations by providing all facilities to vacate everyone in such short period of time. But what most may not know, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been the sole financiers of the Taliban’s terror group for decades, they have provided them with a haven in Qatar for the Taliban’s authorities families and till date they have a presence in Qatar. 

For decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported the Taliban’s against the world, provided them with weapons, funding and even facilitated their presence on the world’s media platform, whereby Al Jazeera has dedicated it’s time to implode the situation and portray the Taliban’s as a power that cannot be defeated, until the Taliban’s took over Afghanistan by force. But the world is witnessing that this cycle of deception is never ending, as the attacks, killings and bombing of civilians in Afghanistan is still ongoing, but now carried out by other insurgents, who conveniently enough are also funded and supported by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

The hypocrisy in this process of continuous deceptive cycle, is that the world leaders are falling for it every time, or to the least are forced to turn a blind eye, for some it is for assuring their economic situation that may be impacted by Qatar’s numerous investments in their countries, for others it is for the sake of assuring a prospect in future gas supply and whilst for others it is for their personal benefits.

Which was recently proven through the Qatar Gate, that several European Parliament Members, and some at higher positions, have been compromised and enticed financially to advocate for Qatar’s corrupted authorities interests at the EU Parliaments.

Which was recently proven through the Qatar Gate, that several European Parliament Members, and some at higher positions, have been compromised and enticed financially to advocate for Qatar’s corrupted authorities interests at the EU Parliaments.

For over a year now, we have alerted the EU Leaders and many Leaders around the world on the scenarios that will be played before them, how these scenic events will be unveiled before them and what they stand to gain from it.

Similarly, as the Althani Council is alerting European Commission all today, that the Afghanistan crisis depriving Afghan women access to education is nothing short than a tawdry subterfuge to regain their image in front of the world and to divert everyone’s attention away from Qatar Gate, at any cost and means possible.

Such desperate act by these corrupted authorities to prevent the European authorities from digging any deeper into these corruption scandals, as they will uncover a much larger number of individuals implicated in all these corruptions and the greater the exposure the greater the humiliation.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have also resorted to threatening the European leaders in cutting their gas supply to Europe, but the Council would advise the European Leaders not to take such threat to much concern, as the decision to withhold energy supply to Europe stands with the United States, considering that they are in total control of Qatar Energy through their long standing relations with ExxonMobil, which till date are partners in all their projects together, even in their collaboration in energy ports in Europe. 

Hence, the European Leaderships should have a stronger standing against Qatar’s corrupted authorities and should not refrain from further investigating these corrupted authorities, specifically investments made by Sheikha Mozah and her closest relatives, such investments that have a negative impact on the long run on the national security of every European country. Such information is readily available to us and the Althani Council can share it directly with European Leadership to facilitate their investigations upon request.

As for the Afghan crisis against women, although most countries have stepped in to condemn these acts, whereby the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union, have united in their condemnation of the Taliban’s decision not to re-open secondary schools to Afghan girls.

The condemnation should have been made against Qatar’s corrupted authorities who have supported the Taliban’s and imposed them on Afghanistan, they have posed themselves as the of the situation between Taliban and the world, they have defended them at the UN assembly and they have strengthened the Taliban’s presence, why is the world leaders condemning the janitor who has been placed in such position when they should hold the Director accountable and responsible for all this crisis.

Who financially supported the Taliban, who amplified their presence, who made them the monster they are, who aired their takeover of Afghanistan, the same party is responsible for all these acts and every other act of injustice that follows, Qatar’s corrupted authorities leaded by Sheikha Mozah are the culprit of all these atrocities.

Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by Qatari Citizens, are striving to expose the corrupted authorities that have imposed their unjust ruling on the State of Qatar.

These corrupted authorities have exploited the wealth and resources of Qatar to advance their personal agendas and have expensed billions towards inflicting chaos around the world.

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