We, Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of Qatar, hereby alert you as the Secretary General of the United Nations that you have voluntarily in conjunction with the corrupted authorities in Qatar, compromised the integrity and reputation of the United Nations, an organization that was established to uphold and defend human rights was alternatively exploited to advance personal interests of several corrupted officials around the world.

You have compromised your own legacy and any works that you may have done at the UN, by supporting and providing these corrupted officials with credentials that enabled them to carry out their injustice in their country.

Your unlimited support that was given to them in return for their lavish contributions that were made towards the United Nations and foremost against the personal favours that were submitted to you and individuals who are closer to your surroundings.

We have the relevant evidence that led us to confirm and believe that your involvement with these corrupted authorities has compromised the integrity of the organization and as several recent exposed acts of deception like the bribery claims made towards the European Union, European Council, European Commission, FIFA and many other governmental and non-governmental organizations, all these exposed acts of deception and many others will be exposed simultaneously and the time that the UN and all its corrupted authorities, that time is nearer than you ever expected.

It necessitates that we stress on the matter, that the citizens of the State of Qatar, will not forgive or allow such injustice to pass over without holding everyone involved in this act of injustice accountable.

The corrupted authorities in Qatar, the UN authorities that supported them and every corrupted individual will be held accountable very soon.

As you may deduce from historical events throughout the world, there has not been one single person that was able to escape accountability, some were destroyed in the process, whilst others were completely tarnished in the process, regardless how, when, who, why or where, everyone will be held accountable.

If you as current Secretary General of the United Nations, have the least humanity consideration within you, to change the course of injustice, then you shall promptly initiate an immediate investigation towards Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who both have been provided with UN credentials that enabled them to impose injustice on millions in Qatar and around the world.

The United Nations has endorsed several of their treacherous programs such as “Education Above All” which is an organization that is radicalizing many children around the world, “ROLACC” an organization that is supposedly promoting anti-corruption practices but is actually exploited as a vehicle to exploit State funds and transferring them abroad or organizations such as “ACEAWARD” which is also presumably an award program for recognizing anti-corruption practices worldwide, whilst it is used as a program to silence and buy-off many anti-corruption advocates, who hypocritically are actually corrupted in the system.

The United Nations support and endorsement is the main reason such organizations have been allowed to step on the international platform and it is on the UN the accountability and responsibility of the acts of all these malicious programs.

These corrupted authorities are the criminals that committed these crimes, but the UN gave them the weapon, these corrupted authorities are the law breakers but the UN gave them the right to break any laws, these corrupted authorities are the offenders of human rights but also the UN gave them the credentials to impose their injustice.

They are the culprits but you provided them with the means, the UN authorities literally opened the doors for these criminals to commit all their heinous crimes.

From the exploitation of Qatar’s wealth and resources, to the exiling of thousands of Qatar citizens, to the detention, torture and arbitrarily arrest of hundreds of citizens, to the imposed human rights violations and enslavement of millions of migrants in Qatar. All these crimes against humanity could have been prevented if the UN did not sell out its integrity.

The citizens of Qatar will not forget how the UN was instrumental in supporting these corrupted individuals. And people will not forget who provided these corrupted individuals with the credentials that allowed them to deceive the world.

Hence, we advise you to seriously consider to take the right course of action and do not delay the process in restoring justice and reinstating the rights of all citizens in Qatar and the world.

All oppressing power will fall, similarly like Iran, nothing can withstand against the will of the people, it only depends on when will everyone has enough of these lies and deceit, but in the end these oppressive powers and all that follow with them, eventually fall, but when they fall, they fall hard, very hard.

That is why, in the sake of humanity, each and every one of us have limited chance in our lifetime, to do what is right and to speak out the truth, no matter what the consequences.

The only people who will be disappointed at you for speaking the truth are those people who have been living a lie for so long, and the lie can only dissolve by keep speaking the truth………       

  • the Althani Council addressed to the Honourable prime minister of UK Rishi Sunak.

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