Whereas The Althani Council address the Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy with the current letter to alert him of a destructive scheme carried out by the corrupt Qatari authorities in the State of Qatar,

And whereas these authorities intended to enter Italy under the cover of investments, as they invested in more than 50 communities and mosques. #1

And whereas, in order to expose the motive and intention behind what the corrupt Qatari authorities are imposing in Italy, The Althani Council must refer to a statement previously made by Sheikh Qaradawi about the invasion of Europe through Rome, where he stated that Europe would “return to being” under their control.

In his own words he declared:

“What remains, then, is to conquer Rome. The second part of the omen. “The city of Hiraq [once emperor of Constantinople] will be conquered first”, so what remains is to conquer Rome.’ This means that Islam will come back to Europe for the third time, after it was expelled from it twice…” #2

And whereas during the past decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have strived to realize Qaradawi’s statement, for decades they have employed billions of Qatar’s funds to control all the Islamic Mosques and centers, to impose their control over the Islamic communities in Italy, a gateway to impose total control on Italy in its entirety.

The Italian authorities should realize these facts before it is too late to alter this path of destruction, the scheme of these corrupted Qatari authorities within Italy is very clear, hence The Althani Council point out to the Prime Minister  need to conduct a criminal investigation on this subject as soon as possible, in addition to tracking the financial transactions of these authorities in Italy in order to discover how their funds are used to finance their dormant army of extremists that will be launched throughout Europe, making Italy their centre of command and their point of departure. Foreign funding for Islamic centres in Italy Lorenzo Fontana (ENF)


Over the past few years, Qatar has been investing heavily in Italy’s mosque infrastructure. A new controversy has arisen in Italy as a result of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII) wanting to buy the historic Villa Basilewsky and convert it into a mosque. Costs are believed to be around EUR 30 million. According to media reports, the project is being co-financed by Qatar.

Qatar is viewed as highly controversial by scholars, politicians and experts when it comes to the funding of Islamic centers because many religious organizations in the Emirate are said to have close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, as does the UCOII. This is giving rise to concerns that radicalization is taking place through the channel of mosques funded by Qatar.

  1. Does the Commission know about this project?
  2. Is the Commission aware of any other projects in Italy for Islamic centers funded from Qatar?
  3. Does the Commission share the opinion that Islamic centers in Italy funded from Qatar can lead to radicalization? #4

And whereas these Qatari corrupted authorities should be promptly investigated and trialed through the International Court of Justice for their malicious intentions, financially supporting terrorism and imposing acts of radicalizing communities in Italy.


In conclusion, The Althani Council urge the need for an immediate criminal investigation into the reality of the financial investments of the corrupt Qatari authorities within Italy, and thus taking the necessary measures to stop the destructive scheme of these authorities.

And whereas several sources have in the past raised their concerns, such was even presented amongst members of the European Union, where the members asked the following questions:

Clarification by the EU of links between Qatar and certain terrorist groups

Susanna Ceccardi (ID), Anna Bonfrisco (ID)


Qatar is regarded by many as a controversial country: it is a well-known fact, for instance, that it has funded Islamic centers and religious organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, including in Italy.


This is causing growing and justified concern over Qatar’s stance, and not just in Europe but among Gulf states too. In June 2017, a group of these states and other Arab countries decided to cut diplomatic ties with the State of Qatar.


In addition to terrorist groups, Qatar has also long been known to be close to Iran, as well as Turkey and countries that support the Muslim Brotherhood.

In view of the above, can the High Representative answer the following questions:


  1. Does he agree that Islamic centers in Italythat are funded by Qatar may result in radicalization?
  2. Is he able to provide full details of the links between Qatar and certain terrorist groups?
  3. If so, will he assess the feasibility of imposing restrictive measures on Qatar in order to curb its financial aid in Europe? #3

Foreign funding for Islamic centres in Italy
Lorenzo Fontana (ENF)


Over the past few years, Qatar has been investing heavily in Italy’s mosque infrastructure. A new controversy has arisen in Italy as a result of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII) wanting to buy the historic Villa Basilewsky and convert it into a mosque. Costs are believed to be around EUR 30 million. According to media reports, the project is being co-financed by Qatar.

  1. https://english.alarabiya.net/features/2019/08/07/Qatar-s-history-using-banks-to-aid-Brotherhood-terror-groups-in-other-countries
  2. https://www.investigativeproject.org/profile/167/yusuf-al-qaradawi
  3. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-001018_EN.html
  4. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2017-000840_EN.html?redirect

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