Whereas, the present letter is addressed to all foreign embassies and consulates in the State of Qatar, and serves as a notification to all representatives of foreign countries to be aware of the path currently adopted in the Qatari judicial system.

Whereas, we advise all embassies and consulates in Qatar to send a representative of their embassies on February 22, 2023, to the court room located in the Al-Sadd Court Building, 2nd Floor, Hall 5, at 8:30 am, to witness what will be unveiled in Case No. 1023/ 2023.

Since this case would enable all foreign embassies and consulates to ascertain how injustice is practiced in the State of Qatar, how evidence is fabricated, and who gives instructions to these judges to change the course of judgment in favor of other parties.

Whereas, based on the foregoing, we invite all embassies and consulates under the present letter to send a representative of their country to testify to what will appear before their eyes in this particular case and how the judges practice injustice not only against residents and foreigners, but also against Qatari citizens. This case is an example of their unlimited corruption and evidence to every statement made by United Nations’ Special Rapporteur, Ms Gabriella Knaul, whereby she has exposed the ongoing judicial harassment that has been occurring in Qatar for decades and how the Public Prosecution, which was led by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri was corrupted to its core, which rendered the justice system in Qatar as a circus managed by masters of deceit.

The following link provides the report issued by the United Nations, which is posted at the UN’s official website till date.


What the world will witness in this court session is how parents of children that were engulfed in a fire at Villaggio mall were not given the due justice, how women who were violated at Hamad International Airport were not protected against such injustice, how millions of migrants have been judicially harassed to denounce their basic rights, how foreign citizens have been killed, detained and tortured without being able to defend themselves. In this court session, everyone will be able to witness how justice is twisted and controlled by individuals who impose their controls over the justice system and who is truly behind all these malicious acts.

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