It has been recently evident that FIFA is currently in a more than just a questionable position in regards to their award to Qatar for the FIFA 2022 hosting. Several evidence are surfing whereby indicating the involvement of FIFA in unethical acts.

It seems as always that FIFA’s authorities are placed in a dilemma to take serious decision that will impact its own position with certain parties.

“The question remains at this stage is whether you are willing to take the correct approach in coming forward and unveiling the truth before it is too late and if you will not do so, it is inevitable that you shall be considered just as complicit in all the inhumane acts that were imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities on millions of migrant workers.

It is with this letter that we advise you to relieve yourself from such accountability by stepping forward and declaring the truth in front of the world.

It is advised that you visualize the truth as soon as possible and retract yourself from the stage of denial that you have set yourself at, as others, you will soon try to repent on your actions, but when the time will come, it might just be too late.

With that, we send this letter as an official notification to FIFA’s authorities, whereby we are officially notifying you of our genuine intent to proceed with legal actions against selective individuals within FIFA’s organizations, who will be notified through our legal counsel in Switzerland.

The other parties that will be in the ongoing legal claim will be Qatar’s most corrupted authority, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, in his capacity personal and official capacity.

The current joint claimants on the cases that will be presented to Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court will be related to the following incidents that have occurred in Qatar;

First case that involves Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and selective parties from FIFA as defendants in complicity in the abuse of migrant workers in Qatar and inhumane acts imposed on millions of migrant workers. The lawsuit will be submitted by joint plaintiffs’ of 2357 individuals.

Second case related to a lawsuit involving 4 of the victimised Australian passengers who were invasively strip searched due to the illegal acts imposed on them by the former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, whereby FIFA will also be a party as well.

Third case relates to 3 family’s lawsuits against Qatar’s former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri for manipulating the justice system and preventing over a dozen of family members to obtain justice for the killing of  Dozens of children who were engulfed in a fire in a mall in Qatar.

Whereby Justice was derailed to protect selective individual in Qatar who are related to Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, whereby the mall is owned through one of her children’ name and the justice was prevented to hold anyone accountable.

3 separate cases with different claimants, all supported by our organization to assist them to obtain long overdue justice, whereby these claimants will all have their day in court, to hold the culprits accountable and to uphold justice at any cost.

As noted in our statements, FIFA’s involvement in one of more of these cases is related to the complicity of FIFA and their public statements, whereby FIFA’s statements have denied several findings and factual reports submitted by international human rights organizations and foremost neglecting the facts that were mentioned in UN’s several special rapporteurs reports, whereby it clearly indicates the human rights violations carried out by Qatar’s corrupted authorities;

But for the world, awarding Qatar’s corrupted authorities with the hosting is just the tip of the mountain of violations that FIFA is involved in, whereby such award contributed to several human rights violations, implicating directly and indirectly FIFA’s authorities in every single inhuman act that was imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities. #1 to #13

The list of violations is so extensive, but we shall only disclose the majority of these violations herein;

Enslaving of millions of migrants which is punishable by law and violations of Article 4 of the Human Rights Convention, whereby the article protects your right not to be held in slavery or servitude, or made to do forced labor.

Slavery is when someone actually owns you like a piece of property.    Servitude is similar to slavery – you might live on the person’s premises, work for them and be unable to leave, but they don’t own you.  Forced labor means you are forced to do work that you have not agreed to, under the threat of punishment.

Killing of migrant workers due to harsh working conditions. According to the ILO Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29), forced or compulsory labor is:

“all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.”

The Forced Labor Protocol (Article 1(3)) explicitly reaffirms this definition.

This definition consists of three elements:

Work or service refers to all types of work occurring in any activity, industry or sector including in the informal economy.    Menace of any penalty refers to a wide range of penalties used to compel someone to work.

Involuntariness: The terms “offered voluntarily” refer to the free and informed consent of a worker to take a job and his or her freedom to leave at any time. This is not the case for example when an employer or recruiter makes false promises so that a worker takes a job he or she would not otherwise have accepted.

FIFA’s fault is when you have validated Qatar’s reforms, when many international human rights organizations have denied such change and voiced their concerns on

ongoing inhumane acts.

FIFA have complicitly supported the imposed human rights violations in Qatar, directly and indirectly through the constant denial which enabled these individuals with the strength to persist.

And in Qatar, the most corrupted authority that was the most enabled to impose all these inhumane acts and who acted from behind the scenes carrying out all the heinous crimes is Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who for the past two decades was an attorney general but was removed from his post recently and shifted to the Shura council and provided with a post as an individual who advocates against anti-corruption practices, such positions that have been provided to this individual to mask his true identity and acts, which is to infuse and impose human rights violations against the citizens and migrant workers in Qatar.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri should be charged through international courts for his criminal acts.

  • He is responsible for the killing of thousands of migrant workers.
  • He is responsible for millions of migrant workers imposed with several human rights violations.
  • He is responsible for the invasive search against passengers in Qatar.
  • He is responsible for the killing of dozens of children that were engulfed in a fire. He is responsible for the exiling of thousands of Qatari citizens.
  • He is responsible for the detention and arbitrarily arrest of thousands of Qataris.

That is why we urge FIFA’s authorities to analyses its decision carefully and verify the impact its decisions will have on the lives of millions of migrants who were enslaved for decades in Qatar.

Therefore, based on all of the above, we address the current letter to remind you of your ethical code and responsibility towards every citizen around the world….”- the Althani Council addressed the FIFA president Gianni Infantino.

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare (
  4. Harbouring of terrorists (
  5. Financing of terrorists (
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants (
  7. Slavery and human trafficking (
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives (
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world (
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination (
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities (
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State (
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (

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