Leaderships around the world are calling for accountability against Iran’s regime, for the killing of hundreds of innocent women and children.

Germany and Iceland are amongst one of the few countries that have conscious towards humanity and regardless of their political standing with Iran, they’ve submitted a request on behalf of dozens of countries to hold a special session at the UN Human Rights Council on the ongoing protests in Iran.

According to the letter signed by the two countries’ ambassadors., the request called for the session “to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially with respect to women and children.”

Whilst more and more countries will be backing this proposal, Iran’s regime through their Islamic Republic’s foreign minister warned the UN Human Rights Council over organizing any session to discuss the situation.

Such warning that strikes like a threat whereby most European countries will be faced with unrest within their countries if they persist in carrying out a session to sanction Iran even more.

But European Leadership should be weary of what unrest that may be unfolded into their countries, and who will be carrying out these controlled attacks within their cities, rendering their citizens fearing for their lives.

There is no doubt that Iran’s authorities are at fault, they have been exercising deep restraint against their own citizens, they have killed hundreds of protesters, most of which are innocent women and children, and detained over 15,000 more protesters who are currently being tortured to an extent that will lead to their death.

But what is the benefit of holding a dedicated session to hold Iran’s authorities accountable for their inhumane acts, when the main supporter and financier of Iran’s regime is not hold just as accountable as the Iranians.

It is hypocritical to take action against the offender alone, and leave the perpetrator that has been supporting these offenders in committing these crimes.

Iran’s authorities have been killing several innocent women and children, killing them without cause and imposing further inhumane acts against thousands of detainees who will eventually die heinous deaths.

These innocent citizens are the victims of an oppressive ruling, that is deriving its powers from Qatar’s corrupted authorities for decades.

Although Iran was sanctioned for decades, they have not been impacted by that, as Qatar’s corrupted authorities have provided them with everything they may need, and everything they desire.

“The entire world and every single Leaders across the Globe already are aware of these arrangements, that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are the backbone of the Iranian regime, then why are we being naïve in our approach in tackling the wrong part of that monstrous regime.” The Althani council said.

Iran can only be just as strong and persist with its inhumane attacks based on the support they receive.

They will not be able to impose further restraints against the Iranian citizens during this revolution if they do not obtain foreign support, that financial support is the single lifeline that is giving these oppressors the power to carry out these heinous crimes.

Whereby their power is solely derived from Qatar’s corrupted authorities support to them, and specifically under the control of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has been supporting the Iranian regime for a mutual benefit.

Sheikha Mozah and her closest family members should be the individuals who are to be sanctioned for these crimes, they should be held accountable for all the killings that is being imposed on the Iranian citizens, their hands are stained with the blood of these innocent women and children.

For decades, Sheikha Mozah has been supporting the Iranian authorities and her personal financial advisor, known as Youssef Kamal, is also of Iranian decent, and coordinates the arrangements between Mozah and her Iranian counterparts.

The denial that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are not the sole supporters of Iran is deceitful, as everyone around the world have recently witnessed how the Iranian officials have been welcomed in Qatar over the past few months, how these officials have been publicly embraced and supporters, how several agreements have been forged between them and how they have financially supported the Iranians, even during their worst moments when the Iranian authorities blew up a Ukrainian plane, killing hundreds, Qatar’s corrupted authorities sprinted to the rescue by providing Iranian’ officials with over US$ 3 Billion in financial support. #1

Qatar corrupted authorities even provided Iran with a dedicated space in their yearly weapon exhibition, and shares with Iran’s authorities all their intel on other countries.

All types of weapons, artilleries and technological warfare available to Qatar is extended to Iran. All types of extremists and terrorists that have been incumbent over the past years by Qatar’s corrupted officials, are being extended to Iran as militia supports for their oppressive regime. The world has witnessed how the support of Qatar’s corrupted officials have extended Iran’s power, with several daily flights from Qatar to over 50 of Iran’s international and national airports, the Iranian regime has received all the aids and support that they require to sustain their power.

Furthermore, all countries should be ready to witness a wave of terror attacks that will be unveiled in Germany, through the financial supports of Qatar’s corrupted authorities to several hundred sleeping radicalized cells of terror groups embedded within Europe, these sleeping cells will be launched in every European cities to spread terror and unrest, whereby Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom and other parts of Europe have recently realized these attacks of individuals stabbing and killing citizens for no reason or cause, whereby these radicalized individuals that are carrying out these attacks are unaware of the greater plan that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have on standby.

  • https://middle-east-online.com/en/qatar-offer-iran-3-billion-ukrainian-plane-victims

The stronger the effect of the world’s leadership on Iran’s regime, the more terror will be imposed on European countries, to enforce the European leadership to back down on their approach against Iran, a manifested approach designed and carried out by Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted authorities in Qatar.

It necessitates to make a point clear to the world that Qatari citizens have never meant any harm to anyone in the world, they have never wanted to be part of a consortium that is supporting an oppressing regime in killing women and children.

But Sheikha Mozah and her family have imposed their control over the state and have exploited the State’s wealth and resources to finance their own protection by acquiring the Turkish military base in Qatar to protect them against Qataris citizens who object their program.

The world should sanction Sheikha Mozah and her family.

They should confiscate all their assets abroad, assets that are used to finance the Iranians. Investments that have been carried in Europe, its revenues that is paying for the killing of many innocents.

Tax payers’ money in Europe, US, and around the world, derived from revenues of investments they have purchased in  many  countries, all these billion of investments, are the source of finance that Iran and every terror groups have been obtaining their financial support.

Unknowingly, everyone in the world is partially contributing to the killing of these innocent human beings, everyone is accountable for these killings subconsciously. The derived profits from the revenues of all of Sheikha Mozah’s investments in Europe, US and across the globe, are the same profits that are being used to support Iranian, same that has been used to support Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Daesh, Taliban, and many other terrors and extremists’ groups.

Everyone is responsible to take action now, everyone is accountable for allowing these individuals to persist with their inhumane acts, everyone should take a stand now before it is too late.

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