In recent years, Qatar justice system has been found to be exploited by corrupted officials within the State of Qatar.

Whereby for decades they have misused the justice platform to generate their wealth at the expense of innocent citizens, residents and even visiting foreigners.

Although the exploitation of the Justice system is not a new revelation and in the past decades many international reports have noted and documented these practices of injustice that have been imposed in Qatar, and in specific the recent reports issued by the UNITED NATIONS, through their detailed report “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Gabriela Knaul” which can be found on the UN’s official website link 


In this report, the UN special rapporteur has exposed an entire group of corrupted officials who have been exploiting the justice system, from its very core, with the process of manipulation starting from the country’s Public Prosecution office, which has been directed by former attorney General Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who for decades has rendered the justice system into a cash generating platform for himself and his corrupted encounter.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri was removed from his former position as State’s attorney general, because he was exposed through several claims of money laundering, bribery, extortion and terror financing, whereby several international legal cases were launched against him in the United States, France and Switzerland, exposing his assets throughout these countries and how he has manifested the process of exploiting Qatar’s Justice System. (in previous articles available at Qatar News website, you shall find the detailed information on how Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri has initiated his plan of monetizing the justice system)

In the UN’s report, the following were the major highlights of their findings:

  • The Special Rapporteur is concerned by reported instances of lack of impartiality, bias and improper behaviour of judges. She heard some serious allegations, according to which not only the police and prosecutors would discriminate against non-nationals, but also judges. As a result, the content of the missing hearings was not taken into account in the appeal process to the detriment of the defendant and of the fair exercise of justice.The Special Rapporteur was concerned to receive information according to which the prosecution services were influenced by high-level persons or powerful businesses. For this reason, a clear distinction must be drawn between public and State interests. Acting on behalf of the public interest should not be confused with protecting the interests of the Government or any other State institution.
  • The Special Rapporteur was also particularly concerned to hear allegations about the complicity of prosecution services in the fabrication of facts or tempering of evidence in certain cases. The prosecution office also seems to have complete discretion when it comes to the cases it takes up or not. This has led to irrational instances where the prosecution was pursued even when the evidence pointed to the fact that no crime had been committed. The Special Rapporteur is further troubled by the reported lack of judicial oversight of the work of prosecutors.
    • And many more shocking findings have been noted in that report which raises immediate concerns that Qatar Justice system is indeed exploited by such corrupted officials.

     Through our investigative research, we have been able to determine the flow of manipulation that is being imposed by these corrupted individuals, whom for decades have taken advantage of the State’s justice system and have privatized it to serve the ultimate agenda of Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, 

    1. who conveniently enough was the individual who employed Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri into the Public Prosecution and at the same time employed her closest family members in every governmental organization to assure that the victim has nowhere to escape. From the imposed control over Qatar’s Human Rights organizations, to the government’s transparency authority, all have been compromised and set out to serve them exclusively.

The process of injustice has the following steps:

  1. First step is when they Identify who is the target that they want to take his/her assets, companies and money.
  2. Second step is by sending someone to initiate a commercial agreement of any sort, to create the causal relation, whereby they will create a trap as their entry point.
  3. Third step is by using a travel ban against the targeted individual to assure that they are impose with enough pressure to succumb, if they do, then they move to the other victim, if they don’t they go to the next step to manifest a manipulated process of further injustice at court.  
  4. Fourth step is created when they have bribed a judge to take the case and issued fraudulent judgement against the victim.
  1. Fifth step is manifested when the victim has appealed on the first judgement, a corrupted court expert is engaged to issue a fake report based on fabricated evidences to ensure that the initial judgement is enforced, preventing the victim from defending such baseless report after the second judgement is issued.

These processes are repeated over and over, victim after victims, targeted based on the list issued by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, implemented by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, and in collaborative assistance from corrupted judges, lawyers and court experts, and entire system dedicated to monetize the justice system.


Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Corrupted Judges, Enticed Lawyers and degraded court experts have all rendered the State of Qatar’s Justice system of being a “A La Carte” system for the corrupt, dictators, kleptocrats and thieves, who are exploiting such system to impose injustice unto the citizens and residents of Qatar. This process of injustice has also been provided to other financial influencing individuals, who are provided with such services for a price, each single step has its rate, ranging from QAR 500 to over QAR 1,000,000, depending on the case and its value.



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