The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of the State of Qatar, hereby find it in themselves as an obligation to alert the world’s leadership on the awaited risks that will threaten the lives of many citizens around the world, specifically risks that will be imposed on FIFA fans represented from around the world visiting Qatar during the 2022 FIFA hosting.

Qatar’s imposed Emir has over the past few years neglected to convey to the world the awaited risks that will be unveiled in Qatar soon, such dangers and threats that not only threatens the livelihood of the Qatari citizens alone, but will also affect whoever has been within its borders during that period.

Although in the past, events such as the Olympics games were cancelled or postponed during wartime or pandemic, when Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games were postponed in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Games were “be rescheduled to a date beyond 2021.

Such authorities in Japan had the best interests of the world’s citizens at heart and chose to postpone an international event to prevent any harm to its own citizens and visitors from around the world.

When it comes to Qatar the situation is much more alarming as the wellbeing of their own citizens or international visitors is not taken into consideration at all.

What is expected to happen during the FIFA 2022 hosting in Qatar?

Based on the statements made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities, they fear several possible scenarios of detrimental attacks that may unveil during the hosting.

Such fear that forced the corrupted authorities to seek support from many countries to protect them from the inevitable that will occur or is there more to that approach?


Who did Qatar’s corrupted authorities deceive into providing “Protection”?

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deceived many countries in convincing them to provide protection during the hosting, convince these countries that it was taking such measures to protect itself from several types of attacks, from chemical, biological, terror attacks, drones strike, bomb threats, air and sea attack. Qatar’s authorities went out of their ways by paying billions to many countries to provide them with assistance and protection during the FIFA 2022 hosting whereby Turkey, UK, Morocco, Jordan, US, Italy and even Iran will be providing them with ground, air and naval support.


What is Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intentions?


Ample evidence is available to the world to prove that citizens of every country that will be visiting Qatar during the hosting of the FIFA 2022 are at an imminent risk that will be imposed on their lives and such risks have not been communicated to these unfortunate individuals and their country’s leadership are obligated to express these risks and prevent the inevitable to be impacted on their citizens.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been based on an ideology that they are bound to invade Europe and that it belongs to them, believing that the route to realizing such Ideology is to impose control over the world and where better to do that just during the hosting of FIFA 2022, when the whole world will be watching every single event that will be unveiled in Qatar, when probable threats will be prominent and how several forces from around the world are unable to protect these citizens that will be forced into a warzone.

In the past, many analysts believed that the 9/11 attacks on the US was a preplanned agenda to render the US vulnerable hence providing it with the reasoning of attacking the enemies in their own turf. But very few may know that the masterminds behind such attacks were deployed from Qatar and were returned to Qatar after they were arrested in the US, and these masterminds are still to this date enjoying the lavish lifestyle and protection that Qatar’s corrupted authorities had offered them.   

Therefore, the world should brace themselves for another catastrophic event that will be unleashed, but this time Qatar’s corrupted authorities will play the role of the victim, placing all countries that offered their protection liable for all damages and accountable for all crimes.

The imposed Emir of Qatar has purposely misled the world into believing that Qatar’s communities will embrace and welcome cultures that defies their own beliefs, from the misleading statement of allowing alcohol to be made available to fans during the games up to the statement of welcoming LGBTs to visit Qatar.

Contradicting his own statements by issuing updated laws in Qatar whereby they have indicated a jail sentence to be imposed on LGBTs and alcohol may be available at an obscene price and only provided in secluded areas where they are unable to reach during these events.

Also knowing that the Islamic Sharia law is very clear towards these specific controversial matters, he nevertheless misled the world into believing that he has made the necessary arrangements to accommodate the balance between the Sharia law and the requirements of FIFA fans.

Placing FIFA fans and in specific LGBTs in the crossfire between the local communities and their beliefs, creating a conflicting situation that will result in risks that will be imposed on both.

What should World Leadership do before it is too late?

  1. Prevent the inevitable risks that may imposed by requesting a postponement of the FIFA hosting until all risks have been properly assessed
  2. Obtain clear written official statement from Qatar’s corrupted authorities has to what is or is not permissible during the FIFA hosting
  3. Obtain official documentation from Qatar’s corrupted authorities guaranteeing the safety and wellbeing of every visitor to the State
  4. Obtain acknowledgement that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are ready to accept accountability for any mistake and that such judgements are to be ruled through the International Criminal Court Citizens of the world will witness the day when the council has alerted every leader of every nation across the globe that such chaos will befall upon all and you German people chose either to take the right actions or to place their citizens in the crossfire.
  5. Nevertheless, if the imposed Emir of Qatar is willing to risk everything, at the expense of his own citizens, risking lives of world’s citizens.

“And if you are willing to risk citizens lives, then you should be held accountable for his acts and such should be penalized under the criminal act through the International Criminal Court.

But the real question remains whether all other leaders are also ready to be accountable for their own decisions for not taking the right action and placing their own citizens at risk?”

the Althani Council advised the German Chancellor.

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