In recent event, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been able to deceive the world once again, enticing new arrangements with the world’s most renowned institutions, to pave the way in facilitating their Kleptocratic process of exploiting the wealth and resources of the State of Qatar and using such resources to finance the world’s most feared terror groups, and engagements with the Metropolitan Museum may just be a gateway that will expedite their process.

Such deceiving approach started with the speech that was given by Sheikha Al Mayassa whose entire statements are flawed with several misleading information.

She claimed that the main reason of attraction that Qatar’s authorities have had towards artifacts is related back to her father and her grandfather who collected artifacts to share with Qatar citizens, such is far and beyond from the truth.


Her father has never collected any artifacts, rather exploited the State funds to accumulate personal assets that were not presented to the State and her father overthrew her grandfather when he was the Emir of the State of Qatar without cause, chasing her grandfather around the world and claiming that he has stolen from the state billions, where upon such her father issued an international arrest warrant against her grandfather which was publicly published.


Her grandfather was prevented from returning to the State and whoever supported her grandfather was exiled from the state, over 6000 innocent citizens were forced to leave their own country and till this date have not been able to return to the State of Qatar.

So, the only legacy that her father left was that he overthrew his own father for taking control over the State, neither ever presented to the State any artifacts nor invested towards a cultural upbringing.

Unfortunately, in her speech she failed to mention the only person that has contributed so much towards the Qatar Museum, from its initiation, to its architectural buildings to all its collections, Sheikh Saoud Bin Mohammed Al Thani who was well renowned of being the sole collector that was entrusted to acquire artifacts for the State of Qatar, whereby he compiled the only worthy collections available to the Qatar Museum till date.

The inventory that he put together during his tenure as Minister of Culture was destined for five museums that were built in Doha. Until he was suddenly stripped of his responsibilities in 2005 and spent two months under house arrest. Although the reasons for removing him from his official post was never publicly clarified.

Sheikh Saoud was forcibly removed from his position as the chair of all Qatar Museum as he refused to cooperate with Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned in acquiring personal artifacts in her personal name at the expense of the State, upon his insistence of not implicating himself in the process of exploiting state’s funds to accumulate personal wealth, Sheikha Mozah opted for the solution of replacing Sheikh Saoud with one of her closest relatives, that is when Sheikha Al Mayassa was given full authority over the Qatar Museums, facilitating the process of Sheikha Mozah.

Further flawed statement in her speech is when she claimed that it is in Qatar’s DNA to collect artifacts, preserve heritage and build culture hub, and that such had been from the beginning, such is not true as their DNA did not exemplify anything by betrayal of their own family members and they are known to be the world’s largest terror financiers, hence their DNA is infused with hatred and not preservation of heritage and culture. 

The main reason for their engagement with respectable institute such as the Metropolitan Museum is only to exploit the process of transferring artifacts to be displayed in New York, whereby stolen artifacts from Afghanistan and Qatar will make its way within the US borders, to be stashed in the US amongst other numerous artifacts that have been exploited to the US.

It is worth mentioning that Qatar will also import to the US several artifacts that have been stashed in Europe, these artifacts will be changing their course as Qatar’s corrupted authorities are expected to be investigated very soon in Europe for their Kleptocratic acts, such can be validated by referring to France and Switzerland’s attorney general and you shall obtain information that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are currently under investigation.


Furthermore, the extended invitation by Sheikha Mayassa to visit Qatar during the hosting of FIFA 2022, presumably to immerse yourselves further into Islamic cultures and enjoy the FIFA world cup, she failed to mention that her brother the Emir has recently requested the assistance of over 15 international countries to assist in providing protection for Qatar as they are expecting several possible attacks that will be initiated in Qatar, whereby admitting that Qatar’s authorities are unable to protect the visitors, hence requesting the assistance of other countries.


It would be unwise for anyone to visit Qatar during the FIFA hosting when the Emir himself publicly stated he is expecting several types of attacks, from chemical, biological, terror attacks, drones strike, bomb threats, air and sea attack. Qatar’s authorities went out of their ways by paying billions to many countries to provide them with assistance and protection during the FIFA 2022 hosting whereby Turkey, UK, Morocco, Jordan, US, Italy and even Iran will be providing them with ground, air and naval support. The above links are self-explanatory.

Even during her speech, it is evident how much they are fearing, whereby during her speech the wind swiftly passed through the microphone, startling her and she stated that it “sounds like a rocket”, could anyone imagine how intense they currently are as to imposed them to imagine a simple wind drift as a “rocket”, that is why they are expecting the worse.


Promising the world an authentic experience of a lifetime, such statement that is made by individuals who are unable to provide protection for their own country, are unable to acknowledge the rights of migrants who have wasted their lives in building these stadiums, and are unable to directly take a stand and honestly inform the world whether LGBT are even allowed to visit Qatar and that alcohol is permissible, when there is a jail sentence for both of these.

Hence the Metropolitan Museum of Art and all respectable Museums in United States should be extremely diligent with the process of loaning any artifacts to Qatar Museum as these artifacts will be replaced with forgery upon their return to the Metropolitan Museum and the process of transferring artifacts to the US from Qatar, several artifacts will make their way to the US to be kept as personal assets for the corrupted authorities imposed in Qatar and the Metropolitan Museum will be exploited as a vehicle to exploit these artifacts into the US.

Worth noting, that Sheikha Al Mayyasa nor her brother the Emir of the State are basically just a façade and the true controlling factor behind them is Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, their mother, the same individuals who enticed Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to overthrow his own father late Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, and alternatively enforced Sheikh Hamad to renounce to his fourth son the current Emir.


Sheikha Mozah has for long exploited the State’s wealth and resources and exploited her own children to carry out her directives, placing them in the forefront whilst she hides in the shadows, lurking around every country, amassing unlimited wealth at the expense of the citizens of the State of Qatar.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art cannot simply be associated with such parties, do not allow a simple gift presented by them to implicate your institution in their malicious acts.


Several links are provided in this letter just to provide you with enough evidence that our statements are not one-sided and that the world is already aware of their acts, several thousand more references are available……   


” The Honourable President Daniel H. Weiss and The Honourable Chief Executive Officer Max Hollein of Metropolitan Museum of Art were addressed by the Althani Council”.


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