UK’s defence ministry recently imposed the Largest ever UK action targeting Putin’s access to foreign military supplies.

Foreign Secretary announced 25 new sanctions targeting Putin’s access to foreign military equipment, this includes individuals and businesses in Turkey, Dubai, Slovakia and Switzerland who are supporting the illegal war in Ukraine and the UK is also tackling Iranian and Belarusian support for Russia’s war machine.

This initiative would have been very effective if the UK’s defence ministry would have truly targeted also the financial source that is fuelling Russia and Iran, the only pipeline that is facilitating the funds to these countries and enabling them to continue with their imposed wars on Ukraine and also other proxy wars that have been launched against European’s interests in other countries, specifically in Africa, whereby undermining European’s chance of an alternative gas supply.

Such undermining process will enforce European nations to yield to the outcome of these wars.

So why is UK or any other European country not targeting the source of funding to Russia and Iran, and they already know who it is!

Mozah Bint Nasser who is enforcing her ruling on Qatar has a longstanding relation with Iran, Russia and even China, that is apart from their close relation with Turkey, all these allies to Mozah happen to also be the countries that are undermining Europe’s progress in the region and even in Europe.

Mozah’s interests in Iran, Russia, China and Turkey is far more than her financial interests in Europe, whereby most of her investments in Europe are actually vehicles of investments exploited to finance the internal radicalization process that is being unveiled in Europe, increasing the tension internally within European communities and undermining the European’s political and financial interests externally.

So basically, Europe is being targeted from both sides, internally and externally, and the lavish investments that is being poured into Europe is also targeting European Politician to entice them not to take action against Qatar and to pave the way and facilitate further investments for Mozah and her corrupted crew who have exploited the wealth and resources of the State of Qatar.

If Europe wants to stop the war in Ukraine.

If Europe wants to regain its interests across the globe and specifically in Africa and Middle East.

If Europe wants to stop the radicalization agenda that is being induced in their communities.

If Europe wants to restrict money laundering into their countries.

If you are all sincere in achieving these, then you should target the source of financing to Iran and Russia, whereby Mozah’s investments have tripled towards these countries in the past decades alone, Qatar national airline

carrier has dozens of flights scheduled daily into these countries’ multiple airports. Flights cargo packed with resources, funds and means to support these countries to continue with their atrocities.

You can all take the right actions now or standby watch and visualize how Europe will be undermined completely.

But when that is realizes, we will remind the world that we did warn Europe’s politicians, but they chose not to take the right step, rather be implicated in similar situations like Qatargate.

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