You’re recent travel and attempt to enter Palestine to witness the atrocities that are being committed against Palestinian children, women, elderlies and most importantly innocent people who have no say in this war that has been waged against them

A war that was initiated to commit this genocide against individuals who don’t even have a formal government to protect them, nor an army to defend them not even the minimum resources or necessities that would allow them to defend themselves from the oppression

 And even that was not enough, Palestinians had to be prevented from electricity, water, health and the minimum necessities of human beings, they were deprived from everything whilst the world is watching

And Allah will hold accountable every one who had the power to overturn such imposed atrocities and did not do so, the All mighty knows who had the means and resources to save these children and innocent people from such genocide and chose to watch and do nothing

And you Mr Karim Khan, as a Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court are in a position to speak out the truth and hold the criminals accountable, punish the guilty and save the innocent, that is a sworn oath you have taken as a believer in the all Creator before you even made your oath in representing the International Criminal Court


With that you are responsible to expose the truth and to reveal to the world the culprits behind all these atrocities, not only the Israelis’ authorities, but as well whomever that facilitated, financed and assisted in the genocide of the Palestinian people




 A true and honest prosecutor would expose the truth as it is and would not circle around the truth to distort the world’s attention away from the real criminals who were responsible

Everyone around the world almost agrees and denounces the acts of Hamas that was imposed on the 7th October 2023, and everyone also sequentially denounces the acts of Israelis forces against the Palestinians

 To this date, Hamas are based in Qatar, they are supported and financed by Qatar’s authorities and most specifically by Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who is known to have engaged into an agreement with the Israelis way back since 1995, when Hamad Bin Khalifa overthrew his own father and took over Qatar, Mozah sought the support of the Israelis to maintain her position in Qatar and since then she vouched to exploit all of Qatar’s wealth and resources to support Israelis’ agenda which is unfortunately also the same agenda adopted by the United States

Since that period till date, Mozah has provided unlimited support to several terror organizations, not only financially, but also provided them a safe haven for them and their families in Qatar, and supported their atrocities that were committed around the world

 For decades the world has seen numerous terror groups and their leaders come and go, but one single common factor always stands out in all these events, Qatar’s involvement and again more specifically Mozah in person as she is the only party behind all the manifestation of such maleficent agendas launched against the world

* Bin Laden was supported and financed by them and conveniently enough was exclusively interviewed only through Al Jazeera, one of Mozah’s private media agencies

9/11 atrocities were also led by individuals financed by Mozah and also they were bailed out of US Jails and transferred to Qatar, where they disappeared thereafter

* Taliban were also supported and financed by them and also their coup against the leadership of Afghanistan was also exclusively documented by Al Jazeera

* Hamas Leadership are also supported and financed by Mozah and their families live freely in Qatar and enjoy lavish lives, they too are exclusive to Qatar, or should we again be more precise and state Mozah as the Israelis families officially stated in their call to Mozah to release the hostages that were held by Hamas, conveniently enough, Mozah to the rescue again showing the world that she has mediated between Hamas and Israel by releasing those hostages. A hypocrisy in process, she may think she is some kind of Robin Hood, but Robin Hood was said to have been stealing from the rich to help the poor, Mozah in the other hand is paying the terror groups to kidnap and kill and Mozah would step in and sell them back for a price, that is no Robin Hood, that is acts worse that Satan could ever improvise

Even ISIS and Daesh leadership are being financed in Qatar and Nationalized, The all famous Khayyat Brothers who are roaming freely in Qatar and Europe, buying off assets in Billions and refinancing them to pay off more terror groups

With time Mozah has improvised her way to finance terror and to enable her outreach of radicalized terror groups to spread out around the world, is to enable her to pay off these individuals any way around the world and she has potentially succeeded in establishing that network of financing throughout the world, by enticing and involving international banks in the process, like Barclays, Deutsche Bank and UBS and many others, all of which are entangled in shady arrangements, depicted as investments, but they are designed as tools to finance terror around the world, a cycle of trepidation that will be unleashed upon the world over and over and throughout every country across the globe

Like every chaos that has been unveiled unto the world and every war that has been imposed on innocent civilians, today every missile launched towards Palestine from Israel is shipped from Al Udeid base in Qatar, which is an exclusive base financed by Qatar’s authorities under Mozah’s directives

The link of terror always points back to Mozah at all times

If you want to make a change and to be remembered as an individual who advocated for the truth

And if you want to be remembered as an individual who stood for what is right

And most importantly if you want to preserve what is left of your own belief of what Allah is expecting of you

 Then you should stop the terror from the source and not travel all the way to borders to hear the cries of innocents being killed, rather stop the killing in its entirety


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