European countries exploited by the Elites

For years now, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has manifested a program that is designed to bring chaos to the world, such program that is infused with extremism, terrorism, and trepidation.

To control the world through creation of fear in the hearts of citizens around the world, such terror that is designed to entangle every citizen of the world to submit to their ways.

For that, Althani council ask of all conscious citizens of European Nations to take a moment of your time to read this letter, which shall outline to you what is to unveil in the next few months.   

Important information included in this letter may be detrimental to many countries if prompt actions are not taken to mitigate the negative factors that may derive from it. 

What will be realized from the facts that are outlined herein, is that Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned has deceived all Leaders, authorities and citizens in Europe and the world, and such deception will DOUBLE its effects in the next few months alone.

Recently, the European Nations were dragged into a predesign conflict between Russia and Ukraine, such attempt that was manifested by Sheikha Mozah, who eventually is acting on behalf of a dual consortium, the first being fulfilling the United States/Israeli directives in the region and the second being the fulfilment of the Russia/China/Iran & Turkey directives, all of which would be in their best interests to visualize the European Union disintegrate completely and to render them as feeble nation, similarly as she has done against other countries throughout the world.

The European Citizens should never forget history and how many attempts have been made to undermine the effort of the European Nations, and when the European Union was being exemplified as a successful union between many countries, it was envied by many around the world, and specifically when the European Nations combined their forces to ally under one force known as the NATO, which was considered as a threat to many, the United States, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China have all one common interest, which is to break down the European Nations, paving way to their rising, which in the past centuries has been attempted with extreme failure.

But today, every European citizens stands at a crossroad that will define their future permanently, and if they do not collectively take the right decision to act now, they will be disintegrated from within.

The European Nations were enticed to use Russia as their source of energy, such path was facilitated to make these countries reach to this position, whereby the European Leaders will be unable to break from such entanglement and they would be portrayed as failed authorities and render all European Nations to question their alliance as to one another as one European Union.

By imposing such thoughts in the minds of the European Citizens, it directs each European country to think for itself, which will eventually cause the collapse of the European Union as we know it.

Europe is being pushed to the edge by a conspiracy that was manifested by these consortiums that are being acted through their representative in the region, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has taken control over the State of Qatar and to maintain such control, she has dedicated the State’s wealth and resources to be expended towards her allies who are protecting her presence till date.

European citizens are directed to believe that their enemy is Russia, and that they have to find an alternative to their energy demands, whereby these sought of obtaining gas supply from Qatar, who who conveniently enough for Russia, Qatar is their largest shareholder in the Russian National Gas company, and also Qatar has unlimited interests and alliance with Russia, hence it is naïve of the European Leaders to think that Qatar would eventually stand by the European citizens to provide them with an alternative supply.

The past few months should have been evidence enough for all European authorities and citizens on how Sheikha Mozah has purposely been stalling the discussions and none of the European countries were able to reach a conclusive agreement with these corrupted authorities, rather time was purposely wasted, promising the European a solution, until winter would have been nearer, rendering the European Leadership to succumb to the inevitable.

Today, European citizens are paying the high price of energy supply, witnessing excessive heating bills that rendered many people unable to pay and many businesses in the verge of bankruptcy.

That is when the process of enticing European Politician was being manifested for years before the after fact and how they have tempted your politicians not to direct their attention at Qatar and instead support its agenda through the European Parliament.

Although their conspiracy has been exposed, no one is taking actual measures against Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of individuals who were spread out across Europe to buy off parliamentary members and many other authorities. They were never placed in the blacklist, rather they were shifted to a so-called Grey List that is established to negotiate further with Sheikha Mozah and how much will she be willing to pay to have such matter disappear.

That is why the world referred to the “Qatargate” as the next exposure of corruption, but they all failed to provide the situation with its true identity, which should have been the “Mozahgate”, as everything that reflects out of Qatar is not from its own people, but from this individual alone with her conspiring group.

During that time, Europe was still considering providing Qatar with exempted visas all throughout Europe, which is indeed a privilege and the citizens of Qatar would have been grateful for such consideration, but nevertheless, such privilege would surely have been exploited by Sheikha Mozah, whereby she would have expedite a flow of extremists and terrorists to land in every European country, such extremists holding Qatari citizenships that will be implanted within Europe, and would be tasked with the directive of radicalizing a larger platform of extremists within Europe.

Al Khayyat brothers are one of the many recently nationalized individuals who are not originally Qataris, nor were they born in Qatar, nor have they had any ties in the State of Qatar ever, but were simply nationalized as per Sheikha Mozah’s instructions and these specific individuals have been the highlight of many terror financing claims.

As noted, these individuals are just a simple example of what Sheikha Mozah plans to infiltrate into Europe, whereas her ongoing diplomatic and political relation with the United States for decades has never yielded her that privilege of obtaining unlimited pass into the United States, although the USA has one of the world’s largest army base situated in Qatar and they had presence in Qatar for the past three decades at least, they have never been able to extend Sheikha Mozah with the privilege of obtaining exempted entry to the United States. Therefore, the main question poses itself, did Europe consider such exemption because of its merits or because of the millions that were expensed towards parliamentary members in Europe.

Similarly, as in Qatar, citizens of the State have been exploited from their own wealth and resources for decades, and now the European citizens are being exploited as well by their own country’s politicians, who some have been exposed for taking bribes and that is only what has been unveiled to the public, whilst the truth is much more, that the corruption has infused into many European Political streams.

It is every European citizen that are paying for the high energy fees!

  • You are being burdened with the inflation rate of your countries!
  • Your homes and businesses are being taken away from you because of high mortgages!
  • Your children’s future is being destroyed before they even get a chance to have it!
  • Your economies are being controlled by their investments!
  • Your resources are being exploited!
  • Your relations with other countries are being jeopardized!
  • Your countries national security is being placed at risk!
  • Your countries are being burdened with refugees!
  • Your opportunities are being taken by force!
  • Your cultures are being altered!

In the past decades, terror attacks have also amplified in every European country, many Islamic communities that once lived in harmony in Europe are being enticed to divert and turn against their own governments.

Exploiting religion to manifest hatred amongst communities, which would create a gap in the country, rendering the citizens divided and that is when they can conquer these countries easily.

European citizens should realize these malicious plans that are being imposed and take necessary precautions to eliminate them, and to eradicate the source of the problem, right from the venomous head that controls all these operations, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has portrayed herself as the advocate of children’s rights, which was a façade exploited to carry out all her plans.

But the ultimate plan that has been placed in motion is much more malicious than what the European Leaders can imagine. The plan is not only to impose on Europe to surrender to Russia’s demands but to also create an uprise within the European countries.

It’s not about energy supply, it is not about Gas, it is not about Russia nor was all this about the Ukraine-Russia war, the main target is the European Union, to dismantle it from within every European country, using the citizens of these countries to break the world’s largest alliance ever known in history. The decision is in your hand, you have to decide what is best for your country and citizens.

In the end, every moment spent wasted to take the right decision is only pushing every European citizen to the limit of breaking point, once that limit is exceeded, all will be lost.

Before questioning whether what has been mentioned herein is truly occurring in your countries, it is advised that all European citizens to open a communication channel between each European country’s leadership, and openly discuss these points, and the Althani council assure you, that you will all find common anomalies indicating that you all, have been targeted by these corrupted authorities.

The strength of your democratic societies is built upon your citizen’s trust and allegiance to their own authorities, once this trust and allegiance is broken, the entire democratic societies will crumble, which will alternatively allow foreign forces to interfere, changing Europe to the worst.

”- the Althani Council addressed all German citizens.

Europe’s own defense system used against them

In the past few years, every single detail Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family have outlined in their past correspondences has been gradually realized and until this day it is still progressing at a higher pace and will inflict negatively on European countries very soon.

They, represented by Qatari Citizens, are striving to expose the corrupted authorities that have imposed their unjust ruling on the State of Qatar.

These corrupted authorities have exploited the wealth and resources of Qatar to advance their personal agendas and have expensed billions towards inflicting chaos around the world.

Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Youssef Kamal, Al Khayyat Bros, and many more of these individuals who have exploited the State of Qatar for decades, have made an arrangement with foreign forces to enforce their power in return for favors to be carried out by these individuals across the globe, whether it be financial support to selective groups that have been allocated worldwide to create chaos or to entice governmental and parliamentary officials to redirect certain laws to suit their benefits.

For decades now, these corrupted individuals were able to create a large fracture in European Political Structure and with the immense wealth they have exploited from Qatar, they have been able to infiltrate all these ranks and systems.

From controlling businesses and assets of strategical interests to Europe, to enticing and corrupting high positioned political members of European countries, from Presidents onwards, to infiltrating their defense system, which for any country is their last possible way to defend itself.

Hence, if European Leadership can briefly revisit their current situations in their own countries, they shall realize that they are practically surrounded and they may not be able to defend themselves in the near future. All their internal strengths are being undermined and all their external defensive strength are being exposed to their worst enemies.

What does European countries truly hold as strength when their citizen’s livelihood depends on Qatar’s gas supplies, when their societies’ safety depends on the terror attacks that are being manifested in their own countries, when their economical platformis controlled by their shares in their businesses and when their own defense system is being exposed to all.

Recently, the Russian state-run news agency, Tass, reported that Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev said Russian military forces will destroy the German-made Leopard 2 tanks that will soon be sent to Ukraine.

But the arrogance of Russian’s authorities does not stem from empty threats, rather it is an extension of several intel they have been provided with, whereby according to reliable sources,

the corrupted authorities in Qatar have provided Russian military experts with unlimited access to all the available artilleries in Qatar, which the majority of such weapons have been purchased from all European manufacturers.

Such access is known to have been granted to Turkey, China and Iran as well.

According to sources, these foreign forces were provided with a direct contact with all weapons, artilleries, and military equipment purchased by Qatar, whereby allowing these parties to inspect them closely and test them whenever required.

It is informed that during this inspection, they were only seeking to determine the flaws of these equipment and how to destroy them with the least effort possible.

In the past, European defense artilleries were more of a secret than a common knowledge to all, with time such secrets have lost its effect due to financial influence, whereby countries like Qatar who are being exploited by terror organizers were able to purchase the best defensive artilleries for a price, but at the same time, determining the weaknesses of such defensive systems. That is apart from the biggest mistake ever committed by the European countries, whereby granting Qatar presence amongst the NATO countries, and with the assistance of enticed American politicians, they have landed themselves on the platform as non-NATO allies.

Whereby obtaining access to strategical defensive system and as well enabling them to connect with NATO’s largest network of military professionals, who just as the politicians who have been enticed, they will also fall, but their fall is very hard to regain from.

Whereby, The Al Thani Council advise the European countries’ Leadership to reconsider the meeting that will be held in Qatar, through the invite that was sent by NATO to all its members and partner nations to the military strategic partnership conference which will be held in Doha between 13 to 17th of March 2023. As mentioned herein above, for the past few years the Althani Council have alerted every Leader of what has been realized today, and the Althani Council have warned of the consequences of such acts imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities. Hence, the choice still remains with every Leader, either to act upon what the Althani council are stating or wait and realize the after effect of these intrusion and its impact on their political structure.

European Authorities should note that Qatar’s corrupted authorities not only gains from enticing their members of parliaments, ministries or even political parties, they gain much more by creating doubt in their systems and inflict chaos in their systems and inflict chaos in their organizations, which inevitably weakness their political systems from within, rendering the honorable chancellor Olaf Scholz vulnerable to further intrusions.

"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.”

Doha News causing conflict amongst Gulf Citizens

Qatar citizens are undoubtedly bonded to its neighboring countries, our brotherly Gulf Cooperation Council country’s members, from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman, the Althani Council are committed to their bonded relations and they will not allow any forces to undermine such relation.

Whereby they urge all Gulf Cooperation Council’s citizens, not to be enticed by the fake and fraudulent news that has been circling around in the Qatar Media, where many of these news outlets are exploiting their profession in advancing a malignant agenda of besmirching the reputations of our neighboring countries, purposely imposing a process of conflict amongst citizens of each country.

Qatar citizens have in the past been deceived, whereby they were led to believe that some countries were manifesting a negative agenda against them, which led to complete losses to many families and investors of these countries.

Unfortunately, although it was late when it was discovered that none of these nations had any agenda against Qatar or its citizens, rather it was a manifested agenda imposed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who through her group of corrupted individuals like Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, have driven our brotherly nations to the breaking point of cutting ties with us, which led to a crack in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Such purposely induced conflict, to break the bond and relations of Gulf Nations, as they were a threat to Mozah’s allies, she strived to break that bond to cultivate her personal interests and advancing the interests of her allies.

Citizens of all Gulf Cooperation Council countries, should distinguish the difference from such malignant agenda, and believe that no one from any of our brotherly Gulf Nations has any intentions to cause any harm to each other’s, and that Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals, along with their enticed media agencies, are all manifesting a process to break us all apart, whereby, it is the decision that can be made by each one of us, and The Althani Council can all together stand against such malignant agenda and assure that our bond is everlasting.

As Muslims, it remains an important duty on all our parts to ensure that they are vigilant, compassionate, and loving neighbors.

Taking both verses from the Holy Quran as well as hadith from the Holy Prophet, Islamic traditions teach us the beauty in living a life caring for those around us and through these many verses in the Quran and Hadith the following have been said

  • Doing good to neighbors who may even be strangers
  • Treating one’s neighbor with respect and duty
  • Loving a neighbor like family
  • Those who fulfil the rights of neighbors are blessed
  • Respecting neighbors is a duty upon Muslims
  • Helping a neighbor in need may end up helping you as well
  • Not fearing your neighbors
  • One must not trouble their neighbors
  • Believing in the Prophet means believing in helping your community and neighbors
  •  Believing in the Prophet means believing in helping

It is your choice; do you want to uphold the Islamic virtues or follow the malignant agendas.

Australian Women’s Rights violated and Denied

The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, representing the citizens of the State of Qatar express their deepest apologies to the individuals who were mistreated by individuals employed at Qatar’s international airport.

Although any sort of apology will not erase the heinous experience these women experienced at the airport and how they were treated, which violates all internationally recognized human rights norms and articles, nevertheless, the council extend their deepest apologies once again and wish to contribute by assisting these victims of an oppressing act to obtain justice.

In recent news, Qatar is reportedly attempting to claim sovereign immunity in the $10 million lawsuit brought forth by a group of Australian women who were forcibly strip searched and examined at a Doha airport.

The Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) gave notice it would be requesting to have the claim set aside under sovereign immunity at a pre-trial hearing in the Federal Court according to The Australian Financial Review.


Sophie* was one of 13 women hauled off a Qatar Airways flight and examined after an abandoned baby was found at the 

airport. She is one of several women who are speaking out over the incident.


It is thought to be the first instance in which the Qatari government, which owns both the QCAA and Qatar Airways, has employed the defense in a commercial dispute in Australia.

‘Sovereign immunity,’ a principle of international law, states that a national government cannot be sued or subject to criminal prosecution without its permission.

Such which is baseless, as the crime that was committed by these individuals at Qatar’s International Airport, not only violates international laws, but as well violated the laws of the State of Qatar, its constitutional law which is solely based on the Sharia Law, which prohibits any similar acts that was carried out at the airport against these women.

Such acts were given as a direct instruction by the State’s Attorney General, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who was promptly removed from his post right after the incident to shield him from any further liability. This specific individual is known to have personally instructed the airport authorities to carry out the strip search and he was not held accountable for his actions, although this individual is also known to have links with the UN, whereby he acts as an advocate at UNITAR, and also chairs international anti-corruption organizations knows as ROLACC and ACEAWARD, which are a front of exploiting the funds form the State of Qatar.

Hence, the council advise the Australian authorities to launch a case against Ali Bin Fetais Al Marry at the United Nations as being a member and advocate, to hold him accountable for his actions, and to launch a case against him in France and Switzerland, which will be beneficial for the claimant as he owns several assets in these countries.

Furthermore, the council advise the authorities to assist these women in filing a claim through the Arab League and Gulf Cooperation Council, whereby Qatar is a permanent member, to bring forth claims against them for violating the Sharia Law of invasively searching women without their consent or to the least without the consent of their male counterpart, whether be their father or husbands. As per the Sharia law, the act that was carried out against these women is forbidden and the individuals responsible for these acts should be held accountable.

Lastly, the criminal act that was imposed on these unfortunate women demands that the Australian authorities to take a strong stand against the corrupted officials in the State of Qatar, even if it calls for Australia to launch a direct criminal claim against these official through the International Criminal Court in Netherland.


The Australian authorities have a duty towards their citizens, to protect their wellbeing, to stand up for their rights and to defend their interests at all cost and against any foreign forces.

If the Australian authorities are not ready and willing to do so for the Australian women, who are considered as mothers of future generation, who’s sanctity should never be undermined at any cost whatsoever, who else deserves to be protected.


Where are the Swiss citizens’ depositors fund disappearing to?

For decades Switzerland was known for its highest credibility, known for its transparency.

And how it has always placed the interest of its own citizens above all.

But gradually, everything has changed.

But who are responsible for those changes that impacted the lives of millions of Swiss citizens and the entire European communities?

Who deprived all these citizens from their lives savings, who destroyed their future and pilfered their children’s future.

Citizens of Switzerland and all European countries should open their eyes and see the hidden truth.

    • How their financial systems have been exploited

    • How their political systems have been enticed

    • How theireconomical opportunities have been raided

In this article, we will only outline the facts of the recent events. Unveil the hidden truth that is kept away from the people of Switzerland. Exposing the individuals who are responsible for the changes that will destroy the lives of millions. To enable the truth to be uncovered, everyone should ask themselves the following questions and when you have obtained the answers for each of these questions, that moment you shall all have clarity.

Why did Credit Suisse crashed so fast and unexpectedly?

How come UBS is ready to swing in and take over?  Is it a coincidence that UBS opened their first branch in Qatar and are ready to take over one of the largest bank in the world like Credit Suisse?  Who are the true shareholders of UBS bank, hiding behind alias and companies names, who truly owns these shares?

Switzerland has been set up for failure, through a systematic process of infusing the stability of each platform of the country,  that made up the founding strength of Switzerland for decades.

Swiss banks have been compromised and the recent events are evident for that Swiss Political system and its parliamentary members have been compromised just as much.


Qatargate is just one piece of the puzzle that makes out the bigger picture behind that conspiracy 

How European Parliamentary members have been enticed and paid to turn a blind eye.


FIFAgate is the other piece of the puzzle that adds to the picture


BeINgate conspiracy has also extracted the benefits from Europe, into the pockets of conspirators

All the above events have been systematically imposed in Switzerland and Europe; all these are just the beginning for an end.

Further intrusion into the Swiss communities was manifested through the other platforms.
By introducing the so-called anti-corruption organizations, like ROLACC and ACEWARD, which were organizations used to entice more of Swiss lawmakers, by financially tempting them into submission.        Allowing them to spread their financial control over Swiss economical platforms and by controlling Swiss financially, they can control Switzerland in its entirety.

For the honourable citizens of Switzerland and European Countries. The individuals who are responsible for your losses are the same individuals who had the audacity to carry out all the above facts, and who had no shame or regards to the citizens of Switzerland, the same individuals who stands to gain the most from the changes that are being imposed in Switzerland.    They have spied on your authorities, they have enticed your parliamentary members, they have infused themselves into your economical platforms and they are preparing to entrench their control even further.

How many more changes are the citizens of Switzerland able to absorb…. until they realize that these changes will destroy their country.

Hidden cameras and recording devices in hotel rooms and offices in UK

In recent unveiled news, it has been discovered that individuals involved in corruptive acts within Qatar have exploited the State’s wealth and resources by using its investments around the world and specifically in the United Kingdom, whereby these lavish investments are being misused for other purposes than their return on investments.

These investments have been used to gather intel and carry out espionage against many individuals in the United Kingdom, whereby Parliamentary members and high-level authorities have been invited to these hotels and offices, most of which have been presented with free stay in many occasions.

Similarly, others were offered long stay at no cost and offices at very low or no charge.

But what many do not know is that these hotel rooms, apartments and offices are all bugged with micro recording devices that are used to gather intel on many individuals, even foreign officials who have been enticed to use these facilities.

According to recent information made available to the public, these establishments have been retrofitted by individuals who have imposed their control over the State of Qatar for decades, the same individuals who have overthrown the past Emir and same group who have been secretly financing and supporting terror groups around the world and also radicalizing other extremists within Europe.

The following establishment are an example of many hotels, apartments and office properties that are believed to be fitted with such intrusive devices that is violating privacy laws and as well carrying out espionage in foreign land:
·     Claridge’s Hotel
·     Ritz London
·     Connaught Hotel
·     The Berkeley Hotel
·     The Savoy Hotel.
·     600-room Chancery Building on Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair
·     One Hyde Park Apartments
·     448 homes that were built at Chelsea Barracks
·     The Canary Wharf financial district
UK’s authorities, influential individuals, members of the public and even foreign officials who are using these establishments are all under the risk of being exposed or extorted.
Bribing, spying, financing terror, violating human rights, supporting enemies of the free world and exploiting national resources to undermine international Leadership is some of the few traits that these individuals are currently being exposed for, and more is yet to be discovered soon…….


Not long ago, Qatargate was exposed to the world, and with-it demeaning process of undermining European authorities, by enticing and bribing high level authorities at the European Parliament, to imposing a political change within its borders.

European were led to start a conflict with Russia, which was their sole source of energy supply, to enforce them to succumb to certain conditions and changes but many European Leaders have tried to defy such changes and are still trying to break free from the entanglement that has been imposed upon them by selected individuals who have been exploiting the wealth and resources of State of Qatar to achieve such agenda.

But such intrusive agenda seems to never end, with new “gates” springing open upon the world’s attention, until these gates would cause irreparable damages.

‘FIFAgate’ has just opened up right after “Qatargate”, that is the newly exposed treachery that uncovered how selective corrupted individuals who have imposed their control over Qatar have been suspected of spying on Gianni Infantino and former Swiss attorney general Michael Lauber.

The process of spying within Switzerland is being financed through their organizations and personal assets, specifically Rolacc which is supposedly known as an anticorruption organization that is owned by the former attorney general of Qatar Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri


who alternatively owns the building that houses that organization and owns many other assets, whereby their return on investments is known to be used to finance these illicit activities in Switzerland.
ACEAWARD is also another fictitious organization and event that was held in Switzerland during the same period of the imposed spying on the Swiss Prosecutor, such events that facilitates the transition of funds from abroad to Switzerland and as well as payments made to fictitious contracting companies that are receiving funds under made-up contracts drafted to enable unlimited funds to legally transit through Europe.
European authorities and Leadership should take immediate action in seizing all assets belonging to the following individuals as soon as possible, as to assure that no further gates are affecting their very existence.
All assets owned or managed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Yousef Kamal, Nasser Al Khulaifi, Abdulhadi Mana Al-Hajri, Ramez AlKhayyat, Moutaz Al-Khayyat, and many other aliases that are working towards strengthening their presence in Europe.
By freezing their assets, these gates will be shutdown, by crippling their financial capabilities their intrusion will seize, by holding them accountable the European Nations may restore whatever peace and prosperity their can save.
How many more gates will you be waiting to be opened before you take your step towards the right path!!!