Qatar Citizens are being Scammed

We warned Qatar citizens about scammers.

How they are launching companies in Qatar Stock Exchange.

Companies that are not worth the signboard holding its own name.

Holding companies like Mekdam Holding, that is assetless and has no value at all.

Selling its shares in the stock exchange and scamming the citizens of the State.

                           MEKDAM Holding Group Q.P.S.C

We warned the citizens when MEKDAM Holding first introduced its share value above QAR 20.

And then restated it shares to an approximate value of QAR 10.
And dropped ever since to a value of QAR 5.

Losing its share value at a rapid pace as the company has no assets and has no effective operations.

They have created a fictitious group of companies, established fictitious contracts and presented to the public a void.

Selling such void to the citizens of the state for a price, scamming them from their wealth and resources.

Qatar News has warned the Ministry and all relevant authorities, but none has taken the corrective actions in preventing these scammers.

In contrary, they have allowed them to repeat the same scamming process over and over through other entities.

As well selling off shares to citizens, shares that are losing its values faster than ever.

The following companies are replicas of the process of depleting the citizens of their funds.

                                   Al Faleh Educational 


It is evident from all the above financial data, that these companies’ shares are declining drastically.

Companies that have been established to exploit the wealth of the citizens and not provide them with any return.

Qatar Citizens who have warned and complained to the authorities have been judicially harassed, whilst others have been detained.

But these corrupted individuals will not be able to silence thousands of citizens when they will realise that they are all being deceived.

That their wealth is being exploited, that their children’s future are being stolen to enrich the corrupted.

Every single Qatari citizen should ask themselves; how did these individuals reach this level to exploit their own citizens.

It’s simply because they have exploited everything the State of Qatar had to give, all its wealth and resources and now they have turned to the citizens to empty their bank accounts and pockets.

Leaving citizens of the State with nothing and with billions of internal and external debts, that is right, you are all burdened with billions of debts created and imposed by the very same individuals who are emptying your pockets.



Estithmar Holding Q.P.S.C.



Turkish new President obligations

In the past few weeks, a race is ongoing for who will be nominated the new President of Turkey.

Who is eligible to lead Turkey out of its financial crisis and restore to its citizens what they have lost in the recent natural disasters.

Turkish citizens have been very patient with their leadership, they have endured many losses and chaos in the past few years.

Their country’s financial status has flunked drastically, causing many businesses to close, many citizens lost their jobs and many others lost their homes.

The new Leadership of Turkey should devote itself only for Turkey and its people, not for others, even at an expense.

In the past, Turkey’s leadership have privatized the country’s military to serve as private security guards for high-net worth individuals.

Similarly, how President Erdogan has dedicated a large number of the Turkish military to serve as private guards for Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her family.

Back in 2017, when Mozah was under threat to be expelled from Qatar, she poured millions into certain parties in Turkey to send off thousands of Turkish military to serve in Qatar.


These military personnel have been dispatched from Turkey to Qatar to serve as Mozah’s private bodyguards, whereby Turkish citizens needed all the helping hands they could get during their recent natural disaster.

A crisis that crippled the country and many countries around the world extended their helping hands by sending off hundreds and thousands of their troops to help Turkey, whereby Turkish military men were obligated to remain in Qatar to protect Mozah and her family.

Such hypocrisy in the process, as these military men are Turkish, they belong in Turkey, to serve their country and countrymen, not to be employed as private militants for kleptocrats like Mozah or others.

Turkish new leadership should rethink its strategy, especially the process of exploiting its own army for the benefit of individuals who are imposing their presence in Qatar.

The thousands of military staff would have provided all if not most of the helping hand that Turkish citizen needed during their crisis, and it is the Turkish people who are paying the salaries and expenses for these military staff, not the government and surely not Mozah.

Mozah is sampling paying a fee for the individuals who facilitated the process of privatizing such army to her service, and these paid fees have not made its way into Turkish government accounts, rather rerouting into private accounts of private individuals in Turkey.

Turkish military should not be for hire, Turkish citizens should not pay for such service to be exploited by others, and most importantly, Turkish citizens require their leadership to protect them before anyone else, provide them with all the security and protection that would enable them to live securely in their own country.

Turkish leadership, the old or the new, both should think strongly in focusing into their own country, to elevate its financial crisis, to progress into the future and to serve the Turkish citizens and only them, not the high-net worth who are stealing their own country’s wealth and resources.

With such we extend the best of luck to President Erdogan or His successor, keep the Turkish people as your priorities and not Mozah, no matter how much she pays for the service, it’s not worth it as every penny she is giving to you will fade like vapour as it is funds stolen from the citizens of Qatar, and Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says,

وَمَن يَغْلُلْ يَأْتِ بِمَا غَلَّ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۚ

“And whoever betrays, [taking unlawfully], will come with what he took on the Day of Resurrection.”

Nomination of War Profiteers for Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize is sought to reward “those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind”.

The prize should go to the person “who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses”, according to the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who founded the award.

Although, Nobel Peace Prize controversies often reach beyond the academic community. Criticism that has been levelled against some of the awards include allegations that they were politically motivated, premature, or guided by a faulty definition of what constitutes work for peace, but that may have been the situation in some nominations in the past and should not reoccur anytime in the future, as it is distorting the foundation that such Nobel Peace Prize was founded on.


That is why the Nobel Peace Prize has a diligent Nominating Task Group that is primarily guided by the following criteria:

  1. The candidate’s commitment to nonviolent methods.
  2. The quality of the candidate as a person and of her/his sustained contribution to peace.
  3. The candidate’s work on issues of peace, justice, human dignity, and the integrity of the environment.
  4. The candidate’s possession of a worldview and/or global impact as opposed to a parochial concern.

Based on the above criteria’s that clearly defines the standard of nominating anyone between a good person and an individual who has exploited his position and power to advance his own interests.

As such we are astonished by the recent promotion of Qatar’s Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani as an individual who “deserves” a Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership and role in promoting global peace, an opinion piece published by Spain’s Mundiario.

In the said article, written by Ismail El Alaoui, the Philologist and teacher said the Qatari leader has stood as a “a symbol of peace” during his tenure as “a great Emir”. 

El Alaoui pointed out Sheikh Tamim’s ability to place Qatar at the top of world rankings as a country, taking the lead across various industries, including education, health and social justice.

He deserves to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his great work in maintaining and promoting peace in the world, and for promoting common human and cultural values,” wrote El Alaoui.


Through such manipulated articles, individuals who are well known of being war profiteers, terror financiers and human rights violators will be placed on the nomination scale of a worldwide renowned awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize, whereas that would be the world’s most erroneous mistake ever committed to even consider such individuals to be placed in the ranks of other respectable and dignified human beings.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not meet any of the Nobel Peace Prize’s criteria’s, they have never committed to nonviolent methods, in contrary they have invested heavily in radicalizing and creating terror groups that were scattered across the globe, all in one main drive to promote violence by spreading chaos and fear amongst citizens around the world.

They have never sustained any contribution towards peace, they rather have prolonged their inference in creating opposing parties in every country they have interfered in their affairs, weaponizing the oppositions to stand against their governments, kill innocent citizens, spread chaos and destroy their own country.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities have never worked towards promoting peace, justice, human dignity or even the integrity of their own environment, as it is well known that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have exploited the justice system to serve their own interests and such was already documented and confirmed by the recent United Nations Special Rapporteur’s report, whereby clearly indicating how judges and lawyers are being coerced to pass on unlawful judgements and impose injustice on many.

They have denounced human dignity for millions of migrant’s workers who have been enslaved for decades to build their stadiums, infrastructures and roads. Exploited these workers lives and left them to die in the souring sun, whereby thousands have been killed in the process of building them a nation and sent back to their families in gaskets, without compensating their families for their losses.

As for their preservation towards the integrity of the environment, that should be left to the hundreds of eventual articles that clearly depicts Qatar as the most polluting nation in the world and will continue to be as such for decades to come.

All these atrocities are not enough to describe the inferior acts that was derived from these corrupted authorities in Qatar, whereas thousands of other inhumane acts have been imposed in the past decades, in the following list, The Nobel Foundation should obtain a glance of what they have done in the past years and the references provided are 1 of hundreds of references for each of these points on the list.

Worldwide references have documented the following acts carried out by Qatar’s corrupted authorities, leaded by its imposed Emir and his mother Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who holds the larger share of these atrocities.


Europe, bribery, and corruption through the European Parliament – the infamous Qatar gate.

  1. Exploiting of State’s funds and resources and evading taxes around the world, through the Pandora Papers.

  • Sudan, sponsoring terror groups in Darfur, imposing conflict between opposing parties and manifesting chaos in their country.

  • Libya, sponsored terrorism to kill country leadership and to exploit Libyan’s energy sources.

  • Somalia, money, weapons, and terror financing in Mali, which led to the killing of thousands of citizens, and rendering millions to starve to death, women, children, and elders, no mercy against all.

  • Syria, supported opposition, financed terror groups and even nationalized them as Qataris as a reward for their act of deceit against their own country, whereby not only promoting war, by also encouraging individuals to sell out their own people.


  • Yemen, sponsoring terror group to destroy their closest neighbouring country, Saudi Arabia, by placing millions of defenceless Yemeni citizens in the crossfire, all in the quest of achieving larger control in the region.

  • United States, sponsored, harboured, and protected the mastermind behind the 9/11 massacre.

  • Iraq, a long-standing presence in every conflict and war launched against Iraq and its citizens, impacted lives of millions of Iraqis, causing them to flee their own country in pursuit of safe place to raise their families.

  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, for decades Qatar’s corrupted authorities have tried to undermine the ruling in Jordan, by influencing opposing parties to wage a coup against their own government, through their infamous Qatar Charity, camouflaged in donations in the country by directed to infiltrate the ranks in Jordan.

  1. Afghanistan, for decades financially supported the rebels known as Taliban, provided them with safe haven in Qatar, dedicated for them a specialized aired time to spread chaos and fear amongst many through their exploited media agency Al Jazeera. Responsible for the loss of thousands of lives, caused famine to millions of Afghans who were left helpless, inflicted millions of others to flee their own country to seek refuge, and destructed the only possible legitimate regime that was implanted by the west.
    • Australia, Several Australian women strips searched at gunpoint at Doha Airport.

  3. LEBANON, Secret information uncovered in Germany has revealed that Qatar have financed Hezbollah in Lebanon through a Doha charity organisation with the knowledge of government officials leaded by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.


  • NIGERIA, Facts have emerged of the people sponsoring the dreaded terrorist organization, ‘Boko Haram’ in Nigeria. It has been proven that Boko Haram is allegedly being funded by Qatar.

A more compiled list of intrusive terror financing that was carried out by Qatar’s corrupted authorities and leaded by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned can be provided to the Nobel committee to prove the intensity of these corrupted individuals and why the Nobel committee should not even allow such individuals to be associated with such elite award and not even be associated with such award in anyways.

These individuals have thought that they can buy off everything, they are under the illusion that everything has a price and that they can enforce their ways however they please.

They have corrupted entire institutions and organizations, the European Parliament, United Nations, Parliaments in African, Asian and many other countries, they have exploited Qatar’s wealth and resources to advance their personal interests and to lead the world into a chaotic state, controlled driven by terror groups employed and financed by them.

Hence, how can such individuals ever be even considered for such award, such individuals should be held accountable for their acts of terror and killings of innocent citizens across the world.

Metropolitan Museum- Qatar’s authorities Terror Financing gateway

In recent event, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been able to deceive the world once again, enticing new arrangements with the world’s most renowned institutions, to pave the way in facilitating their Kleptocratic process of exploiting the wealth and resources of the State of Qatar and using such resources to finance the world’s most feared terror groups, and engagements with the Metropolitan Museum may just be a gateway that will expedite their process.

Such deceiving approach started with the speech that was given by Sheikha Al Mayassa whose entire statements are flawed with several misleading information.

She claimed that the main reason of attraction that Qatar’s authorities have had towards artifacts is related back to her father and her grandfather who collected artifacts to share with Qatar citizens, such is far and beyond from the truth.


Her father has never collected any artifacts, rather exploited the State funds to accumulate personal assets that were not presented to the State and her father overthrew her grandfather when he was the Emir of the State of Qatar without cause, chasing her grandfather around the world and claiming that he has stolen from the state billions, where upon such her father issued an international arrest warrant against her grandfather which was publicly published.


Her grandfather was prevented from returning to the State and whoever supported her grandfather was exiled from the state, over 6000 innocent citizens were forced to leave their own country and till this date have not been able to return to the State of Qatar.

So, the only legacy that her father left was that he overthrew his own father for taking control over the State, neither ever presented to the State any artifacts nor invested towards a cultural upbringing.

Unfortunately, in her speech she failed to mention the only person that has contributed so much towards the Qatar Museum, from its initiation, to its architectural buildings to all its collections, Sheikh Saoud Bin Mohammed Al Thani who was well renowned of being the sole collector that was entrusted to acquire artifacts for the State of Qatar, whereby he compiled the only worthy collections available to the Qatar Museum till date.

The inventory that he put together during his tenure as Minister of Culture was destined for five museums that were built in Doha. Until he was suddenly stripped of his responsibilities in 2005 and spent two months under house arrest. Although the reasons for removing him from his official post was never publicly clarified.

Sheikh Saoud was forcibly removed from his position as the chair of all Qatar Museum as he refused to cooperate with Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned in acquiring personal artifacts in her personal name at the expense of the State, upon his insistence of not implicating himself in the process of exploiting state’s funds to accumulate personal wealth, Sheikha Mozah opted for the solution of replacing Sheikh Saoud with one of her closest relatives, that is when Sheikha Al Mayassa was given full authority over the Qatar Museums, facilitating the process of Sheikha Mozah.

Further flawed statement in her speech is when she claimed that it is in Qatar’s DNA to collect artifacts, preserve heritage and build culture hub, and that such had been from the beginning, such is not true as their DNA did not exemplify anything by betrayal of their own family members and they are known to be the world’s largest terror financiers, hence their DNA is infused with hatred and not preservation of heritage and culture. 

The main reason for their engagement with respectable institute such as the Metropolitan Museum is only to exploit the process of transferring artifacts to be displayed in New York, whereby stolen artifacts from Afghanistan and Qatar will make its way within the US borders, to be stashed in the US amongst other numerous artifacts that have been exploited to the US.

It is worth mentioning that Qatar will also import to the US several artifacts that have been stashed in Europe, these artifacts will be changing their course as Qatar’s corrupted authorities are expected to be investigated very soon in Europe for their Kleptocratic acts, such can be validated by referring to France and Switzerland’s attorney general and you shall obtain information that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are currently under investigation.


Furthermore, the extended invitation by Sheikha Mayassa to visit Qatar during the hosting of FIFA 2022, presumably to immerse yourselves further into Islamic cultures and enjoy the FIFA world cup, she failed to mention that her brother the Emir has recently requested the assistance of over 15 international countries to assist in providing protection for Qatar as they are expecting several possible attacks that will be initiated in Qatar, whereby admitting that Qatar’s authorities are unable to protect the visitors, hence requesting the assistance of other countries.


It would be unwise for anyone to visit Qatar during the FIFA hosting when the Emir himself publicly stated he is expecting several types of attacks, from chemical, biological, terror attacks, drones strike, bomb threats, air and sea attack. Qatar’s authorities went out of their ways by paying billions to many countries to provide them with assistance and protection during the FIFA 2022 hosting whereby Turkey, UK, Morocco, Jordan, US, Italy and even Iran will be providing them with ground, air and naval support. The above links are self-explanatory.

Even during her speech, it is evident how much they are fearing, whereby during her speech the wind swiftly passed through the microphone, startling her and she stated that it “sounds like a rocket”, could anyone imagine how intense they currently are as to imposed them to imagine a simple wind drift as a “rocket”, that is why they are expecting the worse.


Promising the world an authentic experience of a lifetime, such statement that is made by individuals who are unable to provide protection for their own country, are unable to acknowledge the rights of migrants who have wasted their lives in building these stadiums, and are unable to directly take a stand and honestly inform the world whether LGBT are even allowed to visit Qatar and that alcohol is permissible, when there is a jail sentence for both of these.

Hence the Metropolitan Museum of Art and all respectable Museums in United States should be extremely diligent with the process of loaning any artifacts to Qatar Museum as these artifacts will be replaced with forgery upon their return to the Metropolitan Museum and the process of transferring artifacts to the US from Qatar, several artifacts will make their way to the US to be kept as personal assets for the corrupted authorities imposed in Qatar and the Metropolitan Museum will be exploited as a vehicle to exploit these artifacts into the US.

Worth noting, that Sheikha Al Mayyasa nor her brother the Emir of the State are basically just a façade and the true controlling factor behind them is Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, their mother, the same individuals who enticed Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to overthrow his own father late Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, and alternatively enforced Sheikh Hamad to renounce to his fourth son the current Emir.


Sheikha Mozah has for long exploited the State’s wealth and resources and exploited her own children to carry out her directives, placing them in the forefront whilst she hides in the shadows, lurking around every country, amassing unlimited wealth at the expense of the citizens of the State of Qatar.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art cannot simply be associated with such parties, do not allow a simple gift presented by them to implicate your institution in their malicious acts.


Several links are provided in this letter just to provide you with enough evidence that our statements are not one-sided and that the world is already aware of their acts, several thousand more references are available……   


” The Honourable President Daniel H. Weiss and The Honourable Chief Executive Officer Max Hollein of Metropolitan Museum of Art were addressed by the Althani Council”.


Life threatening risks awaiting Citizens of the World

The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of the State of Qatar, hereby find it in themselves as an obligation to alert the world’s leadership on the awaited risks that will threaten the lives of many citizens around the world, specifically risks that will be imposed on FIFA fans represented from around the world visiting Qatar during the 2022 FIFA hosting.

Qatar’s imposed Emir has over the past few years neglected to convey to the world the awaited risks that will be unveiled in Qatar soon, such dangers and threats that not only threatens the livelihood of the Qatari citizens alone, but will also affect whoever has been within its borders during that period.

Although in the past, events such as the Olympics games were cancelled or postponed during wartime or pandemic, when Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games were postponed in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Games were “be rescheduled to a date beyond 2021.

Such authorities in Japan had the best interests of the world’s citizens at heart and chose to postpone an international event to prevent any harm to its own citizens and visitors from around the world.

When it comes to Qatar the situation is much more alarming as the wellbeing of their own citizens or international visitors is not taken into consideration at all.

What is expected to happen during the FIFA 2022 hosting in Qatar?

Based on the statements made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities, they fear several possible scenarios of detrimental attacks that may unveil during the hosting.

Such fear that forced the corrupted authorities to seek support from many countries to protect them from the inevitable that will occur or is there more to that approach?


Who did Qatar’s corrupted authorities deceive into providing “Protection”?

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deceived many countries in convincing them to provide protection during the hosting, convince these countries that it was taking such measures to protect itself from several types of attacks, from chemical, biological, terror attacks, drones strike, bomb threats, air and sea attack. Qatar’s authorities went out of their ways by paying billions to many countries to provide them with assistance and protection during the FIFA 2022 hosting whereby Turkey, UK, Morocco, Jordan, US, Italy and even Iran will be providing them with ground, air and naval support.


What is Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intentions?


Ample evidence is available to the world to prove that citizens of every country that will be visiting Qatar during the hosting of the FIFA 2022 are at an imminent risk that will be imposed on their lives and such risks have not been communicated to these unfortunate individuals and their country’s leadership are obligated to express these risks and prevent the inevitable to be impacted on their citizens.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been based on an ideology that they are bound to invade Europe and that it belongs to them, believing that the route to realizing such Ideology is to impose control over the world and where better to do that just during the hosting of FIFA 2022, when the whole world will be watching every single event that will be unveiled in Qatar, when probable threats will be prominent and how several forces from around the world are unable to protect these citizens that will be forced into a warzone.

In the past, many analysts believed that the 9/11 attacks on the US was a preplanned agenda to render the US vulnerable hence providing it with the reasoning of attacking the enemies in their own turf. But very few may know that the masterminds behind such attacks were deployed from Qatar and were returned to Qatar after they were arrested in the US, and these masterminds are still to this date enjoying the lavish lifestyle and protection that Qatar’s corrupted authorities had offered them.   

Therefore, the world should brace themselves for another catastrophic event that will be unleashed, but this time Qatar’s corrupted authorities will play the role of the victim, placing all countries that offered their protection liable for all damages and accountable for all crimes.

The imposed Emir of Qatar has purposely misled the world into believing that Qatar’s communities will embrace and welcome cultures that defies their own beliefs, from the misleading statement of allowing alcohol to be made available to fans during the games up to the statement of welcoming LGBTs to visit Qatar.

Contradicting his own statements by issuing updated laws in Qatar whereby they have indicated a jail sentence to be imposed on LGBTs and alcohol may be available at an obscene price and only provided in secluded areas where they are unable to reach during these events.

Also knowing that the Islamic Sharia law is very clear towards these specific controversial matters, he nevertheless misled the world into believing that he has made the necessary arrangements to accommodate the balance between the Sharia law and the requirements of FIFA fans.

Placing FIFA fans and in specific LGBTs in the crossfire between the local communities and their beliefs, creating a conflicting situation that will result in risks that will be imposed on both.

What should World Leadership do before it is too late?

  1. Prevent the inevitable risks that may imposed by requesting a postponement of the FIFA hosting until all risks have been properly assessed
  2. Obtain clear written official statement from Qatar’s corrupted authorities has to what is or is not permissible during the FIFA hosting
  3. Obtain official documentation from Qatar’s corrupted authorities guaranteeing the safety and wellbeing of every visitor to the State
  4. Obtain acknowledgement that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are ready to accept accountability for any mistake and that such judgements are to be ruled through the International Criminal Court Citizens of the world will witness the day when the council has alerted every leader of every nation across the globe that such chaos will befall upon all and you German people chose either to take the right actions or to place their citizens in the crossfire.
  5. Nevertheless, if the imposed Emir of Qatar is willing to risk everything, at the expense of his own citizens, risking lives of world’s citizens.

“And if you are willing to risk citizens lives, then you should be held accountable for his acts and such should be penalized under the criminal act through the International Criminal Court.

But the real question remains whether all other leaders are also ready to be accountable for their own decisions for not taking the right action and placing their own citizens at risk?”

the Althani Council advised the German Chancellor.

Public Servants defying the Sharia Laws

For decades the public servants that are representing our State in its many affairs have besmirched the reputation of our State

Through their irresponsible acts, they have defied every aspect that represents the Sharia Law, which is the only founding law of our State’ constitutional articles, whereby it clearly indicates the following in its first article:

According to Article 1 ‘Qatar is an independent Arab country. Islam is its religion and Sharia law is the main source of its legislation’.

Whereby, Sheikha Mozah has acted in defiance towards the founding article of our constitution, in her several attempts to permit individuals who are not welcomed in Islam, but as well are considered as individuals who commits sin and should be punished, rather these individuals are not only welcomed in Qatar by Sheikha Mozah, she has personally presented such individual with Award.

Hypocrisy in this specific situation, is that the individual that is referred to in this discussion, is not only a sinful individual, but as well a Jew, whereby Sheikha Mozah is hitting several targets with one stone, not only imposing such individuals into our society but also recognizing the individuals who have tortured the Palestinians for decades.

The following post was published today, depicting an individual praying for the people of Turkey and Syria, for the pain and agony that they are facing during such difficult crisis.

But the most disturbing notion in such attempt, is to use these crises to persist in presenting such sinful individuals into our societies.

The last word in this matter remains for the Qatari citizens, how long will you allow such disgrace to persist, how long will you permit your children to be exposed to such atrocities and when do we all draw the line on how much can we spare from our Sharia Law” – Al Thani Council exposes.

Citizens of our state can easily verify these posts through the following links and you can determine that this is the same individual that they are posting once again, as if our State does not have anyone else worthy to be posted on their official accounts, rather they prefer to use at all times what defies our religion, culture and Sharia Laws. #1#2#3


Qatar’s corrupted authorities defaming the United Kingdom

Before any serious consideration is made towards such matter, please review the following post recently published by Qatar’s corrupted authorities and how they are directly defaming the United Kingdom and in specific targeting the Royal family.

“British colonizers established a system of legal plunder, known to contemporaries as the “drain of wealth.” Britain taxed the Indian population and then used the revenues to buy Indian products – indigo, grain, cotton, and opium – thus obtaining these goods for free. These goods were then either consumed within Britain or re-exported abroad, with the revenues pocketed by the British state and used to finance the industrial development of Britain and its settler colonies – the United States, Canada and Australia.”

 “This system drained India of goods worth trillions of dollars in today’s money. The British were merciless in imposing the drain, forcing India to export food even when drought or floods threatened local food security. Historians have established that tens of millions of Indians died of starvation during several considerable policy-induced famines in the late 19th century, as their resources were syphoned off to Britain and its settler colonies.”

“Our research finds that Britain’s exploitative policies were associated with approximately 100 million excess deaths during the 1881-1920 period. This is a straightforward case

for reparations, with strong precedent in international law. 

Following World War II, Germany signed reparations agreements to compensate the victims of the Holocaust and more recently agreed to pay reparations to Namibia for colonial crimes perpetrated there in the early 1900s. In the wake of apartheid, South Africa paid reparations to people who had been terrorized by the white-minority government.


“History cannot be changed, and the crimes of the British empire cannot be erased. But reparations can help address the legacy of deprivation and inequity that colonialism produced. It is a critical step towards justice and healing.”


After reading all these defaming statement, one can only wonders how the United Kingdom’s authorities are still considering any future prospects with Qatar’s corrupted authorities and why are they given so much leeway to the extent that they can publicly defame the UK’s Royal Family.


Future consideration of sending UK migrants to Qatar is an act of destruction, as Qatar’s corrupted authorities, lead by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, will directly recruit and radicalize many of these channel migrants once they are in Qatar, whereby they will be redirected to the UK in the future to act as their dormant army of radicalized disciples, awaiting their orders.

defaming the United Kingdom
The UK’s authorities have a lot of consideration to make before taking any future steps towards such matters, as the exposure is much higher and will reflect negatively on the UK’s national security and stability.

Camouflaged Interference against Algeria

Al Thani Council of The Ruling Family bring forth an advice that they hope Algeria may take into consideration, as it shall serve the benefit of Algeria and their citizens.

Their sincere approach in bringing forth such advice serves a prime purpose of assuring that the corrupted authorities that have been in control over the State of Qatar, will not persist with their acts that they have been imposing on Algeria to advance their personal agenda.

Al Thani Council, the citizens of the State of Qatar, and in specific, family members of the Al Thani ruling, assure them that they have never been in accord or acknowledged any of these actions that have and are still being carried out by these corrupted authorities.

As history as inscribed, Qatar’s ruling was overthrown by the same impaired partial root of the Al Thani, part that is not a true heir of the Al Thani Ruling, whereby they have overthrown and betrayed each other’s over the past three decades, whereby late Emir Khalifa bin Hamad overthrew his cousin late Emir Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ali Al Thani, to take control over the State.

After few years, his son, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, overthrew his own father, but the true driving force of this malevolent coup was Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned, who at the time was his second wife, upon which she overthrew him and enforced him to denounce to his son, born to her, neglecting the rights of his eldest heirs born to his first wife.

Upon which her son, the current Emir was given the rule on a golden platter, with no recognition to the entire ruling family’s rights.

From that day onwards, Sheikha Mozah has been the hand that pulled the strings and manipulated the country’s ruling, whereby she imposed all her close relatives in strategic posts in the government, rendering her a tight grasp over the rule of the State.

With her control over the State, she exploited the wealth and resources of the State to alternatively enforce a more devious agenda, which was to impose further control over several other countries in the region.

For the past two decades, she has been known to have propagated her influence and interfered in many affairs of many countries. Such influenced interference that was processed through different tactical channels:

  • Investing in assets or commercial properties
  • Investing in airlines, airports, electrical companies, or any other servicing industry
  • Investing in Education, health, and other relevant sectors
  • Introducing her charity organizations as a helping hand to the communities of the countries she infiltrated. And many, many, more.

In every process she undertook, it was to impose control over the country she exploited, such control that enabled her to entice the local communities to stand against their governments, to oppose them and to create disturbances in those countries.

Although she has expensed more than she ever gained over the past decades, but for her, it was a winning to have caused chaos in those countries, even if she was unable to maintain a grip over these countries, she sufficed upon witnessing the destruction of these countries, rendering them weak and even more vulnerable.

Many countries fell into such deceitful approach, when they opened their countries to her, believing that she intends to serve them right, whereas she served them to their enemies, and if there were no enemies, she created them from radicalized extremists and terrorists that she has been breeding over the years.

That is the main reason they are approaching Algeria, as to alert them, that Sheikha Mozah Bin Nasser Al Missned and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals, have been refining and reproducing these radicalized extremists and terrorists in Algeria.

Unfortunately, they have been carrying out such process for many years now, whereby they have purchased several lands in Algeria, lands that have been presumably used for hunting seasons, purchased as investments and for leisure.

But these lands were purchased for a more scheming intentions, whereby these vast areas of lands are currently being exploited for the following activities:

  • Used as points of supply for their extremists and terrorists around the region
  • Training camps for their radicalization program
  • Strategic Stocking of resources for their groups
  • Weapons supplies
  • Funding and financing facilitation

Several other activities are being exploited through these lands that have been purchased, providing them with a direct access point in every country, allowing them to promptly supply and finance these groups.

Such logistical facilitation that is also complemented with their private planes that have been landing in Algeria for the past two decades. Private planes carrying large sums of money and supplies, readily transported to these lands, and distributed freely to their groups.

These radicalized groups of extremists and terrorists that are being readily supported and used as groups that are being deployed into different directions in the region and of course, a dedicated group that is tasked with creating an opposition in Algeria.

Similar tasked groups that were raised and launched in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Somalia, and many other countries in the region.

Hence, the decision remains with Algeria whether they are convinced to execute an immediate seizure of such acts in lands within Algeria or maintain an idle position, although remaining in an idle position did not yield positive outcomes for other leaders in the region, who did not execute promptly.

The evidence is in their actions, the number of visits in those lands and properties that they have purchased in Algeria, the number of private planes that have landed in Algeria’s airports and what merchandise they offloaded without direct verification from the local customs.

It also necessitates an immediate investigation towards all investments that they have carried out Algeria, in the name of the State, their personal names, their relatives’ names and even shell companies owned by them from the Bahamas, BVI, Luxembourg, Malta, and other countries.

It is not a mere coincidence that since Al Khayyat investments started in Algeria, the disturbance in Algeria’s communities has commenced.

Even the recent threat against the Saudi Embassy is a manifested process to distant Algeria from the Gulf countries.

Al Khayyat, who poses as a Qatari citizen is nothing more than a former Syrian spy, who worked for the benefit of Sheikha Mozah at the time of her relation with the Syrian regime, when her plan went array, she recruited Al Khayyat on permanent base to perform her plans around the world, that is when she nationalized Al Khayyat brothers as Qatari citizens.

Since then, Al Khayyat have been very popular amongst the world as the top terror financiers, who not only betrayed their own kind in Syria for exchange of money but as well employed their terror acts to impose further destruction in many Islamic nations.

Their presence in Algeria and the commencement of disturbance is not a happenstance and should not be taken lightly.

The main directives of their presence in Algeria are to destroy the relations of other Gulf countries with Algeria.

To threaten the investors of these countries to keep away from Algeria. The more investors retrieve and prevent to invest in Algeria, the weaker the country’s positioning, which will create more opportunities for Sheikha Mozah and her conspired group of individuals to exploit within Algeria.

This process has been replicated in many countries, and they have always applied 2 selective ways to control, either by enticing politicians in the country or by creating chaos and destruction in the country they intend to control, as through chaos they can have stronger control.

Similar agendas were imposed in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, and other unfortunate countries.

“By obtaining all these information, and interlinking them all together, you shall discover that all these acts form a giant web being imposed in your country to entrap your government and rendering your country and citizens under their control.

It is your choice to standby or to act upon the facts that are being unveil before you.”

the Althani council advised the Honourable president of Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Intentions to invest in educating 25,000 Iranian children or kill Ukrainian children with 25,000 drones

Everyone around the world is protesting against the use of drones to attack Ukraine, and how Iran has been supporting Russia in its invasion against Ukraine. Such drones that are built on the conceptual idea of causing human casualties and the cost of manufacturing these drones is far less than the cost of the ammunition needed to shoot them down. A process to drain out Ukraine’s capabilities and at the same moment undermine the European forces that are backing the Ukrainian government.

Although Russia’s extended assistance from Iran might change the outcome of such war, yet no one is actually taking the right steps to cut these support channels to Russia.

By stopping Iran from manufacturing such deadly weapons that are directed in killing innocent lives, whereby Iran can be directly sanctioned for assisting Russia.

Iran has recently killed thousands of its innocent citizens, imposed death penalties on citizens that have objected against the regime, and that is apart from Iran’s involvement in many other wars that have exploded in the region in the past decades and now their devious support to Russia.

But what is openly occurring is the complete opposite, whereby the Iranian’s have been obtaining unlimited financial support from Qatar, which has been directed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who ultimate target is to undermine the European forces and to render them absolute in this war.

Sheikha Mozah has extended the Iranian regime with unlimited finance, that has been pouring on Iranian regime in the past decades and intensified in the past year alone.

Everyone around the world have witnessed how billions made their way to Iran under many camouflaged instances, from payments against kidnapping of Qatari citizens, to payments made by Qatar’s Emir for the Ukrainian plane that was gunned down killing hundreds of passengers, to the daily 50 flights that have been landing in Iranian’s multiple airports, flights packed with resources from money to any requirements that will support the current regime.

 #1, #2


And now, the world is being deceived yet once more, with Qatar’s corrupted authorities, as leaded by Sheikha Mozah, have signed numerous cooperative agreements  with Iranian authorities over the past few months and the recent one is the most hypocritical agreement ever signed so far.


The recent agreement relates to an arrangement to pay the Iranian authorities millions in financial supports under the illusion of educating approximately 25,000 Iranian children, whereby ten times this number of children in Ukraine, Sudan, Mali, Tchad, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and many other countries that have been stricken by war have not received the same compassion as did the Iranians. #3


The truth behind such cooperative agreements is that there will not be any educational scheme that will take place, rather these funds will be used to manufacture yet more drones, under the pretense of educating 25,000 children, in actuality 25,000 drones will be manufactured by Iranian authorities, paid by Sheikha Mozah, given to Russia, to kill more Ukrainian citizens, and surely destroy more children’s future.


These cooperative agreements that were recently signed by Qatar’s authorities, as enticed by Sheikha Mozah, have undermined the European countries and is threatening their national security, as weaker the European Nations unity gets, the more Mozah is able to get control, such agenda that was aired by Al Jazeera decades ago, a plan stated by Qaradawi who openly pointed out that their plan is to regain control over Europe. #4

Hence, the directive is to build 25,000 more drones that will be used to attack the European countries and Qatar fund development is being exploited as a vehicle to transfer funds to such extremist’s plan.

The hypocrisy in these processes is the world is aiming at sanctioning Iran for their crimes without due effort, when they should sanction the source of all these atrocities, Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted authorities, who have exploited the State of Qatar’s wealth to advance their own interests and the interests of their prime allies, known to all to be Russia, Turkey, Iran and China. 

Sheikha Mozah should be the forefront of any sanction and the organizations that she exploits and employs to carry out the finances of these extremists program should be promptly exposed for their corruptive practices, organizations such as Qatar Development Fund, PSG in France, Silatech, Education Above All, Qatar Foundation, Rolacc, Aceaward, Gopac, and Qatar Charity, Urbacon, Al Khayyat group, Baladna, and many other organizations that have been implanted around the world to facilitate the financing in advancing their extremist plans. 


It is a shame to visualize how democratic societies are being exploited by individuals like Sheikha Mozah and how their national securities are being undermined to such extent, and European politicians are being blinded with bribes to allow such agenda to pass through undetected.

Will every European citizen also standby, allowing such atrocities to persist without changing this malevolent course?


Exploiting Manchester United to launder funds for advancing terror program in Europe

It is unfortunate that Mr. Glazer had to cross path with these corrupted authorities that are in control of the State of Qatar today. Do not be deceived by their intentions of purchasing, financing or financially assisting in any prospectus, their only directive is to use such prospectus as to enable them to facilitate their financing towards extremists and terrorists that have been lodged all around the world. By Buying such prospectus they are able to freely navigate several billions of funds that can be paid throughout the world, to radicalize as many unfortunate souls as possible that will be exploited for their own benefits.

By allowing such corrupted individuals in purchasing such esteemed football club, is a smear to the history of such club, its players and its fan and a threat to the future of the citizens of the United Kingdom and the world.

The Althani Council urge the decision makers of Manchester United to consider such important elements before entering into a discussion with these individuals, whom amongst themselves referred to each other’s as thieves, whereby in an audio recording attributed to late Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak can be heard saying that Sheikh Tamim’s father Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa nicknamed Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim “the thief of Doha”, and Manchester United is about to make a deal with such individuals, which will probably yield a negative outcome for all. #1

Same individuals who have been under scrutiny by the UK’s authorities for financially questionable arrangements and the same individuals who have been claimed to have strongly supported and financed terror attacks, which till date they are under investigation for such acts.     #2, #3

Refer to the above publications that provides the documented evidence that these individuals are manifesting a process in taking advantage of such opportunities to expand their destructive agendas. 

These individuals have been under control and enticement by Sheikha Mozah who has imposed her control for decades and they should be exposed for what they truly are, Dictators, Kleptocrats, Tyrant, Oppressors, Tormentors and Narcissistic individuals who continuously deceive the world with their treacheries.

She has exploited the state’s wealth and resources, leaded by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her conspiring group of besmirched individuals.

They have altered the course of Qatar’s leadership and the stability of many nations around the globe.

By infusing such wealth into realizing a malignant agenda that is designed to create chaos in the region, such providing these corrupted individuals with the “Command and Control” of such disorder.

For the past 26 years, Sheikha Mozah has masked her intentions of secretly owning and preparing an international army of extremists and terrorists that can be deployed from within every country around the globe, such international army that provides her with ultimate control over the situation by creating chaotic conditions.

Such army that has been infiltrated in the North American continent and several European countries, army of individuals that are derived from refugees that fled their countries seeking refuge in most of these countries, whereby Sheikha Mozah through her several entities, camouflaged behind charity and educational organizations, have nested out all these refugees abroad, provided them with financial supports, built for them schools, mosques and Islamic centres, and throughout the years, such army has been increasing at an alarming rate and the world will only come to realize such army when it is too late. 

By infusing such wealth into realizing a malignant agenda that is designed to create chaos in the region, such providing these corrupted individuals with the “Command and Control” of such disorder.

And now, Manchester United is just another vehicle that will be purchased to be exploited, through a camouflaged organization, either being it non-profit or charitable, either way Manchester United’s reputation will be compromised in the process, whereby the club is being dragged into a phase of a laundering scam that is intended towards terror financing.

The world should act now to unveil these dormant malignant actions that will strike, causing several destructions and casualties around the globe.