Qatar’s manifestation of UK/IRAN match

The world will be astonished to see the level that the UK’s Football team will be dragged into.

One of the world’s mightiest nations, like the United States and the United Kingdom, who for decades have been at war with their worst enemy, Iran’s corrupted authorities, are now being tricked by Qatar’s corrupted authorities to be placed in the same ranks as Iran.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested a way to rig the draw, whereby placing USA & UK National football team at this same group with Iran football team. 

Such manifested process was not only to have Iran being placed at the same platform as the world’s greatest nations, but as well to portray to the world that they are equal, such mindful tricks that they have always practiced against many countries through their infused terror groups, whereby they would provide these terrorists with a media platform to convey their threats through live media, to infuse fear in the heart of people around the world, who would alternatively accept these terrorists and acknowledge their presence. 

Taliban’s are one of the most influential terror groups who have fought the US for decades, whilst they were supported by Qatar’s corrupted authorities for the same period, until Qatar placed these terror groups to the level that they have overtaken the US in Afghanistan, and to no surprise, Qatar’s corrupted authorities are the sole and only representatives of Taliban’s to the west, and anyone who seeks to speak to the Taliban’s, is to take up the path of negotiating with Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

Today, Iran is placed on the level to compete with USA and UK, live in front of billions of viewers and spectators, where the message is stronger than ever, that the Iranian regime is as strong as the American or British ruling, and that they are equal in strength and power, that message levels up the field during these upcoming matches.

That is why, the Althani Council advise the US and UK authorities, to assure that their national team members are protected and surveilled at all times, as there shall be an attempt to assure that these players do not perform as they should, such to enable Iran to win these matches, which will alternatively expel a message to the world diminishing the US and UK’s image even further than it has over the past decades. 

London’s national teams’ integrity, its members, coaches, captains, managers, will all be compromised in the pursuit to represent a larger picture that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are trying to portray to the world.


It will be extremely naive of the US and UK authorities to ever believe that they are in good terms with Qatar’s corrupted authorities, and believe that these corrupted individuals serve the interest of the western world alone, they are not London’s true allies, and if Rishi Sunak MP believe otherwise, he is unfortunately deeply mistaken, as these individuals did not think twice to turn against their own citizens, Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani did not think twice when he overthrew his own father for power, and they will not waste a moment to join any forces that would guarantee their presence in Qatar, through their Turkish allies and its militias in Qatar and through Iran who has been their strategical partner that shares their resources.

US and UK authorities have visualized how for the past decades how Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ investments were pouring into UK without feasible outcome, their billions of investments that made its way into UK Prime Minister’s strategical investments, whereby they have invested in his energy companies, transportation, airports, utilities, commercial, hospitality, healthcare and many more, all these investments to convey the strongest message ever to his own citizens, that they own more than the people in charge of these countries, and today, they are making this very message even more clearer by placing  UK at the same level as a country like Iran who are killing thousands of their own citizens every day, innocent women and children who are wasted by the hour and the world can only stand and watch. 

But does the US or UK really have to stand and watch, are they that weak to allow such atrocity to take place, is the US or UK that hypocritical to allow itself to be placed in the same field as an oppressing regime. 

As the legendary American Football coach Vince Lombardi once said: ” Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”

The Althani Council believe that Leaders are made through their actions, through their stand against oppression, through their support towards humanity and foremost through hardship, but the US and UK’s authorities, today, are not exhibiting these leadership traits, they are wasting the efforts and hardship of their forefathers, but for what?

Qatar Airways & QCAA communications

It is imperative that Althani Council alert Faury’s of the upcoming manifestation that will be unveiled upon his ongoing case with Qatar Airways.

As per the recent events, Qatar Airways has been given a deadline of 13 weeks to produce correspondence between itself and the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) relating to the grounding of the Airbus A350.

Whereas, Qatar Airways has always claimed that the QCAA has forced its hand on the A350 issue, revoking Airworthiness Review Certificates on 22 aircraft and effectively grounding them from operations. Such claim that is baseless and not supported with any evidence whatsoever.

That of which was proven on how Qatar Airways’ ongoing omission of any evidence of communication between themselves and the QCAA.

Whereas the Althani Council assure that any documents that will be presented to the court within the given deadline are documents that will be fabricated with backdated references to prove that QCAA has forced Qatar Airways to ground its Airbus A350.

It has come to our attention that there has been direct request to employees at QCAA to fabricate such evidence and to prepare correspondences between itself and Qatar Airways proving the initial statement given by Qatar Airways to the court. 

Many of these individuals are reluctant to produce such fabricated evidence, but some may just succumb to the pressure from their authorities, whereby Qatar Airways CEO is well known to have greater influence even on the authorities of QCAA.

Bearing in mind that Qatar Airways and Qatar Aviation Authority belongs to the same authority, and any internal correspondences can be easily produced with limited evidence of when they were issued.

“In the even such documents were provided to the court by Qatar Airways, we are able to extend our assistance to you in verifying the documents and we can provide you with points that would prove that the documents presented to the court are forged documents with backdated references.” the Althani Council said to Mr. Guillaume Faury (the CEO of AIRBUS).

Qatar Airways authorities have caused extensive losses to the national airline and they are seeking to burden other parties with their losses, whereas they should be held accountable for their mistakes and mismanagement. Airbus’ case is nothing but a diversion to direct the attention away from the true causes that resulted in billions of losses to the national carrier.

Qatar Charity or Qatar Extremity?

With the recent occurrence of Qatar Charity (QC) opening an office in Jordan, it serves the purpose of reminding the world and in specific the very few individuals who still are willing to stand for human rights and defend the weak against the wrath of injustice that is being imposed on them by corrupted individuals such as these besmirched authorities that are in control of the State of Qatar.

What is Qatar Charity?

Qatar Charity was founded in 1992 under the name Qatar Charitable Society and quickly became a preferred funding source for terrorists.

Based on evidence and testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Qatar Charity “served a critical role in the Arab-Afghan terrorist infrastructure by laundering money originating from bank accounts belonging to bin Laden and his sympathetic patrons in the Arabian Gulf” and by “helping to move funds to areas where Al-Qaeda was carrying out operations”.

The main office for Qatar Charity in Europe was Qatar Charity UK (“QCUK”), now known as the Nectar Trust, which was changed to purposely divert the attention away from their organization that was placed under heavy scrutiny over the years and for further cementing the UK’s role as the “Command and Control Centre” for the Brotherhood in Europe.

Through its financial support, Qatar is helping the Brotherhood further entrench its influence within Europe, hindering the integration of the Muslim minorities, fostering hatred among religious communities, and helping to incubate home grown extremism. Such “Command and Control Centre” that realized one of its recent actions in the death of the Parliamentary Member that lost his life to a radicalized individuals that was taken advantage of. All in the intentions of sending a message to their political rivals, that they can carry out their extremities anywhere in the world, even in the United Kingdom.

In the past 28 years, Qatar Charity has established a notorious reputation of being not only a financer of terrorism and extremism, but also a contributor to the radicalization of minorities and young generations, such process that has been infused within the Mosques and Islamic Educational Centres that have been built and financed all over the world and specifically in Europe.

Such notorious reputation that led to a historical log of corruptive actions that are being witnessed by the entire world communities, but with minimal actions to prevent them from continuing in such devastating agenda, the constrained pace of such actions was limited due to their continuous outflow of bribes to several policy makers and enforcers to counteract their actions.

Qatar Charity is also an entity of concern to the USG due to some of its suspect activities abroad and reported links with extremists. In March 2008, Qatar Charity was listed as a priority III terrorism support entity (TSE) by the Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism (IICT), after having demonstrated intent and willingness to provide financial support to terrorist organizations willing to attack US persons or interests or provide witting operational support to Priority I-II terrorist groups. Qatar Charity has camouflaged itself behind their fictitious humanitarian and development activities that has been established in over 40 countries till date, and offices in 12 countries, ranging from 5 to 20 people in each location. The organization has 17 personnel in Khartoum with a branch in Darfur, and now they have initiated a branch in Jordan to expedite their plan in financing and radicalizing several extremists group in the region which will propagate to all neighbouring state, in the spite of causing further instability and chaos beyond control. Similar factors that were carried out in their plans with Taliban’s in Afghanistan.

Qatar Charity will exploit all possible means to assure that all the available funds and resources made available to them will be used to expedite the plan of fuelling further extremism and radicalization in Europe, Middle East, and the African continent. All in the purpose of serving their ultimate masters, Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted individuals who are also in turn nothing but servants of “terror capitalism” that are controlling their actions in directives of controlling terror as a marketing tool to generate wealth and control over the world.

“Act Today, and Act Now, Tomorrow may be too Late, you Might not get Another Chance”

On the authority of the Messenger of God, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace:

“Whoever among you sees an evil, then let him change it by his hand. If he is not able, then with his tongue. If he is not able, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.”

And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions as a whole.

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God

Some of the unscrupulous’ acts carried out by Qatar Charity over the years are:


  1. Qatar Charity funded Jamatul-ul-Mujahedeen Bangladesh, an Islamist terror organization
  2. Qatar Charity also supported Al-Qaeda affiliates in northern Mali in 2012 and 2013, when that part of the country was overrun by Islamist terrorists.
  3. Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl, Osama bin Laden’s former business agent, defected to the United States in 1996, and testified to the 9/11 Commission and Congress, that Bin Laden told him in 1993 that the Qatar Charitable Society (QCS), (later renamed Qatar Charity) was one of Bin Laden’s several sources of funding.
  4. Qatar Charity actively supported Nusra Front ally Ahrar al-Sham, the group that held Mr. Schrier “in trust” for the Nusra Front from May 5 to June 20, 2013.
  5. December 2012, the Syrian Islamic Front, a coalition of militant Islamist groups of which Ahrar al-Sham was the dominant member, made a video announcing its formation that demonstrates the links between Ahrar al-Sham and Qatar Charity.
  6. Qatar Charity’s collaboration with IHH is troubling because of IHH’s influence in Syria and its ties to Ahrar al-Sham. As a spokesman for the human rights group Violations Documentation Centre explained in 2016, “IHH controls everything in Syria and is really close to Ahrar al Sham.”
  7. January 2011, press reports stated that the Israel Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority blacklisted both Qatar Charity and IHH as entities contaminated with funds related to terrorism. Although Israel authorities have facilitated the transitions of funds from Qatar Charity to Hamas groups, a collaborative agreement between Qatar Charity and Israel, that the charity will be able to allocate the leading points within Hamas surroundings if they are infiltrated within their ranks under the pretense of providing charitable assistance to the Palestinians.
  8. Former Qatar Charity employee and al-Qaeda defector al-Fadl confirmed the affiliation between al-Qaeda and the Qatari Charity.
  9. The Consortium Against Terrorist Finance reported that Qatar Charity also channeled funds to Chechnya-based al-Qaeda operatives in 1999.
  10.   2011 revolution that ousted Libyan colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Qatar provided financial and material support amounting to “millions of dollars in aid, military training and more than 20,000 tons of weapons” to anti-Gaddafi rebels, which was channeled through few key figures, some of which tied to al-Qaeda.
  11. Sadam claimed that Qatar Charity, which has purportedly signed a cooperation agreement with the Sudanese troops, was “building housing complexes in remote and isolated areas to harbor and train extremist groups”.
  12. An official of the Minni Minnawi Sudanese liberation movement who accused Qatar of endorsing the genocide perpetrated by Sudanese militiamen in Darfur by funneling money though the Sudanese branch of Qatar Charity, active in Darfur since 2010.
  13. And many more malignant activities were carried out by Qatar Charity as instructed and articulated by these corrupted officials in control of the State of Qatar and led by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

Qatar’s visa exemption, a risk to Japan

Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of the State of Qatar, would like to extend their deepest appreciation for the relations that has been in place between the government of Japan and its honorable citizens with their country.

In light of this relations, they find it as an obligation on them as the citizens of Qatar to alert the Prime Minister of Japan of the possible endangerment that may be imposed on the citizens of Japan.

Whereby the Althani Council appeal to Japan’s Excellency to verify the facts that they are outlining in this correspondence prior permitting and facilitating the exempted entry of selective individuals that will be the cause of disruption to Japan and its citizens.

In reference to the recent news, whereby The State of Qatar and Japan signed the exchange of official memorandums to start procedures for mutual visa exemption for holders of ordinary passports in the two countries, which is expected to enter into force on April 2.The step will allow holders of ordinary passports of the State of Qatar who intent to stay in Japan for a period not exceeding thirty consecutive days to enter Japan without obtaining visa, after prior registration at any of the Japanese embassies or consulates.

Such exemption will impose on Japan an agenda that will infuse chaos within their communities as there is malicious intent being planned against Japan, as it has been planned for many other countries around the world in the past decades.

The issues that will impose disturbance to Japan does not relate to either the Japanese authorities or Qatar authorities. It mainly relates to selective individuals who have imposed their control over the State of Qatar, and such control has even extended over the decision of the current ruling Emir, whereby most of these acts are unknown to the current ruling and are carried out without his knowledge.

For decades, these selective individuals, who are within an enclosure related to Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, followed by one of her most detrimental follower, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and many others. This conspiring group are determined to induce influence into many countries, whereby implanting radicalized groups of individuals into these selected countries, to remain as sleeping cells that would serve their futuristic plans.

To facilitate the understanding of the council’s statement herein above, the malicious plan that is manifested by these individuals is facilitated when countries like Japan provides them with exempted entry to Japan, with such exemption, they are able to penetrate Japan freely and unmonitored.

With such exempted entry, they will be able to expedite their plans of infusing these radicalized individuals who will be implanted in Japan as investors, who will invest lavishly in purchasing residential, commercial and even in projects that are of strategical importance to Japan. By spreading their control in Japan, they will be able to divert the decisions to serve their agenda.

Similarly, to what has occurred in European countries recently, with the “Qatar gate” scandal, whereby their plan has been exposed, how they have bribed, enticed and controlled members of EU parliament to change and alter decisions and regulations to fit their agenda.

That is also apart from the fact of their imposed control that they have manifested over many other countries for decades, and in many of these countries they have failed epically. Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Tchad, and many other countries, they have all witnessed the same process of intrusion, implantation of radicalized groups and ending with chaos spread beyond control.

With that Althani council draw to their attention the negative impacts that will be imposed on their country and advise them to reconsider their approach in providing these individuals with such exempted entry to Japan.

Japan is highly renowned for the level of intelligence of its Political Scientists, who have extensive branch of knowledge in state and systems of governments around the world and they are able to detect the facts that derives from their scientific analysis of political activity and behavior of countries like the State of Qatar.

“If your Excellency would instruct your own elite Political Scientists to present to you with their political analysis, they will surely support our statement, that the authorities Japan has been communicating with in Qatar are not the main driving force that is controlling Qatar and that Japan will be placed in vulnerable position by providing such exemptions.”- on Japan, the Althani Council.

Althani Council hope that Japan will take into consideration their statement, and relieve them, the citizens of the State of Qatar, from any responsibilities resulting from the actions of the imposed corrupted authorities in Qatar.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities plans in action in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

The Althani Council has alerted the lurking danger that has been roaming around Jordan and how they have been trying to penetrate their communities for years, they have tried many ways to infuse their corruption within Jordan as to enable them to manifest a control, which inevitably will result in their act of destruction to Jordan and its neighboring states. 

In the previous correspondence, the council has depicted the details of these acts and how these corrupted officials in control over the State of Qatar will perform them, one of the most notable acts is how they will intrude within society and create a chaos that will be beyond their control. Such chaos that is infused through their interference in Jordan’s affairs, causing young generation to stand against their governments, clueless of their actions, because there were fed an ideology that supports their intrusive plans.

Young generation that are radicalized by a notion that their government is not aligned with their faith or beliefs of a specific matter, and use these young minds as tools to manifest their greater plan.

Such plan that is almost always realized with the same typical process, that starts with their approach to invest in a country, then integrate their famous Al Jazeera within their borders and finally sealed with their establishment of Qatar Charity in the country. 

Investments that are poured in Jordan to attract individuals to plead allegiance to them, to enable them access within the government framework, through such investments, they would gather a substantial amount of individuals that are willing to serve their purpose without question, then propagated with the introduction of Al Jazeera which claims free speech all around the world, but not in Qatar, as proven recently when Qatar state officials detained 3 Norwegian Journalists and erased all their camera memory and many other instances where it was proven that Al Jazeera is nothing but a vehicle of destruction, not mobilizing telecommunication equipment but stationing a destructive media station, last but not least, Qatar Charity, of which the council has warned against as well previously, is the financing scheme that is fueling these young generations to defy their governments.

Further intrusion that they have just recently manifested, is the enticement of Jordanian citizens to oppose their government and to carry out strikes that has resulted in the killing of several Jordanian officials during the cross fire that occurred this week. 

These unfortunate citizens have been enticed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities to carry out these strikes and financially backed selective members of these groups to carry out these attacks against Jordanian officials. 

It has come to the council’s attention that Qatar Charity, leaded by Hamad Bin Nasser bin Jassim Al Thani, have been engaged in facilitating payments to individuals who have been radicalized to carry out such operations and such financial support is to create the first waves of disruption within their kingdom. 

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, as instructed by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who till date holds a malicious grudge against the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and for the past decades has tried in several occasions to undermine the Hashemite ruling by infusing extremists amongst their communities.

Sheikha Mozah’s malicious campaign against the kingdom was not limited only to her intrusion within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, but as well undermine and harassed Jordanian citizens who were resident in Qatar. Jordanian resident was at many instances prevented from taking part in Qatar, many of their business were overtaken by their sponsors and many of their families were never granted a visit visa to allow their families to join together in Qatar.

In the past decades it has come to be a rule in Qatar that a residence permit for Jordanian came at a high price and if the individual is lucky enough to attain such permit, he will eventually pay the price by either losing or be forced to lose their business.

When Sheikha Mozah has not satisfied her malicious intents against the Hashemite Kingdom, she created the process of establishing Qatar Charity within Jordan’s borders, facilitating her process of enticing and radicalizing the people from within and taking control over the process.

Her only intentions is to spread chaos and to cause destruction to Jordan’s national security, Jordan’s Majesty can verify these statements by simply allocating a timeline of their presence in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the aftermath that followed after that, and they should realize that every rippled effect of disruption that occurred in Jordan is directly related to their manifestation.

With the above facts, the council hope Jordan’s Majesty will be able to distinguish the highlights of the matter and visualize that whatever the council has warned against few months ago is being realized within Jordan’s borders, is that a mere coincidence or is it a reality that needs to be decided by Jordan’s Majesty, and hopefully before it is too late.     

Root cause of all strikes in UK

In reference to recent events that have been unveiled in the United Kingdom, it seems that the authorities in the Kingdom are either voluntarily choosing not to determine the root cause of all these strikes that are crippling the Kingdom, or they truly are unaware of the real causes that have contributed to these events.

Nonetheless, The Althani council wish to bring UK’s attention to the facts that are in front of everyone, but it only requires one’s to read the facts to be able to comprehend them, whereby the recent strikes of up to half a million British teachers, civil servants, train drivers and university lecturers who have walked off their jobs to demand better pay and working conditions in the largest coordinated strike action in a generation.

To some, these strikes may seem normal course of action due to the wages failing to keep pace with soaring inflation and that everyone has the right to claim for a rise to enable them to live a more feasible life, but the truth is more deviant than many can expect. 

Although the citizens who have joined these strikes have only innocent intent, to enhance their living conditions, they are unaware that they are being manipulated to impose a greater disturbance to the order of affairs in the Kingdom, whereby they are being exploited as tools to advance other foreign parties’ agenda.

There is ample evidence that such manifested process is undergoing in the Kingdom and it is the responsibility of all authorities to assure that such processes are bought to an end immediately as they will infuse chaos and destruction in the UK.

One of the many simplified facts that provides evidence to the UK authorities is the involvement of selective individuals in the last strikes that crippled the nation entirely for a day.

Whereby former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined the striking workers in London, and portraying himself as an individual that is calling for a “fairer taxation system”.

Whereas he made the following statement to Al Jazeera, who conveniently happens to be the government-affiliated news agency of Qatar, who also happens to be the country whose selective authorities are under the investigation of presenting bribes and gifting to many of UK’s Parliamentary members and also throughout the European Parliament.

“This country cannot afford the levels of inequality we have,” Corbyn told Al Jazeera.

“There are more billionaires in Britain than ever before,” he said. “Many people, billionaires and millionaires, made a lot of money during COVID-19. They haven’t been taxed for it.”

Such statements that are made to infuse hatred within the communities, to drive citizens to hold each other accountable, opening a gateway that will cripple the economy even further.

Whereas citizens of the public will start to divert their attention towards investors and individuals who are financing a larger part of the economy, by driving out these investors out of the Kingdom, rendering the situation even more difficult for citizens to bear.

But no long ago, the same individual, British leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, was under fire after a meeting with Qatari Emir, which came just weeks after taking high profile stands in refusing to meeting President Donald Trump and Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in July 2018. #1

And he is the same individual who has been mentioned through several media outlets, indicating that Jeremy Corbyn Has a Soft Spot for Extremists.

The British Labour leader misses no opportunity to condemn the West, but he is full of praise for violent revolutionaries, yet he is the front runner in UK largest ever coordinate strike.

As per several media references, they have stated that Corbyn has accepted money from Iran to present on the government-affiliated channel Press TV and who invited Linda Quigley and Gerry MacLochlainn, both convicted of activity connected to the Irish Republican Army, to Parliament just two weeks after the IRA had killed five people and almost assassinated the British. prime minister in the 1984 Brighton bombing and now he is being posted publicly through Al Jazeera, a government-affiliated channel of Qatar, which also conveniently happens to be the prime ally of the Iranian regime. #2

It does not require further elaboration for anyone to comprehend that there is a set agenda against the United Kingdom and it is clearly visible who stands to gain the most from UK being financial destroyed.

The confounding part in this matter is why is it taking so long for UK authorities to take the necessary actions?

Why have these foreign forces been permitted to persist with their agenda for so long and who is conspiring against the United Kingdom?

The answer to all these is visibly in front of the people, only if they choose to observe them with the right mindset that benefits the United Kingdom and its people only and no one else.        

Turkey’s military presence in Qatar

The citizens of the State of Qatar, appeal to all Leaders of the world, to uncover the treachery that is being manifested against Qatar, its people and alternatively the world.

For years now, Turkish authorities led by President Erdogan have conspired with Qatar’s corrupted authorities to implant a Turkish military base in Qatar, such base that was imposed on the citizens of Qatar to enforce them to succumb to the authorities that have been exploiting the State’s wealth and resources.

The Turkish military forces, who for many believes to be a supporting force to the State of Qatar, have been actually nothing short than a militia forces that installed itself on the State to detain and torture its own citizens. Whereby the Turkish Military forces have been used as private terror groups that have invaded homes of Qataris who have a stand against these corrupted authorities, and these citizens are taken from their own homes, dragged to locations that no one’s is able to allocate them, where they are detained, tortured and enforced to yield to the corrupted authorities.

The gain for the Turkish authorities in all these terror acts, is obviously the financial gain and support they have been exploiting from Qatar for years, that is apart from the private plane that was gifted to President Erdogan by Qatar, as a token of appreciation for installing his military troops swiftly.

Several financial transactions have taken place through Turkish contracting companies that have been awarded with small projects in Qatar at prices that exceeds 50 times its original value, such process to justify the

financial transactions between these parties and similarly, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have made substantial financial investments in Turkey in purchasing lands for obscene amounts, as well to justify the huge number of financial contributions that are being exchanged between Qatar and Turkey, whereby such contribution made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities is for militia for hire, and unfortunately, President Erdogan is believed to be involved in leading such agenda.

And whereas the whole world has come to realize that the selective authorities in Qatar are dictatorial in nature, and whereas the presence of Turkish forces in the States of Qatar supports those dictatorial authorities to stay by force against the will of their citizens, and therefore the presence of Turkish forces, in accordance with the international covenant, is considered a military occupation or to the least a terror invasion.

And whereas Article one of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states:

  1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
  2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence. #1

In conclusion, we affirm that the authoritarianism protected by Turkish military presence in the State of Qatar, if not removed as soon as possible, will reflect negatively on the image of Turkiye to the world as human rights defenders.

Besides, no country in the world that claims to defend human rights can possibly support the power of a dictatorship that continues to rule its people by force and injustice.

No country that claims to be a member of the NATO or United Nations can ever have the right to carry out such atrocities.

That is why the world Leaders should take a stand to rid the world from authorities who exploit the credentials that is bestowed upon them to serve their personal agenda, whereas, internationally respected and renowned organizations and country leaders should seek to immediately suspend Turkish’s membership in respectable organizations such as the NATO, UN, G20, OECD, OSCE, WTO & BSEC.

UK taxpayers’ money at risk with Qatar’s corrupted authorities

In reference to the recent issues that has been accumulating between Qatar and United Kingdom over the past few years, where Qatar’s corrupted authorities advertised to the world that they practically own the United Kingdom through several strategical investments that they have taken over in the UK, specifically investments that were targeted towards energy sector, commercial, tourism, airports and other types of investments that basically controls the economic output in the United Kingdom and which alternatively controls and influences greatly the political setting.

The recent approach by TFL to ban Qatar’s advertisement in the UK was just a small example of how Qatar’s corrupted authorities are influencing the United Kingdom’s authorities’ decisions, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities retaliated immediately with a response that they are in the process of reconsidering their investments in the UK after such decision was passed on, an indirect pressure on UK authorities to back down on their decisions.

Such manifested control that was anticipated by in the past and the UK authorities were warned that this process will be imposed on them if they do not take proactive actions to mitigate these influences. 

The said report is still published at UK’s parliament website, “”, but it seems that many have chosen to ignore the red flags for so long that it might just be too late to take any action to change this course of imposed control.

Nevertheless, the Althani Council wish to highlight a different topic in their letter to the prime minister of UK Rishi Sunak today, whereby they urge him to take the time in considering these following points which will be the other phase of control that would weaken the UK’s economically and basically surrendering to these corrupted individuals, allowing them to take full control.

The UK authorities should be in high alert on the level of control that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have entrenched into, and what is to be expected in the near future.

Qatar will face a financial crisis very soon, the billions that were expended to host the FIFA, and the exploitation of other billions that have made their ways into Sheikha Mozah’s account and her closest relatives, have rendered the State of Qatar in debt, and such information is already publicly available, whereby Qatar’s internal and external debt is increasing drastically year after year.

Furthermore, the corrupted State’s authorities have also infused such exploitation of funds not only in Qatar, but also in the United Kingdom, whereby most of the Council Tax funds are currently deposited into Qatar Banks.

These billions in Taxpayers funds will fade away and Qatar’s corrupted authorities will not be able to pay back all these funds if the UK authorities requested them to promptly transfer these funds to UK’s local banks.

Hence, it would be wise of the UK authorities to immediately find a solution to assure that these funds are placed in UK’s trusted banks and not foreign banks, furthermore, it would also be advised to carry out an investigation as to uncover the favors that were exchanged between.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities and the authorities of these respective UK councils, how have they been enticed to transfer these funds into Qatar’s banks in the first place.

Further exploitation that is currently being imposed on the UK, is that there are several entities that have been established in UK, such entities that control Qatar’s investments while others are basically used as vehicle to extracts funds from the UK and use such entities to pay for their dormant disciples that are being radicalized in local Islamic communities.

The following are samples of a long list of investment entities that are being used to exploit the United Kingdom:

  • BEINIH LIMITED, Company Number 08867511, currently registered in Qatar’s Emir name, has recorded over £ 2 Billion of losses over the past 6 years.
  • VALENTINO ENGLAND LIMITED, Company Number 01617662, currently registered in the Emir’s father name, has recorded over £ 3 Million of losses every year since its incorporation.
  • HARRODS LIMITED, Company Number 00030209, currently owned through multiple aliases and recording an annual loss of over £ 70 Million, whereby these group of entities are used to pay off funds to individuals who are presumably employed for these entities but in practice they are not, such process is undertaken to enable them to make such transfer through the legal framework made available to them in the United Kingdom.

many other entities similar to these are being used to exploit the United Kingdom, every hotel, every commercial entity and every investment they have made over the past decades in the UK are all following the same track, and other companies are also owned under other aliases through Al Khayyat who is well known as the face of terror financing, through one of their entities known as URBACON TRADING & CONTRACTING UK LTD, Company number 09893985,  whereby such companies keep a large payroll and expense sheet that does not relate to actual activities, whereas in reality they are payment made to radicalized individuals established throughout the United Kingdom.

There is large selection of these facts available to be shared with the UK’s authorities, up to 560 entities that are currently established in the UK that are carrying out these processes, under several aliases and different names, and all these entities are working towards one objective, to weaken the United Kingdom financially and politically.

It is the UK’s authority’s choice to either defeat these corrupted authorities at their malicious attempts or wait and realize the inevitable.

UN’s reputation compromised

We, Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by the citizens of Qatar, hereby alert you as the Secretary General of the United Nations that you have voluntarily in conjunction with the corrupted authorities in Qatar, compromised the integrity and reputation of the United Nations, an organization that was established to uphold and defend human rights was alternatively exploited to advance personal interests of several corrupted officials around the world.

You have compromised your own legacy and any works that you may have done at the UN, by supporting and providing these corrupted officials with credentials that enabled them to carry out their injustice in their country.

Your unlimited support that was given to them in return for their lavish contributions that were made towards the United Nations and foremost against the personal favours that were submitted to you and individuals who are closer to your surroundings.

We have the relevant evidence that led us to confirm and believe that your involvement with these corrupted authorities has compromised the integrity of the organization and as several recent exposed acts of deception like the bribery claims made towards the European Union, European Council, European Commission, FIFA and many other governmental and non-governmental organizations, all these exposed acts of deception and many others will be exposed simultaneously and the time that the UN and all its corrupted authorities, that time is nearer than you ever expected.

It necessitates that we stress on the matter, that the citizens of the State of Qatar, will not forgive or allow such injustice to pass over without holding everyone involved in this act of injustice accountable.

The corrupted authorities in Qatar, the UN authorities that supported them and every corrupted individual will be held accountable very soon.

As you may deduce from historical events throughout the world, there has not been one single person that was able to escape accountability, some were destroyed in the process, whilst others were completely tarnished in the process, regardless how, when, who, why or where, everyone will be held accountable.

If you as current Secretary General of the United Nations, have the least humanity consideration within you, to change the course of injustice, then you shall promptly initiate an immediate investigation towards Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who both have been provided with UN credentials that enabled them to impose injustice on millions in Qatar and around the world.

The United Nations has endorsed several of their treacherous programs such as “Education Above All” which is an organization that is radicalizing many children around the world, “ROLACC” an organization that is supposedly promoting anti-corruption practices but is actually exploited as a vehicle to exploit State funds and transferring them abroad or organizations such as “ACEAWARD” which is also presumably an award program for recognizing anti-corruption practices worldwide, whilst it is used as a program to silence and buy-off many anti-corruption advocates, who hypocritically are actually corrupted in the system.

The United Nations support and endorsement is the main reason such organizations have been allowed to step on the international platform and it is on the UN the accountability and responsibility of the acts of all these malicious programs.

These corrupted authorities are the criminals that committed these crimes, but the UN gave them the weapon, these corrupted authorities are the law breakers but the UN gave them the right to break any laws, these corrupted authorities are the offenders of human rights but also the UN gave them the credentials to impose their injustice.

They are the culprits but you provided them with the means, the UN authorities literally opened the doors for these criminals to commit all their heinous crimes.

From the exploitation of Qatar’s wealth and resources, to the exiling of thousands of Qatar citizens, to the detention, torture and arbitrarily arrest of hundreds of citizens, to the imposed human rights violations and enslavement of millions of migrants in Qatar. All these crimes against humanity could have been prevented if the UN did not sell out its integrity.

The citizens of Qatar will not forget how the UN was instrumental in supporting these corrupted individuals. And people will not forget who provided these corrupted individuals with the credentials that allowed them to deceive the world.

Hence, we advise you to seriously consider to take the right course of action and do not delay the process in restoring justice and reinstating the rights of all citizens in Qatar and the world.

All oppressing power will fall, similarly like Iran, nothing can withstand against the will of the people, it only depends on when will everyone has enough of these lies and deceit, but in the end these oppressive powers and all that follow with them, eventually fall, but when they fall, they fall hard, very hard.

That is why, in the sake of humanity, each and every one of us have limited chance in our lifetime, to do what is right and to speak out the truth, no matter what the consequences.

The only people who will be disappointed at you for speaking the truth are those people who have been living a lie for so long, and the lie can only dissolve by keep speaking the truth………       

  • the Althani Council addressed to the Honourable prime minister of UK Rishi Sunak.

Using Afghan crisis to erase Qatar Gate

In reference to the recent act by the Taliban’s against women’s rights in Afghanistan, it necessitates that leaders around the world be aware of why such imposed act of injustice has been imposed upon these women’s and who stands to gain from all this.

It is of no mere coincidence that when Qatar’s corrupted authorities were cornered due to their recent corruption scandal, the infamous “Qatar gate”, such scandal that needed a crisis of much bigger scale to attract the world’s attention away from Qatar gate, that is where Taliban’s acknowledge the request from their sole financier, Qatar’s corrupted authorities leaded by  Sheikha  Mozah  Bint  Nasser Al Missned, to create a crisis in Afghanistan to a level that will distort the world’s attention away from their scandal.

By exploiting such crisis, Sheikha Mozah and of course represented by her son the Emir, will portray themselves as the world’s advocate of women’s rights and that their involvement was the main reason the Afghan women regained their inherent right to learn.


That is where Sheik Mozah improvised a way to regain their image back as the savior and mediators of crisis, appearing to the world

as the individuals who stepped in convince the Taliban authorities to change their course of action and back the access for education to the Afghan women.

In the next few days, Qatar’s imposed Emir and his mother will appear to the world, after the world’s leaders have not been able to find a solution to this crisis and failed to uphold the rights of the Afghan women and depicting that the world’s greatest nations leaders were not able to change the course of injustice that was imposed by the Taliban, only through the involvement of Qatar’s corrupted authorities in the process, that overturned the decisions made by the Taliban’s and enforced them to allow Afghan women the freedom they all await.

Yet again deceiving the world into believing that they are the savior of the moment as they have been publicizing for months after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan and how Qatar’s authorities were the main reason that saved many countries from disastrous situations by providing all facilities to vacate everyone in such short period of time. But what most may not know, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been the sole financiers of the Taliban’s terror group for decades, they have provided them with a haven in Qatar for the Taliban’s authorities families and till date they have a presence in Qatar. 

For decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported the Taliban’s against the world, provided them with weapons, funding and even facilitated their presence on the world’s media platform, whereby Al Jazeera has dedicated it’s time to implode the situation and portray the Taliban’s as a power that cannot be defeated, until the Taliban’s took over Afghanistan by force. But the world is witnessing that this cycle of deception is never ending, as the attacks, killings and bombing of civilians in Afghanistan is still ongoing, but now carried out by other insurgents, who conveniently enough are also funded and supported by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

The hypocrisy in this process of continuous deceptive cycle, is that the world leaders are falling for it every time, or to the least are forced to turn a blind eye, for some it is for assuring their economic situation that may be impacted by Qatar’s numerous investments in their countries, for others it is for the sake of assuring a prospect in future gas supply and whilst for others it is for their personal benefits.

Which was recently proven through the Qatar Gate, that several European Parliament Members, and some at higher positions, have been compromised and enticed financially to advocate for Qatar’s corrupted authorities interests at the EU Parliaments.

Which was recently proven through the Qatar Gate, that several European Parliament Members, and some at higher positions, have been compromised and enticed financially to advocate for Qatar’s corrupted authorities interests at the EU Parliaments.

For over a year now, we have alerted the EU Leaders and many Leaders around the world on the scenarios that will be played before them, how these scenic events will be unveiled before them and what they stand to gain from it.

Similarly, as the Althani Council is alerting European Commission all today, that the Afghanistan crisis depriving Afghan women access to education is nothing short than a tawdry subterfuge to regain their image in front of the world and to divert everyone’s attention away from Qatar Gate, at any cost and means possible.

Such desperate act by these corrupted authorities to prevent the European authorities from digging any deeper into these corruption scandals, as they will uncover a much larger number of individuals implicated in all these corruptions and the greater the exposure the greater the humiliation.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have also resorted to threatening the European leaders in cutting their gas supply to Europe, but the Council would advise the European Leaders not to take such threat to much concern, as the decision to withhold energy supply to Europe stands with the United States, considering that they are in total control of Qatar Energy through their long standing relations with ExxonMobil, which till date are partners in all their projects together, even in their collaboration in energy ports in Europe. 

Hence, the European Leaderships should have a stronger standing against Qatar’s corrupted authorities and should not refrain from further investigating these corrupted authorities, specifically investments made by Sheikha Mozah and her closest relatives, such investments that have a negative impact on the long run on the national security of every European country. Such information is readily available to us and the Althani Council can share it directly with European Leadership to facilitate their investigations upon request.

As for the Afghan crisis against women, although most countries have stepped in to condemn these acts, whereby the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union, have united in their condemnation of the Taliban’s decision not to re-open secondary schools to Afghan girls.

The condemnation should have been made against Qatar’s corrupted authorities who have supported the Taliban’s and imposed them on Afghanistan, they have posed themselves as the of the situation between Taliban and the world, they have defended them at the UN assembly and they have strengthened the Taliban’s presence, why is the world leaders condemning the janitor who has been placed in such position when they should hold the Director accountable and responsible for all this crisis.

Who financially supported the Taliban, who amplified their presence, who made them the monster they are, who aired their takeover of Afghanistan, the same party is responsible for all these acts and every other act of injustice that follows, Qatar’s corrupted authorities leaded by Sheikha Mozah are the culprit of all these atrocities.

Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by Qatari Citizens, are striving to expose the corrupted authorities that have imposed their unjust ruling on the State of Qatar.

These corrupted authorities have exploited the wealth and resources of Qatar to advance their personal agendas and have expensed billions towards inflicting chaos around the world.