Qatar’s Corrupted Authorities next move in London after Ban

In reference to the recent news that Qatar has launched a review of its investments in London after the city’s transport authority this week banned the Gulf state’s tourism advertisements on the capital’s buses, taxis and Underground train system.

Such ban that was placed by Transport for London (TfL) which was triggered by concerns over the soccer World Cup host’s stance on LGBT+ rights and its treatment of migrant workers.

The Althani Council wishes to applaud the authorities in the United Kingdom for their stand against human right violators, no matter how much these violators like Qatar’s corrupted authorities have control over UK’s economical sector and its manifested control over several strategical investments in the UK.

In the past, the council has alerted the UK’s authorities in this regard, and they have warned of this process that will be unveiled very soon, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ diversified portfolio in the UK is not for the financial benefit of it but to manifest a process of controlling the UK’s decisions by influencing economical pressure. Committees delivered presentations at the UK Houses of Parliament, Harvard University in the US, at McGill University in Canada and addressed events sponsored by the US State Department, the European Parliament, and the Belgian Parliament.

His report can be found on the official link of the UK parliament. #1

He concluded in his report by requesting how the FCO should assess whether a potentially hostile party is seeking to secure significant influence or control over a UK company and what safeguards are required in the National Security and Investment Bill.  If the purpose of the NSI Bill is to strengthen the Government’s powers to scrutinise and intervene in business transactions to protect national security, then it must reflect on the investment portfolios of hostile parties, not just individual transactions or takeovers.

The information presented in his report strongly suggests that in considering its position with respect to Qatari investment and trade, the UK has failed to challenge its growing role as a financier of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK. Thanks to the ongoing support of Qatar, the UK has become the “Command and Control Centre” for the MB in Europe which is alarming for both the future of the Muslim communities in the country and for national security.

Protecting national security while ensuring the UK remains a global champion of free trade and investment is no easy task. However, the Foreign Office must view Qatar’s UK activity for what it is: a strategic attempt to use financial muscle to mask and then inhibit the UK’s ability

to challenge measures that threaten its national security. The UK must exert maximum pressure on the Qatari government to cease its continued support to the Brotherhood, and ensure provisions are included in the NSI Bill to counter any attempts to accrue financial influence, as well as outright ownership of, UK assets from hostile nations.

Such prediction which is being visualized in the past few years, whereby Qatar’s authorities have taken control over many of UK’s strategical investments, other than owning most of the iconic commercial outlets and branded hotels, they have targeted UK’s most vulnerable investments such as airports, airlines, water company, energy companies and many others.

That is why, the council urge the UK’s authorities to take immediate precautions against the upcoming events that will soon be unveiled in the United Kingdom, whereby the UK and its citizens, of all race and religion, will be affected by this process.

The anticipated response of Qatar’s corrupted authorities is to create internal chaos within the United Kingdom, whereby terror activities will be initiated, similarly like the past attack on UK’s MP who was stabbed and other attacks that were manifested against the Islamic communities in UK to trigger their response against other communities.

Such process that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested in the past in other countries, whereby they financially support terror groups to initiate chaos against governments to get them engaged into their internal issues, whereby facilitating their intrusion even further.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, through their lavish investments in the UK, have been able to establish dormant disciples that are awaiting instructions from these corrupted authorities, and according to information made available to the council, most of these radicalized individuals are already based in the UK and others from other parts of Europe, specifically Italy, Spain and France, whereby the UK’s authorities should closely monitor individuals that are travelling into the UK from these countries and what their affair entails in the UK.

Further process that will be manifested by these corrupted individuals, is through their charitable organizations, such as NECTAR TRUST (known previously as Qatar Charity which changed its name after being exposed of their terror financing), local Islamic centres and other religious gatherings, were most of the individuals attending these places are individuals who are financially influenced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities enticement and they are made to believe that the UK’s government is targeting the Islamic community and misleading these unfortunate individuals in believing that they are carrying out a religious duty by opposing the UK’s government.

The council urges once again the UK’s authorities to take all necessary precautions from this day forward, against the possible reflection of Qatar’s corrupted authorities against the UK and the implications of such reflection on the UK’s national security.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported terror groups against their own neighbouring countries, against Islamic nations, all in the process of advancing their own benefits, hence they will not think twice to take same or more intensive approach against the UK.

If the UK’s authorities wish to take a more proactive approach in assuring that Qatar’s corrupted authorities do not impose chaos that may affect the UK, then the most expedite way to enforce Qatar’s corrupted authorities to back down is to place Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her relatives under immediate investigation and to monitor their financial tracks and to whom these funds are being directed, specially to place Al Khayyat brothers who are Syrian Nationals who have been provided with Qatar Nationalities and currently have a UK based company known as Urbacon carrying out construction works in the UK but according to the information available to the council, these individuals have employed members of terror groups who are placed in fictitious positions in the UK, awaiting any instructions from Sheikha Mozah.

Sheikha Mozah’ insistence in purchasing the property next to the Iranian Embassy was not for the financial benefit of it, it was for a much greater plan that is yet to be unveiled and many other locations have been purchased under aliases similar to this, as they will be the starting point that will inflict negatively against the UK’s national security.

It is the UK’s authority’s choice to either defeat these corrupted authorities at their malicious attempts or wait and realize the inevitable.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities next move against Europe

But everyone needs to know that these corrupted individuals do not represent the voice of the Qatari citizens, rather they are individuals who have exploited the State’s wealth and resources to advance their personal gains and to serve the gain of their allies.

These corrupted authorities are limited to the surrounding of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, a malignant and narcissistic individual who has enticed the current leadership, from the father Emir to overthrow his own father back in 1995 to the son who was handed down the control of the state without consultation, vote or even consideration of the ruling family and citizens of the state, such control that remained under the manipulative hands of Sheikha Mozah, who is also unexperienced in every political aspect of governing a country, but is extremely experienced on how to entice and run organizations that serve as terror and extremists groups around the world.

Sheikha Mozah imposed her malicious processes by expensing billions of our state wealth and resources to US and Turkey military bases, who are privatized militia paid to protect Mozah and her corrupted surrounding, even that has it limits.

Meaning that her control is limited to how much she can influence everyone around her with money and when such influence is not effective anymore, that is when her façade drops down and unveiling the corruptions she has induced around the world.

But the most astonishing part of this week is how Qatar’s corrupted authorities boldly make statement not only that denies the bribery claims but also make statements that serves as threats to the European Union.

The issue of the bribery should not have been a surprise to anyone, as this is not the first cycle that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have undergone in claims of bribery, in the US congress there has been numerous claims in the past, similarly the FIFA corruption scandal that has Qatar’s corrupted authorities right in the centre of all that controversies and of course the claims of bribery towards the United Nations, UK Parliaments, Bribery of former French President Sarkozy, Paris Saint-Germain and many more, a larger comprehensive list can be made outlining the number of briberies that have been made by Qatar’s corrupted authorities over the past decades.

But claims of briberies is something that any country can handle and take the necessary actions to mitigate such acts, but THREATS are something that requires another level of understanding and response, as the way these threats will develop and unveil throughout the European nations is something that requires extreme attention and the immediate action by every European country’s national security to prevent the inevitable to take place.

In the recent statement made by Qatari diplomat saying. “The decision to impose such a discriminatory restriction that limits dialogue and cooperation on Qatar before the legal process has ended will negatively affect regional and global security cooperation, as well as ongoing discussions around global energy, poverty and security,”

Which conclusively summarize to the fact that such statements is a direct threat made to all European Leadership and notifying them that if they persist in their act of exposing them even further, they shall retaliate by imposing negatively on regional and global security, which means that their shall not be held responsible for the act of terror that will be unfolded in Europe, through the thousands of radicalized dormant army that have been deployed in Europe over the past decades, awaiting their instructions to strike against each European country, hence every European Leaders should be prepared to witness a wave of terror attacks in their cities very soon.

Further on their threats, they have made reference to negative impact on energy and its supply, which as well is a threat to minimize or cancel supply of Gas to European countries, although such may truly affect European nations, but it is wise for every leadership to prepare themselves for the worst conditions, as Qatar’s gas supply will inevitably be stopped, if not by the corrupted authorities, it is anticipated that there shall be an attack by Iran’s regime or even its current opposition on Qatar’s Gas reserves and extraction zones, as such is expected to impose pressure by crippling Qatar’s gas supply to the world.

Whereas, such gas supply is already at higher level of risks to be stopped or eliminated, whereby it would be prudent for all European Leaders to start working on alternative plans to mitigate their shortages.

Another realization that will be unveiled in parallel to such situation is the removal and replacement of the current Emir, as such days are numbered and sooner than expected such change will take place, hence any decisions or agreements that will be made with the current imposed government, it will be voided very soon and overturned by the new ruling.

It is widely known that anyone who visited Qatar, or invited or connected with Qatar’s corrupted authorities have in some way or the other been financially enticed, whereas the council has for the past years alerted all European Leadership that such act will be unveiled and that they should carry out their internal investigations to uncover these corrupted links before they cause damage to the European Union.

Such discovery by Belgium’s authorities has saved the European Union the gravest mistake of providing Qatar’s corrupted authorities with privileges of obtaining free visa pass to Europe and by providing them with preferential aviation privileges, whereby by exposing their corruption, Europe has been temporarily saved from the malicious plans that were directed at them.

But by exposing these corrupted authorities and how they have enticed members of the Parliament does not solve the problem entirely, rather it expedited the process of imposing their malicious plan, as Europe should prepare itself for the upcoming wave of terror that will be unfolded in their countries very soon.

Such terror that will spread chaos in countries and the only gain they may salvage from such acts is their last chance of regaining power to control.

As they presume that by spreading chaos and re-enacting themselves as saviours might guarantee them back the support of European countries, whereby European Leaders will call upon Qatar to help control the acts of terror in Europe.

Similarly like the act that was unveiled to the world through the Afghanistan crisis.

Whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities financially supported the Taliban’s for decades, and then played the role of the peaceful mediator that rescued everyone to vacate Afghanistan during the takeover of Taliban, where since then Qatar’s corrupted authorities have played the role of the sole partners to the Taliban’s.

Not for long until the Taliban tried to cut them out, Qatar’s corrupted authorities reinstated their other terror groups to expel Taliban from their position.

Such scenery that is repeating itself over and over, the same process manifested in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and many other countries, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities invested heavily towards oppositions, terrorist and extremist’s groups to undermine governments of these countries and then alternatively showing up as the savior of the day, eliminating the threat for a price.

Are all European Leadership that naïve as not to realize these manifested acts being repeated against them?

And are all European Leadership prepared to face the wave of terror that is to be unveiled by Qatar’s corrupted authorities?

Our advice to all is to cut the roots of the problem, by targeting Sheikha Mozah and all her closest relatives, her companies, organizations, institutes that are spread out in Europe, by crippling her source of financing in Europe, you shall be able to cut the lifeline that she has extended to these dormant groups of radicalized individuals in Europe, without such financial lifeline they are useless and unable to carry out their terror attacks.

“Furthermore, we assure all European Leadership, that all and every single Qatari citizen supports your acts of holding these individuals accountable and we shall in due course assist the world in eliminating the threats that undermines our own national security and the security of all other nations.” the Althani Council expresses its support for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ involvement with recent German Coup

“In our past correspondences, the Althani Council has alerted your esteemed Excellency on several matters that are being manifested by Qatar’s corrupted authorities in your country, if you verify all our past statements to you, you shall discover that the council has warned you that Germany will witness a new wave of disruption and chaos that would threatened the stability and national security of your country.” said the Althani Council.

If The Honorable Chancellor believe that everything that is currently unveiling in Germany is just a mere coincidence, then pardon our next statement to you when the council tells you that such naïve mindset is exactly what your opponents are counting on and that will be the cause of further disruption in Germany.

One of the most notable issues that unveiled in Germany recently is the recent arrest of former member of a German royal family, Heinrich XIII PR who was portrayed as the leader in a future state and Ruediger VP, as the head of the military arm, with their aim of building a new German army, which was foiled by your government, but have you asked yourselves who has been supporting these parties to overthrow the German Government?

According to information that the council has received from our sources at the Qatar’s national security, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani (father of the current Emir) has visited Heinrich XIII several times in the past, whereby he made personal visits to his residence with others who were with him during that visit.

According to our source, these visits took place late at night and as an unofficial visit, whereby Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani personally drove the car during that trip and had special gifts with him to be presented to Heinrich XIII.

Our sources confirms that there has been an ongoing discussion between both parties, but they were unable to give details as most of these discussions took place between Hamad Bin Khalifa and Heinrich when they were left alone.

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani is well known for his deceitful approaches, Bashar Al Assad, Muammar Gaddafi and many others have had their shares of deceptions with Hamad Bin Khalifa, and at every moment Hamad was close to these leaders, he was even closer with their opponents.

Whereby at the time that Hamad was in good relations with Bashar Al Assad, at the same moment he was in good terms with Moataz Al Khayyat, who is well known to be the face of terror financing, the same individual that Hamad exploited to inflict terror attacks in Syria and financially supported several terror groups that were unleashed on Syria.

The same agenda was repeated in Libya, when Hamad deceived Muammar Gaddafi and had him believe that he was on his side, and even was planning for the assassination of Saudi’s King at the time, which was exposed to the media after Gaddafi’s death, who was also killed by the same terror groups that were financially supported by Hamad Bin Khalifa.

The same scenario Hamad Bin Khalifa repeated in Egypt, Sudan, Chad, and even expended to UAE, Saudi and Bahrain and that is when he was exposed for his acts back in 2013 and 2017, after the blockade, where the billions that Hamad expended in those countries went to waste.

Hamad himself overthrew his own father through the enticement of his wife Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who is the main control point of all of Hamad’s actions, and she basically governs all of his doings.

Their involvement in several act of terror, support of extremism and radicalization of Islamic communities, especially in Europe is not a newly founded fact, although it is proven that their involvement is so deep with these terror groups, yet many authorities across Europe are not able to directly expose them, many may wonder why is that the situation?

Well basically they have imposed their influence on many European authorities through their several investments that have been made towards many European strategical projects, commercial entities, hotel and tourism, energy companies, car manufacturing companies, banks, financial institutes and even the ports that supply gas to these countries.

The most important question in that is how have they been able to expand such circle of influence in such short time and what is the ultimate target?

To our understanding the ultimate target is to disintegrate the European authorities from within, create conflicts between your communities, specially between Islamic communities and others.

Europe has allowed millions of refugees from war torn countries to settle in their countries in a very short time and these refugees were exploited by individuals like Qatar’s corrupted authorities, whereby they have used their investments within every European country to be used as financing towards Islamic communities, radicalizing them to stand against their governments, whereby most of Europe is already witnessing the wave of indifference being imposed and how such communities are being torn away from their governments and how they are being easily influenced by foreign policies.

Hence, attempts to overthrow governments like the recent uncovered plot in Germany or the 2016 Islamist bombings of Brussels airport and the city’s metro that killed 32 people and injured more than 300, or the sudden act of stabbing and killing people by radicalized Islamists who claim they are carrying out a religious act, all of these are a manifestation of Qatar’s corrupted authorities and in specific to anyone who has close ties and relations with Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, both of  which collaborated for decades to impose chaos in many countries, but also maintained their loyalty to the US/Iran/Russia/China and Turkey, whereby any negative implication to the world has been a positive addition and advancement to these corrupted groups.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have maintained for decades their best strategical relations with the US/Iran/Russia/China and Turkey, exchanged on many aspects, supported them financially and coordinate military supports to each other, whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities have rendered Qatar has a launching ground for the US/Iran/Turkey, allowing their forces to be present in the country.

The conflicted thought that comes into mind after understanding these facts, is how are European leaders still foiled by Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intention, how do they still believe that these corrupted authorities could ever hold any positive intentions for European countries, specifically when Qatar’s corrupted authorities most prominent Islamic leader, the late Qaradawi publicly stated that their future plan is to invade Europe and that Rome is their gateway, that is why Qatar corrupted authorities have invested and controlled over 50 Islamic Mosques and centres in Italy alone and that is apart the other hundreds that are scattered all around Europe.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have established several investments and organizations in Europe and across the globe, whereby these hundreds of establishments are the vehicles that finances these malicious programs, the following lists is just the tip of a larger number of entities that are currently working their way through in Europe:

    • EAA (Education Above All)
    • ROLACC
    • GOPAC
    • Qatar Charity
    • Nectar Trust
    • And over 500 others (a lists of all these entities are available upon demand)

The Althani Council urges the German Authorities to take these statements into consideration and to initiate an investigation to validate these facts, the authorities will not lose anything by verifying by may lose much more if they do not take the necessary action in due course.

Beware of these “Individuals of Misfortune,” as they will strike at a moment you least expect, they will entrench their venomous deceits within your societies and they will impose injustice upon humankind as they have done in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Tunisia, Palestine, and even their own neighbouring countries whereby they severed ties with Qatar for years due to their support for terror. Whereby they have rendered Qatar as haven for terrorists and extremists and rendered Afghanistan as their new training grounds to expand their groups of terror militants, that will serve as hired criminals that will terrorize the world.   

Visualizing what they are capable to do to European countries and others throughout the world. Their impact would not be less than what they have already done to their own neighbours’ citizens.

The question remains to be directed to German’s authorities, if you all are aware of the collusion of these corrupted authorities in Qatar with their allies, and their defragmenting agenda, whilst evidence of their acts is openly available to you all, through their infused investments, their collaboration with your enemies, and their financing of terrorism, then why are you still prolonging their path and allowing them to extend further with their acts?

Do not trust corrupted authorities who have deceived, detained, exiled, and abused many of their own citizens and migrants for over two decades and till this day. Hence it should not be an astonishment what they can do to others.

The purpose of our letter is to assure the authorities of Germany and all their beloved citizens, of all race and religion, that the Althani Council, citizens of Qatar are not in accord with any act that is being imposed on Germany and that they do not acknowledge the actions of Qatar’s corrupted authorities which are leaded by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.

The council stands in solidarity with all of Germany’ citizens and assure the honorable Chancellor that they will strive to break that intrusive influence that has been imposed by these corrupted Qatar authorities, of which held the council captive to Qatar’s actions and infused their injustice on everyone. 


Qatar’s corrupted authorities fueling the war in Burkina Faso against France

In reference to recent events that have unfolded in Burkina Faso, how France affairs are being purposely undermined in the region by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

As expected, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have employed their national media agency Al Jazeera to carry out a smearing campaign against France, rendering the citizens of Burkina Faso to visualize France as their prime enemy, whereas Qatar’s corrupted authorities failed to mention to the world that the US and Qatar have been financing, training and financially supporting the Burkina Faso Army throughout the past decade. An intentional process of overthrowing France’s interests in Africa, similarly as they have deployed in other African countries.

#1, #2, #3

As The Althani Council have highlighted to his Excellency in the past, Qatar’s corrupted authorities are determined more than ever to inflict further damages to France’s foreign affairs and to restrict its presence in the region. 

Such process of inflicted chaos has been employed to impose pressure on France and to enforce their presence in the region.

It is evident that Qatar’s corrupted authorities only act upon orders given to them by their prime allies, from the United States, Iran, Russia, Turkey or even China, Qatar’s corrupted authorities are individuals who sell terror to their highest bidders, an open auction up for sale for whoever provides them with more support. Whereby Qatar’s corrupted authorities only follow these directives given by their prime allies in return for safety, by providing them with military bases present in the State of Qatar. 

Although Qatar’s corrupted authorities have more control over terrorists and extremists around the globe, they still fear their presence within the State of Qatar, requiring foreign support to maintain their positioning within the State of Qatar. 

France is being affected by a weak and coward opponent, Qatar’s corrupted authorities are exploiting lives of innocent peoples to inflict terror on France, such cowardliness cannot be permitted to persist and should be eliminated from its core. 

The Althani Council urge the authorities in France to expose these corrupted individuals by engaging the European Commission to initiate an immediate investigation towards Qatar’s corrupted authorities investments across all European countries, such will cause them to yield and prevent them to inflict any further terror on France and other European Nations. 

Qatar besmirching Germany’s reputation

In reference to the recent events that have unfolded between Qatar and Germany, and how Qatar summoned Germany’s Ambassador Dr. Fischbach, whereby they claimed that some statements that were made by German authorities are not valid and do not represent the truth.

In contrary to Qatar’s corrupted authorities claims and misleading statements, they have been playing the role of the victim in this situation, whereby they are the culprits that have besmirched the reputation of many countries and today they are targeting Germany.

Just few moments after their summoning of German’s Ambassador to Doha, they have expedited the publishing of the following statements through the government’s official portal:

This post that was published moments after the issue between Germany and Qatar took its toll to a higher note, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have resorted in publishing false information against Germany and such information does not only mislead the German communities and cause unnecessary conflicts between Islamic communities and others in Germany. Such conflicts that will propagate to another similar incident as the Somalian who stabbed and killed many in Germany this year.

The published post by Qatar’s corrupted authorities reads the following:

With a striking title, they are targeting the emotions of families in Germany, whereby they stated in their post that Germany is keeping children away from their parents.

Going on by stating, “Germany’s policy disperses the families of Arab and Muslim immigrants”, such statement that is clearly directed to radicalize peoples mind into believing that they are being targeted by their own government.

The remaining of the posts reads the following statements:

    • “A child of Turkish origin was deported in Germany from their parents and handed over to German families wishing to adopt the children’s months before”, whereby in this statement they are indicating that German’s authorities have preplanned to forcefully take children away from their parents and to give them to German families who have prearrangements with the authorities, such statement that is clearly a defamation.

    • “The Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services succeeded in returning children to their families again in a case that is considered the most famous during the last period”

    • “Several European countries have enacted a law called the Youth Welfare Act that gives social workers the power to forcibly remove children from their parents”, in this statement that are implanting the notion to all Muslim families across Europe that their governments have the right to take away their children if they decide to

    • “Diaspora Turks accuse the German Authorities of using the pretext of not adapting to German Society to convert their children”

    • “According to the law, social agencies have the right to send their employees, with help of the police, to withdraw children from their homes or from school without the knowledge of their parents”
    • “The series of kidnapping of Muslim and Arab immigrant children from their families continues to cast a shadow over hundreds of thousands of residents in Germany”

These statements that were recently posted by Qatar’s corrupted authorities are targeting to defame and besmirch Germany’s reputation, to create chaos and confusion among the Muslim communities that reside in Germany, mislead them by inducing the thoughts that they are being targeted and that their children can be taken away from them at any moment without their knowledge.

Implying in their statements that Germany has manifested a law to legally kidnap children, to carry out a trade involving children being sold to German parents, and insinuate that Germany’s authorities are enforcing their decisions without considerations.

If Qatar’s corrupted authorities have summoned German’s Ambassador in Doha to object on the statements made by German’s Interior Minister, which was uncalled for as all the statements that was made by Germany is all true reflection of what is being practiced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

Then to the least, Germany’s authorities should not only summon Qatar’s Ambassador in Germany, but they should also immediately expel the Ambassador and close their embassy and immediately carry out an investigation towards Qatar’s corrupted authorities controls over Germany.

Such controls that are being manifested through several of Qatar’s investments in Germany, in specific to personal investments of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her closest relatives, whereby these investments returns are being used to finance an internal dormant and radicalized army of disciples that will be launched into Germany’s street very soon.

These radicalized terror cells that are being incubated in several Islamic centres throughout Germany, whereby several of these centres are adopting the Ideology of an organization that has been establish by Qatar’s corrupted authorities along with their infamous Ideologist Al Qaradawi, who collectively manifested a process of using religion to advance their personal benefits.

Any Islamic centre, organization, Mosques or establishment that adopts the Ideologies of the “International Union of Muslim Scholars” are compromised and should be placed under investigation and to determine their source of fundings, whereas other institutions that adopt the knowledge of “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” are institutions that are only directed in teaching Islam and not exploiting it for political or personal gain.

The Althani Council advise the German’s authorities to promptly placed all these establishment and all investments of Qatar Investment authority along, specifically the investments related to Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her closest family members.

“You shall discover that the revenues from their investments in Germany are used to finance their radicalizing projects in Germany.

If you do not take prompt action, you will discover similar heinous attacks that will be launched against the public, to create a conflicted situation between the member of communities, whereby hate and chaos will be dispersed, and Muslim communities will be compelled to be hostile against each other’s.” the Althani Council said.

Such disturbance in the fabric of German’s communities will impose them to feel threatened and alternatively other German communities will be as well, which in turn will engage more Muslims in believing that they are being targeted, hence in such situations, Qatar’s corrupted authorities will assure that many would be misled enough into joining their cause.

What is being manifested in Germany today is not of a surprise, the council have mentioned in their past letters the details and they have warned Germany’s authorities, just as they have warned others leaders around the world, that each and every one will get their turns of such disruption, just as much as Qatar’s corrupted authorities have manifested around the Gulf, Middle East and Africa, each of these countries have witnessed their shares of chaos and disruption and now they have directed their attention to Europe.

In the recent past, an individual known as Steven Merley, an investigator and intelligence analyst who since 1992 has specialized in the investigation of political extremism and is currently the Editor of the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch, he has presented his full report indicating all these statements that they have referred to herein, and his official report is still published officially at the UK’s Parliament website in the following link:

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have deceived the world for so long, European Leaders have to take a stand and stop their crimes that affected many.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have supported all terror and extremists group, they have supported Taliban’s and now they act as their agent, they have supported Iran regime for decades and still are supporting them with all means, they have supported Russia and partnered with them in their energy sector that led to the situation that Europe energy supply is entrapped within that vicious cycle, where Qatar’s corrupted authorities investments into most European Gas ports in UK, Italy, Spain, and many other parts of Europe has only provided Qatar with further control, or should the council say the United States as they are the only viable partner of Qatar, as ExxonMobil and Qatar Energy seems to be the only parties who are benefiting from all the chaos that have been unleashed on the world today.


Iran is killing innocent children every day.

Iran is killing innocent women every day because they are protesting for their basic human rights.

Iran is supplying Russia with drones that is killing Ukrainians every day.

Iran is supporting terror groups that have imposed unrest in the region.

United States claims that it will sanction anyone who supports Iran.

European countries claims that they as well will sanction anyone who is extending Iran with support. 

But Qatar is supported by the United States and European Countries.

Qatar is financially supporting Iran for the past decades.

Qatar has over 50 direct flights in and out of Iran’s multiple airports daily, providing them with all resources.

Qatar has provided Iran with a platform in their military exhibition that was held this year at DIMDEX, showing to the world that they both share the same military resources.

Qatar has paid Iran over US$ 3 Billion for compensation for families of the Ukrainian plane that was bombarded in mid-air, supporting Iran even if they are committing such atrocities.

Qatar has welcomed Iran’s Vice President and publicly showcased their ongoing bilateral relations, whilst the Iranian VP is demanded worldwide for his criminal act of killing over 85 people in Argentine, yet Qatar is not only protecting him but also signing off several agreements of inter-relations between Qatar and Iran.

What is really happening to the World, why is everyone not able to comprehend that they are being deceived?

  • Are Qatar and Iran sending a message to the world that they do not care what they think?
  • Or are Qatar and Iran able to deceive the world to such extent?
  • Or is the United States involved in this double act, to entrap European Nations into a crisis that would define their very existence?
  • How much longer is the world able to sustain such deception???


Important Notice/ Beware of your upcoming visit to Qatar

In reference to the honourable, nancy faeser’s (German Federal Minister of the Interior and Community) recent statement that was made in regard to Human Rights in Qatar, whereby the Althani Council congratulate her on her honesty and bravery in facing such adversity and for standing against individuals who have served injustice against millions of migrant workers who have been enslaved for decades in Qatar.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have for the past decades undermined the human rights of their own citizens and residents, exiled thousands of their own citizens with their families for decades for their loyalty for their former Emir of the State, detained and arbitrarily arrested hundreds of them for voicing their constitutional rights, propagating into further human rights violations and enslaving millions of migrant workers who have left their homes and families, seeking jobs in Qatar, where most of them have sold their lands and homes to be able to travel, believing that they will be able to afford a better living for themselves and their families.

It was about time that someone from the international platform of leaderships around the world to stand up and speak out the truth, to help these unfortunate individuals who are unable to fight the corrupted authorities in Qatar that have violated their rights for so long.

Her Excellency’s statement is all true, and many citizens and leaders around the world would support her position, Althani Council support as well her position and acknowledge that every word she has said is a true reflection of what is occurring behind the scene in Qatar, whereby Qatar’s authorities have been hiding behind a façade they have portrayed to the world and believed that they will be able to deceive everyone, at all times, little did they know, that truth can be delayed, but can never be hidden forever.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities retaliated immediately by issuing a memo and calling upon Germany’s ambassador to convey their disappointment.

Their memo highlighted that the remarks made by her Excellency ahead of her official visit to Doha next week was against diplomatic norms and conventions, especially in light of the distinguished ties between Qatar and Germany in all fields.

Such initial statement made as they thought that German authorities would yield to anything for the sake of securing their energy supplies, whereby they always believe that they can entice everyone for a price or specific needs, they truly are under the illusive imagination that they control the world and control everyone’s action as they have resources that enables them to extend to such level of control.

Their infamous memo goes on stating that the most prominent human rights groups and UN agencies praised the reforms implemented by the State of Qatar in the labour field, given they were effective and long-term, as well as being a result of years of planning and studies.

Such baseless statement is not true and there are ample evidence and reports issued by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and United Nations, all of which indicates the level of Qatar’s corruption and human rights violations, the following reports are one the hundreds of reports issued just recently:

Amnesty International just issued a report few days ago stating,

“Turning a blind eye to the abuses suffered by thousands of migrant workers over the years flies in the face of their respective international obligations and responsibilities. They must come together to ensure that those who suffered so much to make this tournament possible are not left behind.”#1

Other prominent Human Rights groups also noted further human rights violations in the following links that have been published less than a week ago:

The United States Department of State issued their recent report indicating that significant human rights issues included: restrictions on free expression, including criminalization of libel; restrictions on peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including prohibitions on political parties and labor unions; restrictions on migrant workers’ freedom of movement; limits on the ability of citizens to choose their government in free and fair elections; lack of investigation of and accountability for violence against women; and reports of forced labour. #2

Hence, one wonders which reports are Qatar’s corrupted authorities referring to, and which most prominent human rights groups and UN agencies are they referring to, which according to their statement, have praised Qatar for the reforms implemented in the labor field, such baseless and unsupported statement. Qatar’s corrupted authorities were delusional in believing that the US$ 500 Million paid towards numerous UN programs would enable them to erase all UN reports and impose the world to change their perception of what these corrupted authorities have been practicing for years, and they have also employed their fictitious organizations to play a large role in changing the world’s perception, organizations such as ROLACC, ACEAWARD, Education Above All, GOPAC and many other programs they have invested heavily towards them, to twist the facts and make the world believe see a fictitious version of Qatar.

The Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Majed bin Mohamed al-Ansari described the remarks made by the German interior minister as unacceptable and provocative for the Qatari people, stressing that it was unacceptable for politicians to try and score political points locally at the expense of their relations with other countries, such statement that is a total hypocrisy made by authorities that lack credibility. Several Gulf and Arab countries cut ties with Qatar for years just because of that specific cause, that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have made several provocative comments through their national media agency Al Jazeera, whereby they have employed such agency to undermine and make several political statements that has driven many countries to the verge of chaos, that is apart from Qatar’s unlimited support towards several terror groups that have been harbored in Qatar for decades, which manifested a role of destruction against many countries over the decades.

It seems that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are more used to attacking others, interfere and intrude in everyone else’s affairs, but when they are exposed, they are defensive and cannot handle the truth.

Given to all the above facts, proving that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are indeed accountable for every human rights violation that has been committed against many throughout the past years, and their continuous denial will not yield to anything but further destruction, but unfortunately such destruction would strike the migrant workers and Qatar citizens before it even reaches these corrupted authorities. It is always the people who pay the high price of their leadership’s corruption, and it is the people who are burden with the aftermath and resulting effect of any situation.

And the only reason the world has all its attention in Qatar at the moment is because Qatar will be hosting the FIFA 2022 games in the country, a nomination that was given through influence of Qatar’s corrupted authorities, their enticement to the FIFA nomination committee, who are the first party who have committed the first mistake by appointing Qatar before assuring that the country has the proper laws and reform to serve such hosting and preserve human rights.

Hence, the only possible way for the world to face these corrupted individuals is get them swear an oath by the Quran that they have not paid briberies, that they have not enticed FIFA’s authorities to present them with such hosting privilege. By exposing their involvement in such act of bribery would expose the entire operations that have followed after that unfounded nomination day. 

These individuals have been complicit in so many illegal acts which led to their award of hosting FIFA.

“In Islam, taking an oath on the Quran is sacred and if the individual being sworn in does not preserve the truth, then he/she will have to answer to the Al Mighty creator, similarly as the oath taken before a Bible, that is the limit for any human being to discover the truth, in every court around the world, Islam, Christianity, or any other religion, we are all bounded by the limit of our religions, whereby when we want to find the truth, we opt for an oath to be taken before our holy book, after that the matter is left to our God.” The council said.

If she was to ask Sheikha Mozah, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani and Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, these trio are the core reason for all corruption our State has witnessed till date, whereby these specific individuals should be bought forward to take an oath that they have not engaged in bribery acts to attain the FIFA hosting, by uncovering that act of deception, the world might just as well be able to visualize every violation that followed after that.

Further additional matter relates to how Qatar’s portraying themselves as a country that has also applied reform in establishing a democratic Shura council, supposedly for all its citizens, which prevented the citizens to participate and most were arrested by Turkish forces that entered their homes as Qatar forces would not accept to imprison one of their own.

A fictitious shura council that has 45 members who were designated as 15 members directly chosen by the imposed Emir and 30 members who are former employees of the Emir, that is how they perceive a perfect process of democracy, a showcase to please the world, but nothing has changed, as similar as the labour reforms that they have always claimed to have changed.

Although they are unlimited issues that are unresolved in Qatar, and it would take an entire book to be made whereby outlining all the violations that have been committed by these corrupted authorities, nevertheless, one of the last matters that the Althani Council wish to highlight to her Excellency is related to the level of Qatar’s government exploitation of States funds and how they have expensed over US$220B of state funds and when these acts of corruption were exposed to the world by Qatari citizens, they promptly responded by fabricating fraudulent claims against that citizens and imposed on him several judicial harassment, especially after he official submitted complaints against Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned and her family members. One of these Qatari citizen is a citizen known as Sheikh Ahmed Bin Khaled Bin Mohammad Al Thani, who has been judicially harassed for years because he dared to expose the attorney general and Sheikha Mozah for their conspiring acts and exploitation of the State, whereby the former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri is also under investigation in Switzerland and France for his money laundering acts, and the State promptly placed Al Marri in the shura council to protect him and provide him with immunity in the event he is charged with any judgements.  

Based on all the relevant facts and evidence, Althani Council advise her to cancel her visit to Qatar as any direct contact with these corrupted individuals will only yield further intrusion against Germany, its authorities and its citizens.

German authorities have witnessed over the past decades how these corrupted authorities have manifested a process to control many countries, how they have enticed many authorities around the world to sell off their strategic

companies and projects, to enable them to impose control over Europe, how they have manifested the relation with Iran, Russia, China and Turkey to further control the European’s economical system and direct them into the energy supply surge that they are facing now.


These individuals have no respect for others, and they do not fulfil their commitment, we assure you that they will manifest a way to besmirch your reputation and accordingly prepare yourself for a media war that they will unleash against you very soon through the hundreds of social media platforms that work for them.



French Citizens at imminent risk when visiting Qatar

The Althani Council would like to extend their deepest appreciations for the advocations of Human Rights by Honourable Amelie Oudea-Castera as always. She has placed human rights above any political or financial interests, exhibiting the humanity that is missed in many people around the world. Although such exemplar attributes should have been exhibited by many leaders around the world, and in specific by FIFA’s authorities, but most of them failed to place humanity above their own interests, whereas they have truly failed as leaders of their peers. But she has maintained that true humanity and advocated for the human rights of migrants’ that have been violated by Qatar’s corrupted authorities for over a decade now.

In recent news, the Qatar’s officials have been intimidated by individuals who advocated human rights and whereby they have lashed out in the media calling upon them to meet, as to enable them to convince them that they have complied to international regulations and that the notion of human rights violations in Qatar is not accurate.  But the council reiterate in supporting her opinion, that indeed there was and still are human rights violations being imposed as council speak in the State of Qatar by corrupted officials who have exploited their public roles to enrich themselves and in contrary when the recent documentary that was made about human rights violations against migrants in Qatar was confronted with FFF president Noel Le Graet with footage of the accommodation, he responded that the living quarters only needed “a lick of paint”. A misleading statement that undermines the situation and does not reflect the truth.  

Treatment of migrant workers and poor record of human rights have been the highlight for the world since Qatar was controversially awarded the World Cup finals back in 2010.

But Qatar’s officials have been very constrained towards any human rights organizations or any party that has been concerned with these human rights violations, such constrains that prevented many advocating parties to verify whether these violations have seized or are still being imposed.

Everyone that visited Qatar was never permitted to roam freely in the country as not to discover the ugly truth, they would always show the world a pre-staged location whereby migrants are treated fairly, paid on time, placed in good accommodations, and provide with the best care possible. But that façade is hiding the ugly truth beneath it, whereby thousands and even millions of migrants are placed in inhumane conditions, in slumps, no clean water, dozens of migrants packed in small rooms together, unsanitary conditions, unpaid for months, single showers shared with tenth of migrants, no healthcare, no proper catering, no allowances and enforced to work overtime with no compensation.

Recently, Norwegian Journalist were detained, and their cameras were wiped clean as they have been able to reach these locations, but they were not successful in exiting the country with such evidence, they were enforced to sign off a disclaimer that they have been trespassing private properties, hence they are not allowed to keep the pictures and videos that they were able to attain.

Furthermore, the Qatar’s authorities have also alerted all contracting companies in the State, to send their migrant workers for a 2 months’ vacation prior and during the FIFA 2022, as to assure that there will not be any migrants left in Qatar that might communicate with anyone who is visiting the country during the hosting.   

So, when Qatar’s authorities are directing questions to you, as a true advocate of human rights, and whereby they asked, who from the “England Squad” has visited Qatar and whether you personally have visited and on what basis are your opinions and public statements based on? 

Continuing with an intimidating statement that you should ought to pick your words very carefully as you have a greater influence on a larger audience.

Followed by their statement that you should visit Qatar and verify for yourself prior making any further unsubstantiated statements.

Accordingly, council advise you to do so, but please do assure that you are not alone, and that you are visiting under the protection of the government of France, and during that visit, request that your tour of the country to be independent and not accompanied by anyone from the local authorities, in such to allow you to obtain a true understanding of the situation in Qatar.

The Council are readily available to provide you with several locations that you can easily allocate, along with names and contacts of thousands of migrants that are willing to share and voice their agony that they have been experiencing for decades in Qatar.

As mentioned, The Council are readily willing to provide all necessary details to enable you to obtain a clear vision of what has been occurring in Qatar, and the number of individuals available are in the thousands range and would require couple of days from your team to conclude their investigation, unlike the limited number of less than 15 individuals that FIFA or FA’s authorities were allowed to meet during their visits.” Said the Althani Council.

These human rights violations need to be exposed, these helpless migrants’ rights need to be advocated, and the statement that these failed and corrupted authorities made in their recent televised interview, whereby they indicated that, “No country is perfect, let’s get that right and I do not think anybody can claim that, so if somebody is coming and claiming they are a perfect country, they need to really take a look at themselves.”

Such statement directed to Europe, that they have similar human rights violations, but Qatar’s corrupted officials do not comprehend the difference in this context, as they cannot compare themselves to Europe or any other country, as what they have done against human rights, against humanity, has surpassed all levels of human doings, these corrupted authorities have attained control over the country by overthrowing their own father from the country, rendering an Emir as a fugitive of the law, issuing arrest warrant against him, and imposing human rights violations against millions, detaining and exiling their own nationals, how can they compare themselves to any other country, they have exhibit a dictatorship throughout their control over the state, on nationals, residents and even against visitors to the State.

Going on with their statement, they have also claimed that “First of all, people need to understand Qatar is the safest country in the Middle East, it is the second safest country in the world, people need to understand what that safety means and why it is the safest country in the Middle East and why it is one of the safest countries in the world,”.

Yet again another baseless statement, Qatar has been paying billions towards an American and Turkey military base that have been established in the State for years, why do they need these military base if they are the safest country in the world, why do they need foreign assistance if there are the safest country in the Middle East, and how can they be the safest, when all leadership of terrorists and extremists groups in the world are based in Qatar, as the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Taliban’s, AL Qaeda, and many others, they have all been based in Qatar for years.

How can they be the safest when anyone can be detained easily, and justice is manipulated, such statements that have been indicated in the United Nations report that was issued on Qatar, whereby it mentions that the justice system in Qatar is corrupted.#1

Furthermore, FIFA’s authorities claimed that Qatar’s officials have gone a long way to change and that they have indeed applied these changes in the State, from the change of the “Kafala” system, which is baseless as they have removed the Kafala but replaced it with “Travel Bans”, which is easily applied by the sponsor through a convenient app on their mobile phones, with a touch of a screen, these unfortunate migrants can be prevented to leave the country, and also conveniently enough in the app known as “Metrash2”, there is several other options, such as cancelling their work permit, deporting them, or even request for an arrest whereby the sponsor can claim that the migrant has absconded, which will promptly initiate a search by local police who will immediately detain the migrant and then they are enforced to sign off a testimony acknowledging all claims against them in return of allowing them to leave the country.

Such process is not a change, rather it is a deceitful process of hypocrisy, deceiving the world in believing that they have changed, yet they have manipulated other ways of injustice.

Claiming also that these migrants are being paid on time, as the authorities have initiated a “Workers Payment Scheme”, which is yet another process that has been exploited to their benefits, whereby every company’s accountant retains all the pay cards of these migrants, depositing the salaries in the allocated accounts of these migrants and using the pay cards to collect back the funds to the company, leaving these migrants unpaid for months.

 Further claims by FIFA’s authorities that they are banning Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Kenya from FIFA, as these countries organizations and clubs have been interfered, run and influenced by government officials.

A hypocritical statement as they fail to recognize that all Qatar’s sports clubs, associations, and organizations are all influenced, run and manifested by Qatar’s government officials, they control all these processes and also imposed their control over the media coverage and acquired international football clubs like PSG.

PSG’s chairman is a government employee, who was living on a salary and suddenly is one of the richest individuals with a net worth of US$ 8 Billion, how did he attain such wealth so fast, seems to be not in FIFA’s interests.

How did they control BeIN, and how has this entity recorded losses of over US$ 3 Billion over the past 5 years, is also not in FIFA’s interests?

How they have influenced many authorities around the world by offering bribes, through gifting and real estate, also seems to be a matter that is not in FIFA’s interests!

It is truly a Shame as she said that many may not be able to enjoy the FIFA hosting this year, fearing their lives, fearing the lives of migrants and not being able to expose the truth on time.

In the past few years, Qatar’s officials have committed several atrocities


    • From the imposed human rights violations against migrants

    • To the exiling of their own citizens

    • Detaining of their own family members

    • Preventing citizens from engaging in a democratic vote

    • Detaining journalist for exposing the truth

    • Strip searching women at the airport who are not even residents or visitors of Qatar, who were just the wrong individuals in the wrong place, at the wrong time

    • Preventing dozens of parents to attain justice against individuals who caused their children to be engulfed in a fire at the infamous “Villaggio Mall”, as it is owned by Sheikha Mozah’s son,

    • Engaged in sponsoring terror against their neighbouring countries

    • And many more atrocities that has affected and impacted lives of millions in Qatar and around the world

“Lastly, we appreciate your time in reading this letter, and hope that you may persist in your search for the truth, and The Council are readily available to share all necessary information that may assist you in unveiling the truth to the world once and for all.” Said the Althani Council.

Why would anyone in their right mind, visit a country that is under threat of being attacked, a country that has violated human rights, a country that is leaded by kleptocrats who have exploited the State’s wealth and resources, a country that supports and harbours all terrorists and extremists’ groups, whereby their leaders are safely protected in Qatar and they are leading the terror against the world from Qatar.


    • UK announces RAF and Royal Navy support to Qatar World Cup 2022

To all Human Rights advocate, to all human with conscience, protect yourselves, protect others and advocate for the rights of the oppressed, and stand against the oppressors.

May Allah bless you with:


    • Strength for every battle,

    • Wisdom for every decision,

    • Peace for every difficult situation,

Facts of Qatar’s modernized Slavery and Oppression of Migrant Workers

This factual report is presented to the world to enlighten everyone’s perceptions on what is actually occurring in Qatar. With every statement Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family will reflect on in this report, they will provide the relevant evidence as documented by several prominent human rights organizations.

Furthermore, they are willingly able to provide everyone with the relevant evidences that these human rights violations are being imposed on millions of migrants. They have several witness statements from individuals who have suffered these ordeals and more from individuals who are still imposed and enforced to live in these sufferings.

They have several documented pictures and recorded videos depicting the ongoing human rights violations, illustrating how these migrants are being treated, tormented and what they are going through. Available evidence on how the WPS and Kafala reform system are nothing but a scam that was created to “legally” enslave millions of unfortunate migrants.

Every document, every evidence and every statement available to us depicts the lives of these migrant workers, on how they have left their countries indebted to Qatar’s corrupted authorities representative offices abroad and how they were entrapped in Qatar for years without pay and how their families are facing greater poverty and starvation because of these deprivation acts of human right, acts imposed by Sheikha Mozah and her accomplices, not only imposed on 2 Million migrant workers, but on far more, each of these migrants have children, wives, brothers, sisters, parents, and other relatives, all of them are affected by these destitutions imposed by Sheikha Mozah on them.

When did this modernized Slavery initiated?

Since 1995, when Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned enticed Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani to overthrow his own father Late Emir Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, whereby he manifested a coup against his father and prevented him from returning to his own country. During that period Sheikha Mozah has also exiled and denied the rights of over 6000 Qatari citizens,

whose only faults were that they supported their own Emir from being overthrown.

At that moment, Sheikha Mozah has been able to control the State and prevented any of its citizens to interfere in the process, some of which were detained, arbitrarily arrested and many of which were purposely induced with chronic illness whilst they were in detention.

Many advocates in Qatar that dared to face the adversity and take a stand against Sheikha Mozah and her corruptive circle of enticed authorities, where detained and at most time prevented to leave the country by placing travel bans on many citizens.

By enforcing their control over the state, Sheikha Mozah and her encounter have been able to manifest a process whereby all State’s projects are directly subcontracted to companies owned by Sheikha Mozah, her direct family, closest relatives and business associates.

These large number of companies have been provided with the privilege of obtaining governmental funded projects at very high prices, at time over 500% more than any comparable project around the world.

These projects are taken to enable these companies to enrich the selective individuals who are in direct control, and allowing them to exploit the state’s funds, wealth, and resources.

How were Migrant Labours in Qatar affected by such control?

That is the most important question that billions of people around the world are trying to understand;

  • How can one government take advantage of millions of migrant workers and why?
  • How can many prominent human rights organizations fail to have their message heard?
  • How can millions of migrant workers still unable to attain their basic rights?
  • How can thousands of foreign leaderships stand idle and turn a blind eye? 
  • How can Qatar’s corrupted authorities get away with the world’s greatest Ponzi Scheme ever?

Well, we will address each of these points and in hopes that everyone around the world will be able to grasp the concepts of what is being imposed in Qatar, and how for decades, Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted circle have been able to deceive the world and prevent them from seeing the truth. Such feeble façade that they have placed to distort the world’s attention away from their attempt to get away with billions of exploited funds, at the expense of their own citizens and at the high expense of unfortunate migrant workers who left their countries seeking opportunities to support their families.

Low-wage migrant workers have been forced to pay billions of dollars in recruitment fees to secure their jobs in World Cup host nation Qatar over the past decade.

Different nationalities have made their way into Qatar, seeking opportunity, and hoping they would be able to support their families back home.

Through an investigation carried out by a prominent news agency, they have found that Bangladeshi men migrating to Qatar are likely to have paid about $1.5bn (£1.14bn) in fees, and possibly as high as $2bn, between 2011 and 2020. Nepali men are estimated to have paid around $320m, and possibly more than $400m, in the four years between mid-2015 to mid-2019.

Migrants from Bangladesh and Nepal, who make up around a third of Qatar’s 2-million strong foreign workforce, typically pay fees of $3,000 to $4,000 and $1,000 to $1,500 respectively. This means that many low-wage workers from Bangladesh – who can earn as little as $275 a month – have to work for at least a year just to pay off their recruitment fees.

And these same recruitment agencies that have been present in all these countries are directly and indirectly owned by Sheikha Mozah and her encounter.

So, migrant workers not only have to work for nearly 1 to 2 years to pay off their recruitment agencies’ debt, but as well endure the agony and stress of not being paid at all during their entire recruited period, leaving these unfortunate migrants with no pay for a long period.

How can one government take advantage of millions of migrant workers and why?

As mentioned herein, the process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested enabled her to impose such control that enforced millions of migrant workers to succumb to her ways.

Sheikha Mozah has not only controlled all companies that are directly subcontracted to government projects, she has also imposed her control over Qatar’s Justice System, preventing judges and lawyers to rule fairly over any case that involves migrant workers, imposing prejudgments on every case before it makes its ways into Qatar courts. The United Nations has undergone several investigations and carried out an inspection to verify just how much Judges and Lawyers are coerced to changed their ruling and how is the justice system in Qatar compromised.

This report published by the United Nations is available in many languages and can be accessed by everyone

through the UN’s direct link pasted here above.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri is not just another name of a corrupted authorities that is involved in Sheikha Mozah’s circle of deception, he plays a larger role in enforcing Sheikha Mozah’s decisions against everyone, he was placed as the State’s attorney General for decades until he was ousted from his position because of so many complaints lodged against him in Switzerland, France, USA and other parts of the world, whereby these international complaints are still under investigation till this date for his acts of corruption, money laundering and terror financing.

So, the process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested to impose her control is clear but requires everyone to visualize it for what it is, but many may ask, why would Sheikha Mozah and her entire corrupted circle go through so much trouble to manifest such control and why impose such injustice on so many migrants.

Well, as always, the why is related to how much money they have made throughout these years by incorporating this process of injustice, and the total estimated value would shock the world as to how much funds were exploited from migrant workers alone, by not paying them their rights, these corrupted individuals stood to gain billions over the past decades.

Why and how does that add up to a large amount?

To exploit a large sum of money from migrant workers, they have placed them in labour camp rooms, low standards of living conditions, costing them only $ 250 per room per month and these rooms are crowded with at least 8 individuals in a single room, with minimum living space, resulting in a very low cost of $31 per individual per month, that is almost $1 per day per person.

Whereas if they are to comply to International Standards of Living Conditions, it would cost them at least $ 684 per room per month, and 4 individuals can only be placed in 1 room, providing enough space for everyone, with proper bathrooms, internet, change of duvet sheets every 6 months, proper house cleaning, pesticide controls, and properly air-conditioned, costing appx. $ 171 per individual per month.

Such process enabled Sheikha Mozah and her partners to save in cost over $140 per migrant worker per month, that is exploiting over 90% of the normal standard cost of human living conditions.

That is not all, Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted circle were still bold enough to exploit more out of these migrants:

  • Labours are given $ 55 per month as food allowance, not enough to purchase proper food and to maintain their health, mostly they are able to purchase rice and some low-quality food on that budget.
  • Whereas to obtain proper food quality and to eat a well-balanced diet such would cost not less than $ 5.5 per day for 3 meals for 1 individual, per month at an average of $ 165 for a healthy balanced diet.
  • Another exploited gain of $ (110.00)
  • And more, and more, whereas they are not providing the labours with gyms, in-house clinics, recreational areas or any other facilities that would allow them to maintain the mental and physical health, currently costing them nothing.
  • And if they had to provide proper gyms, in-house clinics, recreational areas and lounges where migrant workers can engage in enhancing their mental and physical health, it would cost them at least an average of $40 per individual

Another exploited gain of $40 per individual per month,

Let’s add them up, that is $ 140 saving on accommodation, $110 saving on food quality, and $ 40 for mental and physical health.

So that is your $ 290 per individual per month, times that by the size of the workforce of appx 2 million individuals, you get over half a billion of saving per month, that is over US$ 7 billion per year, times that over 12 years, you got your number, a total of 85 billion US Dollars at least, that is not taking into consideration that all these migrant workers have been underpaid and their salaries are the lowest in years, with an average of 87% of migrant workers obtaining less salary value below the minimum wages as publicly announced by Qatar’s corrupted authorities themselves and published by the International Labour Organization.

A non-discriminatory minimum wage came into force in March 2021, and 280,000 workers, or 13% of the workforce, saw their basic wage rise. The law includes minimum thresholds for basic wage, food and accommodation, totalling QR 1,800 or USD 500.

In addition, a Minimum Wage Commission was established to monitor its impact.

Which results in over 87% of migrant workers being underpaid below the minimum wage threshold, with a value of a minimum of $ 120 per migrant workers less of their minimum wage, resulting in over US$ 240 Million of less wages paid per month, well over US$ 2.9 Billion for each year they are underpaid, for over 12 years that equates to over US$ 34 Billion of exploited funds from these unfortunate migrants.

This is how a total profit of 120 billion US Dollars is generated for not complying to international standards of living and working environment and is such amount enough to convince the world as to why Sheikha Mozah and her entire corrupted circle have been manifesting over the years, that is apart from the funds they have been exploiting from the State of Qatar.

How can many prominent human rights organizations fail to have their message heard?

Qatar’s corrupted authorities, and specifically through Sheikha Mozah’s and Ali Bin Fetais engagement with the United Nations, they have been able to infiltrate the ranks of the world’s largest Human Rights Organization, enticing its authorities to turn a blind eye on many human rights violations carried out in Qatar, for a fee that is being paid as contributions towards United Nations programs, which the total amount of contribution paid by Sheikha Mozah to the UN is less than 0.08% of the total US$ 120 Billion that they have extorted from the migrant workers.

Although the UN has published many reports indicating Qatar’s human rights violations, they were all swept under the rug and forgotten about, some of these reports are mentioned in the following links;–en/index.htm#:~:text=A%20non%2Ddiscriminatory%20minimum%20wage,QR%201%2C800%20or%20USD%20500.

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare ( )
  4. Harbouring of terrorists( )
  5. Financing of terrorists( )
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants
    ( )
  7. Slavery and human trafficking( )
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world ( )
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities(
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State( )
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (

How can millions of migrant workers still unable to attain their basic rights?

Migrant workers have not been able to attain their rights because the process that has been manifested has rendered them cornered into a position that prevents them from being able to move, voice or even object to any act that is being imposed on them.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities have carried out the following processes to ensure that these migrant workers are not able to raise their voices effectively;

  • By controlling the Justice system in Qatar, prevent Judges and Lawyers to do anything that defies their orders.
  • By owning all companies that employ these migrant workers.
  • By controlling all their respective Embassies representatives that have been enticed with gifts, positions, and financial favours.
  • By preventing organization like the UN to impose restrictions on them.
  • By initiating and contributing towards the International Labour Organization, UN offices and many organizations that have been financially enticed to look the other way.

How can thousands of foreign leaderships stand idle and turn a blind eye? 

Many around the world have tried to uncover this unjust process that Sheikha Mozah has manifested, but some have been financially enticed and others are facing difficulties to prove otherwise.

Many journalists and human rights activists have tried to expose the truth, but at every moment they are prevented to leave the country with the relevant evidences that would prove the manifested human rights violations, as what happened to the Norwegian journalists who were detained for hours and later released after erasing and confiscating all their photographic records.

Whilst others were presented with several reformed laws and regulations that indicates that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have changed their ways and are starting to provide the migrant workers with their rights. But the world has been deceived once more, as all the reforms that they have claimed to have served the purpose of presenting these migrants with further rights, these illusive reforms actually constrained them even more.

Some of these major reforms and laws, like abolishing of the “Kafala” system, was replaced with travel ban, whereby the Kafala system previously prevented the migrant workers from exiting the country unless their sponsor would allow them, it was replaced with travel bans which alternatively also requires their sponsor to submit an online request permitting a migrant worker to exit the country.

As to the other infamous process known as WPS (Wage Protection Scheme), this process was implanted for the reason of assuring that the migrant workers are going to be paid on time without fault and to serve as proof that the migrant workers are being timely paid. Little did everyone know that this system served as a way for Sheikha Mozah and her corrupted authorities to legally exploit millions of migrant workers.

Whereby the WPS requires that bank account be issued for every single migrant worker and that each account is provided with a debit card, upon which each company that employs any migrant workers is required to make timely transfers to the respective accounts. But the issued debit cards were never released to the migrant workers, rather it was released to the company’s accountants, who are required to deposit the salaries into all workers account, and withdraw all the transferred funds back into the company by using the confiscated debit cards.

Hence, this WPS system only served positively towards the corrupted companies and provided them with a legal way not to pay their labours. In such instance when a migrant labour comes forward to complain that they have not received their salaries, the companies provide evidence that there have been monthly transfers made into these migrant workers respective accounts, which were signed and named for each worker, but they do not have access to the debit cards at all.

How can Qatar’s corrupted authorities get away with the world’s greatest Ponzi Scheme ever?

FIFA 2022 Hosting is just moments away, and Qatar’s corrupted authorities admitted that there are many migrant workers who were left with unpaid salaries and they have acknowledged to pay less than a billion USD as compensation, which is nothing relative to the US$ 120 billion they have amassed over the past 12 years, and still these migrant workers have not been paid till date. That is also apart the thousands of migrant workers, who have died during that period, whereby publicly everyone talks about 6500 deaths, but that number is a fraction of the actual number of deaths that have been indicated as natural death due to other chronic diseases, to mask the truth and to prevent a world outburst against them.

Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and their corrupted circleof enticed authorities believe that they are able to pull out one of the world’s greatest Ponzi schemes, by misleading the world with baseless reforms and by financially enticing world’s authorities.

It is up to every one of us to decide, to we allow these corrupted minds to take advantage of so many million unfortunate people, or do we take a stand now before they get away with their heinous crimes.

To all Human Rights advocate, to all human with conscience, protect yourselves, protect others and advocate for the rights of the oppressed, and stand against the oppressors.

The worst of all deceptions is self-deception. Let us not deceive ourselves and expose the whole truth as it is, no matter what the consequences.

Evidence of Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ intrusion in Europe

In the past few years, every detail we have outlined in our past correspondences has been gradually realized and until this day it is still progressing at a higher pace and will inflict negatively on European countries very soon.

We, Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represented by Qatari Citizens, are striving to expose the corrupted authorities that have imposed their unjust ruling on the State of Qatar.

These corrupted authorities have exploited the wealth and resources of our country to advance their personal agendas and have expensed billions towards inflicting chaos around the world.

In the wake of bribery allegations that have engulfed Brussels and how Qatar’s corrupted authorities have enticed several members of Parliament at all its levels, to advance their affairs, we have noted through our several correspondences to all European Leadership on how such is being manifested.

Accordingly, we are hereby ready and willing to share with all European Leadership the necessary information and evidence on how these corrupted authorities are infusing their interference within the European Parliament and what tools are being exploited to attain such manifested process.

We are ready to share information about companies and investments that are based throughout the European countries and how these financial vehicles are being exploited to facilitate bribes to European officials.

A comprehensive list of all entities, organizations, companies, investment firms and their corresponding aliases, with their locations, registrations and registered owners who at most times are just fronts exploited to manifest these briberies.

Additional statements will be provided on how Qatar’s corrupted authorities are exploiting these processes through engagement of their own ambassadors in Europe, through their national airline Qatar Airways, through media agency Al Jazeera and many other processes that are all designed and initiated to facilitate their processes of enticing officials throughout Europe and also to financially support several radicalized extremists that are dormant in Europe, awaiting the instructions to inflict chaos within Belgium.

This comprehensive information can be directly provided to every European country, but we would require an official email to submit these documents to reliable personnel entrusted within each of Belgium, to assure that this information only reach the concerned personnel who will truly take the necessary actions to uncover the malicious plan imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities.

As mentioned herein above, for the past few years we have alerted every Leader of what has been realized today, and we have warned of the consequences of such acts imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities. Hence, the choice still remains with every Leader, either to act upon what we are stating or wait and realize the after effect of these intrusion and its impact on your political structure.

“European Authorities should note that Qatar’s corrupted authorities not only gains from enticing your members of parliaments, ministries or even political parties, they gain much more by creating doubt in your systems and inflict chaos in your organizations, which inevitably weakness your political systems from within, rendering you vulnerable to further intrusions.”

“Therefore, if you are truly determined to stop their intrusion and the inflicted chaos, they have been establishing against you for decades, we are willing to assist you in assuring that such manifested acts are bought to an end once and for all.” The Althani Council Said.

“Citizens of Qatar have always been peaceful individuals, embraced citizens of every country, we do not seek to leave our children with enemies throughout the world, we wish for them to inherit our good deeds and our good relations with every nation across the globe, that is why we are determined to expel these corrupted authorities from our country and hold them accountable for every injustice they have imposed and by extending every possible assistance to all other countries to protect them from these malicious intentions.

Conclusively, if you would wish to obtain further information that will facilitate your investigations, we are ready to submit these documents only to reliable authorities that shall be appointed by yourselves.”

The head of Belgium was once more addressed by the Althani Council.