Do you want to know who is behind all these planned malicious events?

Do you want to know why every European country are facing so many adversities in the past few months?


Do you want to know who is behind all these planned malicious events?


Who is responsible for the terror attacks in Europe and also in countries around the world where European interests is?


What is happening, who is behind it, how they are able to undermine the western world to such extent?


Well, if you are interested, just read through these few lines and you will discover the snake that has been roaming in your own communities, controlling your interests from within your own countries and destroying your interests in foreign land.


Qatar’s corrupted authorities, leaded by Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, have presented themselves has mediators in every single conflict that has been exposed in the entire region, and at every moment they are the frontrunners in communicating with the oppositions of these countries, in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Tchad, Yemen, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Somalia and now even Niger, at every corner of the outburst of terror, they are lurking around these confrontations that have been taking place in those country.

These countries that are inflicted with war and chaos are affecting the European communities in multiple facets, first by imposing citizens of these war torn countries to flee their own country in refuge of a more peaceful country, whereby they are all directed to Europe, and for the past decades, the amount of refugees that have been imposed on Europe is an increasingly high number, whereby at the very same moment, Qatar who claims to be the mediators of these wars, have not taken in one single refugee, rather they have taken in only leaders of the oppositions, who are the individuals who caused these wars in the first instance.

Hypocrisy in the process indeed, whereby Mozah’s gangs are financing the opposition, causing conflict in these countries, protecting the oppositions and burdening Europe with millions of refugees.

Unfortunately, that is not the only impact that Mozah has achieved by supporting these terror groups, she has been able to undermine the interest of every single European country in Africa and Middle East. Enforcing European allies to flee these countries and making room for Chinese and Russian investors, who are sweeping the interests of European countries in those regions.

Not forgetting that Qatar has also great financial interests in all major companies in Russia and China and the number one contributor to Iran’s regime.

If European would recall the past and remember how African nations were looking up to them and how they were extremely depended on European and how the Middle East was just as in compliance to European norms, and look now how your presence in these countries are being diminished day after day, and how you are being swept away from these countries and your interests are being snatched out of your hands willingly .

It is extremely obvious that the only individuals behind all the chaos that have unveiled in all these countries are none other than the inflicted terror financing initiated by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited the following organizations to expedite the process of destruction.

Through Qatar Charity, Qatar Development Fund, Education Above All and many other organizations, who are masked behind charitable organizations, are actually organizations that are pouring terror financing into these countries, supporting any opposition to propagate the conflict in these regions.

Mozah has imposed on every country its mediating process, which only intensified the conflict between oppositions in those countries, her role was to actually spill flammables into a raging fire, her so-called mediation was nothing other than a ruse to increase the conflict, a reason to get closer to both parties, to entice them against each other. Mozah two faced approach is similarly like the devil enticement .

But what is the main directives from supporting terror in those countries and what do they stand to gain from all these destructions?

Simply, they are war profiteers and they inflict these wars in those regions to promote weapons trade, and everyone knows who stands to gain more from selling arms in the region, it is none other than the US, Russia, China and Iran, whereby Mozah and her corrupted individuals are agent that are facilitating these wars.

The other gain from these destructive acts is the disturbance that these wars and conflicts is causing to the western world, the greater the pressure in these countries, the faster the migration of refugees into Europe, the greater the pressure on their governments, which will lead to the inevitable failure of these governments, similarly like United Kingdom and France, whereby they are currently battling the difficulties of surviving the impact of illegal refugees into their countries, costing their governments billions of dollars a month and whereby eventually these refugees will turn to terror as they have not been provided with many alternatives.

Their manifested process is like diverting flow of a river downstream to a village of people, to cause their village to drown, and by diverting refugees to Europe, their governments and cities will soon be drowned with the millions of refugees that are awaiting the basic needs of life.

So the only solution for the western world is to promptly seize the funding source of these kleptocrats and by restricting their fundings, you shall succeed in controlling them, but without that, you shall always be the victims of a conspiracy that will target your countries.

With every pressure made against Mozah and all her accomplices, and if you expose them for their corruption, you will be able to restrict the flow of funding that is being poured towards these oppositions, which in turn will reduce the intensity of wars and restore peace in those nations, alternatively reducing refugee’s outburst and the impact these oppositions have on Europeans interests.

The choice is with the citizens of all western world, not your politicians, as they and the entire UN organizations are on the payroll of the highest bidders, and as every one may already know Mozah, she is willing to expense unlimited funds to reach her plan, but this time by allowing her to do so is going to be the end of many European Nations.



What are these organizations?

Names of organizations supposedly created to promote anti-corruption practices, but they are simply organizations that are shielding the corrupted.

Who is behind these organizations?

Basically, when corrupted agents and authorities of any country are being exposed for their corruptive practices, they seek to establish organizations that would promote them as legitimate individuals, similarly when a scammer is portraying himself an individual of interest to delude the other party of his true acts.

What are their directives?

To engage with many other organizations, anti-corruption advocates, human rights activists and many others.

To entice them financially and engage them in publishing articles that portrays their organizations as anti-corruption promoters.

But their true directives are to delude the public, divert their perception away from their true act of deception.

Why have they been established?

Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, along with her corrupted agents such as Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and dozen other corrupted authorities have expensed millions into such organizations to divert the world’s attention away from the billions they have been scamming from helpless migrants and from citizens of the State of Qatar.  


The corrupted cannot be allowed to exploit such platforms of anti-corruption practices.

They should be prevented in establishing such organizations that deceives the public.

They should be prohibited to present in any international forum or conferences.


If corrupted individuals are allowed to exploit such platforms, they are allowed to scam the world, permitted to steal and use part of their luted funds to present themselves as advocates of anti-corruption when they are dipped into a cesspool of corruption.


The world cannot permit such individuals to even have presence in the media as they will affect public’s perception on what anti-corruption practices truly are, and when everyone else is trying to fight corruption, they are placing themselves on top of the pyramid and presenting awards and financial handouts to entice everyone.

Where is the anti-corruption practice and integrity in all these processes.

When individuals like Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned who is very well known to have funded the Talibans to destroy Afghanistan, or funded the militias in Libya to create a dissolution in the country, or supported ISIS, Al Qaeda and Daesh in destroying Syria and exiling millions of refugees into western countries.

Supported enemies of the west, supported terror, promoted radicalization and used the world’s platform to carry out all these acts, and the world is standing by watching.

Keep on watching, and you shall soon visualize how all these acts will manifest even further.

Or take a step towards fighting corruption, by starting to eliminate the most corrupted.

How can Kuwait award corruption

Qatar’s Public Prosecution has recently been awarded the “H H Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award” in its 22nd session for its excellence in the digital transformation sector in the area of its operation.

Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait H H Sheikh Mishaal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah personally handed over the award to Attorney General H E Dr. Issa bin Saad Al Jafali Al Nuaimi in the ceremony at Bayan Palace in the State of Kuwait.

The Public Prosecution received this award in recognition of its excellence in digital transformation in the judiciary field, providing modern electronic service, which enhances the efficiency of the Public Prosecution in carrying out its competencies and speeding up judicial procedures, and achieving criminal justice in the country, in accordance with Qatar National Vision 2030. prosecution-wins-h-h-sheikh-salem-al-ali-al-sabah-informatics- award

But this award was handed to the wrong individuals, as Qatar’s Public Prosecution is far from being a system that adopts excellence in its digital process as Qatar’s Public Prosecution main website does not even function at all and is not accessible to the public.

The award also reflected on additional criteria’s that supposedly were achieved by Qatar’s Public Prosecution in carrying out its competencies and speeding up judicial procedures, and achieving criminal justice in the country.

Such criteria were never accomplished by Qatar’s Public Prosecutions, as the UNITED NATIONS have issued a report outlining how the justice system in Qatar has been compromised, how judges and lawyers are being pressured and enticed to change the judgments and how the justice  system is monopolized and controlled by high-net worth individuals in Qatar.

The United Nations of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers in Qatar by Gabriela Knaul is readily accessible to everyone and the report is available in multiple languages.

Some of the comments made by the Special Rapporteur were shocking but not surprising as the Public Prosecution in Qatar is known to be a privatized organization led by Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, who exploited such governmental organization to advance her personal benefit and to hide under the structure of the law by imposing pressure on nationals and residents.

76. The Special Rapporteur was concerned to receive information according to which the prosecution services were influenced by high-level persons or powerful For this reason, a clear distinction must be drawn between public and State interests. Acting on behalf of the public interest should not be confused with protecting the interests of the Government or any other State institution.

77.The Special Rapporteur was also particularly concerned to hear allegations about the complicity of prosecution services in the fabrication of facts or tempering of evidence in certain cases. The prosecution office also seems to have complete discretion when it comes to the cases it takes up or not. This has led to irrational instances where the prosecution was pursued even when the evidence pointed to the fact that no crime had been committed. The Special Rapporteur is further troubled by the reported lack of judicial oversight of the work of Judicial oversight is important to ensure the legality of the actions of the prosecution, whether during the investigative or trial phases. Finally, the Special Rapporteur must underline the absence of clear guidelines of procedure and of a written code of conduct or ethics as a serious deficit, which may jeopardize the impartiality and independence of prosecutors, as well as the quality and consistency of their work.


Transparency International report has also exposed their corruption.

An overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Qatar (report by “Transparency International – Germany report attached)

It is believed to be fairly common for high-ranking Qatari officials to have private financial interests related to various commercial activities (BTI 2018). The Al Thani family, for instance, have extensive business ties and is engaged in a range of ventures (Khatib 2014).

Recent years have seen a number of scandals in the small country, illustrating the close intersection between political and economic interests. In 2018, for instance, a French magazine exposed a significant amount of unexplained wealth held by Qatar’s attorney general, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who also serves as the chair of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center. Al Marri owns a series of luxury estates in Paris, Geneva and other places in Europe that cannot be explained by his official salary (Gulf News 2018).

Therefore, the main question that remains to be asked is by Kuwait’s citizens, on how can their officials award a corrupted system of being worthy enough to even obtain “H H Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award”, when such individuals are proven to be corrupt and exploiters of justice system.

The negative effect in this approach is that the Kuwaiti government is being infiltrated when they recognize a system like Qatar’s Public Prosecution, as such system failed the Qatari citizens, it will surely not provide any benefit to the Kuwaiti citizens, rather it will destroy their justice system, which for decades is known to have superseded Qatar’s Justice System.


But what the Kuwaiti government may not know yet, is that Qatar’s Public Prosecution approach towards the Kuwaiti Justice system is not for exchanging knowledge and experiences, rather it is to entice the Kuwaiti Judges to pass on judgements that favours Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned’s interests in Kuwait. They perceive that whatever they have been able to enforce on judges in Qatar can just as well work in Kuwait.

Although such approach may not be practical and many may believe that it is a bit of a stretch of reality, they should ask themselves first why there has recently been many changes within the Kuwaiti Justice system and who caused this wave of changes and how these changes are directly imposing challenges even in the Kuwaiti Political environment.

Kuwait should be very cautious on how Qatar’s Public Prosecution are manifesting their approach towards the Kuwait Justice system, it’s like a virus, when it penetrates the system, it corrupts everything in its way.

How To Create Fake Harmless Virus Using Notepad (2022).

The only logical advice to the Kuwaitis is to get rid of the virus as soon as possible before it causes more irreparable damages.

Recruitment 2020 Movement – The Why – To Kill the Proverbial Millennial Virus.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities indirect threat to Europe

Qatar corrupted authorities warned that European governments’ energy-transition policies will discourage investment in fossil fuels and lead to scarcities of natural gas in the coming decade, including in Europe.


“There’s going to be a big shortage in gas in the future, predominantly because of the energy-transition push that we’d say is very aggressive,” Saad al-Kaabi, Qatar’s energy minister, said at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on Tuesday. “Economic stability and environmental responsibility are not mutually exclusive. You have to have both.”

He went on in saying the “worst is yet to come” for Europe’s oil and gas shortages, saying a warm winter had prevented greater difficulties in recent months.


“The only thing that saved humanity and Europe this year was a warm winter, and the slowdown in the economy,” Qatari Energy Minister Saad Al-Kaabi told the Qatar Economic Forum.


“If the economy starts churning back up in (2024) and you have just a regular winter, I think the worst is yet to come.”

So Qatar’s Energy Minister seems to have more knowledge then the entire European community and seems to be well versed in meteorology, but what the European world may not know is that the Energy Minister’s statement are not based from knowledge, but actually from a devious plan that will be unleashed on European communities in the next few months.


The plan is to take control over as many technological companies and to assure that their progress is derailed and that the so called European shift to alternative energy will be a total bust.

How will they carry out such plan, simple, buy out or entice technological companies and AI firms to sell shares and control to them and to provide them with all the insight to enable them to determine the weakest point in such technologies and capitalize on that .

The plan has already initiated in the recent weeks with Qatar’s immediate push in financing one of UK’s largest AI firm.


A London-based artificial intelligence firm has announced a $250m cash injection led by the Qatari sovereign wealth fund today as investors rush to capitalise on a boom in AI technology. sovereign-wealth-fund/

Qatar Wealth Fund Invests in Celonis at $13 Billion Valuation.


Celonis, a software company based in Munich and New York, secured $1 billion in funding from backers including the Qatar Investment Authority to build out its business selling software that helps companies make their operations more efficient. valuation


Targeting technological platforms is not the only approach to assure that the European’s effort to shift to alternative energy is derailed, they are also adopting the approach of buying shares from companies that are developing these alternative energy solutions, to control their processes and to make these solutions unreachable.


For centuries now, many corrupted individuals have sought to advance their own benefits above the benefit of humanity, these individuals have destroyed the environment to increase their wealth, they have killed millions of humans to infuse their ways through wars and crimes against humanity and for decades they have derailed positive changes as it does not yield any benefit to them.


Their egoistic approach have led to many disaster and have caused many countries to be dependent on them, and when time has come to free humanity from their shackles, they have resorted to everything and anything to assure that their ways are imposed for as long as possible.


The shame in all this is that every European Leaders already are aware of these approaches and the impact it will have on the progress everyone is longing for, then why isn’t anyone trying to stop them, is it because money blinds the eye or is it fear of facing these corrupted individuals.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities’ true plans for the world economic forum and all its partners

For years now, Qatar’s corrupted officials have manifested a program that is designed to bring chaos to the world, such program that is infused with extremism, terrorism, and trepidation.
To control the world through creation of fear in the hearts of citizens around the world, such terror that is designed to entangle every citizen of the world to submit to their ways.
For that, we ask of all conscious partners of the WEF to take a moment of your time to read this letter, which shall outline to you all as to how, who, where, why, when and what has been demonstrated by these corrupted officials in control over the affairs of the State of Qatar.
Important information included in this letter may be detrimental to many countries if prompt actions are not taken to mitigate the negative factors that may derive from it.
A devious process that they have been cultivating throughout the world as how to impose their inferior actions.
They have deceived most of the countries around the world into believing that they are keen on investing in most European countries as to strengthen the bilateral relations between each of these countries and Qatar, whereby they have invested Billions of Euros into several businesses, infrastructure, stock markets, prestigious projects and not to forget their investment towards Islamic schools, mosques and cultural centers of which they have been exposed of through the recent aired program released by ARTE.

(Herein for your furtherreview

These investments that rendered most of the World to fall into deep well that they are unable to escape from, such dilemma that rendered these nations unable to take the corrective actions against these corrupted individuals as they fear the consequences that may impact their nations. Such consequences that may come as a financial distress on their nation as these corrupted Qatar investments have entrenched into their economical backbone and any intentional move by these corrupted individuals would result into a financial crisis within these nations.

The other impact that most of these Nations may also be impacted on is the involvement of these extreme investments in the Islamic communities within Europe and the World, whereby these corrupted individuals have invested tremendous funds to enable them to radicalize the entire Islamic communities in Europe and the world into submitting to their ideology.

Although they have failed several times, but they are persisting to impose such control.


Since the inception of these corrupted individuals, going back to 1995, when Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani overthrew his own father, an act that is frowned upon not only by Muslim communities, but by all religion and race. Any individual that is willing to overthrow his own paternal relation will not have any remorse for anyone else. Such act that was instigated by one person that has been in control of the entire operation that was carried out and Sheikh Hamad was merely the tool that was utilized to seal the coup. 


Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, an individual that has for long manipulated the authorities in the state to submit to her wishes, to enrich herself by crowning herself as first lady of the state and by controlling the rule through her husband and recently through her son, the current Emir. Sheikha Mozah’s hatred has not been limited to Qatar’s rule only, as she was for long attempted several trials to rid of all Arab leaders in the entire Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and throughout the world. She has attempted several processes of intrusion into many countries, from Syria, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and many more.
Whereas all these countries in the region were used to expel as many refugees as possible into the European Nations and the World, whereby they will be radicalized into an army of disciples that will follow her every command.
Their plan is mainly targeted at European nations, as it was uncovered by the recent aired program by ARTE, these individuals have entrenched their beliefs into an ideology that has manipulated the words and sayings of Islam and deceiving Islamic communities to foster their corrupted ideology.
Such words and sayings known as “hadith” that have been purposely manipulated by Qaradawi as shown in the documentary when he stated: “Islam Shall conquer Rome” and what is referred to as Rome in this saying is that it represents Europe, which alternatively means that Islam shall regain once again its influence over Europe, and that he foresees that such conquering shall be realized very soon but it would require of the Islamic communities to take actions forward to achieve this conquering approach”.
Such biased statement based on misinterpretation of his own definition that serves his purpose of increase the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood around the world, which is yet again another attempt by Qaradawi and his conspiring group of extremists, using Islam’s sacred pillars, the Prophet’s sayings, and the verses in the Quran to serve their treacherous ideologies.
These corrupted souls are deceiving all communities and turning them against each other, using their beliefs

These corrupted souls are deceiving all communities and turning them against each other, using their beliefs and manipulating their meanings, all in the purpose that serves their agenda.
Their infamous plan of destruction has been extended by reaching most European countries and hence subjecting these nations to their control as mentioned herein, one being economical control over the affairs of these nations and the other through the control of the Islamic communities in these countries.
In Germany, for instance, Qatar has invested in the last 30 years more than €20 billion ($23.8) in companies such as Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Hochtief and SolarWorld.
In 2011, QIA bought Paris Saint Germain, one of France’s long-established teams, and invested millions of euros in the team, including transfer of David Beckham.

The QIA also acquired Italian luxury brand Valentino Fashion Group SpA for about €700 million ($834.3) through an investment company called Mayhoola for Investments.
Qatar’s investments in the UK total more than £40 billion ($53.3 billion). These include the HSBC tower, the Shard skyscraper, the Olympic Village, the Harrods store, the Savoy Hotel, the Ritz, and its shares in the Canary Wharf region where the financial sector is located.
In the UK, QIA owns 22% of Sainsbury, one of the country’s major supermarket chains, and 20% of London Heathrow airport. Qatar Airways also holds 20% of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A, which is the owner of British Airways.
QIA is among the largest shareholders of the London Stock Exchange with 10.3% and owns a 5.9% stake in Barclays, which is one of the biggest banks in the UK.
Qatar holds €32bn foreign investment stock in European Union.

Alternative finance is also related to several millions paid by these corrupted individuals to the United Nations, whereby they even boldly claim of paying over 500 million Euros to several programs adopted by the UN and such financing is against a higher price, the price of turning a blind eye on their actions globally.

All these investments have been established in Europe to provide them with profitable return on investments that are alternatively used to radicalize and finance individuals within these European countries, turning them into extremists that will be mobilized against the European countries.

Similarly what they have recently practiced with Belarus, whereby they have undergone several secret meetings with Belarus leadership, convincing them to use similar approach with the European nations to enforce them to submit to their demand, whereby they are expediting the process of infusing even more refugees into the European countries, which will alternatively result in even more disciples that will be ready to serve their purpose, as these corrupted Qatar officials will embrace these refugees within Europe and depict themselves as the savior of the situation as they have done in Afghanistan.

They have supported the Talibans for years, provided them with a haven and allowed them to voice their words through the state-owned news channel Al Jazeera, supported the Talibans to overthrow the rightful leadership in Afghanistan, and then depicted themselves as the country that came to the rescue of the Afghanistan people, displacing them and yet supporting their oppressors.

A hypocritical approach that has been deployed by these corrupted individuals’ years after year and still the world is unable to unmask them as they fear the consequences on their own country.



That is the most important question of all, when will they strike hard at the European Nations, basically at their weakest moment, when they would have outgrown and expanded their base within these European nations, by radicalizing as many disciples as possible, by entrenching their corrupted ways into the society that holds these nations together, by fuelling hatred and confusion within their communities and tactically by inducing fear in the hearts of the citizens, whereby fear is their most influential weapon of all, as only through fear are they able to grow larger and faster.

If all conscious leaders of the European Nations and the World would for a moment, compose the factual links of every act that has been unveiling in Europe for the past decades, you will realize the larger picture. Only by joining these puzzled pieces, scattered all around Europe, by joining them, you shall realize the culprit behind all these acts of terrorism, extremism, and oppression.

 From the recent crisis in Belarus and Poland, from the killing of the MP’s in the United Kingdom, from the terrorist activities of bombing of cars in public areas, and the destruction that has been impounded on European countries for the past decades, whereby most extremism and terrorism actions derived from the acts of terrorists financed and supported by these corrupted State officials in control over the State of Qatar.

What needs to be accomplished is to objectively realize the factors that are impending such risks and what needs to be executed to eliminate them.

The above list of terror attacks that have been acted in several countries are standing as evidence to the augmented influence that these terror financiers have been able to impose on the European nations.
Are all these incidents a mere coincidence that have been unveiled with the increased control of these corrupted individuals in Europe?

Is it a happenstance that the terrorists’ activities have increased extensively from the date these corrupted individuals have taken control over the State of Qatar?

Is there no relationship between the increased investments by these parties in Europe and increased donations that they have been parting to several communities in Europe and in specific towards building Mosques, Islamic study centers and schools, that enables them to recruit, radicalize and prepare their transfused army of extremists within the borders of many European Countries?

Take a stand today, or to the least investigate the causal links between the investments that these corrupted state officials have established in Europe and in specific personal investments that have been acquired by companies owned by their close relatives.
These corrupted individuals have extended their base of control by acquiring assets of great interests and necessities to the European countries, assets that controls their economies and livelihood. Such control that they believe will assist them in imposing restrictions within each country’s political agenda, assuring their allegiance by coercion.

As long as conscious leaders still remain standing

with a noble heart to protect their own citizens, there will always be a way for good to triumph over evil.

The strength of democratic societies like most of the European Nations truly relies on their capacity to know how to stand firm against extremism while respecting justice in the means used to fight terrorism.

These corrupted individuals do not represent Islamic beliefs, they do not abide by them and they surely do not act by them, as ALLAH Almighty stated that “Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity…..Quran 5:32)

May ALLAH Almighty bestow his mercy upon all and may the guidance of ALLAH be with all















24–26 December 1994


Marignane near Marseille, France


Air France Flight 8969


3 (+ 4 attackers)




25 July–17 October 1995


Paris and Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France


1995 France bombings












Madrid, Spain

Madrid train bombings









 Amsterdam, Netherlands


Murder of Theo van Gogh








 London, United Kingdom

7 July 2005 London bombings


52 (+4 attackers)






Glasgow, United Kingdom

Glasgow Airport attack


0 (+1 attacker)






 Milan, Italy









 Stockholm, Sweden



2010 Stockholm bombings


0 (+1 attacker)






Frankfurt Airport, Germany


2011 Frankfurt Airport shooting






11–22 March 2012


 Toulouse and Montauban, France

Toulouse and Montauban shootings


7 (+1 attacker)






Sarcelles near Paris, France

Cannes-Torcy cell


0 (+1 attacker)






London, United Kingdom

Murder of Lee Rigby








La Défense, France

LLa Défense attack






















Brussels, Belgium

Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting











Joué-lès-Tours, France


2014 Tours police station stabbing


0 (+1attac)






Dijon, France


2014 Dijon attack









7–9 January 2015


Île-de-France, France


January 2015 Île-de-France attacks


 17 (+3attackers)   







Nice, France


2015 Nice stabbing






14–15 February 2015


 Copenhagen, Denmark

2015 Copenhagen shootings



2 (+1attacker)









Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France


Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack








Oignies, France

2015 Thalys train attack





3 (+1attacker)








What You Need to Know About the EU Corruption Scandal Involving Qatar and Morocco

Whether it’s going after shady Russian oligarchs or chiding governments for failing to tackle corruption, one of the European Union’s most potent weapons is its own record in fighting graft
closer to home. So it’s no surprise that the bloc’s critics are making the most of a bribery scandal at the European Parliament involving lurid revelations of suitcases stuffed with cash. The case centers on just a handful of people at the 705-member assembly, but could still undercut the EU’s soft power.

1. How did it begin?

In early 2021, Belgian police began to investigate possible
interference by a foreign government in the EU’s decision-making, acting on information from the country’s intelligence services, according to newspaper Le Soir. Police made more than 20 searches at homes and offices of European lawmakers and parliamentary assistants in Brussels — the country’s capital and the heart of EU decision making — and in Italy, seizing about €1.5 million euros in cash. In December, they arrested four suspects, including Greek lawmaker and former newsreader Eva Kaili, her Italian partner Francesco Giorgi and Italian former European Parliament member Pier Antonio Panzeri, and charged them with being part of a criminal organization, money laundering and corruption. Kaili was stripped of her role as one of 14 vice presidents of the assembly.

2. What are they alleged to have done?

The case focuses on “a Gulf nation that’s suspected of having sought to influence economic and political decisions of the European Parliament,” according to a statement from Belgian prosecutors to Le Soir. They believe cash and other gifts were used to secure favors from people of influence in the legislature. Investigators were
focusing on Panzeri’s time as chair of a parliamentary human rights committee, when he worked with the government of Qatar, according to a statement to prosecutors by Giorgi and a former assistant to Panzeri cited by the paper. Both Qatar and Morocco were mentioned in documents related to the case. Police made a breakthrough in mid- January when Panzeri agreed to reveal details of the scheme, including who he bribed, in exchange for a reduced jail term. Kaili and the Qatar government denied wrongdoing. Former EU commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos also came under fire when it emerged that he’d accepted €60,000 for work carried out for a nonprofit founded by Panzeri.

3. Why is this significant for the EU?

Although it’s not as influential as the EU’s other main institutions — the European Commission and the European Council — the European Parliament is seen as a defender of ethical standards in the bloc, with a history of holding its other bodies to account. In the late 1990s, the parliament forced the commission’s entire political leadership to quit over alleged fraud and corruption involving a French commissioner, Edith Cresson. The legislature has intervened in other appointments to the EU executive since then.

4. What are the EU’s critics saying?

Britain’s right-wing press leapt on the latest scandal as proof that the country was right to quit the bloc. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban suggested the European Parliament was guilty of double-standards in calling out his government for cronyism. French hardline nationalist leader Marine Le Pen, who in the past campaigned for her country to quit the EU, hit out at “all these corrupt people who are supposedly in the ‘camp of the good.’”

5. What’s the European Parliament doing about it?

The assembly’s leadership stripped a Belgian and an Italian lawmaker of their immunity from prosecution in early February as local authorities continued their investigation. The parliament’s president, Roberta Metsola, called for a probe into the funding of lobby groups, improved protections for whistleblowers and more scrutiny of how EU lawmakers interact with non-EU governments. This could include a “transparency registry” to record meetings of parliamentarians with representatives of third countries. The proposals could impact the work of thousands of Brussels- based lobbyists whose job is to influence the course of EU business on behalf of companies and foreign governments. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen repeated a call for the establishment of an EU-wide ethics body, an idea that the parliament ignored when she first proposed it in March 2022. 

6. What does it mean for Qatar?

The Gulf state has been trying to improve its image abroad after facing criticism over the treatment of migrant workers during preparations to host the soccer World Cup in late 2022. It appeared to have found an ally in Kaili, who said in November that Qatar was “a front-runner in labor rights.” The European Parliament had been expected to approve a loosening of visa rules for Qataris holidaying in the EU and to ratify a 2019 agreement on adding more flights between Qatar and the bloc. The scandal has put the fate of those measures in doubt. The EU will need to tread carefully as its member states are trying to strike deals with Qatar to buy more of its natural gas and alleviate an energy crisis gripping the region. morocco/2023/02/02/032ac948-a2ed-11ed-8b47-9863fda8e494_story.html

Parents of triplets battle for justice

In May 2012, two-year-old triplets, Jackson,

Lillie, and Willsher Weekes, were killed in a fire in the Villaggio Mall in Doha. The three New Zealand toddlers were among 19 people who died in the fire: 13 children, four staff members of the nursery the children were in, and two firefighters. Original convictions for involuntary manslaughter, against the Mall’s owners and managers, were overturned by the Qatari Appeal Court, after a hearing that left families confused, distressed and angry. Today, the Appeals Court’s decision has been overturned. Another appeal seems almost certain, but Martin and Jane Weekes won’t give up until someone is held responsible for the deaths.

Let’s look at the interview they provided to RNZ.

Martin: It’s not just Lillie and Jackson who are affected; also included in this are their ten friends and any other New Zealanders living in Qatar. We don’t want anyone to experience this; we don’t want people to believe that there is no justice and that no one is watching out for them.

The reporter: “Can we talk about what the appeals court decided? I think the most fascinating—and I’m not saying this about you— but most horrifying aspect was the evidence that they excluded. What did the appeals court rule was inadmissible…?”

Martin: The entire case hinged on the fact that the nursery was a nursery, which we proved with all of our documentation signed by the defendants; without that, they were able to stand up and say it was not a nursery. The other thing which was really

disturbing was that the judge threw out the evidence submitted by 

civil attorneys; this was because we could not be plaintiffs as well as victims. I’m still confused to figure out why.

Reporter: “Yet, it was the case that there were flammable paints and flammable mouldings”

Martin: “I received a document and I can actually prove this because I have the supporting documents.”

Reporter: “Thus, in spite of losing your triplets and experiencing circumstances that are too horrible to even consider, even the most basic of justice was not served.”

Martin: “It was being contested, and the judge’s perspective was that the defendants had more privileges than the victims. As a result, he effectively excluded the victims’ voices, leaving the defendants free to make whatever arguments they needed to in order to reverse the decision.”

Reporter: “And nearly everything you said and the individuals speaking on behalf of the children said was excluded while everything they said was accepted, admitted, and upheld. (?)”

Martin: “We were not permitted to speak, and neither were we permitted to submit any of our written evidence, including that from the initial trial.”

Reporter: This is truly heart-breaking information. Jane:” very much so”

Reporter: “You haven’t even had an apology”

Jane: “no”

Reporter: “Fire exits blocked(?)” Jane: “mm-hmm”

Reporter: “Flammable materials used(?)”


Martin: “which are still present the mall hasn’t replaced the paint or flammable materials, which are still present.”


Reporter: “What do you hope for now after all of this, after the exhaustion and then, I suppose, the relief of obtaining Parker and Poppy, and after the tenacity and singularity, especially Martin, of your pursuit of justice…?”

Martin: “I suppose we do hope for some measure of justice, but we never expected even if a verdict or sentence were handed down, we didn’t expect them to spend time in jail. I guess at least having a verdict that states, “You are accountable, you are responsible,” is what I would like to see. Whether that results in some sort of punishment aren’t really a concern for me; I just want that someone is held responsible and that they receive some sort of punishment. I hope that someone is held accountable and that the public comes to terms with the fact that they can’t do it, that these structures must be made safe, and that it won’t happen again.”


The reporter highlights the presence of flammable paints and mouldings in the nursery, to which Martin presents supporting documents. Jane reveals that they have not even received an apology and that the mall hasn’t replaced the flammable materials used in the nursery. Martin expresses his hope that someone is held accountable, and a verdict stating responsibility is announced.

They expressed their disappointment and frustration with the appeals court’s decision in their case. The court ruled that evidence submitted by civil attorneys was inadmissible and that the defendants had more privileges than the victims, effectively excluding the victims’ voices from the proceedings.

Martin explained that the case hinged on proving that the nursery was indeed a nursery, which they had done with documentation signed by the defendants. However, the judge threw out the evidence submitted by civil attorneys, leaving the defendants free to make whatever arguments they needed to in order to reverse the decision.

Jane expressed disappointment that they had not received an apology for the loss of their children and that the mall had not replaced the flammable paints and materials that were present at the time of the fire. Martin said that while they did hope for some measure of justice, they did not expect the defendants to spend time in jail.

Rather, they wanted someone to be held responsible and for the public to come to terms with the fact that these structures must be made safe so that such a tragedy does not happen again.

The couple’s story is a tragic reminder of the importance of safety regulations and the need for accountability in cases of negligence.

The conversation revolves around the tragic incident of a fire that occurred in a nursery in Qatar, where Martin and Jane lost their triplets. Martin expressed his concern that not only Lillie and Jackson but also their ten friends and other New Zealanders living in Qatar were affected by the incident. The reporter asks about the appeals court’s decision and the inadmissible evidence, to which Martin explains that the entire case hinged on proving the nursery was a nursery. The judge threw out evidence submitted by civil attorneys because they could not be plaintiffs as well as victims.

Overall, the conversation highlights the lack of justice and accountability in the incident, leaving victims and their families with no closure. It also emphasizes the need for safety measures to be taken in public spaces, ensuring that such tragedies are prevented in the future.

They said: “Last night we received devastating news from the court in Qatar. Not one person has taken responsibility for this crime. The charge has now been reduced to corporate manslaughter. This is a travesty of justice.

Our local lawyer has told us(sic): ‘For the nursery and Villaggio the judgment made many mistakes in facts and law and make it to appear no justice has been applied and you hope that the attorney general will appeal it with the cassation court.”

“The pain for all of the families is indescribable. Today we remember the 19 innocent lives lost, including 13 beautiful children. We are grieving for our beautiful children. And we are angry.

“Qatar likes to position itself as a forward- looking member of the international community. Its actions today show just how far it has to go.”

“Qatar is a country wanting to be an international tourist destination hosting major sporting tournaments and other international events. But they cannot even guarantee public safety with basic protections. How can anything go ahead in these circumstances? Their safety standards are third world. Their judicial system is not fit for purpose. It is one rule for Qataris and another rule for all others,” the family added in a strongly worded statement.

The Weekes’ have asked the New Zealand government to protect their interests and demand justice from the Qatari court.

“This government has to take action to remind [all New Zealanders currently living in Qatar] that this is an unsafe place to live, work and visit.

“Our prime minister John Key met with the Emir of Qatar earlier this year and we were assured by both of them that our children would have justice. This isn’t the justice we were hoping for.”

“Now is the time for the international community and especially New Zealand to remind the Qatari government of their responsibilities to our family and the other families affected for justice to be done.”

On social media, other members of the public criticised the decision, with   one   local tweeting: “After this verdict, we no longer feel safe that our children can go to malls because the state hasn’t penalised those who caused the fire.”

They described the decision as a “travesty of justice,” and criticised Qatar’s record on public safety.

The irresponsibility of Qatar in implementing safety measures in the buildings should be called into question. They don’t even want to care for their own citizens or foreign visitors; all they want is international recognition. A saying that we frequently heard went, “All that glitters is not gold, and the same is true of people who believe that Qatar is heaven. “We don’t need a lot of fabricated accomplishments. It simply requires recognising and upholding each person’s inherent worth and dignity, regardless of their background, culture, or beliefs. It involves treating people with respect and dignity while being considerate of their needs and feelings. Maintaining the rule of law and ensuring that everyone has a voice in justice.

We can see that in Qatar, a lack of respect to these basic principles keeps killing many innocent lives.

United Nations for Human Rights Council or the United Council for Criminals?

For decades now, since the initiation of the United Nations, which presumably was established to enforce the human rights articles and to hold governments and leaders accountable for human rights violations, turned out to be nothing more than a criminal syndicate that has exploited the human rights ideology to benefit from it.

  The United Nations was supposed to defend human rights, but because like many organizations around the world, it requires funding to maintain its operations, and as many people known, that whoever controls the funding controls the organizations.

   Similarly, throughout the world, in governments, parliaments, congress, and even international organizations, they are all controlled and enticed by who controls them financially, and historically it has been proven at multiple occasions that such financial control rendered these establishments and organizations to be entirely corrupt from its roots.

  The United Nations is just one of these organizations that has monetised human rights violations and legalized crimes, to a certain extent and for a certain price.

Countries that currently support the United Nations financially are the most countries that are violating human rights at the moment, the higher their crimes and exploitation, the higher their membership fees.

  Unfortunately, even terrorist groups, kleptocrats, dictators and corrupted authorities around the world, have all been able to access this platform which is shielded under the United Nations emblem, but truly it is nothing less than another criminal syndicate.

Recently the United Nations has signed several memorandums with Qatar authorities and established offices in Qatar, through financing of UN’s multiple programs, Qatar’s corrupted authorities are able to control the outcomes of the United Nations, although the country’s leadership have been exposed for their corruption, scandals and terror financing, yet the United Nations has enabled these individuals to exploit the UN’s platform and to provide them with further credibility towards their actions.

It does not matter anymore, if you enslave millions of migrant workers, or detain local citizens, torture them, exile thousands of nationals, directly finance terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Daesh, Taliban and many others. All these crimes and atrocities do not make a difference to the United Nations, it only raises the price tag for these corrupted individuals, the higher the crimes against humanity, the higher the price that you should be paying.

  One wonders then, before the United Nations was ever established, crimes against humanity was far less, and decades after its establishment and trillions of US Dollars paid towards its awareness programs, the crime against humanity has increase extensively.

  Is it the United Nations for Human Rights Council or the United Council for Criminals.

Palestine is under fire and Qatar is handing gold medal to Israel and celebrating weddings

That is what is called hypocrisy at its highest forms.

Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned for decades has supported the Israelis agenda.

Either through Al Jazeera who have defamed Arab Nations with their fabricated news instead of focusing on Israel and its crimes.

Or through her support towards the Palestinian leadership who were provided with a gateway to Qatar, supposedly to support the Palestinian cause, but it is nothing more than just keeping control over the Palestinian leadership.

Palestinian are being killed and Qatar’s prime minister is celebrating a wedding in Qatar with Hamas’ Leadership.

Israeli won a gold medal on Friday at the World Judo Championships in Doha, Qatar whilst Palestinians are under fire by Israel, that shows how Qatar’s authorities are extending their help towards Palestine, instead of expelling the Israelis, they are welcomed in Qatar and handed with gold medals.

True hypocrisy from Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, in shifting the blame of what is happening to Palestinians towards blaming Arab nations for not supporting Palestinians, but at the same time, she has extended all the possible support towards Israel.

This shifting of public attention is not as easy as it was in the past, the challenge with social media today is that whatever Mozah is manifesting is being exposed to the world just as fast as the lies and fabrications she is manifesting against the Arab world.

Everyone should perceive the Palestinian situation as when an enemy attack you, you fight it, you do not dwell on who didn’t show to support you in the fight, you focus on the enemy.

By dwelling on something else is nothing but a process of supporting the enemy by shifting the attention to others and to create conflicts between the Arab nations.

That is exactly what the directive of Mozah and her conspiring group are trying to achieve, to shift the blame to Arab nations and justify Israel’s attacks against the Palestinians.

Arab Nations should bring an end to such agenda that is being manifested, to free the Palestinians from the enemy and to rid the Arab world from individuals who have supported the enemy against the Arab nations.