Warning for Qatar Citizens on more building tumbling down

Unfortunate incidents happen around the world.

 Taking with it lives of hundreds and at times thousands of people.


These incidents are unpredictable and no one can surely know when and where these incidents will occur.

Earthquakes, Tsunamis and every natural disaster are unforeseen and uncontrollable, and in such times, government and citizens around the world assist each other in such disastrous situations.

In Qatar, the situation may have a different perspective.

As recently a building just came crumbling down killing innocent civilians.

Many would say that such can also be classified as an unforeseen disaster.

But many do not know the following facts that have been presented to the authorities and they failed to take the necessary actions to mitigate these catastrophic events.

In the past decade alone, Qatar’s authorities have been warned and alerted of many incidents that will occur in the State of Qatar, from all building crumbling down to new mega malls that will take lives of thousands of innocent people.

These expected disastrous events are also related to these buildings not being well equipped or prepared to mitigate catastrophic events from fire, rain and structural destructions.


Qatar Mall, a mega structure that was constructed by Al Khayyat/Urbacon, who are owned by Syrian individuals who have been nationalized in Qatar by Sheikha Mozah, these individuals not only exploited the opportunities that were initially intended for the Qatari citizens, but as well took advantage of all prime projects in the State. Whilst these projects were financed by Private Engineering Office, known as PEO, an office directly reporting to the Emir of the State, paid by the State, paid from Qatari Citizens funds, all benefits of such projects were routed to the accounts of these individuals abroad. Qatar Mall cost the State over QAR 3 billion, which is equivalent to the price of 10 malls in Europe of equivalent size and establishment.

Warning for Qatar Citizens

Qatar Mall is believed to be the next event that will strike the citizens of the State, and at that moment, authorities cannot claim such catastrophic event of being unpredictable, as all related departments concerned with the safety of the citizens have been pre-informed and provided with evidence beyond any doubt, that Qatar Mall is a potential risk and a disastrous event that will occur if the authorities do not close down this mega mall and launch an official investigation towards this matter.

International expert have visited Qatar Mall after the huge fire that engulfed in the mall prior its opening, and detailed evidence was submitted showing the detrimental effect of such building on lives of citizens and that the structure should be completely removed and rebuild from scratch as the structure have been affected by the fire extensively.

Al Khayyat/Urbacon neglected to take these statements into serious account and obtained alternative fabricated report that the structure is sound, all in the means of opening Qatar Mall on time and no consideration on how many lives may be affected.  #1

Qatar Mall’s expected incident is one of hundreds of structures that have been reported to the State authorities that will be impacted soon, maybe in months or years, but in surety, they will be affected.

Other structures include Towers in West Bay and Lusail which are already leaning and will collapse in due course, these buildings that have been improperly built on water tables that are being drained through dewatering processes that are inducing risks to these buildings and alternatively affecting other structures in

the region.

Citizens of the State can personally visit the underground part of these structures and visualize for themselves how these structures are losing their integrity day after day, and how water is dissipating through the walls of these buildings.

Even older buildings that were built with poor materials of local limestones in the past decades are being placed under extreme risks because of the dredging, dewatering and vibration induced in those areas due to new construction being placed around them. These older buildings should be vacated and inspected for their structural integrity.

All these expected events of chaotic nature have been notified to the authorities, as well as the expected possibility of deformation of structures in the metro project, whereby it is expected that the pathways of these structures are being shifted by the day from their course due to strata movement caused by unplanned construction and improper foundations.

Qatar Citizens should protect their families, their benefits and assure that such incidents are not left to authorities who care only for their financial benefits.

Actions should be taken today to prevent expected catastrophes tomorrow.

Warning for Qatar Citizens

How Qatar Justice System has been monetized?

In recent years, Qatar justice system has been found to be exploited by corrupted officials within the State of Qatar.

Whereby for decades they have misused the justice platform to generate their wealth at the expense of innocent citizens, residents and even visiting foreigners.

Although the exploitation of the Justice system is not a new revelation and in the past decades many international reports have noted and documented these practices of injustice that have been imposed in Qatar, and in specific the recent reports issued by the UNITED NATIONS, through their detailed report “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Gabriela Knaul” which can be found on the UN’s official website link 


In this report, the UN special rapporteur has exposed an entire group of corrupted officials who have been exploiting the justice system, from its very core, with the process of manipulation starting from the country’s Public Prosecution office, which has been directed by former attorney General Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who for decades has rendered the justice system into a cash generating platform for himself and his corrupted encounter.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri was removed from his former position as State’s attorney general, because he was exposed through several claims of money laundering, bribery, extortion and terror financing, whereby several international legal cases were launched against him in the United States, France and Switzerland, exposing his assets throughout these countries and how he has manifested the process of exploiting Qatar’s Justice System. (in previous articles available at Qatar News website, you shall find the detailed information on how Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri has initiated his plan of monetizing the justice system)

In the UN’s report, the following were the major highlights of their findings:

  • The Special Rapporteur is concerned by reported instances of lack of impartiality, bias and improper behaviour of judges. She heard some serious allegations, according to which not only the police and prosecutors would discriminate against non-nationals, but also judges. As a result, the content of the missing hearings was not taken into account in the appeal process to the detriment of the defendant and of the fair exercise of justice.The Special Rapporteur was concerned to receive information according to which the prosecution services were influenced by high-level persons or powerful businesses. For this reason, a clear distinction must be drawn between public and State interests. Acting on behalf of the public interest should not be confused with protecting the interests of the Government or any other State institution.
  • The Special Rapporteur was also particularly concerned to hear allegations about the complicity of prosecution services in the fabrication of facts or tempering of evidence in certain cases. The prosecution office also seems to have complete discretion when it comes to the cases it takes up or not. This has led to irrational instances where the prosecution was pursued even when the evidence pointed to the fact that no crime had been committed. The Special Rapporteur is further troubled by the reported lack of judicial oversight of the work of prosecutors.
    • And many more shocking findings have been noted in that report which raises immediate concerns that Qatar Justice system is indeed exploited by such corrupted officials.

     Through our investigative research, we have been able to determine the flow of manipulation that is being imposed by these corrupted individuals, whom for decades have taken advantage of the State’s justice system and have privatized it to serve the ultimate agenda of Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, 

    1. who conveniently enough was the individual who employed Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri into the Public Prosecution and at the same time employed her closest family members in every governmental organization to assure that the victim has nowhere to escape. From the imposed control over Qatar’s Human Rights organizations, to the government’s transparency authority, all have been compromised and set out to serve them exclusively.

The process of injustice has the following steps:

  1. First step is when they Identify who is the target that they want to take his/her assets, companies and money.
  2. Second step is by sending someone to initiate a commercial agreement of any sort, to create the causal relation, whereby they will create a trap as their entry point.
  3. Third step is by using a travel ban against the targeted individual to assure that they are impose with enough pressure to succumb, if they do, then they move to the other victim, if they don’t they go to the next step to manifest a manipulated process of further injustice at court.  
  4. Fourth step is created when they have bribed a judge to take the case and issued fraudulent judgement against the victim.
  1. Fifth step is manifested when the victim has appealed on the first judgement, a corrupted court expert is engaged to issue a fake report based on fabricated evidences to ensure that the initial judgement is enforced, preventing the victim from defending such baseless report after the second judgement is issued.

These processes are repeated over and over, victim after victims, targeted based on the list issued by Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, implemented by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, and in collaborative assistance from corrupted judges, lawyers and court experts, and entire system dedicated to monetize the justice system.


Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Corrupted Judges, Enticed Lawyers and degraded court experts have all rendered the State of Qatar’s Justice system of being a “A La Carte” system for the corrupt, dictators, kleptocrats and thieves, who are exploiting such system to impose injustice unto the citizens and residents of Qatar. This process of injustice has also been provided to other financial influencing individuals, who are provided with such services for a price, each single step has its rate, ranging from QAR 500 to over QAR 1,000,000, depending on the case and its value.


  1. https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/797647?ln=en
  2. https://dev.acta.gov.qa/en/%D8%B1%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A6%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A9/

Hypocritical Statement by FIFA’s President

It is really unfortunate to see the extent that anyone would go for their own benefits, how an individual would twist the facts and reality of a given situation and direct it to a point whereby a lie is made to represent itself as the truth and the truth would be overturned.

A respectable individual as the President of FIFA should not have made such friable statements, such statements that undermine the authority of FIFA and the authority of many respectable countries around the world.

The most hypocritical statement ever made by an official would never compare to the statement that he has made, whereby slamming back at individuals who criticized Qatar and insisted on stereotyping all the ongoing criticism as made by European citizens, where through his one-hour monologue he stated that.

“I think for what we Europeans have been doing in the last 3,000 years we should be apologizing for the next 3,000 years before starting to give moral lessons to people.”

He may have been persuading himself that this statement actually justifies his position and how Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been enforcing their human rights violations on many over the course of the past cades.


But who said that if others who made mistakes in the past 3000 years that gives the rights to other countries to commit these same atrocities, whoever has learned from his mistakes, would strive to assure that others do not make the same heinous errors, that is why Human Rights laws and regulations have been set after the world war, to guide humanity into a new era, a time where everyone for their acts and everyone should assure that every human being across the globe is served with the innate rights of being born as human with minimum rights.


What Europe may have contributed to inhumane acts in the past, that is in the past, and Europe and all its citizens have come a long way to change how human rights is preserved, and that is why it is not appropriate for an individuals as himself to take a past act and portray to the world that European citizens are at fault and should apologize to the world for the next 3000 years, whereby he called himself as an European, not everyone who holds an European passport is actually a European, it is the belief that he belongs to a certain country  and that he will honour that country for all it is and should strive to preserve that country and not smear its reputation.

Today, The Al Thani Council of the Ruling Family, represent the citizens of Qatar and they are advocating against the corruption of the authorities imposed on their State, they would never imply that Qatar or its people are racist, or imposing inhumane acts against anyone, Qatar citizens are well known to be one of the most welcoming and diversified people, for centuries they have embraced many nationalities who lived amongst them peacefully, until their country was bestowed with a gift and a curse at the same time, a gift of natural resource given to the country to flourish and a curse as this natural resource as dragged in corruption and authorities that have been compromised to serve the interest of the few. Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, for decades has taken advantage of Qatar’s citizens and has financially influenced many around the world to depict her as a fair individual, whereas the truth is that she has been the main source of all inhumane and enslavement of millions of migrant workers in Qatar.

In that moment, during his speech, he didn’t consider the fact that these migrant workers have not been paid for months, and they are unable to quit their jobs, and that they are living in slumps in Qatar.

He didn’t pause for a second to comprehend how Qatar’s corrupted authorities have influenced the decision of keeping Iran’s team during this hosting, Iran who are killing innocent women and children, who are torturing and passing on death penalty to over thousands of their own citizens, and yet FIFA has not considered ousting them from the games, but Russia was an easy decision, and Russia is also the cause of the killing of many innocent citizens in Ukraine.

Is it because he believe that Ukrainians are more valuable as human beings than Iranians, if so, what constitutes as a differentiation between Ukrainians and Iranians, is it the blue eyes and blonde hair of the Ukrainians as one reporter said in the initial time of the crisis, then he might be in for a shock, as most Iranians who are being killed today are individuals who have blue eyes and blonde hair, and both Ukrainian and Iranian are human, they both have the same autonomy, the might be different race, but the same.

Which results in the most important question, why has Iran been allowed to participate when Russia has not, why Qatar’s corrupted authorities been supporting Iran regime of the past decades and through their hundreds of flights that are bound to Iran’s multiple airports every day.

“Qatar’s corrupted authorities have been enslaving millions of migrants, they have detained and tortured their own citizens, they have exiled thousands of their own citizens, they have supported Iran financially and backed them with all their military needs, they have exploited the state’s wealth and resources, they have monetized the health and education sector in Qatar, all these acts have been recorded and confirmed by renowned human rights organizations worldwide, including the United Nations, who for some reason chose not to publicize all their reports, but we all know why, the $ 1 Billion funding to UN’s several programs did the trick of keeping these reports on the low, but the price they paid to the UN is far more less than what they have amassed from these migrants, as yourself have confirmed in your statements, that reforms were not imposed as the profits would have been reduced.

Lastly in your infamous speech, you have indicated that if “Europe would really care about the destiny of these young people, Europe could do as Qatar did, create some legal channels where at least a number, a percentage of these workers could come.

‘We need to give hope to Africans so that they don’t need to cross the Mediterranean in order to find, maybe, a better life but more probably death in the sea.”

Your statement is completely biased, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have done nothing, they have exploited the migrant workers for a very cheap rate, imposed them to live in slumps and enforced them to work hours without pay.

Have you seen a Sri-Lankan/ Qatari national, have you seen an Indian/Qatari National or maybe you have seen an African/Qatari national, none of these migrants are provided with a nationality or citizenship even if they worked and lived in the country for decades, but in Europe, we all see, African/European, Asian/European, Indian/European and every single nationality ever walked this earth has a share of their nationals being provided with a European citizenship.

Have you heard of a Qatar refugee program, have you heard if any of the millions of Syrians who left their countries were ever nationalized in Qatar, Libyans, Iraqis or even to the least Afghanistan, none of these citizens of those countries have ever been provided with a citizenship by Qatar’s corrupted authorities, although all these countries were directly and indirectly affected by Qatar’s corrupted authorities who have for decades financially supported several terror groups that terrorized the world as we know it, every bomb that was dropped in these countries was launched from Qatar.. ….” the Althani Council addressed the FIFA President.

It is a true hypocrisy to see and hear individuals in such responsible positions that would besmirch Europe’s reputation to that level.

In such situation, the Althani council only state to FIFA’s authorities that the given statements are not righteous and do not reflect the truth and that it is advised that FIFA’s authorities apologize to all Europeans and all migrant workers who were affected by these baseless statements.

As the old saying, “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”, that could apply to this situation in a slightly different context, “people who are corrupted to their neck, can only see the ceiling with their reflections”

Kleptocrats taking advantage of State of Qatar


In reference to the recent news that a Qatari Investor will be purchasing a football club in the United Kingdom for a value that is estimated at £ 4.5 Billion, which equates to almost QAR 20 billion.

The Althani Council urge the State of Qatar’s authorities to immediately launch an investigation towards the source of such funds and how it has been amassed, as it is evident that such funds have been exploited from the State’s wealth and resources.

It necessitates that the Emir take proactive actions towards such issues in investigating how a former government employee has been able to amass such wealth and who permitted such kleptocratic act to take its toll to such level.

Furthermore, the council have requested through several correspondences to carry out similar investigation towards the amassed wealth of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, which is estimated to exceed QAR 90 billion in funds and assets owned by herself in Qatar and abroad.

Other individuals that require to be included in the investigative list is also Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, Abdel Hadi Mana Al Hajri, Nasser Khelaifi who are collectively estimated to have amassed wealth beyond the QAR 100 billion threshold, which is also unexplainable and requires immediate attention.

The source of all these funds are clearly made through the State of Qatar, whether it be failed investments in the Qatar Stock exchange which has been sold to Qatari citizens, or properties that were purchased and rented out to the Government offices at obscene amounts or even fictitious organizations such as ROLACC, ACEAWARD, Education Above All, and many others, whereby these organizations have received huge funding from the State and which alternatively ended up in personal accounts.


The authorities of the State of Qatar should approach their neighboring countries’ authorities such as Saudi Arabia, and in specific the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud to take proactive advice and lessons on how he has managed to impose on all individuals who have taken advantage of the Kingdom to return the money they have displaced from Saudi, whereby he executed his plan in returning all these exploited funds back to the Kingdom, and the progress of Saudi has been evident since.

That is why Qatar’s authorities should consider wisely to enforce similar approach, to assure that all exploited funds are returned to the State and its rightful owner, which is the citizens of the State of Qatar, that should be carried out before the State authorities consider to even impose any VAT, Taxes, increase in fuel prices, increase in government fees, and any other process that will contribute to further inflation in the country.

The authorities of the State of Qatar should investigate and take action amongst them and not on the citizens of the State, expose the culprits that have exploited the state not impose interests on the citizens.

“In the State of Qatar, there is not one citizen that can afford to purchase anything for £4.5 Billion, which is almost QAR 20 billion to spend on leisure of buying a football club, when the deficit of our entire State budget is just as much, isn’t that a hypocrisy at its highest level?” the Althani Council wanted clarification.

Hence, the Emir should strongly consider to take the right and proactive actions as soon as possible, and seek the assistance of Saudi’s authorities to understand how they have been able to retrieve their Kingdom’s exploited wealth and how they have been able to restore their country to the level it is at now, which is further than what Qatar has achieved over the past decades.


Investigation of source of Funds

In reference to recent events that have been unveiled in the United Kingdom, we would highly appreciate your attention to the following important issues that is being manifested in the United Kingdom, which will alternatively impact negatively on the Kingdom and its citizens, just as much as it will impact the citizens of the State of Qatar.

The process of allowing State officials to extract their own country’s wealth and resources to enrich themselves is a criminal offence and accountability that falls on both parties, the individuals who have exploited their own country and the individual who have permitted them to invest with such funds.

As noted in the recent publications by the Guardian in the UK, that “…Qatar buying United would be an absolute disaster for the team, the Premier League and UEFA…” #1

But what was not mentioned is how much of a disaster it would be for the citizens of the State of Qatar, who will be the main individuals affected by such acquisition, whereby their own state’s wealth will be used to purchase a football club that is not in their country.

In the recent publication by “Daily mail”, stated that “…When Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani was revealed as the man behind the £4.5billion Qatari bid for Manchester United, it was widely assumed that the banker was chosen because of his supposed independence from the ruling regime, writes Robert Dineen.

With UEFA banning any individual or entity from owning more than one club in the same competition, a state-backed Qatari offer for United would have risked conflict with the Gulf state’s involvement in Paris Saint-Germain.

However, it does not take much digging to find links between the French club’s ownership and Al Thani, the chair of the Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB)….” #2

In the causal link that was released by DailyMail, it clearly provides the UK’s authorities with clarity as to what is being manifested, who is behind such funding and who stands to win and who stands to lose more.


Whereby it is clear that selective individuals who have deceived the UK’s Financial Intelligence Unit in the past through their illicit transactions with Barclays Bank and the unjustified commissions exceeding millions transacted between all purchases made by Qatar’s Sovereign Fund and these selective individuals, whereby millions of pounds were made as commissions that were deposited in their personal accounts.

Are the UK authorities ill-equipped to assess the risk of corruption from transnational kleptocracy, which will undermine the integrity of important domestic institutions and weakened the rule of law, or is it a choice not to hold Kleptocrats accountable as long as their investments make their way into the UK’s economy. 

We conclude by calling for the UK government to adopt a new approach to this problem focused on creating a hostile environment for the world’s kleptocrats, as their investments may be fruitful for the UK initially, but these investments are made with ulterior motives to infiltrate the ranks within the United Kingdom and other European countries, to invest within, impose control, and control their lawmakers and political influencers, as the case has been with the European Union recently.

It does not require further elaboration for anyone to comprehend that there is a set agenda against the United Kingdom and it is clearly visible who stands to gain the most from UK being financial controlled.

Irans Power Source

Leaderships around the world are calling for accountability against Iran’s regime, for the killing of hundreds of innocent women and children.

Germany and Iceland are amongst one of the few countries that have conscious towards humanity and regardless of their political standing with Iran, they’ve submitted a request on behalf of dozens of countries to hold a special session at the UN Human Rights Council on the ongoing protests in Iran.

According to the letter signed by the two countries’ ambassadors., the request called for the session “to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially with respect to women and children.”

Whilst more and more countries will be backing this proposal, Iran’s regime through their Islamic Republic’s foreign minister warned the UN Human Rights Council over organizing any session to discuss the situation.

Such warning that strikes like a threat whereby most European countries will be faced with unrest within their countries if they persist in carrying out a session to sanction Iran even more.

But European Leadership should be weary of what unrest that may be unfolded into their countries, and who will be carrying out these controlled attacks within their cities, rendering their citizens fearing for their lives.

There is no doubt that Iran’s authorities are at fault, they have been exercising deep restraint against their own citizens, they have killed hundreds of protesters, most of which are innocent women and children, and detained over 15,000 more protesters who are currently being tortured to an extent that will lead to their death.

But what is the benefit of holding a dedicated session to hold Iran’s authorities accountable for their inhumane acts, when the main supporter and financier of Iran’s regime is not hold just as accountable as the Iranians.

It is hypocritical to take action against the offender alone, and leave the perpetrator that has been supporting these offenders in committing these crimes.

Iran’s authorities have been killing several innocent women and children, killing them without cause and imposing further inhumane acts against thousands of detainees who will eventually die heinous deaths.

These innocent citizens are the victims of an oppressive ruling, that is deriving its powers from Qatar’s corrupted authorities for decades.

Although Iran was sanctioned for decades, they have not been impacted by that, as Qatar’s corrupted authorities have provided them with everything they may need, and everything they desire.

“The entire world and every single Leaders across the Globe already are aware of these arrangements, that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are the backbone of the Iranian regime, then why are we being naïve in our approach in tackling the wrong part of that monstrous regime.” The Althani council said.

Iran can only be just as strong and persist with its inhumane attacks based on the support they receive.

They will not be able to impose further restraints against the Iranian citizens during this revolution if they do not obtain foreign support, that financial support is the single lifeline that is giving these oppressors the power to carry out these heinous crimes.

Whereby their power is solely derived from Qatar’s corrupted authorities support to them, and specifically under the control of Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, who for decades has been supporting the Iranian regime for a mutual benefit.

Sheikha Mozah and her closest family members should be the individuals who are to be sanctioned for these crimes, they should be held accountable for all the killings that is being imposed on the Iranian citizens, their hands are stained with the blood of these innocent women and children.

For decades, Sheikha Mozah has been supporting the Iranian authorities and her personal financial advisor, known as Youssef Kamal, is also of Iranian decent, and coordinates the arrangements between Mozah and her Iranian counterparts.

The denial that Qatar’s corrupted authorities are not the sole supporters of Iran is deceitful, as everyone around the world have recently witnessed how the Iranian officials have been welcomed in Qatar over the past few months, how these officials have been publicly embraced and supporters, how several agreements have been forged between them and how they have financially supported the Iranians, even during their worst moments when the Iranian authorities blew up a Ukrainian plane, killing hundreds, Qatar’s corrupted authorities sprinted to the rescue by providing Iranian’ officials with over US$ 3 Billion in financial support. #1

Qatar corrupted authorities even provided Iran with a dedicated space in their yearly weapon exhibition, and shares with Iran’s authorities all their intel on other countries.

All types of weapons, artilleries and technological warfare available to Qatar is extended to Iran. All types of extremists and terrorists that have been incumbent over the past years by Qatar’s corrupted officials, are being extended to Iran as militia supports for their oppressive regime. The world has witnessed how the support of Qatar’s corrupted officials have extended Iran’s power, with several daily flights from Qatar to over 50 of Iran’s international and national airports, the Iranian regime has received all the aids and support that they require to sustain their power.

Furthermore, all countries should be ready to witness a wave of terror attacks that will be unveiled in Germany, through the financial supports of Qatar’s corrupted authorities to several hundred sleeping radicalized cells of terror groups embedded within Europe, these sleeping cells will be launched in every European cities to spread terror and unrest, whereby Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom and other parts of Europe have recently realized these attacks of individuals stabbing and killing citizens for no reason or cause, whereby these radicalized individuals that are carrying out these attacks are unaware of the greater plan that Qatar’s corrupted authorities have on standby.

  • https://middle-east-online.com/en/qatar-offer-iran-3-billion-ukrainian-plane-victims

The stronger the effect of the world’s leadership on Iran’s regime, the more terror will be imposed on European countries, to enforce the European leadership to back down on their approach against Iran, a manifested approach designed and carried out by Sheikha Mozah and her conspiring group of corrupted authorities in Qatar.

It necessitates to make a point clear to the world that Qatari citizens have never meant any harm to anyone in the world, they have never wanted to be part of a consortium that is supporting an oppressing regime in killing women and children.

But Sheikha Mozah and her family have imposed their control over the state and have exploited the State’s wealth and resources to finance their own protection by acquiring the Turkish military base in Qatar to protect them against Qataris citizens who object their program.

The world should sanction Sheikha Mozah and her family.

They should confiscate all their assets abroad, assets that are used to finance the Iranians. Investments that have been carried in Europe, its revenues that is paying for the killing of many innocents.

Tax payers’ money in Europe, US, and around the world, derived from revenues of investments they have purchased in  many  countries, all these billion of investments, are the source of finance that Iran and every terror groups have been obtaining their financial support.

Unknowingly, everyone in the world is partially contributing to the killing of these innocent human beings, everyone is accountable for these killings subconsciously. The derived profits from the revenues of all of Sheikha Mozah’s investments in Europe, US and across the globe, are the same profits that are being used to support Iranian, same that has been used to support Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Daesh, Taliban, and many other terrors and extremists’ groups.

Everyone is responsible to take action now, everyone is accountable for allowing these individuals to persist with their inhumane acts, everyone should take a stand now before it is too late.

Notice for Legal Action

It has been recently evident that FIFA is currently in a more than just a questionable position in regards to their award to Qatar for the FIFA 2022 hosting. Several evidence are surfing whereby indicating the involvement of FIFA in unethical acts.

It seems as always that FIFA’s authorities are placed in a dilemma to take serious decision that will impact its own position with certain parties.

“The question remains at this stage is whether you are willing to take the correct approach in coming forward and unveiling the truth before it is too late and if you will not do so, it is inevitable that you shall be considered just as complicit in all the inhumane acts that were imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities on millions of migrant workers.

It is with this letter that we advise you to relieve yourself from such accountability by stepping forward and declaring the truth in front of the world.

It is advised that you visualize the truth as soon as possible and retract yourself from the stage of denial that you have set yourself at, as others, you will soon try to repent on your actions, but when the time will come, it might just be too late.

With that, we send this letter as an official notification to FIFA’s authorities, whereby we are officially notifying you of our genuine intent to proceed with legal actions against selective individuals within FIFA’s organizations, who will be notified through our legal counsel in Switzerland.

The other parties that will be in the ongoing legal claim will be Qatar’s most corrupted authority, Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, in his capacity personal and official capacity.

The current joint claimants on the cases that will be presented to Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court will be related to the following incidents that have occurred in Qatar;

First case that involves Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri and selective parties from FIFA as defendants in complicity in the abuse of migrant workers in Qatar and inhumane acts imposed on millions of migrant workers. The lawsuit will be submitted by joint plaintiffs’ of 2357 individuals.

Second case related to a lawsuit involving 4 of the victimised Australian passengers who were invasively strip searched due to the illegal acts imposed on them by the former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, whereby FIFA will also be a party as well.

Third case relates to 3 family’s lawsuits against Qatar’s former attorney general Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri for manipulating the justice system and preventing over a dozen of family members to obtain justice for the killing of  Dozens of children who were engulfed in a fire in a mall in Qatar.

Whereby Justice was derailed to protect selective individual in Qatar who are related to Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, whereby the mall is owned through one of her children’ name and the justice was prevented to hold anyone accountable.

3 separate cases with different claimants, all supported by our organization to assist them to obtain long overdue justice, whereby these claimants will all have their day in court, to hold the culprits accountable and to uphold justice at any cost.

As noted in our statements, FIFA’s involvement in one of more of these cases is related to the complicity of FIFA and their public statements, whereby FIFA’s statements have denied several findings and factual reports submitted by international human rights organizations and foremost neglecting the facts that were mentioned in UN’s several special rapporteurs reports, whereby it clearly indicates the human rights violations carried out by Qatar’s corrupted authorities;

But for the world, awarding Qatar’s corrupted authorities with the hosting is just the tip of the mountain of violations that FIFA is involved in, whereby such award contributed to several human rights violations, implicating directly and indirectly FIFA’s authorities in every single inhuman act that was imposed by Qatar’s corrupted authorities. #1 to #13

The list of violations is so extensive, but we shall only disclose the majority of these violations herein;

Enslaving of millions of migrants which is punishable by law and violations of Article 4 of the Human Rights Convention, whereby the article protects your right not to be held in slavery or servitude, or made to do forced labor.

Slavery is when someone actually owns you like a piece of property.    Servitude is similar to slavery – you might live on the person’s premises, work for them and be unable to leave, but they don’t own you.  Forced labor means you are forced to do work that you have not agreed to, under the threat of punishment.

Killing of migrant workers due to harsh working conditions. According to the ILO Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29), forced or compulsory labor is:

“all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.”

The Forced Labor Protocol (Article 1(3)) explicitly reaffirms this definition.

This definition consists of three elements:

Work or service refers to all types of work occurring in any activity, industry or sector including in the informal economy.    Menace of any penalty refers to a wide range of penalties used to compel someone to work.

Involuntariness: The terms “offered voluntarily” refer to the free and informed consent of a worker to take a job and his or her freedom to leave at any time. This is not the case for example when an employer or recruiter makes false promises so that a worker takes a job he or she would not otherwise have accepted.

FIFA’s fault is when you have validated Qatar’s reforms, when many international human rights organizations have denied such change and voiced their concerns on

ongoing inhumane acts.

FIFA have complicitly supported the imposed human rights violations in Qatar, directly and indirectly through the constant denial which enabled these individuals with the strength to persist.

And in Qatar, the most corrupted authority that was the most enabled to impose all these inhumane acts and who acted from behind the scenes carrying out all the heinous crimes is Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri, who for the past two decades was an attorney general but was removed from his post recently and shifted to the Shura council and provided with a post as an individual who advocates against anti-corruption practices, such positions that have been provided to this individual to mask his true identity and acts, which is to infuse and impose human rights violations against the citizens and migrant workers in Qatar.

Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri should be charged through international courts for his criminal acts.

  • He is responsible for the killing of thousands of migrant workers.
  • He is responsible for millions of migrant workers imposed with several human rights violations.
  • He is responsible for the invasive search against passengers in Qatar.
  • He is responsible for the killing of dozens of children that were engulfed in a fire. He is responsible for the exiling of thousands of Qatari citizens.
  • He is responsible for the detention and arbitrarily arrest of thousands of Qataris.

That is why we urge FIFA’s authorities to analyses its decision carefully and verify the impact its decisions will have on the lives of millions of migrants who were enslaved for decades in Qatar.

Therefore, based on all of the above, we address the current letter to remind you of your ethical code and responsibility towards every citizen around the world….”- the Althani Council addressed the FIFA president Gianni Infantino.

  1. Limitation or restrictions of education for children (https://undocs.org/pdf?symbol=en/A/HRC/44/39/Add.1)
  2. Limitation or restrictions of education for migrants (https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/apr/13/qatar-families-only-zones-entrench-segregation-of-migrant-workers)
  3. Limitation or restrictions of healthcare (https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/08/24/human-rights-watch-submission-committee-economic-social-and-cultural-rights-qatar)
  4. Harbouring of terrorists (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40246734)
  5. Financing of terrorists (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-115hhrg26427/html/CHRG-115hhrg26427.htm)
  6. Imposing human rights violations on migrants (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/06/qatar-migrant-workers-unpaid-for-months-fifa-world-cup-stadium/)
  7. Slavery and human trafficking (https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-trafficking-in-persons-report/qatar/)
  8. Torture, detention, execution of innocent lives (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25296&LangID=E
  9. Radicalizing extremism around the world (https://icsr.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ICSR-Report-The-Islamic-Movement-in-Britain.pdf)
  10. Racism and Racial Discrimination (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25374&LangID=E
  11. Unlawful coups on the state’s authorities (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/emir-of-qatar-deposed-by-his-son-1588698.html)
  12. Manipulating the Laws and imposing pressure on Judges and Lawyers in the State (https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/797647?ln=en)
  13. Arbitrary arrest and Injustice (https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25296&LangID=E

Judicial injustice against citizens and residents in Qatar

Whereas, the present letter is addressed to all foreign embassies and consulates in the State of Qatar, and serves as a notification to all representatives of foreign countries to be aware of the path currently adopted in the Qatari judicial system.

Whereas, we advise all embassies and consulates in Qatar to send a representative of their embassies on February 22, 2023, to the court room located in the Al-Sadd Court Building, 2nd Floor, Hall 5, at 8:30 am, to witness what will be unveiled in Case No. 1023/ 2023.

Since this case would enable all foreign embassies and consulates to ascertain how injustice is practiced in the State of Qatar, how evidence is fabricated, and who gives instructions to these judges to change the course of judgment in favor of other parties.

Whereas, based on the foregoing, we invite all embassies and consulates under the present letter to send a representative of their country to testify to what will appear before their eyes in this particular case and how the judges practice injustice not only against residents and foreigners, but also against Qatari citizens. This case is an example of their unlimited corruption and evidence to every statement made by United Nations’ Special Rapporteur, Ms Gabriella Knaul, whereby she has exposed the ongoing judicial harassment that has been occurring in Qatar for decades and how the Public Prosecution, which was led by Ali Bin Fetais Al Marri was corrupted to its core, which rendered the justice system in Qatar as a circus managed by masters of deceit.

The following link provides the report issued by the United Nations, which is posted at the UN’s official website till date.


What the world will witness in this court session is how parents of children that were engulfed in a fire at Villaggio mall were not given the due justice, how women who were violated at Hamad International Airport were not protected against such injustice, how millions of migrants have been judicially harassed to denounce their basic rights, how foreign citizens have been killed, detained and tortured without being able to defend themselves. In this court session, everyone will be able to witness how justice is twisted and controlled by individuals who impose their controls over the justice system and who is truly behind all these malicious acts.

Turkey undermining G20s efforts

The G20 was initially formed as a group of twenty of the world’s largest economies that meets regularly to coordinate global policy on trade, health, climate, and other issues.

Such group of esteemed leaderships that are aware of the effect of how oppressed nations impact Global security and its direct bearing on the world’s economy, trade, health and climate.

For decades now, Qatar’s corrupted authorities and Turkey, through their complicit acts of imposing human rights violations across the globe have placed our world into a process of chaos and destruction.

Every country they have impacted with their manifested acts of terror, has rendered these countries as a burden on other countries’ economies, affecting their health sectors and alternatively affecting the climate.

The financially sponsored terrorists and extremists who have been supported by Qatar’s corrupted authorities and embraced by Turkish authorities over the years, has led our world to face many obstacles which has impacted every country’s economy and extracted their abilities to provide for their own citizens, as every country were burdened with the influx of refugees that have fled their countries in search for a haven throughout the world.

Each country that performed its duties in preserving human rights, allowed these refugees to settle in their countries, which alternatively imposed economic challenges upon every one of these countries, whereby they have been unable to provide their own citizens with the same level of basic needs.

The involvement of Turkey as a G20 member with Qatar’s corrupted authorities in these heinous attacks that have been imposed on many countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Afghanistan and many other countries has caused direct negative impact on their economical, health and climate conditions. Whereby these countries financial situation have deteriorated, their health system completely destructed and their climate turned into warzones where chemical and biological weapons are being launched.

These countries resources and wealth are being exploited through these wars whilst their citizens are been expelled into other countries and burdening them with the influx of refugees.

What is the benefit of a country to be part of the G20, claiming to work towards creating a balance in the world’s economy, health and climate standing, when such member is jeopardizing the effort of all other G20 members by purposely infusing terror in the world, which is directly affecting that balance.

Today’s most feared conflicts in the world are the current Russia/Ukraine war and the anticipated conflict that may derive with Iran and other countries, both of which Turkey and Qatar are in good terms with the countries that are causing this imbalance in our world’s economies.

Qatar’s corrupted authorities are not only main allies with Russia and Iran, they are also financial and strategically entangled with these countries, and they also have shared several intel with each other, in order to undermine the world’s stability.

Turkey in the other hand, is selling its military forces as a private militia force, hired to protect Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned and her family from being overthrown by Qatari citizens, who for decades have been also enforced to accept their illegitimate control over the State of Qatar.

Turkey’s authorities are rendering these services in return for personal favours, such being as a gifted Presidential plane, others being as large purchased lands in Turkey for 10 times more than their original value. Such process of making payments to Turkish authorities through any means possible, in return for their militia service.

Hence, the Althani Council ask all Honourable Members of the G20, is it within the G20’s objectives to allow countries like Turkey to impose military control over the State of Qatar, to exploit the State’s economical standing and to enforce injustice, just to serve the interests of corrupted authorities in Qatar.

Is it within the G20’s objectives that one of its members to be complicit in several acts of undermining the world’s economy, health and climate situation through their support of terror attacks in many countries.

To our basic knowledge of what the G20 constitutes, the Council understand that the G20’s objectives are:   

  1.  Policy coordination between its members in order to achieve global economic stability, sustainable growth;
  2. To promote financial regulations that reduce risks and prevent future financial crises; and
  3.  To create a new international financial architecture.

How is Turkey’s position viewed towards these objectives, to our perception, the Council do not foresee any policy coordination between Turkey of any of its members in order to achieve global economic stability or sustainable growth, what they perceive is that Turkish authorities involvement with Qatar’s corrupted authorities towards their support for terror, has only jeopardized the economic stability of every other member country of the G20 and imposed instability in their economies and caused destruction towards sustainability.

Turkey complicit involvement with Qatar’s corrupted authorities has only contributed to further risks on future financial crises, by undermining the effort of many countries and burdening others with the human crisis, Turkey and Qatar have only promoted terror over stability.

One point that Turkey and Qatar may have created is truly a new International Financial architecture, whereby they are in direct control with their allies, but this specific financial architecture is not governed by laws and regulations, but governed by the extended power of terror and its influence on the global economy.

In short terms, their control of terror output, ultimately controls the economical destruction of other countries, which alternatively benefits their objectives.

In such, the council call upon the G20 Leaders, to take a stand against its members who violate their objectives and who have contributed NOT to the prosperity of the world’s economy, but to its destruction.

Citizens of the State of Qatar hereby appeal to the G20 Leaders to enforce Turkish forces that are imposed on the Qatari citizens to immediately retrieve their militia forces and base from Qatar effective immediately as their presence is nothing less than an oppressive occupation.

Whereas, as it is well known, Turkey has many military forces positioned in the State of Qatar.

And whereas the whole world has come to know that Qatar’s corrupted authorities that have imposed their ruling are dictatorial in nature.

And whereas the presence of Turkish forces in the States of Qatar supports those dictatorial authorities to stay by force against the will of the Qatari citizens, and therefore the presence of Turkish forces, in accordance with the international covenant, is considered a military occupation.

And whereas Turkish military presence supports an authority that has imposed itself on the people and helps it exploit the wealth and resources of the State, thus making Turkey a partner in the illegal acts committed by those dictatorial authorities.

In conclusion, the Council alert that the Turkish authorities, that if their imposed occupation through their militia is not removed as soon as possible, such will reflect negatively on Turkey’s economical, health and climate situation as they have imposed on other countries.

Moreover, no member of the G20 or any respectable country in the world can possibly support the power of a dictatorship that continues to rule its people by force and injustice.

Qatar’s radicalizing Muslim Communities in Italy

Whereas The Althani Council address the Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy with the current letter to alert him of a destructive scheme carried out by the corrupt Qatari authorities in the State of Qatar,

And whereas these authorities intended to enter Italy under the cover of investments, as they invested in more than 50 communities and mosques. #1

And whereas, in order to expose the motive and intention behind what the corrupt Qatari authorities are imposing in Italy, The Althani Council must refer to a statement previously made by Sheikh Qaradawi about the invasion of Europe through Rome, where he stated that Europe would “return to being” under their control.

In his own words he declared:

“What remains, then, is to conquer Rome. The second part of the omen. “The city of Hiraq [once emperor of Constantinople] will be conquered first”, so what remains is to conquer Rome.’ This means that Islam will come back to Europe for the third time, after it was expelled from it twice…” #2

And whereas during the past decades, Qatar’s corrupted authorities have strived to realize Qaradawi’s statement, for decades they have employed billions of Qatar’s funds to control all the Islamic Mosques and centers, to impose their control over the Islamic communities in Italy, a gateway to impose total control on Italy in its entirety.

The Italian authorities should realize these facts before it is too late to alter this path of destruction, the scheme of these corrupted Qatari authorities within Italy is very clear, hence The Althani Council point out to the Prime Minister  need to conduct a criminal investigation on this subject as soon as possible, in addition to tracking the financial transactions of these authorities in Italy in order to discover how their funds are used to finance their dormant army of extremists that will be launched throughout Europe, making Italy their centre of command and their point of departure. Foreign funding for Islamic centres in Italy Lorenzo Fontana (ENF)


Over the past few years, Qatar has been investing heavily in Italy’s mosque infrastructure. A new controversy has arisen in Italy as a result of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII) wanting to buy the historic Villa Basilewsky and convert it into a mosque. Costs are believed to be around EUR 30 million. According to media reports, the project is being co-financed by Qatar.

Qatar is viewed as highly controversial by scholars, politicians and experts when it comes to the funding of Islamic centers because many religious organizations in the Emirate are said to have close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, as does the UCOII. This is giving rise to concerns that radicalization is taking place through the channel of mosques funded by Qatar.

  1. Does the Commission know about this project?
  2. Is the Commission aware of any other projects in Italy for Islamic centers funded from Qatar?
  3. Does the Commission share the opinion that Islamic centers in Italy funded from Qatar can lead to radicalization? #4

And whereas these Qatari corrupted authorities should be promptly investigated and trialed through the International Court of Justice for their malicious intentions, financially supporting terrorism and imposing acts of radicalizing communities in Italy.


In conclusion, The Althani Council urge the need for an immediate criminal investigation into the reality of the financial investments of the corrupt Qatari authorities within Italy, and thus taking the necessary measures to stop the destructive scheme of these authorities.

And whereas several sources have in the past raised their concerns, such was even presented amongst members of the European Union, where the members asked the following questions:

Clarification by the EU of links between Qatar and certain terrorist groups

Susanna Ceccardi (ID), Anna Bonfrisco (ID)


Qatar is regarded by many as a controversial country: it is a well-known fact, for instance, that it has funded Islamic centers and religious organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, including in Italy.


This is causing growing and justified concern over Qatar’s stance, and not just in Europe but among Gulf states too. In June 2017, a group of these states and other Arab countries decided to cut diplomatic ties with the State of Qatar.


In addition to terrorist groups, Qatar has also long been known to be close to Iran, as well as Turkey and countries that support the Muslim Brotherhood.

In view of the above, can the High Representative answer the following questions:


  1. Does he agree that Islamic centers in Italythat are funded by Qatar may result in radicalization?
  2. Is he able to provide full details of the links between Qatar and certain terrorist groups?
  3. If so, will he assess the feasibility of imposing restrictive measures on Qatar in order to curb its financial aid in Europe? #3

Foreign funding for Islamic centres in Italy
Lorenzo Fontana (ENF)


Over the past few years, Qatar has been investing heavily in Italy’s mosque infrastructure. A new controversy has arisen in Italy as a result of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII) wanting to buy the historic Villa Basilewsky and convert it into a mosque. Costs are believed to be around EUR 30 million. According to media reports, the project is being co-financed by Qatar.

  1. https://english.alarabiya.net/features/2019/08/07/Qatar-s-history-using-banks-to-aid-Brotherhood-terror-groups-in-other-countries
  2. https://www.investigativeproject.org/profile/167/yusuf-al-qaradawi
  3. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-001018_EN.html
  4. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2017-000840_EN.html?redirect